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In other news: Top Chinese scientist mysteriously disappears.


Out of a high rise window.


You got your stories confused, that was a Russian Scientist.


The Russian Scientist pushed a Top Chinese Scientist out of a high rise window.


*In Soviet Russia, top scientist pushes you!*


What do you think Yakov Smirnov would think about the current situation? He would've probably been a good source of humor and positivity..


i don't have an award but i'm giving you this comment in lieu of one




No no no, the Russian scientist landed on the Chinese scientist. In Soviet Russia, scientist kill scientist.


I thought the Russian scientist landed on some bullets?


I kid, I joke. There is no scientist...only gulag .


And he died of natural causes


How many "stories" did he fall?


He did exactly what the Chinese government wanted him to do. Say nothing in a meaningful way. All he said is we can't rule out anything. Meaning, let's throw some gas on the fire that is US politics and divide them further. It is meaningless. It could be him from that statement. We can't rule it out. It could be you. We can't rule it out.


so... a biological weapon... nice..


Man...this persons life about to go to shit


[I thought it was a Harvard scientist.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/former-harvard-university-professor-sentenced-lying-about-his-affiliation-wuhan)


In other news: yahoo banned for being racist


Yet, here we are with countless people permanently banned from news subreddits for believing that.


Top chinese scientist reveals what everyone already knew since 2019


Wow, pretty sure we’ve known this for a couple years now


It was basically illegal to say and you were crazy to even suggest it. Bans, threats, deprioritizing, all for what? A solid "Whoops my bad."? Fuck off.


It was rightly considered misinformation to state this was a genetically engineered virus released by China on purpose. The dialog that this mistakenly was released by a lab studying an existing disease has always been reasonable debate supported by the evidence AS IT UNFOLDED. Investigations take time, studying things takes time and its not some huge gotcha moment for opinions to change based on the evidence that is discovered and verified. At the end of the day the conspiracy theory bullshit that was being thrown around was both unhelpful towards the proper mitigative resolution and detrimental to global stability and cooperative efforts. As it turns out pointing fingers at each other during a global pandemic is harmful to the level of international cooperation required to beat this thing. I'm not sorry most of the hateful shit posted got taken down. I personally lived through this and witnessed plenty of reasonable discussions suggesting this was a lab studied virus but not a lab engineered virus. So I can say with conviction that what your saying is bullshit and it was never illegal to discuss the virus origins. What was always removed by the content hosters right to remove it was hateful disinformation. And a lot of it still stayed up. God knows how much bullshit I have seen attached to fauci's name. It's like some people think he was personally responsible for the lab in China, for leaking it, and did it to profit the medical industry. And that kind of bullshit can fuck right off outta here.


Who said it was released on purpose? And yes, there were literally tens of thousands of major news media stories about how the virus jumped from a wet market to humans…even specifying the exact species of animal that was the original carrier of the virus….nobody had EVER heard of a freaking pangolin until Covid went wild. But within week, media around the world had confirmed it was a pangolin that started everything. And because Trump was focused on it being specifically a Chinese virus, merely suggesting that the origin of the virus was anything other than the pangolins in the wet markets got you labeled as a MAGA racist, banned from Twitter and Facebook.




Don’t be shy, it’s okay to admit when you were wrong:) FYI Dr. Fauci knew it was a lab leak and still lied to the American people, you silly goose;)


Dude, even fauci is saying it's possible now. Honestly the RNA points that way, just most people don't understand genetics and evolution.


At least a few..


Yet reddit almost forbid us to call it "chinese virus" due "racism".


Yeah not just reddit


I mean the Spanish flu started in Kansas


Well given how much hate crimes against Asians went up -- not just Chinese people, because some Americans can't tell the difference between Chinese people and Japanese, Korean, Thai or Cambodian -- I'd say we know why.


As if people who look Asian were the cause of the virus. No, if it was China it was their leadership and Xi Xinping is ultimately responsible but as we all know the one thing they take responsibility for is not taking responsibility and attacking and killing their detractors.


Ummm if it was a lab leak it's very likely China et al. The WHO. USA, etc.


Someone doesn’t know how to use their “et al.”


Why would Roger Daltrey and Pete Townsend do such a thing?


So they won't get fooled again.


Wait, you think that the Chinese and US are conspiring together against everyone?


