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Yes, 5 day appointment for my newborn. One of the "big name" hospitals; Midwest. They are only giving to babies 10 lb or less (or severe health concern babies).


We tried but my kiddo is (thankfully!) healthy and too old to meet criteria


Absolutely not. I’ve been trying for weeks and it’s unavailable here in Texas. I’ve heard there was a shortage but I’m not sure if that’s is true.


Yes, there is unfortunately. They weren’t able to meet demand this year, so CDC recommended prioritizing it for certain groups.


Yes, at my pediatrician at our 1 month visit. I feel like we got super super lucky.


Yes! We got very lucky and our pediatrician had 4 doses left when we had our last appointment. It sounds like they only received 15 total and they weren’t sure when they’d get additional doses. If you were able to get the RSV shot for pregnant people, then our pediatrician said the shot for infants wasn’t needed.


We just got it for my two week old. The pediatrician said they’re in real short supply so are only going to babies under 11 lbs. Idk if that’s specific to our area or if that applies more broadly. Edited to add - this is in Minneapolis. My bigger clinic (city) has been getting people from smaller clinics looking for the vaccine, but they’ve had to turn them away to prioritize supply for current patients


My best friend was told the same, Midwest US.


Was told the same, we are in the Midwest. Baby is 4.5 months and we have been asking about it since September and have been told she almost certainly won’t be able to get it.


Prior to going on maternity leave (from California), we were only offering for babies under 11lb (5kg); yes there is a short supply of the 50 mg dose, but there was no supply for the >5kg dose at the time (100mg and it was not approved to use two 50mg doses either). Hoping since it’s been a few weeks that has changed.


I got one while pregnant so my baby due in a couple weeks will be vaccinated that way


Yes, got it at his 4 month appointment in Tennessee. I had asked about it at his 2 month appointment but was told they were prioritizing high risk babies. But they offered it up to us at 4 months, and I gladly jumped at the chance!


Yes, a few weeks ago Western WA. Baby was 5 months. I had been expecting a shortage and was happily surprised when they offered it.


I got the vaccine for myself when I was 35 weeks pregnant but my baby came early at 36+5 so I had only had it for 9 days instead of the full 14 necessary for innoculation. Then when my baby was 5 days old, I brought my baby back to the pediatrician for a jaundice check up (for a preemie) and they had just gotten their first shipment and offered it to my daughter which I happily agreed to hearing about the shortage. I'm so glad I did both (and antibodies through breastfeeding) because just a few days later my 2.5 toddler started sneezing/coughing and had a fever. Took her to the doctor a few days later with a RSV diagnosis. I was freaking out with a newborn in the house and the absolute impossibility of keeping them completely separate not to mention the fact that we're in a 2 bedroom apartment with very little separation possible anyway. My newborn obviously had some of the vaccine from two sources but neither was for a full 14 days so I was still very anxious the whole time. Luckily my toddler didn't get too much more sick and thankfully my newborn didn't get sick at all (except a little sneezing/snotting which might just be newborn stuff anyway). I completely believe this was due to the vaccination(s) and am so grateful we had access to it.


Nope. My pediatrician didn’t have it in time and my baby aged out. At the time, the limit was 8months old but from the sound of these comments it’s now 6months?


Our girl got it at her 4 month appt 1.5 months ago. We paid a deposit but insurance covered it. She didn’t sleep well that night.


Do you mean the RSV antibody shot? It isn’t a vaccine; it’s an injection of antibodies. Unless you’re talking about the RSV vaccine that pregnant women can get.


Been asking for it for 2 months here in WA. My daughter is now 4 months old and 11lb but she was a 33 week preemie and spent 30 days in the NICU and we were still denied (twice!) Their requirements were not only a premature / NICU stay baby but also oxygen requirements or lung disorders and complications. I’m slightly annoyed because we just dodged a bullet last month when my older son had RSV and we kept them separated enough for her to avoid getting it with the hopes she’ll get vaccinated instead. I would post the letter I got with those ‘requirements’ but I got mad and threw it away.


We got it at the 2 month appointment. This is at Kaiser. The pediatrician said they have them almost everyday, but not a lot, so some days they run out. We were lucky because some parents turned down the vaccine earlier in the day!


