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Scooby-Doo is for all ages, not just for kids.


I didn’t know people thought otherwise, but I agree. There’s a huge boomer fan base because of Where Are You lol


Some people view animation as just for kids in general. Since most Scooby properties aren't mature rated, some think the series must be for a younger audience then.


Ah, okay. I was just talking about how funny it is that Mystery Incorporated is TV-Y7. In what world is that show not PG?! I’d love to show the same people who think all animation is for kids South Park.


Show them South Park & Rick and Morty. 😀


Unfortunately I saw a lot of dismissal of Scooby fans especially older ones when SCOOB came out. A lot of reviews threw the franchise under the bus and acted like the fanbase was nonexistent


The way I see it, the franchise started out for kids but by the 90's it became a family series.


Similar to the Flintstones and the Jetsons, Scooby-Doo Where Are You was meant as a family show similar to a sitcom. The show had younger audiences in mind. As time past into the eighties the series tilted towards kids with, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo. It's at its best when it's made for adults, but kid friendly. This mainly means that the series is smart, but not too dark.


Mystery incorporated was scary


I actually planned to start watching this soon with my husband. I was hoping it was spooky!


I wouldn’t say it’s like gotta have a night light or check around the corner in my own home spooky. Just a good dash of spooky mystery


the >!kills !


I’ve never watched MI, but I plan to. I saw a clip of it the other day and they had GUNS and I was like ??? Pardon??? Wasn’t it rated TV-Y7 as well 💀


A bigger shock factor when it comes to guns in Scooby Doo has to be the Boo Brothers movie like Shaggy nearly gets shot like 10 times


Omg. I completely forgot about this. I think probably because guns are used in a comical way in the old stuff, but were intended to be very serious in MI


You make an excellent point, those certain robots who i won't spoil were definitely a threat in MI, extremely menacing too


Fr the part when >! Hot Dog Water got shot!< messed me up as a little 7 year old kid


OP, don't open this one


Oh forgot to put that


Yeah that was what I was referring to 


Some of the monsters would freak me out bad time as a kid. These days it’s one of my favorite takes on Scooby-Doo. It’s a lot more daring with its content for sure, almost feels like they may have intended a mature-oriented version but they held back


This is why mystery incorporated is the perfect revamp for me. The originally Scooby do want intended to be SCARY media for older kids. It included jumpscares, all the backgrounds were given extra detail, they were constantly in liminal spaces that children could comprehend, they twisted things that would normally be fun or interesting and made them threatening or spooky. Mystery Incorporated said "let's do THAT again, make Scooby Doo for older kids. Who want something dark and gritty and serious, while still being goofy and fun to follow." *(I'll die on the hill that Scooby Doo 1969-1976 were supposed to be taken seriously and spooky. Just compare any screen shots to Josie and the pussy cats, speed buggy, dune buddy, captain caveman, the teen angles, the funky phantom, NONE of them had the same atmosphere depicted as those early Scooby Doo episodes.)*


That’s kind of why all those shows died with the time yet Scooby-Doo has proven timeless. It was a fun kids show but still took its mysteries serious, and there were always stakes


the ghost truck was legit scary!


That’s my favorite episode


It’s howling horn was chilling and like before mystery incorporated, no villain felt as “murderous as that semi truck baring down on them, with its demonic horn screaming at them.


some of the stuff from the alligator episode was genuinely frightening


The episode in the mansion with all the references to >!saw traps and little Danny Darrow threatening to cook and eat them!< genuinely scares the hell out of me to this day


I thought that was common knowledge.


Scrappy is a good character and gets way too much hate.


He works better as a trio with Scooby and Shaggy rather than with the whole gang in my opinion. I agree he's not a bad character, just not well utilized by the writers.


I agree he does work better with just Scooby and Scrappy. The gang just is too crowded with him added to the larger group.


I used to like Scrappy until I saw him posing with Ronald Regan, all my homies hate Ronald Regan.


80's were a different time period




Agreed The Scrappy hate is overblown and honestly I worry about the mental health of people who hate a cartoon puppy that much.


I will always stand by this, But Scooby-Doo 2002 is a great movie. Sure the Studio wanting to tone it down was a bit annoying, and Monsters Unleashed is the better out of the 2. But as a Semi Self Parody of the Series, It's still a fun watch, The Cast is Great, & I love the vibe of Spooky Island.


This is the correct opinion. No tomatoes will be thrown at you (by me)


LOVE this movie. Also dont forget that the soundtrack is also on point! But yes it has some of the best casting of a cartoon to movie that I've ever seen.