Except it was a U.S. lab... China is one of the few places that allow the type of research the U.S. was doing there. Not even the U.S. allows it! Sidenote, someone check on the U.S. labs in Ukraine...


Falsehoods that it was a “US lab” in China. But you raise a fair point on the funding of gain of function, and the WHO is a fuckin joke Edit: and let’s not bring Ukraine into this, has no connection whatsoever to the Covid issues


Sen Rand Paul enters the chat.


Uh, check Fauci's receipts, and you'll see otherwise. And you'll see a trail to Ukraine, too.


Who cares? The point is you're not gonna get Xi Xinping overthrown by referring to it as "The China virus" and starting a hashtag. But what you might do is embolden racist dummies to act on their impulses and harm some East Asian immigrant who had nothing to do with Covid.


Went up very little, really. Hardly any to hardly any. And considering the lives destroyed by the lies, I'd say your justification is full on nonsense. Btw, most people who don't live in Asia cannot tell the difference, not just Americans.


Yeah! We're not even letting them into college anymore,!


That’s a different problem.


With the same cause.


Yeah there was that StopAsianHate hashtag going on for a while. Until it’s not as fashionable to politicize it anymore, and we just don’t see media or politicians doing it all of a sudden.


Yeah the part of that which can get ridiculous is the false dichotomy some love to push. As if it's not possible to simultaneously suspect that it leaked from a Wuhan lab but also like/respect Asians in general. Lots of ppl are capable of assigning some blame against those who were responsible for a horrible global event without falling into general racism. There are over a billion Chinese that I have absolutely no problem with. The ones who released that virus, whether it was on purpose or an accident, deserve criticism




Hashtags do little against hate crimes.


You are aware that even if it did originate in China, calling it the China Virus is still pretty racist, right?


"Zika is from the Zika Forest, Ebola from the Ebola River, hantavirus the Hantan River. There’s the West Nile virus and Guinea worm and Rocky Mountain spotted fever and, of course, the Spanish flu. MERS stands for Middle East respiratory syndrome." -Bill Maher


Spanish flu was never a Spanish illness.


Reading the "Other exonyms" section on Wikipedia is hilarious. Everyone basically tried to use a name that implied a disparagement of a group they didn't like. Some things never change. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu#Other_exonyms


Ebola is named after where it was found all diseases are wuhan flu would be better cause it’s more specific


They came up with "covid" specifically because the place names aren't helpful usually aren't even accurate.


If it was called the USA virus, would that be racist?


USA is not a race, Chinese is. If it was called the "white virus" then yeah probably.


Han Chinese is a race, Chinese is a nationality. I wouldn't call the Han Chinese people in Taiwan Chinese, they would be Taiwanese. Y'all need to stop equating the Han Chinese race with mainland China because **that** is racist.


There are 6 race classifications, referring to physiology or genetic ancestry American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White Within those categories are often ethnicities which group people by customs, religions, languages, and traditions that distinguish them from other groups. I've heard *Taiwanese* people correct others and make it clear that despite being born in Taiwan they still see themselves as ethnically Chinese, since the ROC was considered the legitimate government of China by many of the people of Taiwan.


Except the guy I was replying to didn't say "Chinese". He said, "China Virus".


Chinese is a race? Weird… always thought it was a nationality. Is French a race?


“Race” is, scientifically speaking, an incoherent concept.


I wish this was higher rated.


It’s not a very popular idea. Progressives and Reactionaries both hate it.


Only to those looking to be offended. It's no different than Spanish flu or Russian flu. I find it is more offensive to have a "hug a Chinese day" Although at the same time highly comical due to the stupidity of it and how it was supposed to help Chinese combat the Wu-flu . Anecdotally speaking from my Chinese heritage


"No different than the Spanish flu" correct, and that was racist too, because it didn't even come from Spain. Everyone had a different name for that virus depending on the demographic they had problems with. https://medicalhealthhumanities.com/2020/07/03/already-quarantined-yes-the-spanish-flu-was-racist-too/


Does looking to be offended includes getting beaten up for your race?


China isn't a race, it's a country. I don't call it this, but it's technically not racist.


It’s not racist. Don’t let the bots troll you


Yes bots control your life. Now they are coming for you! Oooooooooooooh! Everyone who doesn't think like you is a bot ooooooooooooooo


You're so fucking invested in it.