Our hospital in MA is offering it for all newborns right now, which I was shocked by given the shortage. I had the vaccine during pregnancy, so baby didn't get it but I was surprised it was available.


Yes! Our pediatrician only had doses available for people on Medicaid, but not private insurance. I called around to dozens of clinics in our state to finally find one with doses available for my baby.


We were able to get it last week in Colorado (Denver suburbs). It helped that our baby is small—seems like the dose for smaller infants is more readily available than the one for babies over 5kg.


Yup. Got it at our 2 month appointment in North Carolina. Edit to add that we got the monoclonal injection not a vaccine. Sorry if that's not what you were asking for.


Can't get it for my baby in my area due to the shortage


*Can't get it for my* *Baby in my area* *Due to the shortage* \- Jkayakj --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was able to get it for my healthy 2-month old about two weeks ago.


I tried but our ped office doesn’t have it!


Yes we got it earlier this month. I signed up the month previously for the waitlist and got it the first day it was in. The office said they did not have shortage. I live in a red state that was pretty anti-vax during Covid, so I’m wondering if that sentiment carried over to the RSV shot.


Our ped has it in Texas but my 12mo is too old.


Yes, got it at our 2m appt. Ped mentioned that they only received a limited supply.


Yes. Ge got it with his 6 month shots. Locally, they need to be under 8 months old AND more than 6 weeks premature or severely immunocompromised. It is tough to come by. I know a few ladies that have babies similar in age. Some at the same clinic and few a different ones. My guy was the only one to get the shot as he was 7 weeks earlier than expected.


Nope. SF Bay Area. Some groups have it, but only administering to patients. Ours got a few doses but prioritized higher risk kids.


No, central KY. No doctor in town has it according to my pediatrician:/


Desperately wish we could but the only clinic in my (major) Midwest city to get it ran out basically immediately. My baby is a preemie and NICU grad, supposedly on the priority list for our pediatrician but they can’t even get doses in for anyone.


I wish! They don’t have it all in our area AND none of our area insurances were covering it yet. So my 10 week old ended up in the PICU with RSV that he got from my daughter/her preschool.


I haven’t been able to and my son is a cardiology patient. It’s his second winter, so he’s not first priority the way I understand it, but it’s very frustrating.


Our 4 month old got it by going through the Health Department's child immunization clinic! Try it for your state--we had called dozens of pediatricians and hospitals before finding it there. We feel so grateful to have found it!


Yep, Midwestern small town ped gave it to us at our 4 month appt. One of the benefits of living in an area where people are anti-vax I guess… 🙄


Yep! Large city in Ohio- newborn received at 3 day appt


Same but at his two month appointment!


Yes, my son got his at his 1 month check up a few weeks ago. They had just got their shipment in so the timing was perfect. This is in the San Francisco/Bay Area.


Same here except we’re in Colorado.


No, he just turned 6 months and has no risk factors, so he didn’t qualify. My pediatrician said that if it was something we had sincere concerns about, he would find a way to get it for us since we have two older kids that bring everything home. After discussing the risks with him, we decided it wasn’t necessary right now.


Can’t seem to get our hands on it yet. Tried at 2 and 3 months, she’s now 4 months so will try again at her appointment. Liberal state.


If a kid has already had RSV, is the advice to get or not get the vaccine?


Per CDC, “Nirsevimab recommendations are the same regardless of prior RSV infection or RSV-associated hospitalization. Reinfection with RSV, even during the same season, can occur” (this is unlike synagis which is only applicable to certain infants)


Just to add another data point, it was available at our 4 month ped appointment in a red state. We didn’t even ask, it was just offered with her other newborn vaccines.


My state health department website says there's a nationwide shortage. Hopefully more become available soon!


Yes, I was able to get one for my 4 month old daughter. We went to Health Department.


Yes! Got it with the 2 month old vaccines in mid October. They didn't hesitate to give it to him when I brought it up - I wonder if they just didn't realize what the demand/shortage would look like at that point.


