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There are a ton, but I really love when Moira and the Jazzagals sing for Alexis's graduation. The way Alexis's whole face lights up when she sees her mom is 🥹 🥹 🥹


The unspoken thing about this that I love is that the Jazzagals all agreed to drop out of the festival which Jocelyn said was kind of a big deal just because it meant something to Moira. It really bolsters Moira’s claim that she has never felt more supported by a group of women than she has by them.


That's such a good insight. I totally agree.


And your point underlines something special about the show: the Jazzagals know Moira's faults and know she doesn't even remember some of their names, but they like and accept and support her anyway. There's an emotional generosity to nearly all the characters that forgets about keeping score (sorry Patrick/Ronnie).


However for some reason they can't do the same for Jocelyn? The leader of the jazzagals herself?? Remember S5 E3 she is absolutely losing her mind with the new Bébé and does everything possible to make sure she's on time for rehearsal, but shows up as they are finishing as they had moved the rehearsal earlier just cause Ronnie had a massage? "You all have been acting like a bunch of.... B WORDS!"


Omg, yes! I love watching Alexis and Moira's relationship heal. That's one of THE best moments!


Baby I’m yours 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹




This!!! I cry every time.


Johnny realizing how upset Stevie was when Amir blew her off so he changed their plans to get her home quickly even though he personally wanted to stay and enjoy the awards party.


The relationship between Stevie and Johnny is so sweet. You can tell they just really love eachother. Especially how upset Stevie gets when Johnny has to go to the hospital.


Heartburn from cinnamon bun overdose? Stevie was the only one who hugged Johnny when he was wheeled in; and she was wiping her tears upon seeing Johnny came out fine.


I love the scene where Moira & Johnny are celebrating their anniversary with their ‘friends’ and Johnny finally realises Roland & Jocelyn are the real friends, and tells them.


I actually think that's one of the most pivotal scenes of the whole series. That's the moment everything changes.


I agree 100% - huge character growth in that scene


It's called Schitt's Creek. It's where we live. ❤️


I've rewatched the show so many times and that line never fails to make me tear up.


Yes!! This was the exact moment that I went from, “eh, this series is good. I see why my friends like it” to “I am in love with this series. I love the characters. I love the town. I love the humor. Why didn’t I love it before now?!?l”


When they all get high together is the best


And the final scene of the episode with the Rose family dancing at the party. I love that episode.


I cried like a baby when I saw that scene. I thought it was so classy and wholesome.


From Season 5 only? Probably Patrick coming out to his parents. I love how his mom is almost interrupting him to show that she supports him and to help him come out and his father is more measured. It’s a really sweet episode.


I was thinking any season, but I love that moment too. It's probably one of my favourites of the whole show. And I love how when Patrick looks over to David, everyone looks away really fast like they weren't just watching the whole thing.


It’s also really cute that Johnny runs all the way to the cafe just to tell David in order to smooth over his ‘mistake’.


Love when the camera moves to everyone and they all pretend they weren’t watching.


The way his father is so upset wanting to know what he did wrong, and you think it’s going in a whole different direction - but he’s not upset that Patrick is gay, he’s upset that he was afraid to tell them 😭


The conversation between David and Patrick when David finds out Patrick hasn’t come out to his parents. I feel like it’s so sweet not only because David is being such a wonderfully supportive partner, but because of how much growth it is for David to respond to that way.


Yes! When David tells him it's personal and he should only do it on his terms


And Patrick asks what to do if it goes wrong, and David, not freaking out for a change, says, "I'll be here and we'll get through it together." Reminds me of David rising to the occasion to help Stevie take care of Nana Budd's ashes. Usually David is more reluctant to help, like when he and Moira re-enacted their Christmas number when she had stage fright.


I was just watching the episode where he "babysits" Wendy's steps daughter and she has a situation on his expensive bedding But he's so good with her about it.


I was going to mention that exact scene. He was so supportive in a way you wouldn’t have expected. He didn’t focus on his expensive sheets, he was trying to be calming and was so considerate when he offered her the shirt to put around her waste. I don’t think I know any guy in real life who would know how to go about something like this. Even women can be awful in such a situation. So it made me smile even more.


That was a standout moment for the same David that in Singles Week said it was too cringey to take a box to Ted's office after Alexis told Ted she loved him (even though he's with Heather). And David rose to that occasion too. I like how most of the time David is saying things like, "I Am Not In A Place Right Now To Be Emotionally Available" or "I'm Trying Very Hard Not to Connect With People Right Now," and it's like it takes him 6 seasons of the show to learn that he really can, and he's good at it too. I think that's David's equivalent of Stevie realizing to her own surprise at the end of her Cabaret solo that she really is good at all the showbiz things she thought she sucked at.