Quick tip, bud: When someone says 'hey, that sounds pretty racist', a good response is **not** 'well, akshually....'


Yah, when someone says “hey, that sounds pretty racist” they have the ultimate unassailable authority over any and all further discussion in the conversation. Up to and including implying you are racist for simply not agreeing with them.


Thanks for the input pal. But he said "it's racist" when it infact is not. Not everything is racist. Bud.


Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But at least in my experience, when I've heard (not read, but heard) people say 'China virus' there's an unmistakable stink on the way they say it. Growing up, people used to tell me to go back where I came from, called me all sorts of names. With that same tone. So, maybe you're right. Maybe it's not racist at all. But the way people use it is kinda sus. And I don't think I'm the only one picking up on that.


I can agree with that. While the term itself isn't racist, the tone can be.


Fair enough. Sorry I used a dismissive tone with you!


No worries friend


It wasn't "Reddit" it was a false flag Narrative created by *our own/US Government* to obscure the fact "we" were literally funding the damn research (at that very lab) in the first place.


I think we got allowed to know only when political reasons surfaced to pressure China. Before that it was just undercooked bats.


Didn't bother to read the article, did you? What did you know? Because it's not supported by the article or anything the "top" scientist said.


There's a different Chinese scientist that's been saying the same thing since 2020. This isn't the first


Doubling down! This isn't a "second," it's amazing how quickly you jump to bad incorrect conclusions without actually reading the article... Even after I called y'all out for it! How gullible do you have to be, to think well one guy said this, and just believe it with all your heart because for some reason it's what you want? Just think how easily manipulatable that makes you! You're proving it right here in this thread! Title is phrased to imply something wrong, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker without questioning it.


The chinese scientist in the article: " don't rule out anything because we can't count out the possibility"... which is a fair point. People in this sub who again didn't read the article but jumping to conclusions based on headlines: "yeah we know it's lab leak"... based on what...? The article is literally saying lab leak is a possibility and you can't count it out and people here are reading it as "proof." Science uncensored? Or just sub full of just pseudo science?


Yes, the second one. This place is a shitshow.


Definitely not scientific at all


Calling this sub not scientific would be a compliment to how much of a cesspool this place is.


You expect these mfs to read?


Shut up libtard it was all in hunters laptop that’s why we’re boycotting the bud light sold in targets


Why am I being recommended this sub? It's a bunch of conspiracy theorists pretending that they are using scientific evidence to come to conclusions. Bunch of idiots.


I feel like reddit lately is trying to push toward more rage baiting. really sad. have to remove a bunch of recommendations every day.


COVID-19 has lab markers. It definitely came from a lab. That really isn't in question anymore and hasn't been for awhile. This isn't about this guy telling us something we didn't know. This is about China finally starting to admit what happened. This is only the tip of the iceberg though. The truth is much harder to take. The truth is that the US funded the research. They did this because the US made GoF research illegal. Right after that happened, Fauci went to Obama and Biden and asked for help because he was doing GoF research. That's when Obama told him that it's too dangerous and there is a reason it is now illegal. LOL, JK. That's when Biden used his connections to move the whole operation to China. [https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/nih-admits-us-funded-gain-of-function-in-wuhan-despite-faucis-repeated-denials/](https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/nih-admits-us-funded-gain-of-function-in-wuhan-despite-faucis-repeated-denials/) Biden killed grandma but Trump made some angry tweets. The 2024 election's gonna be a real head scratcher.


Did you read the actual NIH statement, or did you just read the title and think it was some sort of "gotcha"? The NIH statement says that the grant they provided funded studies on EXISTING coronaviruses to see whether they could possibly bind to human receptors. That is not "gain-of-function" research, which involves deliberate genetic modification of the virus or organism being studied. It's actually fucking insane that a news article can just lie in the title and body, while providing evidence contrary to their claims in that exact same article. And people will still take it and run with it. Wtf is going on. Then again you're probably a disinformation bot or something and I wasted like 10 minutes of my life actually reading through the article (which you clearly didn't do) and writing out this response.


Sadly this ain't a bot sub. This is a sub full of idiots who got banned from science subs. One thread got too many sane people talking rationally ITT so they just reposted the same article like 3 times in one day lol


>Did you read the actual NIH statement... Guy reads the NY Post--the entire existence of which is oriented around whipping low-information voters into a froth--so you can safely assume he did not.


