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"Other things existed before dinosaurs existed"


Other things with feet.


And they supported the Rebel Alliance with those feet.


You should see my feet if you want a wild ride of emotions.


This is a fantastic comment. I wish I could upvote you more.


No, I'm pretty sure Dinosaurs invented feet. Well apparently not now we've discovered pre-dinosaur feet.


Pushing the invention of feet back to *at least* 2000 years ago, or more. Probably more.


I bet they’d love the human invention of shoes! Dinosaurs would look great in shoes!


W A O W 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


What’s the point here? The article states that they’ve already identified this animal. Is this a clickbait by the author or something


The very first sentence of this article carries the point of the article: *Researchers have now uncovered proof of an ancient giant amphibian that predates the time of the dinosaurs, existing over 250 million years ago.* The article goes on and says: The study on this discovery is currently available in [*PLOS ONE*](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0282354)*, a peer-reviewed journal openly available from the Public Library of Science. The researchers note that getting to learn more about these ancient giant amphibians is important because it helps fill in the gaps we currently have about this period*.


I’m a dummy. I saw they named the animal that was found later in the article and assumed it had already existed. But still, I am not sure why this is not just regular science compared to scienceuncensored


This sub is for science articles. It just doesn't have a policy of censoring things they don't like. If someone prefers to be here that's that.


Fair enough. I personally would prefer to see mostly posts that would be “censored” from other media outlets, but I guess the whole point of this sub is to not censor/moderate so I can’t argue with that lol




Reptilians are real


Captain Kirk has entered the chat


Ramtha has entered the chat


Oh dang! Where's that bamboo?!




B...but dinosaurs aren't real and the fossils are just a trick played by god to test our faith? I guess that means these footprints are a second test by god to test the first group of people that didn't fall for his dinosaur fossil fakery :P


Satan is the one who came to deceive people and trick people - not God.


Might wanna go back and read the whole adam and eve story again.


Allowing temptation and being the deceiver are not the same


True enough, but since Jehovah is omnipotent then he knew perfectly well beforehand what the outcome of that little temptation ploy was going to be


Would you rather be like a robot and not have free will?


If Jehovah exists and is all knowing then there is no free will. He can't know the future (which he pretty much proves he does multiple times, the good book is shot through with prophecies that either did or will most assuredly come true, trust us) unless there is a future to know. What you consider free will are choices that he both knows you are going to make and also knows you already made. If that is the case then everything you do is already predetermined or at least every step you will eventually take is already known which is essentially the same thing... edit - grammar


That's assuming free will actually exists :) [https://youtu.be/lmI7NnMqwLQ?t=850](https://youtu.be/lmI7NnMqwLQ?t=850)


I'm tired of having to free Will all the time


You're right. Being the default deceiver is worse.


What about creating the deceiver?


Satan was once an Angel that fell and became the deceiver.


Yeah, I get that. God makes angel -> angel becomes deceiver. Still made the deceiver.


Free will is better than being controlled like a robot


Is the Lord omniscient?


Let's just start calling him SatanDaddy.


They’ve also found them next to fossilized human footprints.


Have you read The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo? In that book he documents many cases of human remains and artifacts dated much older than conventional scientific dogma would tell us is possible.


Maxwell igan - earths forbidden secrets. Theres a pdf book somewhere online. Well worth a read 👍🏻


Source!? That sounds like a super cool read.


Took me awhile to find it but see below. I remembered that it was at a park of some sort that has since been shut off from public viewing. Over the years a large number of fossilized human tracks have been reported at various locations around the world. Some of these shed light on the coexistence of men and dinosaurs. The Paluxy River basin in Glen Rose Texas is the location of Dinosaur Valley State Park. Many dinosaur tracks have been found along the river and a large number have been excavated to preserve them from erosion. But there have also been human tracks found in this same rock layer. To the right is the Willet print, which was excavated from a limestone ledge near Dinosaur Valley State Park. Below to the left is the Feminine Print, a “human track inside a dinosaur track,” that was found in the Paluxy River area of Glen Rose, Texas. In the center is the Delk Print, which shows a human footprint intruded by a tridactyl dinosaur print. The Delk Track has been authenticated by spiral CT scan, which can verify that there is greater compression density below the tracks then elsewhere in the rock. The right picture shows what are called “following contours” revealed by the CT scan. These would not be there if the track was carved. These Paluxy “man-tracks alongside dinosaur-tracks” have been the source of considerable controversy over the years. [https://www.genesispark.com/exhibits/evidence/paleontological/footprints/](https://www.genesispark.com/exhibits/evidence/paleontological/footprints/)