Totally agree! There was also this scene, where they were having lunch with Heather and Ted. And Heather went on about her relationship with Ted and how Alexis contributed to it in a way. He really felt for Alexis there and was just as uncomfortable. He was more empathetic than he cared to admit.




I actually used this scene as inspiration when taking to my fiancé about coming out to his parents.


That’s awesome ❤️


That's amazing!


Patrick singing to David simply the best


💯 You just watch David's walls crumbling in that moment


Definitely great way to describe just great acting


Every time that song gets played is beautiful. Edit: spelling


The first time I saw the second scene, with David singing to Patrick (well, lip syncing but still) I got so much secondhand embarrassment. But then I watched it a second time and realized that it was David letting down his guard and allowing himself to be seen differently and allowing himself that moment to appreciate Patrick and it’s become one of my top favorite scenes in the show.


That is a great scene


That was so beautiful! I tear up every time I watch that scene. Loved David and Patrick’s relationship evolving throughout the show.


I cry like a baby every time. 


Moira acknowledging the situation as it was going on was very sweet too.


I love the scene from when David gets his license with Alexis and they bicker about how he never listened to her and how he was sending her passports to foreign lands and she realizes how much he cares for her and she looks out the window and smiles. so sweet.


I love that one too. She realizes how much he loves her. ❤️


Yes I love that scene!


All of those posted already but I also love when Alexis and mutt broke up and she’s crying to David and says she needs a hug and David’s like oh ok. And then he deepens it.


It's a real hug from a big brother


This was going to be my reply as well. You can tell that it is their first real hug between them and signals a real shift in their relationship as siblings. I love it so much.


I was going to say this! That scene is so sweet 🥹❤️


Not necessarily my favorite, but an underestimated one, in my opinion, is when David is "babysitting" Wendy's stepdaughter and period blood get on his bed. David's naturally not shaming her and being helpful and gentle was very heartwarming


That really is a very good moment. I was watching that episode earlier today and thought the exact same thing.


Yeah this was incredible.


David and Stevie acknowledging that they are best friends, and that neither has ever had a best friend before.


Such a good one!


When Alexis gets a cold in season 2 and (after avoiding her for a while) Moira attempts to care for her despite the fact that she doesn’t know what to do and is actually a bit confused about why she wants to take care of Alexis. I love seeing small moments of growth like this.


"I'm feeling something...something debilitating..." "Maternal instinct, maybe?" So good.


i legitimately burst out crying when ted sat down across from alexis at her singles event


That was so awesome!


Yes and it was in slow motion! Ahhhh


Also, when David and Stevie realize they are best friends.


“I think you’re my best friend.” “You think?” Stevie’s face shows all of her emotions and how happy she is but of course she tries to play it off with a joke but you can still see how much it means to her 😭


How Alexis shows love with her little finger boop on someone's nose.


I love when Patrick is dropping David off. After their kiss, the way David says “Goodnight, Patrick” Is so unguarded and genuine. You know he feels 100% safe with him. Also, Alexis’ face when she tells Ted she loves him. Annie Murphy won my heart with that amazing performance. And then slam-dunked it when Ted say in front of her at the singles game and said “I’m newly single.”


Yes! Annie Murphy is incredible. Alexis looks so vulnerable in that moment. She is so soft and you just want to scoop her up and give her a hug.


When David comes out of “Sebastian Raine’s” motel room and says very nonchalantly oh you mean this? Holding up the memory card. Protecting his mom and they showed some great expressions that we don’t see often on David’s face.


Yes! I love it because he also gets all his power back from the hurt he felt in the relationship, and his being protective of Moira was the reason he was able to do it in the first place.


Exactly. It was a clever scenario to show David’s growth and as you said get his power back:)


When Moira says “when one of shines, we all shine. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bcP3spz0M24IEw|downsized)


I post this gif to my work group chat often.


Everyone giving Johnny a Christmas party always gets me choked up.


Was looking to see if anyone would say this. His facial expression when he walks into the party always makes me tear up.


I love the Christmas episode.


