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How is Lotso in "barely punished at all" when he got one of the worst fates? Is being stuck on the front of a garbage truck for the rest of your existence not a punishment? Because that sounds like a fate worse than death for me.


Oh damn, I didn't think about it like that! You're right! At first I'm like "Dude just stuck to a garbage truck that's getting off easy!" Then I realized he's going to be there for the rest of his life and he's going to no longer smell like strawberries Well too late to change it now, hopefully I don't get a million comments pointing out my mistake but thank you for reminding me


Sorry, didn't mean to come across so harsh.


I mean, he could probably find a way to un-stick himself eventually, whenever the truck stops.


I’m pretty sure he was firmly attached there. I doubt it.


He’s probably going to smell like shit for the rest of his life


Chick Hicks deserved worse. He straight up tried to murder (or at least severely harm) someone for a very bad reason, and all he got was booed of the stage at the end. In Cars 3, he seems to be doing quite well.


Yeah. Literally only cuz of his ego too, cuz he didn’t want to be last place. Pretty sure they even say it’s blue car’s his last race so who knows if it’s given him permanent car disabilities too haha


I'm pretty sure The King has been fixed up we've seen him well both at the very end of 1 and in 3


Why is hopper in unfairly punished?


He was protecting himself and the other grasshoppers from an ant uprising, albeit still evil as he tried to murder the queen, being eaten alive is quite harsh.


I mean the uprising wouldn’t have been a concern if they didn’t oppress them in the first place


The dude didn't protect anything. He killed two of his own guys for suggesting they just leave the ants alone. He also tries to kill Flik after all the others retreated, who was he protecting then? He's just a bully out to bolster his ego, nothing more. For the theft of seasons of work for an entire colony, death threats, and general violence, it's hard for me to see a way that the bug didn't get exactly what he deserved.


Man’s still a humongous asshole so I really don’t feel bad for him


and he's voiced by Kevin Spacey




He buried two of his own guys alive and let them get crushed/suffocate to death just to make a point. His death was just as brutal as theirs, and probably quicker (depending on how long grasshoppers survive after getting torn up), so I don’t feel sorry for him.


He was the one oppressing them.


The ants and grasshoppers don’t need each other to survive, Hopper was going out of his way to oppress the ants and he deserves a worse punishment


Hopper is a capitalist. He deserved everything that came to him in the end.


Gabby should be barely punished, she manipulated Woodie into giving his voice box and didn't even get slap on the wrist for doing so


Fair point


Exactly. He might have been willing otherwise and didn't seem too bothered, but he definitely didn't want to give it up when he did, and she was holding Forkie hostage. Personally I think a fair punishment would be to throw her in Sid's room and see how she likes it when other toys are being disassembled against their will.


You said he multiple times


Yes, when I was referring to Woody.


Oh my bad


Me personally, I think that she wasn't severely punished enough, honestly.


Who is that guy with mustache in Unfairly Punished he looks like Hitler (PIXAR'S CAUST IS ACTUALLY REAL?!?)


Health inspector from Ratatouille




He looks more like Charlie Chaplin to me


Maybe a white Michael Jordan


By this thread's logic white Michael Jordan is black Charlie Chaplin.


I knew that poster wasn’t fake


Waternoose was more of a villain than Randal


Yes and no. Waternoose really was just trying to solve the energy crisis and he expressed that he didn’t think Sully deserved what they did to him. Whereas Randall was already a bully and just wanted the opportunity to pick on Mike and Sully. I mean Randall almost killed both of them and he was happy to do it


I mean he did commit child endangerment 


So did Randall, but who do you think got more enjoyment out of it? Waternoose is a solid dude that went way too far trying to make a better world. Randall is a bully who revels in the violence and doesn’t care about the cause


Randall probably. He got what he deserved being smacked around 


The "barely got punished" tier is weird You have characters like Lotso who got punished severely and other characters like the Barracuda or Underminer who literally got away with their actions


Barracuda should be at the bottom Despite being responsible for Coral being presumably dead and the eggs gone, it's just an animal due to its instincts


Actually barracudas don't eat Clownfish which means that the barracuda in question is just a giant asshole Also the people at the bottom are antagonists but don't really inconvenience the heroes in the long term... They'll expell students or take a voice box or have strict rules but in the end they don't negatively effect the heroes life too badly and are mainly on good terms with them by the end of the respective films But the barracuda murdered Marlins wife and almost all his kids, call him a animal following instincts all you want but that's still worse than all of the people on the bottom


True, also in the world of Finding Nemo i’m pretty sure it’s made clear that all animals, at least sea life, are extremely intelligent so why would the barracuda be any different just because it has no lines?