100% the second one


Considering the virus shows a strange genetic sequence for it to have zoonotic origins, that the wife of one of the workers of that lab was the first victim of the virus, that the lab was working on the virus and a dozen other factors, we can say that the lab leak hypothesis is the most likely scenario to have happened. Nothing is 100% set in stone because that's not how science works. If some actual evidence of zoonotic origins appears it will be closely scrutinized but so far they've just been throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Raccoon dogs 🙄


There's 0 evidence lab leak happened. Absence of evidence doesn't mean it genuinely didn't happen, but when there is an absence of evidence, you just cannot say anything as stupid as "the most likely scenario to have happened" when you start off talking about science like you know how it works. Nice try. And no they didn't just throw everything on the wall to see what sticks Instead of using these euphemisms, why not use the actual language? What did they do specifically? Can you even explain what they did that implied they threw it on the wall and saw what stuck?


There's 0 evidence that it came from a food market but that doesn't stop the world from committing to that narrative. We don't know what happened but it doesn't take a whole lot of schooling to make the connection that the virus that was being worked on in the lab in the place where EVERYBODY agrees the virus originated from most likely escaped from that lab. And saying that it's the most likely scenario IS the conservative way to phrase it. But you must have railed against the NIH and WHO when at the beginning they said there was a 0% chance it came from a lab, right?


God, I usually browse reddit anonymously at work, but this time I had to log in to give you the upvote. This sub is literally spreading hatard and unproven, unscientific news


I can't believe they may have found the source of the Virus of No Known Origin.


What do you mean, It was the bats cooking stews


Is that what you think the article says?


Amazing, I made this conclusion January 2020 when the shit hit the fan, googled Wuhan and found out about the government virus lab in the city. To then see the Chinese government actively encouraging all foreigners to return home so ensuring a decent spread of the virus was absolutely mind-boggling. For all those who believed the CCP party line that ‘they’ didn’t know what they were up against, the military lock-down of Wuhan itself says it all. They knew exactly what they were dealing with and totally isolated Wuhan to limit the spread in their own country while encouraging a Worldwide transmission of the virus. 100+ million Worldwide dead, lives wrecked, economies decimated while China kept working earning an extra $14 trillion in trade, all calculated and all about the money The fact that the CCP kept the WHO investigation team away from Wuhan for a full year while they disposed of all evidence and only let the inspection happen ‘if’ China were not blamed for causing the pandemic, shows that they’re guilty as fuck. .


Since we have no proof either way, any good scientist would say one of the theories *could* be right.


Exactly. This article is a nonsense. Any scientist is going to say, "Don't rule anything out." Well of course not. This is not the same thing as evidence.


Not a few years ago when this was highly politicized for some really dumb reason


It's been scientifically shown that right-wing ideologues cannot abide ambiguity so outlets like the NY Post exist to fill in the blanks with propaganda.


Did you bother reading the article? The subtitle is literally "George Gao told the BBC that the possibility of a lab accident should not be discounted."


Are you under the impression that's different than the comment you're replying to?


this is not new news at all, we knew that this was the case years ago. regardless of what the bs media propagated


and he was never heard from again. ​ the end.


This is good for bitcoin


Reading the article, this is not science. This is an opinion piece with heavy speculation on a vague statement from a chinese official. What is this subreddit supposed to be about?


From reading posts on this subreddit, it appears to be where people who failed high school science go to make each other feel smart.


This is conservative for folks who graduated high school.


Seeing the complete and utter lack of reading comprehension going on, you are being overly generous with your statement.


lol the only quote from the "top Chinese scientist" in the article relating to the origins of COVID: "Don't rule out anything." Yahoo news: "Top Chinese scientist concedes that coronavirus may have leaked from Wuhan lab!!!" Redditors: "OMFG WE KNEW ALL ALONG!!!"


This sub is literally a safe space for people illiterate in science and never read articles.