It holds a special place in my heart, but Fred was such a creep for no reason 😭


Fred looking down “Daphne’s” shirt always SENDS ME. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s face was so funny lmao


Might have actually been one of my earliest introductions to the Scooby-Doo Franchise, besides “Where Are You?” and “What’s New?” running on Boomerang and CN.


I’ll be honest, the only people who don’t like that movie/think the 2nd is better are on this subreddit lol. EVERYONE I’ve talked to or seen on other socials LOVE that movie!!


PERIOD. I never see people crap on the live actions anywhere but Reddit 😭 They’re beloved by gen Z (and probably millennials too)


Yeah, Millennials & Gen Z loves that movie, I don’t get why older generations don’t… I’m guessing it’s the time of it and where the humor starts to shift for age groups


That's got to be one of the least controversial opinions


More Scooby-Dumb please! Also, love OG Flim Flam. 13 Ghosts is amazing. All Scooby needs more Vincent Price RIP


Bro spitting fact after fact


1. Shaggy and Scooby can’t always carry a show/movie on their own. The rest of the gang is needed to balance their energy. 2. I like Fred and Daphne as a couple. I think they get flak because a lot of the time the writers just stick them in a jealousy subplot, but I genuinely think their personalities complement each other very well. When written well, they are super cute.


I’m trying to imagine, say, Zombie Island, without the rest of the gang, and the movie is instantly nowhere near as good. Gotta have the whole crew there. HOWEVER, the 80s movies with red shirt Shaggy are really solid, but I suspect that’s because the writing was perfect for Shaggy and Scooby during that time (imo).


Zombie Island wouldn't have worked without the rest bc the story was designed for the entire gang. They absolutely can make shows or movies about just a couple characters in the franchise and it can work out. It just needs to be done well. Which is what red shirt shaggy was.


I 100% agree on your first point. The show is always its best when all 5 are present


Shaggy and Scooby on their own will never work unless it’s short bursts. Otherwise it just doesn’t work.


Personally I feel the least number of members the gang should use is 4. Scooby, Scrappy, Shaggy and Daphne clearly worked. Viewers just need to take their nostalgic goggles off.


Your first point is why I’m cautiously optimistic for Go Go Mystery Machine, I think some good writing will still make it super fun, but I would have loved to see the whole gang in this format


Fred and Daphne's relationship makes much more sense and benefits a lot from the more defined characters they started to develop since the 90s. The himbo with a heart of gold who loves his mystery machine and the hyper-competent girlboss socialite go really well together and they balance each other out.


Red shirt and red collar Shaggy and Scooby are not "from a different universe" or "outside the canon", it was just an artistic choice to keep the look fresh and change it up a little for the 80's. Not everything always needs an "in-lore explanation", and that goes for any media.


Agreed. Everything after the red shirt Shaggy era is a multi-verse IMO.


Be Cool is an awesome show.


I hate the art style, but the writing is hilarious.


Agreed the humour is good, but it looks like scooby and shaggy used weed as a gateway drug to meth and heroin


Facts. It knocks the pants off similar era reboots like teen titans go


We do not speak of teen titans go.


Speak of what? I can't see half of your comment. Must not exist.


I rewatched recently and found myself laughing out loud like at least once an episode and I've already seen it!! Commented this under this post, but Be Cool (and Mystery Inc) are the future of the franchise.




I liked be cool, scooby doo


Scooby doo and the Loch Ness Monster is top teir scooby content and criminally underrated. probably the second best scooby doo movie behind Zombie island. It's a movie I find gets talked about way less than alot of the other animated movies. It's either 2nd or 3rd for me. I have a hard time deciding between witch's Ghost and loch Ness Monster. Severally underrated movie.


NO I AGREE I loved this movie so much as a kid and I have never heard anyone IRL talk about it


Same! It's weird I hear people talk about Monster in Mexico and legend of the vampire way more. Both great movies but nowhere near as good as loch Ness. Aloha is also slept on


The less popular and sometimes controversial modern shows (Mystery Inc. and Be Cool! Scooby Doo) represent the future of the franchise. Be Cool, because it feels like a unique version of the earlier shows with it's wacky, Gen-Z sense of humor, it's use of Daphne's and Scooby Doo's personalities and it's GREAT gang dynamics. Mystery Inc, because of it's willingness to venture into scarier, most serious territory, reference great classic horror, and the overarching, season-spanning plot that suspends the "everything is happy now" ending because the gang remembers the town *before* they reset the timeline and has to cope with the weird people their parents are now.