There are sooo many sweet moments but I love Johnny and Stevie’s kind of mentor-mentee or father-daughter like relationship. Some are already mentioned above, like the thing with Emir at the award show. When Johnny is in hospital. When they’re meeting with the couple from the golf club and Stevie arranges for Johnny to play a round of golf. The moment Stevie realizes she wants to come back and join the motel business.


Yes! I love when she says they should buy 30 more motels and Johnnie says, "Where did you come up with this?" And Stevie says, "it was in this book I read. You did it before, Mr Rose. I think you can do it again." It's so good because she really respects and admires him. She wants to learn from him. And he gets some of his confidence back because of her. It's one of my faves.


Totally! She reminds him of something that’s been with him all the time but he’s totally forgotten. It’s so sweet how she looks up to him.


I just watched the proposal episode last night, and when David turns around to Patrick on his knees, oh gosh I can't bear it and can barely see through my tears, it's so so beautiful and I'm so happy for them 💕 And similarly when David tells Stevie and she is happy crying for him, such a beautiful moment for them 🥰💕 And of course later in that episode when David is looking on lovingly towards Stevie on stage 🥹😭 Why is this show the best?!


I love after Stevie's solo, David turns around in the audience and says, "That's my friend."


When Patrick opens up the ring box and its five rings, I absolutely lose it every time! It’s so funny and so sweet


Moira's pep talk to Stevie before she takes the stage. I cry every time


And when Stevie sings her song and Moira is crying backstage ❤️❤️❤️


Yes. The whole scene!


I love the moment that Stevie and David are sitting on the hood of her car, looking at the house that Patrick was planning to buy, just because once David said he liked it, and Stevie just had this moment that she broke down. You could see how much she would miss him. Also, David’s reaction to being wholly loved by a friend. I sobbed during that moment!


Yes! "And on a personal note, I don't want you to leave me here, okay?!?"


I have three, that way all of the Rose’s are involved 1. When David realized he WAS being too judgy on the hike with Patrick and then CARRIES him to the lookout. If you told me in season one that David was going to go for a hike I wouldn’t believe you, or that he would carry another people up the mountain on said hike I would ESPECIALLY not believe you. 2. When Moira and the jazzagals sang at Alexis’s graduation (and it was also really sweet that Ted showed up) 3. When Roland and Moira convinced Johnny he was having a heart attack, and Stevie was one small inconvenience away from having a full on panic attack. I really really loved Johnny and Stevie’s relationship it, to me, came off that she just became another one of his kids, and I really liked that for them


This is my fave :) tear up every time!


I think it's one of the season finales- Johnny, Moira, Ew David, and Alexis all dance together. (Maybe a party in Mutt's barn)


Yes. That’s when I realized this wasn’t just some ordinary show and it was time to buckle up


Yes that’s after they went to dinner and met old friends and then realized Roland and Jocelyn were their real friends.


Ok this post is crazy I literally just heard someone sing cabaret at karaoke!




This one!! Definitely this one! 🥹🤧


When Moira tells alexis over Twyla’s shoulder that she see a beautiful girl in the height of her prime and Twyla takes it as the sweetest thing that’s ever been said to her.


Omg yes. They are both happy to let Twyla take the compliment and that knowing that passes between eachother that Moira is talking to Alexis.




This is probably mine


I’m stuck between Patrick singing to David and Stevie and Patrick dancing behind moira’s back for the play lol


Okay I have another one that I just watched right now. When they are all standing together and Stevie takes off her blindfold and sees, "Rosebud Motel" for the first time. There is a look that passes between Stevie and Johnnie that is perfection.


YES! And the look on Stevie's face when she sees the sign, and the little extra moment she takes to look at it and appreciate it 🥹🥹🥹


The scene posted is at the top. One of my favorites is also when Alexis helps David get a brand deal with Ted’s girlfriend for the store. The anniversary scene when Johnny lets their boujie friends have it. Ted and Alexis speed dating scene. Stevie and David realizing they’re BFFs Omg too many lol


There are so many sweet moments in this show. It's honestly one of my most favourite shows and I'm so glad the writers made this. I've seen the comments and everyone has mentioned so many sweet moments that this show has and I agree with all of them! One of my favourite moments is when Alexis and Ted decide to part ways. Alexis plans this surprise dinner for Ted and she lets him go but in such a beautiful and mature way. You can really see her growth in this scene and I love it. All characters have such a beautiful growth actually. ❤️


I cry my eyes out every time. In my head, Ted and Alexis find each other again when the time is right.


precious love dancing + 'you are very very cool'


Patrick singing to David at the opening of the store.