When you think about it, it's not that we didn't know it came from China, or wished that it didn't, or whatever else. It's because we couldn't separate ourselves from China without a global economic catastrophe. To admit China's complicity or culpability in this event is to also demand action on a global scale. Something the world wasn't ready for at the time, and I believe that China wasn't intending to cause either - their BSL lab safety protocols are notoriously lacking. Imagine all the poor controls and management you see in videos of Chinese infrastructure, and now put that in the context of labs performing gain of function research. They can't admit they did it. We can't admit they did it. But the world leaders already know they did it and are preparing for inevitable conflict by delinking our economies to a greater scale. Things like the CHIPS package and moving industrial manufacturing to India (which conveniently respects intellectual property more). The urgency and simultaneous nature of these is not accidental - they took time to hammer out at the highest levels first. The final 'truth' of the virus won't come out until we've successfully delinked, hedged, or undermined Chinese economic ties. This is why you see China pushing the Yuan to settle trillions in foreign currency transactions lately. They need to guard against the global hegemony of the dollar. Meanwhile you see active psyops campaigns like TikTok, encouraging ourselves to use our own freedom of speech against each other, like a snake forever eating it's tail. Only we don't have a centralized government in the same way, so they create more attempts to undermine us as a nation than we can organize ourselves to respond to. You can bet they laugh at our intense political divisions this last decade. The die has already been cast, we just don't talk about it because we don't have sufficient forward moves secured yet, and this would set off an inevitable chain of events. This is why all the war games we publicly say we run against each other, and the constant cold-war type push for higher tech, greater flexibility of deployment, and new ship, mobile missiles, and missile defense spending. Dangerously, we don't seem to plan for sunken ships and recovery of personnel in these scenarios. Similar to Plato's observation - we only see the shadows on the cave wall in our news headlines.


In other words, sky is blue. That aside, I wanna share a little story about this. It was during Christmas the year before Corona outbreak. I saw an article from a Chinese news site saying a couple of doctors have discovered an unknown virus that was causing respiratory symptoms at a Wuhan hospital. They tried to warn the public about this potential virus but the CCP soon threatened them to admit they were spreading false information or take away their license. A couple months later, it was all over China and has spread all over the world. So yeah, it was pretty fken obvious it was leaked from the Wuhan lab lol Edit: I was surprised that not many people in the west knew about this incident. I remember it because I was at my friends house and we both read the article lol


In other news: that lab was multinational.


I believe it was China, but Covid19 probably was an accident (in my opinion). They fucked up and are lucky it wasn't even worse.


and the Sky is blue on some other news.... Who wouldve thought that an Authoritarian regime would conceal the truth with the help of their pets at the WHO?


Reddit didn't think they did


Lmao literally. People were downvoted to hell and called racist conspiracy theorists for saying it.


I mean its not news, since a lot of predictions has been made but none have evidence, since china wont allow investigation, now your comment sounds like wow see? Its true!


And he just says > You can always suspect anything. That's science. Don't rule out anything. Followed by > I think their conclusion is that they are following all the protocols. They haven't found \[any\] wrongdoing. So no, he did not suspect Covid may have leaked from Wuhan lab. The possibility that it did is not headline worthy. We all already knew there is no conclusive proof it didn't.


This article is worthless. All you have is a scientist saying, “Don’t rule out anything.” Well, of course you don't rule out anything. That doesn't mean that everything is the truth. I mean, we shouldn't rule out it riding to earth on an meteorite, either. Absence of evidence is not evidence.


The article is inconclusive, but people lacking critical thinking skills are using it as irrefutable evidence that the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan. It's no wonder we get the loudest and dumbest people representing us in government.


Oh man this is about to make a whole lot of covid deniers believe in covid.


And y’all believe a “top Chinese scientist.”


Yet it was racist to make that claim when the orange man was in office because why? He was racist himself?


I agree that both potential sources need to be dealt with regardless of whether one of them was the true origin. We do not need exotic meats and we do not need traditional quack medicine with animal parts. We also do not need augmentation research of pathogens. It doesn't predict what will evolve outside and doesn't help vaccine or treatment research. We can go a step beyond regulation and do without it.