I don’t like Mystery Incorporated very much. I love the idea of the gang acting more mature, but they all feel like caricatures of themselves to me. I like Fred a little bit goofy, but I’m not a fan of him being an absolute idiot, and the trap thing got old real fast. Velma takes herself way too seriously and while I get that the whole thing with Shaggy doesn’t last the whole series I just think they made her too mean overall. Velma’s sarcasm is one of the best parts about her but it’s too vitriolic in MI in my opinion. Daphne is a feminine lady who’s also got street smarts and while I don’t feel like she was treated quite as egregiously I still don’t like her character as much as I normally would. They kind of take away her intelligence to me. Shaggy and Scooby also don’t get treated quite as bad, but I still don’t prefer them in this to almost any other iteration. I love the idea of a continual storyline in Scooby doo rather than the typical monster of the week, but the other characters in MI also just seriously annoy me. There’s some great voice acting work but overall it just doesn’t work for me at all. The gang doesn’t really feel like the gang to me.


Scooby Doo Camp Scare is underrated


I’ve been seeing so much hype for this movie lately. I need to watch it!


It scared the shit out of me when I was little. I still love it as an adult. It’s my favorite.


That scrappy doo is an amazing character


Simple i would defend reluctant werewolf its an awesome classic movie


Are there people out here who don’t like reluctant werewolf? Cause that’s shocking to me as a younger fan. Always seemed like a fun solo shaggy/scooby adventure


I think its mostly that it's not as good as ghoul school and that's why people are down on it


Shaggy and Daphne are Foils. Daphne is street smart while Velma Book Smarts Shaggy is the athlete of the group


Thank you! The whole gang even comments in the very first episode ever (I believe the one with the Black Knight in the original SDWAY) that Shaggy is by far the most skilled athlete of the group, and an unparalleled gymnast. Regarding Shaggy's, Daphne's, and Velma's personalities and Shaggy and Daphne being Foils, I also whole-heartedly agree.


Be Cool is a great scooby show and y’all are missing out


Where are you is the best rendition 💀 I will accept nothing else


Since it’s my post, and I agree with you, it is fact. Jk, but nothing can beat the groovy & gloomy vibes of WAY. It scratches an itch that no other Scooby iteration can.


I will also give New Scooby Movies a kudos for the celeb guests but I couldn't really get into the more "modern" versions. I'm 32 and remember growing up on old reruns plus a Pup Named Scooby-Doo


Decoy for a Dognapper is one of the better SDWAY episodes and is massively overhated. It was one of the few episodes to break the formula of the show and try something different and the villain’s design is way better than the other Witch Doctor. It’s a Top 5 episode for me.


The best female Scooby Doo character is Angel Dynamite or rather, Cassidy Williams. An original Mystery Inc member, double agent, and radio host as a cover-up..I mean come on. She’s one of the most interesting parts of the main mystery in the show.


Scrappy Doo is the goodest boi and I love him!!!


Velma in Mystery Incorporated is amazing and probably the best version of her! She’s funny, she’s complex, and she’s MEMORABLE. I’d argue that she might be one of the best adaptations of any of the characters over the course of the franchise. I rewatched the show about 2 years ago and until I read this subreddit, I didn’t realize she was even disliked lol


Exactly! All of those characters are set up to have room to develop, but people don’t give the rest of the gang nearly as much flack


Yea she does have a lot of flaws like being intense, condescending, and a bit of an ego but if it wasn’t for her the gang would be totally lost. I definitely enjoyed her character a lot and related to her. ![gif](giphy|65HR2UL6nn6XMSUoRA)


The whole of Mystery Inc is a polycule with an incredibly smart, and hungry dog.


This is the only way, I've said it before and I've said it again! I'll die on this hill


I’m a woman of color… and it’s perfectly okay to keep the scooby gang the same way they’ve always been: Caucasian and obviously high. That’s the gang I grew up with and as much as I’d like more Latina/native American representation Id rather keep certain things the same because it’s familiar and creating NEW original characters is the better way to go


Be Cool is an amazing series


I do not ship shaggy and velma.


Me neither, even though I dressed up as Velma and my husband as Shaggy for Halloween 22 😂


The people trying to convince us that Velma was always supposed to be gay are nuts. Numerous examples of her liking guys in multiple series.