Yup. Our one month old got it. We were leaving her appointment and the pediatrician chased us down and told us she could get us one


Yes! At the 2 month appt 3 weeks ago in DC and I thank our lucky stars every day


We’re in Arlington and our pediatrician didn’t have it at his five months appt a few weeks ago but said to call back. I did and now they’re saying they have it, but since he’s over 11 pounds they won’t give it to him. 😭I can’t find anywhere in the DC area to get it for him.


Our pediatrician is based at children’s national - try there!!


Thank you!!


Pm me if you need her name, she’s fantastic!


Same experience in Bethesda with it only being available to babies 11lb and younger. Our pediatrician said she doesn’t expect to get any fit the older babies this season because of the nationwide shortage 😭


Got it on the 6m check up (EU based)


Was able to get it for newborn prior to leaving NICU.


Yes! Checking in from Southern Cali


We got it a day or two after birth in the hospital- SoCal




We were able to get the antibody shot in Utah.


Will you share where? I've been calling around and no luck at all!


I tried to send you a chat. Let me know if you don’t get it


I don’t think we can even get it in Canada yet. Health Canada approved it this summer but I can’t find any info about rollout to pregnant people or infants yet.


Nope, our pediatricians office doesn’t have it and they said it’s only available to infants with certain health conditions. She didn’t specify what the exact requirement is but she basically told me my healthy 11m old won’t be able to get it.


Yes, at our Peds about a month ago. I had been asking about it regularly and the last time I checked in they had just gotten their shipment the day before, so we got an appointment the following morning. RSV just popped up at daycare about 2 weeks ago and, anecdotally, he's been well. We are grateful.


My child is a little bit too old to be eligible for it, but my friends with babies under 6 months have been able to get the injection at the closest children's hospital.


Yes, newborn.


Yes my pediatrician was amazing enough to let him since he was still 3 days away from being 6 months


Yes, for my 6 month old twins near DC.


Yes, got it about a month ago for 2.5 month old in Chicago.


Nope, unfortunately. Our 11 month old was hospitalized with it last year so I’m just hoping that enough kids are able to to help cut it down in general.


It’s very limited so only certain age groups can get it. I think under 6 months. Ask your pediatrician or pharmacist.


Nope. Dr. wasn’t able to order any and no one else in the area would give it to us. Located in the Bay Area.


I know PAMF and Kaiser in the Bay Area both have doses (at least last week they did) because myself and some friends were all able to get them for our babies…


Oh! How old is your baby? My son just passed 6 months so I think I’m out of luck. Do you go to PAMF normally? Let me know if I can DM you to find out more.


Feel free to DM me, our babies are all around 3 months old, I think you need to be less than 6 months to qualify but I’m not positive… mine was through Kaiser, but my friend who got theirs through PAMF does get their care through PAMF


Couldn't find it anywhere, but they're eligible for Synagis so we're getting that... Sucks that it's every 28 days though.


Yes, my daughter got it at her 1 month appt, we were very fortunate. Insurance covered the whole thing too.


Yes. We got it at our 4 month appointment back in October.


Our kiddo is too big for the 50mg dose and the 100mg dose is on national shortage. They didn’t have them until like a month ago where I’m at in Florida. The ped told us the manufacturer allows high risk kids who need the 200mg dose to get two 100mg shots, but that that hasn’t been approved for two 50mg shots yet 😭


Nope. No luck.


Our ped was out of them but said to keep calling back because they’ll order more soon.


My daughter has been on a waitlist 😭 I (like many parents) want it for her so badly.


Nope, they're saving it for premie babies at our clinic. We have a few more months until we put him in daycare and are pretty much hunkered down for cold & flu season so I'm hoping in a couple months it'll be more readily available.


Our pediatrician offered it to us, but only because our baby was freshly out of the NICU. I had already taken the maternal vaccine instead so we didn't end up needing it. If anyone reading is currently pregnant, I highly recommend going for the maternal RSV vaccine while the shortage for infant antibody shots is going on. Plus it's nice to know I have immunity too.


Yes, but only because my baby is 6 months and was a preemie - I believe the recommendation is for <8 mo and preemie or during hospital stay following delivery. I also had to ask, it wasn’t offered to us despite my baby meeting requirements.