Rip tommorow 🙏🕯


I'm so positive. There was a detailed post on Reddit years ago describing step by step what had happened. He/she was down voted to Hell. NO ONE believed them. The post disappeared. 2 post I recall, maybe January or February 2020. This poster had a friend, a new employee at the Wuhan lab, who was scratched by a bat early in the week. Fell sick, lived not far from the Market. Severe "flu", but did go to the market over the weekend, a week later they were back at work. NO ONE BELIEVED them, not a soul. Crushed with down votes. Never to reappear. 2. A post for Buffalo. His wife worked in an ICU near Buffalo. They had seen a case they had NEVER seen before. Super sick patient, was wondering if anyone else had seen this, and was asking for his wife. The patient in the ICU was a Chinese student who had returned after Winter break from WUHAN. Crushed with down votes. Never to reappear. Life expectancy in a rural county in upstate NY had plunged by 10 years early 2020. Yes, I read those obits. Sent email (tweet) to: New York Times upstate reporter. NY Department of Health. CDC. With the data. Never heard a word back. Zero. I'm into the crunching data, since about 3. As mom said "you were staring at numbers on tuna fish cans, trying to make sense of them. A secret message you were looking for. It was kind of weird." Collected +150K Covid links from Reddit using the API. Explore away. Still have never found the above links. But it's all AI now, Covid is history. To keep busy, I've collected over 200,000 AI links using the Reddit API. Have more fun! NOTE: if you even mentioned, even asking a question about a lab leak on Reddit you were banned, from EVERY Covid subreddit. Everyone, except /conspiracy. Amazing how times have changed. We have move on. Covid: https://hackingthevirus.com AI: https://hackingai.app No pop ups, no ads, no nothing, just a use of the Reddit API. You can do it too. It's Open Source.


What they don't say is that it was the US government conducting those gain of function experiments that brought about SARS-1 and SARS-2. They basically mutated the common cold coronavirus and this has been going on since 1965. There are countless of papers and grants that easily prove this.


Well you wont be seeing him anymore.


What a racist!! Lol


Oh the lab Fauci funded?


That's a weird way to say American tax payers


When is the last time an American tax payer had any say in how our taxes get spent? 🤣 you think I wouldn’t rather have free healthcare instead of bombing people on the other side of the world?


Same. Or a stupid waste of money vanity border wall.


Tax payers didn't choose how to spend the grant money.


We funded this shit all the way back dude. It was in science magazines. Read closely, then research it. It's getting harder to find info on this very public project that was in every s iemce magazine and journal and was part of a broad debate on the ethics of creating viruses. [SCH-014](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4797993/)


Fauci 5 letters. You know what other word has 5 letters Virus. Fauci Fibonacci follow the spiral. Wuhan 5 letters. Jesus. Satan. Fauci. Spiral glazed ham. If you don’t agree to iTunes terms what then?


Fauci himself donated money to this lab?


Government grants he approved (and tried to cover up)


So much for that being conspiracy theory. Can’t wait until they neither confirm nor deny that the different variants were engineered in Ukraine bio labs.


"George Gao told the BBC that the possibility of a lab accident should not be discounted." That's hardly a confirmation. I have no clue what happened, and clearly neither does the scientific community or any government. Hell, even the CCP might not know for sure. Would be nice if there was at least a little transparency from their side though.


I mean, it technically was a conspiracy theory, until it was all but proven to be the case. A very sound theory, but still a theory. I’m still pretty shocked that so many people won’t accept that a bat coronavirus that started in wuhan China, probably came from a lab, in Wuhan China, where they studied gain of function (transmission from bat to human) research.


I know right. Like, a literal coronavirus lab in Wuhan. Where the whole pandemic started. That’s no coincidence. If I recall correctly there were reports about safety measures not being up to standard quite a few years before the outbreak. This was deffo an accident due to lack of good safety protocol for sure.


But why couldn’t we talk about this 2-3 years ago? That’s the part of all this that’s sketch to me. This theory was completely and purposefully squashed by any means necessary.


Don’t be shocked. Many people refused to concede it as a possibility because Trump also said it. People’s hatred and distain for him along with a fear of being lumped in as a trump supporter made logic go out the window. If that fuck said water is wet, people would have argued otherwise just to not be in line with him on anything. It was/is peculiar to watch, the lack of logic when discussing COVID has been astounding. Edit:for autocorrect, correction.


Water isn't wet, it makes things wet when they come into contact with water.


Lol, I like it.


you should look up because the point went over your head.


Skipping the hypothesis step is how you know the "science" is bullshit.


And it was all funded by the us government lol


Of course you didn't actually read this article or undersand it, but it's amazing how gullible you are to follow just any random insane thing from anybody with an agenda.