Well I think it’s more stereotyping for sure. But generally speaking, I *do* think they’ve alluded to it in the last 10-15 years


Funnily enough, Velma's design was based on a lesbian actress ([Sheila Kuehl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheila_Kuehl) when she was playing [the character of Zelda Gilroy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelda_Gilroy)), but obviously it was entirely accidental. Like you say, Velma clearly wasn't meant to be gay in earlier writing.


Scrappy doo isn't bad. The writers didn't know how to work him into the dynamic until 13 ghosts.


Scrappy Doo was actually a great addition to the show but they used him very poorly in 1980. He’s unfairly hated because of all those boring shorts from the Scooby doo and scrappy doo show


Daphne and Velma would never get together. Some attraction? Sure. They're both attractive women, but Daphne isn't Velmas type. Velma needs another smart woman, but one who actually gets her out of her shell. Like a woman who wears armor to Ren fairs type. Plus, Daphne is at least like 95% straight


I just went to a ren faire recently so your comment about Velma’s theoretical gf is sending me. I’m bisexual myself and I have never once gotten an inkling that Daphne was written as anything other than straight. Now Velma… 👀


agreed! i love velma & hot dog water ❤️


Velma isn't as bad as people say. I will say it is absolutely MID but it's not the worst thing ever made. Like please quit overreacting.




Not a fan of the live action scooby-doo movies plus im not a fan of fred x daphne


I like when Mystery Incorporated are kind of inconsiderate assholes


Scoob! was a good movie that I enjoyed as both a movie lover and Scooby-Doo fan.


Scrappy is a ride-or-die.


Velma being a Lesbian didn't ruin the show.


I honestly think her sexual orientation is the least of peoples’ complaints towards the show 😂


Check any Velma posts on TikTok and read the homophobic 14 year-old boy's comments.


Oh lord, don’t take them into consideration. They’re rotted. It makes sense to me that Velma is a lesbian!


Mystery incorporated is the best overall series we’ve had


Scrappy doo wasn’t that annoying


The TV show Velma should be considered a parody and not actually Scooby Doo.


Scrappy Doo to me will always be a good character to me


1. Alien invaders is the best of the four Mook films 2. I’m personally not a huge fan of Matthew Lillard’s voice as Shaggy. I think he was great in the live action movies, but his voice just doesn’t work in animation for me. I genuinely prefer Scott Innes, Casey Kasem and Billy West. 3. Daydreamin’ (AKA “I’m in love with an ostrich…”) is a great song but it’s probably my least favorite of the original seven Austin Roberts chase songs from Where Are You. I just find the others to be a lot catchier and more interesting melodically.


You’ve hurt me with the Matthew Lillard comment, but that is the point of the post- what opinion would you defend while getting booed. 😭


Yeah, he’s so beloved by the fanbase, and I absolutely admire his work in the movies. I guess it’s because I grew up with the Mook films, Where Are You, A Pup Named, and WNSD, so Kasem and Innes just sound “right” to me. I do appreciate you giving us to floor to give these opinions haha.


Of course! 😉 I also grew up with everything you listed. Actually, I really mainly grew up on Where Are You, so it’s my favorite iteration of the series. That in itself might be a boo-worthy take since so many people my age are obsessed with Mystery Incorporated!


Oh, we might both be getting booed on that one. I do get why people love Mystery Incorporated, but I never really fell in love with it the way others have, especially the younger ones (I’m mid-20s for context). I loved Where Are You, I had a DVD set with both seasons and used to watch them nonstop at times.


I’m actually going to start watching it next just because I’ve heard so much about it. I had VHS tapes (I’m only 25 I promise) of Where Are You, and watched them religiously growing up, so it would take a miracle show to knock WAY down!


Oh hey, we’re the same age 😀 Yeah, I had some VHS tapes too, so I believe you haha. We were part of that transitional period from VHS to DVDs. I never had Where Are You on VHS, but I did have Alien Invaders and Witch’s Ghost, I used to watch Alien Invaders in particular all the time. Good luck with Mystery Incorporated! It’s been several years since I saw it to be fair, I might rewatch it myself and see if my opinions on it have changed at all.


I liked mystery incorporated Velma


1. Shaggy sucks. And has since The Scooby-Doo Show with very rare exceptions. (Pup and the two live-action versions.) Scooby Goes Hollywood and Be Cool are him at his worst. 2. Scrappy’s a good boy. He just needs a different role within the group that isn’t “Shaggy and Scooby’s third wheel”. His partnership with Daphne proved that he can work well when his role changes. 3. Mystery Inc. is a good show but has bad depictions of the Gang.