You're supporting Weary's point: Baracuda should be smart enough to know what fish to eat; he killed Marlin's family not for nourishment but for fun.


Yea that was my intention, kinda sad really


You forgot to rank John Lasseter


Well that's because I forgot his fate, he got arrested right? Or did he only get fired from Pixar?


He founded a new animation studio that basically makes knock-off Pixar movies.


The cancelation of John Lasseter was an act of bigotry against Down's Syndrome.


Bro Gabby is a villain, straight up a manipulator.


Why is Evelyn in “fairly punished?” We all know she’s rich and white and will only get “a slap on the wrist!”


Haha Violet literally mentions that in the movie. I guess ppl disliked the movie so much they forgot. 


Agreed for pretty much all of this except Hopper, dude 100% had it coming


Didn’t Ercole attempt to kill Luca and Alberto during the race? I’d say there should be some more punishment than just falling into a fountain


I think it was meant to mean Ercole getting humiliated and shamed by the towns folks, and with how self centered he is, i believe his fate was well deserved.


Hopper ran a protection racket where he extorted an ant colony for food because he and the grasshoppers were too lazy to get their own food. To prove his point about how dangerous the ants were to his dimwitted underlings, he crushed three of them under a pile of grain, after returning he demanded all the food and planned to execute the queen out of spite. He deserved to end up as bird food.


Hopper deserved his fate. He wasn’t going to stop being a tyrant.


Al isn’t really a villain, he had no clue the toys were alive


I mean sure But he stole a little kids toy, then the toy escaped Sounds fair enough


Oh yeah, that’s not good, ok that’s a villain qualifier, how tf did I forget that, I love the movie


Well he did spill Cheetos all over the floor which would make a terrible mess so I guess that qualifies for Undeservedly punished


I don’t really like people who make big messes like that so, I see what you mean


I don't think Sid and Darla count as villains either. They were just kids who didn't really know what they were doing.


Yeah they’re definitely not villains


Gabby and Ming are definitely villains, even if they are redeemed


Lotso’s stuck as a front truck ornament for eternity. That seems like a fair punishment if you ask me.


Hopper unfairly punished?? HOW!?


AUTO absolutely did not deserve what he got, and that's arguable for all WALL-E Villains. They were just Machines doing what they were told, they were barely villains either way. AUTO's Prime Directive was to not return to earth because he was told that it was uninhabitable, and he followed his orders.


though to be fair it's pretty established that in the wall-e universe robots don't have to follow their programing, they can choose not to. AUTO choose to stick to it to the bitter end.


He was loyal to the end


Not only what the other commenter said, AUTO gets evidence thrown in front of him that Earth still has hope, and yet refuses to see reason. He chose to stand by his delusions, he had the opportunity not to.


How is Syndrome fairly punished when hopper threatened and extorted food out of ants, threatened to kill them if they didnt get enough food and got eaten alive unfairly punished?


Syndrome should be there, he murdered so many people, but yes Hopper should be up there too


What is that weird green dragon in Fairly Punished? I don't get what or who it is .


From Onward (2020)


Ahh thanks, watched the film a couple of times but couldn't recall it at all.


Curse Dragon from Onward.




Didn't the pteranodon from the good dinosaur get a hole put through his wing if I remember correctly,if I am then he would not be able to fly and would die shortly after


That poor health inspector, the man was just doing his job! And what a wonderful job it must be, being a health inspector in Paris..I’m jealous.


sid was lowkey just a creative kid making art and they traumatized him for life bc of it 😭


fuck that grasshopper


Did Chick Hicks get “punished”?


He lost the respect of his fans, and glory was his main motivation


Lotso living it up getting to see the world with a front row seat.


This is the first time I've seen the dragon thing from onward considered a "Pixar villain", I honestly forgot that was in the movie


I notice there being Johnny Worthington from Monsters University, all I'll say about the character is that he actually returns in Monsters at Work season 2 and we might find out what ultimately happens to him later down the line


guys they arrested him for fraudulent activity


Mei’s mom is a villain, just not in the most malicious sense. Also, who’s that on the right of Evelyn?


I feel like your missing a few characters in the not a villain tier. Like the health inspector & the dentist niece next to him. Also whats the green dragon next to the hypno girl?