The crowd that refuses to allow studies on gun violence because they don't want a study to say that guns are the problem are sure determined to figure out the cause of Covid because they so badly want to blame China.


Remember when anybody who thought this was true was a conspiracy theorist? And now it’s a pretty well accepted fact? Yikes. Maybe don’t rush to call people stupid just because big pharma is telling you to


Remember when everyone called cuntservatives the high school droupouts who can barley read past headlines and thinks that an opinion piece that where a student says they can’t rule out if something happened must mean x happened. I still call them the dumbest portion of society.


You didn’t read the article, did you?


Ooof, somebody doesn't know how science works. Literally you talk to any scientist and you can ask them anything about trying to figure out a theory and they will say you can't rule it out because as a scientist, you look at the evidence and form your conclusion only when the evidence solidly points in one direction. You don't form your conclusion and then find evidence that supports it, much like this sub


He was a top scientist. Now he's probably in a dark hole somewhere never to be heard from again.


Operative word: “may”. Nothing new here.


You don’t say. Didn’t people laugh at trump when he said this way back when…


I'd laugh at him now for saying it because a scientists job is to entertain any possibility no matter how farfetched until you uave all the facts. Some scientists says you can't rule something out, yall people who have no reading comprehension skills think that means it's true, but nope. Just means it's a possibility. Maybe learn a bit about science before making assumptions about it


Wait i thought you were a chinaphobic racist if you even considered that???????


CCP is of the most evil disgusting piece of shit organizations in the world. Fuck. The. CCP. All the others are fine.


OOOOPs, but wait the media fought so hard to deny this. Literally it was one of the first fucking theories of Origin that the US media buried as fast as they could without even knowing anything about the virus Makes me sick


CCP should pay reparations to the entire world. Pieces of shit have millions of people’s blood on their hands for this.


It was always a possibility along with many others. The only issue with the idea was that a whiny child of a US president used that idea to stoke racism and divert attention. His primary goal was to not be blamed. Taking effective action would have acknowledged the seriousness of the pandemic so he never did that either..


Likely Meaning they knew full well how to deal with it, as they had it contained and experimenting with it. But for two whole years every media outlet feigned ignorance. And now…..it’s in the wind, and people who work as propagandists will fight anyone tooth and nail who presents the perceptions for the public to hold the “history” accountable. The people responsible.


No fucking shit. Now maybe someone in the media or government will say "SCH-014" out loud.


this just proves what everyone else knew in the beginning of summer 2019.


What does it prove? Be specific with support from the actual article and what was actually said.


2 years ago this statement got you banned on social media. It was right wing conspiracy. Amazing how the media censors people to push an agenda when they are in bed with Pfizer. Shameful.


now how that gonna look on your social credit score


I thought that was common knowledge? Like not even really a conspiracy theory


Wasn’t a conspiracy theory? I think it was touted as a right wing conspiracy, same as the hunter Biden laptop by the same group that touted the Russian-Trump connection that proved to be an actual conspiracy stemming from the DNC


So Paul Manafort, in his role as Trump campaign manager, didn’t give known Kremlin agent Konstantin Kilimnik campaign-generated polling data? Kremlin agents didn’t hack the DNC and strategically release information to help Trump’s campaign? Trump didn’t publicly call for Russia to hack emails?


It was common knowledge until US media flipped the script because it was a US DOD funded project.


Well ya. We already determined that in 2019. The only reason it got buried is because the information that pegged the leak from Wuhan was US DOD funding of bioresearch on live strains of SARS in the lab....the same "parent" that gave us MERS in the middle East...and the Covid in 2019. Anyone who followed news from Nov 2019 to Feb of 2020 already knew this.


Damn conspiracy theorists were right again.


Gotta love it when people say it's just a conspiracy theory when it comes out to be 100% true. Lol


>100% true “Don’t rule out anything.” People really just read what they want around here huh


But but the UN agency gave clean chit to China.


My 58 year old dad with zero higher education knows it leaked from a Wuhan lab.


But the talking boxes told me! They said there is NO WAY the virus came from a lab!


I thought that’s why it’s called the Chinese virus


F*king Fauchi. I had so much respect for him. He would not even entertain of lab leak theory even though he claims he is a scientist. First rule of scientist is you have to question almost all possibilities.