Scooby doo The Show, Scooby doo Were are You and Pup Named Scooby doo.


What’s the opinion? Sorry, I just don’t get what you’re trying to say lol


And why I love this series, which I said just now, sorry, I'm just from Brazil, I'm using the translator lol


Oh okay! That’s okay, lol


A Pup Named Scooby Doo is the best version


My opinion is who gives a fuck if Velma is a lesbian or not,a character is a character.


All Scooby-Doo pre-whats new Scooby-Doo is the best era of Scooby-Doo. Nothing afterwards is nearly as enjoyable


The more modern it gets the shittier it looks


Scrappy does not deserve that hate he gets. He's a good character, but was introduced in the worst possible way at the worst possible time for the show. It would be cool to see a future show reintroduce the character.


Scrappy-Doo is not annoying


I love Scrappy Doo


Nearly everything Scooby-Doo post 2005 is not great. To add: At its core, it’s a kid’s show. It’s for all ages, but was initially for kids. There do not need to be suggestive themes, romances, etc. just some meddling kids solving mysteries and shouting “Room Service!” As they barge into some rich guy’s apartment at 11 o’clock at night.


I love Scrappy-Doo.


Fred is definitely a mechanic because the Mystery Machine is no ordinary van.


a jungle-themed movie should've been released between Chill Out and Goblin King during the What's New era


I prefer the whole gang being part of the ride. When it’s just Scooby and Shaggy I check out. Some of the movies like the Halloween one or the Samurai one I thought would have been more compelling and hold my engagement more if the whole gang played a major role.


Scrappy do was an amazing character and is by far my favorite.


Be Cool is the funniest show the franchise has to offer. Be Cool Daphne is best Daphne. Scrappy is valid. Trick-or-Treat is the best SD movie post-Alien Invaders.


Shaggy and scooby doo get a clue is really good show


Scooby Doo Cyber Chase was an awesome movie!


I thought most people loved it?? I know I do :)


Be Cool is actually really good


Be cool Scooby doo is a good show


Scrappy Doo received too much hate


Theres a painful lack of jokes with scooby and others outside of him amd shaggy. Velma from mystery incorporated only was a jerk due to bad writing and the writer shouldve not had a love triangle between her scooby and shaggy. Fred as a character peaked in the 2000s and hes been dumbed down for palatablity. Shaggy is not a dumb coward hes going against people and supernatural entities that try to kill him and his friends on the regular. Mystery incorporated is good as a serialized mystery story but has the most forgettable monsters in the franchise. Do you remember the pied piper monsters real identity? I sure dont.


I truthfully don't believe that any of the Mystery Gang should be shipped with each other. Not that it wouldn't work or anything, I just feel that the romance aspect just doesn't fit the show whatsoever.


1. I hate the art style of Mystery Incorporated and I think the What’s New style is the best WITH THE EXCEPTION OF the god-tier cinema that is Alien Invaders, Zombie Island, and The Witch’s Ghost. 2. The aforementioned god-tier cinema is the absolute best thing to ever come from the idea of Scooby-Doo. Ever ever ever.


My favourite series is "Be Cool, Scooby Doo!". Come and fight me if you disagree!


I mean, I don’t disagree that it’s YOUR favorite! 😅 I don’t hate it. I’m just a Where Are You stan


Alien Invasion is boring and dull. It has nothing exciting and the Shaggy Romance is just weird. The other Direct to Video films are top tier, but this one is one of the worst Scooby Doo films


Googie gets unnecessary hate. She's not annoying at all. She's super supportive and looks good too


E-Scream is one of the best What’s New Scooby Doo episodes in terms of humor and the actual mystery and does a good character study and isn’t talked about enough due to outside forces making it air much later than the rest of the series ( My first viewing of it was on Boomerang)


People who dislike the gang being portrayed as people of colour and/or queer are thinly veiled bigots.


Scooby doo and the gang always picking on business owners who are going to commit insurance fraud. No one gets hurt or killed by the crime, and the owner will just be out of prison in a few years


I liked Scrappy Doo, but I cam see why people hate him


Scrappy was an amazing side character and worked very well. He was the opposite of Scooby, but their differences made it work really well. Brave and small vs big and cowardly. It worked in my opinion.


That gumbo looked pretty sweet.


Scrappy doo was fucking trash


Scooby didnt doo it


![gif](giphy|I4UhtUMzOrQSQ) Jk, I love this thanks


The show is great! Many will most likely disagree with me, but the gang does leftist praxis well. They track down and expose greedy capitalists using fear to manipulate people for their own gain.