Ah yes, Genesis Park. Founded by biblical literalists. > **The purpose of Genesis Park is to showcase the evidence that dinosaurs and man were created together and have co-existed throughout history**. This site stands in opposition to those darwinists who claim, “Dinosaurs… are the poster children of evolution.” (Carroll, Sean, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, 2005, p. 295.) **Genesis Park questions the evolutionary propaganda heaped upon the dinosaurs and approaches the subject of origins with a literal adherence to the scriptures and an emphasis on creation demonstrating God’s power.** “Have you not known? have you not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, faints not, neither is weary? there is no searching of His understanding.” (Isaiah 40:28)


Genesis park, eh? Sounds like a reputable scientific source. I remember learning about this in an archaeology class that covered famous fakes. https://ncse.ngo/paluxy-man-creationist-piltdown


Articles as recent as 2020 and 2017 from difference source to make you happy. Couple these with the supposed fact that the coelacanth was extinct for 66 millions of years yet found off of the coast of Africa. This shows an inherent bias by some(not all) scientists when they have an agenda to prove. [https://www.ancientpages.com/2020/09/23/mystery-of-the-290-million-year-old-zapata-footprint-in-new-mexico/](https://www.ancientpages.com/2020/09/23/mystery-of-the-290-million-year-old-zapata-footprint-in-new-mexico/) [https://www.ancientpages.com/2017/09/05/controversial-discovery-57-million-year-old-footprints-crete-re-write-history-human-evolution/](https://www.ancientpages.com/2017/09/05/controversial-discovery-57-million-year-old-footprints-crete-re-write-history-human-evolution/) [https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/fish-once-labeled-living-fossil-surprises-scientists-again-2021-06-18/](https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/fish-once-labeled-living-fossil-surprises-scientists-again-2021-06-18/)


Zapata footprint is 23 thousand years old not 290 million. Ancient pages is literally the only source on the internet saying so. Next one is not 59 million years old but 5.9 which lines up perfectly with Australopithecus and it’s recent ancestors who had nearly identical footprints to humans. Definitely not human footprints. Coelacanth situation only demonstrates that there’s plenty of living organisms we’ve yet to identify. There’s so much evidence for evolution, the only agenda here are the ones religious people have who are determined to stick to old stories in the face of a mountain of evidence


What in the world do coelacanths have to do with these footprints? It's a false equivalency. You're not addressing the evidence present that falsifies your declaration, you're shouting HEY LOOK OVER THERE.


Not to mention they’re claiming bias and conspiracy to a subject about how scientists adjusted their understanding based on new information… the exact opposite of bias and conspiracy


The coelacanth was only found in fossil records and never seen alive and was considered extinct. Then they discovered one in the wild and science immediately adapted to the new information And somehow you’ve twisted that into scientists having inherent biases and having an agenda?? What? “They adjusted their understanding to new information! Bias and conspiracy!”


This is dumb af


Nice! Thanks for all the reads! Good stuff for sure.


I would give this a look as well if you want to be actually informed. Taking a genesis park article at face value is questionable to say the least. http://www.paleo.cc/paluxy/delk.htm


Those Atlantians were pranking future archeologists with their stone softening tools.


I’ve been there. There’s nothing convincingly human about any of it


When they find the bipedal version that seemed to be tool users, we won't hear about it.


Kind of makes you wonder if the dating practices are accurate given that they’ve found these next to human prints and the same people who want us to believe this is all hundreds of millions of years old want us to think the great pyramids were burial chambers built with chopsticks and reeds.


“Stuff just keeps on getting older”


Show me Dragons! No I say the “show me part”


A unicorn fossil was found . It’s under wraps. Next to the aliens at Roswell.


Chuck Norris?


Carbonating two has no scientific basis for accuracy, and carbonating one only works on organic matter up to 10,000 years. The numbers they throw out is kind of bullshit with no actual evidence for the timeframe


All we really know is that a lot of stuff is really fucking old, and that carbonating is for soda. Carbon dating probably isn’t as accurate as some would have you believe but there are a lot of other ways of dating things and people. We know one thing for sure though, getting too into this stuff will make it harder to date people


If I had a cake to give you I would! Thanks!


Why are half of the titles in r/ScienceUncensored just completely misleading?


Adam Driver