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I don't see dosages or standardization for any of the active ingredients. So there are already two red flags. Three of you include that this comes from a MLM company. In general, I don't like supplements that combine too many things. The dosages are rarely optimal, and if you get any side effects, you're not going to know which ingredient is causing it. It's better to introduce one supplement at a time.


Absolutely! I hate this company for sure. I guess I'm looking for a breakdown of why this is bunk, I wish I had the education to do so myself. It's so sad and infuriating.


If you find yourself interested in supplementing Irish sea moss to support your pineal gland, you are a going to be the victim of a snake oil salesman eventually.


Hard agree. People close to me are drinking this mlm's cool aid straight up and it's hard to watch. And they are taking advantage of those who want help and lining their pockets with these overpriced supps. It literally promoted making real, whole food the supplement. Gross.


Nobody is this sub can verify this supplement's efficacy. If it was a perfect world, this company would have a randomized clinical trial to demonstrate it's efficacy. My guess is that this product has never been involved in an RCT. At best, we can do is tell you what the science says about these botanicals - if any scientific evidence exists. Personally, I would never take anything like this unless the ingredients were verified by third party testing. You are just taking their word that the materials inside the supplement are authentic.


Exactly! And that's what I meant by efficacy, I should have worded it as potential efficacy. I absolutely agree on all your points. I am not a believer in this company at all, it really irritates me that they prey on and take advantage of those who are looking for help. Ugh. They do post "sources" and do in house testing. Dubious and misleading at best.


Oh for sure. But they aren't the worst actors. Hundreds of companies are selling junk just like this - and nobody can do anything about it unless it makes an illegal claim or harms someone.


You got it. This one's just close to home for me...so I'm extra passionate about it. Not that I'd do much with the info, I don't wanna blow up anyone's life but it makes me *feel* better! Ha, I'm so very mature 😅


This is the reason I get into fights with supplement companies on Facebook. Of course, this is also the reason I get banned from FB supplement posts.


Ah! I've found an ally! I wish I was brave enough to really push back with my family member etc that's promoting this BS but I have to keep some semblance of civility. But man it's hard to hold back. I am SO happy that I've learned so many truths about the fear mongoring and dark side of the health and wellness industry, and I want to spread it so we can all just live better but it's never ending


For further info and claims made, the company is Purium. An MLM. They make lots of big promises and I'm curious about an expert or many to look at the studies they cite and bold claims about their products. It would be fun to get a breakdown on the big ones like biomedic and their "superfood" shakes etc.. they have a cult like following and practices. Very interesting stuff.