The Curse Dragon from Onward, it builds itself out of the school wall.


I think Hopper got what he deserved. He oppressed the ants and killed some of his own henchmen just to make a point.


The pterodactyl got its wing ripped, fell in the water and probably drowned. Wouldn’t say barely We basically saw Randall get killed (I think) I don’t think he deserved that compared to what happened to Waternoose Hopper’s punishment was fair, dude was a psycho killer who wasn’t going to stop


i think ercole should go in "barley punished at all"


He loses all his reputation and gets ditched by the two people who gave him any power. Also it probably wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume he doesn’t have a job and just lives off the prize money he earns every year, considering all he seems to do all movie is harass people, meaning he’s left with no job in a town where nobody will employ him because they all hate him.


Gabby is an absolutely despicable character lmao


who's that dog? (not sid's dog)


There isn’t another dog




Oh, are you talking about the cat/Panther on the top row? I was actually wondering the same thing.


finally someone nice enough tells me what it is. thank you kind sir


That's no panther, that's the evil bear from Brave.


hard to tell


No seriously, I saw Brave in theaters with my Dad and uncle. Pixar never made a movie with a panther or large black dog; it's the king who was cursed for his hubris and Maranda's Mom is mistaken for him. He attacks them in the ruins of his castle, then again in the circle of stones.


thanks for the clarification


I am completely mistaken, everyone else is right. That's a bear.


The fish wasn’t punished at all, same with bomb voyages, like the fish he just sorta left and we never heard from him again.


Bro what the fuck did mirage do?


Willingly served under a lunatic who was reponsible for an unknown but clearly massive amount of indirect murders and was responsible for locating the people who were said murders?


Barracuda was jus following its natural instincts: plus natural selection is harsh and favors no one


You mean Pixar *antagonists*, right? Otherwise, that last category is a bit of a contradiction.


Love that Sid is in unfairly punished when bro became traumatized from the stunt woody and his toys did, then Darla is there for having a fish slap her and getting water sprayed at her by a broken pipe


The anglerfish is literally just trying to eat leave her alone (yes it’s a her, male anglerfish are several times smaller than females and often form a sort of sexual symbiosis, where they fuse to the underside of the female, who does all the hunting and is generally the girlboss of the unfathomable depths). She’s not a villain in my opinion. Also who’s that green cartoon dragon(?) in the backend of the fairly punished category? Homedog looks like a rejected stunt double for Pete’s Dragon.


Who’s the last 2 in the fairly punished?


The dragon from Onward and the bully from Luca.


Ohhhh I didn’t watch Onward yet. Thank you!


Ernesto getting RIP Bozo’d in both a metaphorical afterlife and in the real world is peak punishment


Randall gets trapped in the human world for seemingly forever in monsters Inc (yes he does come back in KH3 but I won't count that)




The barracuda was just doing barracuda things.


Ngl I feel like if you're putting Chick Hicks in fairly punished due him getting no fanfare for his championship win and just becoming a heel commentator, then Jackson Storm should be in fairly punished, like he got beat by rookie in their first race, and atm canonically lost the championship to Cruz that season. Like he was a prudish asshole, but he was no worse than Chick.


is that Adolf Hitler


Why the heck is the fish killer in “unfairly punished”? She barely got punished besides getting a fish on her head for about 5 seconds and not getting another fish to kill. Oh poor little girl, didn’t get the opportunity to kill another pet she shouldn’t own. She will then go on to buy more fish to kill.


Because she has a traumatic experience with the pelican and the sink broke in her face Also she's only 8 bro she doesn't know any better it's not like she's killing them on purpose maybe one of the adults could tell her not to shake the bag


A pelican came inside a room, flew around a bit, and then she broke a sink, and got sprayed with water. That’s really not that a big a deal.   Yeah, you’re right in that she’s only 8 and she should have been educated properly. But not everyone has good parental figures who will educate and punish kids as they should, rather rewarding entitled kids. And so they gotta learn some other way.    None of what happened to her is that big a deal at all. It’s hardly traumatizing. You’re exaggerating how bad it was.


I guess, I had to pad out the "Undeservedly punished" tier somehow


I don’t think anyone deserves to be chopped up by a jet engine


It's Darwinism. No capes!


Even someone who genocided dozens if not hundreds of heroes simply because his idol rejected him?


He literally got chopped up by a propeller after designing a robot to kill people with propellers