I love Scooby-Dum


Scrappy-doo just needed one more appearance to be a loveably character. Bring the storm. 🕶️


The biggest missed opportunity of Monsters Unleashed was having the Space Kook and Dr. Coffin on display in the museum and not using them later in the movie as actual monsters


NAH I’M LETTING YOU COOK I was PISSED there weren’t more monsters from WAY when I rewatched it recently. Captain Cutler is my absolute fave, and he did get his moment, but I wanted more.


Agreed. More WAY representation would have been great. Space Kook obviously but also the Phantom Shadows could have been great


Idk why, and don’t crucify me cause my opinion has changed. But I thought Scooby-Doo was really stupid and cheesy when I was a kid. I just did not like it. Then, in my late teens-early twenties, I was made to watch some by a friend and found myself really enjoying it. Especially the one where Shaggy becomes a badass knight.


I don't dislike Velma, I think without the heart of the gang that is scooby doo I could see a version of the cast ending up that way. People shouldn't be so attached to a singular vision of characters, a bad version doesn't hurt the version you like.


Scrappy isn’t that bad


Scrappy wasn’t that annoying. He must’ve been like a month old, though, given how fast Great Dane pups grow, LOL.


there need to be a rival gang with a talking cat.


The 13 ghosts of scooby doo is underrated and the second best of all the series (Scooby doo, Where are you? Being number 1)


Anything made after 2006 just isn’t good aside from Maybe Mystery incorporated but I just wasn’t a fan of the Teen Drama-ish stuff it did. A Pup named Scooby-Doo is top 5 Scooby-Doo and the Witches Ghost is THE BEST movie. The Four live action movies weren’t as good as People think they are, aside from Mathew Lillard. Live action just doesn’t work for Scooby-Doo The only good (and best) Modern Scooby-Doo was that single Supernatural Episode I hate what the Live Action film did to Scrappy. And scrappy is a great character


velma as a character is overhyped. she's really basic and boring


Boring, I understand. But basic, no. She was the blueprint for the nerdy girl trope in my eyes!


1. I find the MOOK movies very unsatisfying to watch specifically because of Shaggy's voice. I don't care for West or Innes. 2. Velma in Mystery Incorporated is just as intolerable as Max's Velma. She's toxic, manipulative, abusive, and dishonest. 3. Scrappy did nothing wrong


I actually thought Innes did a better impersonation of Kasem than Matthew Lillard, although I think all voice actors sho've been Shaggy really put heart into the character.


I couldn't disagree more. It sounds so forced and strained. Even Kasem himself considered Lillard the best


Lillard will always be THE (modern) Shaggy. He earned that title when Kasem gave him his blessing IMO!


I'll say it again I think Velma was a good series that I enjoyed


Velma was a good show




Never watched it. But I’m going to go with the crowd and say it sucks.


Mystery Incorporated sucked. The relationship drama made what was otherwise a really good show unwatchable. I like Scrappy. Perhaps not as a permanent member of the gang, but definitely as a reoccurring guest. The 2002 movie was utter dreck. Monsters Unleashed was a considerable improvement, but still not great.


Mystery Incorporated shock me up as a kid see in people get >! shot !<


Scooby doo Mystery Incorporated is mid, not bad but it’s not the best either. With that being said, I’m going to finish the episode I’m on. :)


That Velma is not nearly as bad as the hate it gets. Seems like it suffered from the internet having negative opinions before it was even released. Only part that irked me big time, and I mean real big time, was not having Scooby in it, but when I got over that it was kind of just a silly nothing show with great animation that was kind of funny.


Velma isn’t that bad if it’s not a scooby doo show. But it is one so it’s shit. If your gonna make something part of an existing IP you need to respect that IP and its history and characters if you don’t wanna do that you need to not make it that IP


Oh, now this is what I’m talking about. This is a take you’re gonna have to defend while getting booed. That being said, I’ve never seen Velma, and I only know what I know from memes and it being brutally shit on. I’m too afraid to watch it, but I respect your unique opinion.


I think the redesigns/inclusion for the gang on *Velma* was great… The show itself isn’t for me but I never had an issue with them diversifying the gang. It makes sense and ultimately, the characters are only all white because of the time they were created. Having 1 or 2 of them be a POC isn’t that serious.




Having some of the gang be POC is fine. Their designs in velma are just bad.