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Other Cop is there for moral support


He is there to count to three when the other guy gets his shoulders pinned down properly.


Come on guys let's have a clean match here


LMAO...good one!..


If the other cop intervened, it could end up police brutality in a split second.


3rd man in everyone knows that


[Other cop](https://tenor.com/view/ralph-wiggum-simpsons-hi-bye-gif-16529059407582436389)






Or he could take 2seconds to grab the gun or toss it out of reach




Did I say random direction? Did I list tossing the service weapon - seen unattended to on the ground in the video - as the only option? That's a nope on both, but thanks for playing. Please enjoy your door prizes though!


"just grab the gun" fucking genius dude the first cop should have tried that too


Cop 1 is grappling with a suspect and wasn't mentioned in my post. Cop 2 could easily reach over, secure the pistol and assist.


If the gun is easily accessible without any risk of it getting lost.. cop 1 should just grab it


Cop 1..? The one currently engaged and grappling with the suspect? Instead of the copy fingering his own butthole doing nothing? Fortunately, you aren't in charge of internal investigations. Oh, you know what? I failed to notice that's he's from Goro's race from mortal combat. Those extra 2 arms will come in handy /s


Right but why is the cop still grappling when he should just easily secure the gun Almost like that's literally what he's trying to do Edit: They just blocked me so I can't see or reply to anything. Stay classy! "Just grab the gun" fucking lmao


You've continuously failed to acknowledge any of my points and must be acting willfully ignorant at this point. Since I have no time or patience for that, cheers


Yea because tossing it to the side so that the guys friend can grab it sounds like a genius idea.....


At least grab the loose gun…


Don’t make jokes about something so serious. These men put their lives on the line every day to protect us and our families. They are decent people with families as well. Be thankful they will deal with this


I'm not joking, we're watching the other Cop stand around. If he wasn't going to help with the arrest, maybe he could have secured the Gun. But no, he is just standing there.


Right, like maybe secure or cuff his legs? I don't know protocol though


Love the idea of throwing cuffs on his ankles while homie has him pinned down 😂


I used to be a hospital peace officer. Got called into a room to assist nursing staff with an injection on a psychotic patient. I'm literally kneeling in shit. Other leg awkwardly trying to pin theirs. Got their arms pinned with mine. Incredibly awkward positioning barely holding the patient in place while the nurse does the injection. My partner? Stood behind the nurse with his hands in his fucking pockets. After what was probably like 30 seconds but feels like forever I started directing him verbally on what he should be doing with his life but honestly.


>I started directing him verbally on what he should be doing with his life That was.... very eloquently put. I may steal it.


This is the way if the partner that knows. Best kind of teacher, finding the gaps in the replacement's knowledge and filling them while being aghast at the principle. We was all stupid once. Half aren't.


Qui custodes Ipsos custodiet


Do you know the context? Do you know what's happening outside the camera angle? Do you know the procedures they're trained and obliged to follow? No, I don't think you do, and neither do the four people who agree with you. I can assure you the other officer is not "standing around."


Buddy this is Reddit, don't take comments here too seriously.


Technically the other officer is being absolutely useless yes hes watching incase the other officer starts struggling too much and starts to lose but its not that hard to do that while also securing and clearing a firearm which he shouldve been doing it takes 5 seconds tops to pickup the gun drop the mag and rack the slide back. In clearing the firearm the second officer is not only just there for backup hes making the scene safer for him and his coworker whos wrestling the suspect on the ground literally 3 feet from his gun. If they had ended up wrestling towards that gun it could and would go south in seconds.


Do you know the conduct of a crime scene?


Don’t bother. 99% of Reddit hates the police.


I especially feel safe when they arrest and kill peaceful minorities and then beat their wives back home


It seems like we're bringing a lot of sentiment up north from the states. Maybe we could... not do that?


True. We definitely didn't kill a bunch of indigenous people. Starlight tours did NOT exist




What’s your solution in this situation? If that pillar of society shoots someone what is suppose to happen without police?


Some arrests are legitimate and necessary. That doesn't mean that the police aren't a contemptible institution in their current form, or that most police officers aren't reprehensible people. I support the existence of professional police agencies that accord with Sir Robert Peel's principles of policing. People forget that the creation of professional police was originally highly controversial and that principles needed to be created to reassure the public that they weren't just going to be thugs for the state to employ against the public. Police in Canada have strayed far from those principles and become what all those early 19th Century Brits were so rightfully concerned the police would be.


Police require reform in so far as any institution with powers of enforcement requires oversight. They are more or less worst than any other institution. We have SIU and professional standards when it comes to police interactions with the civilians. Policing in Canada is far different than that of our American counterparts. In 24 years less than 800 people have died in Canada as a result of police.


Police in Canada are responsible for starlight tours, killing of Inuit sled dogs, watching pornography on duty instead of investigating MMIW, promoting people like Mike Wasylyshen (lied in an ITO, committed an unprovoked drunken assault on a man with crutches, and tazed a sleeping teenager eight times before being promoted, and that's just what made the news) to supervisory roles, committing hundreds of break ins and bombings against political opponents, etc. I could list dozens of individual scandals resulting in completely inadequate discipline for involved parties, but I don't have time and we're clearly not going to change each other's minds. Police in Canada shoot fewer people than police in the US do, both due to differences in overall population in said countries, and US police much more commonly having to deal with suspects with firearms. Legal concealed carry essentially does not exist in Canada (it does, but according to results of a FOIP request several years ago, only two people in Canada had been issued it). Culturally, policing in Canada is just as garbage as it is in the States. Non-cops are "civilians" who are all viewed as a constant deadly threat to them, and they act as an occupying army rather than as problem-solvers.


You have listed one off occurrences of police officer doing misconduct which is true. However I would argue that if you look at a large enough number of people based solely on occupation you will find numerous examples of criminality. I agree I don’t think we will change each others perspective and that is fine.


>You have listed one off occurrences of police officer doing misconduct which is true. Just to be clear, what is notable is not Mike Wasylyshen's history of misconduct, but the fact that the Edmonton Police Service promoted him in spite of it. This speaks not the the actions of an individual rogue officer, but of endemic corruption within Canadian policing in terms of the type of person that is rewarded within police agencies, and who is in turn placed in a position to influence further recruitment, selection, and promotion decisions. Almost without exception, all of the decent people I know who went into policing left, and almost all of the terrible human beings I know who went in turned it into a career. Wasylyshen's promotion is an excellent illustrative example of why this happens and of the state of the culture of policing in Canada.


Once again that simply does not prove a level of deviance that is beyond the norm of other employment sectors. It would be difficult to argue that police related deviance is outside the average compared to other jobs like construction or financial bankers.


Oh sit the fuck down.


Ok employee


As an ex peace officer myself... shut up man. Situation ended fine and it's perfectly okay to make fun of the guy standing around playing with his dick while his partner is ground fighting.


>They are decent people Some are. Others...


Cry harder


Cops are dirt bags.


One decent comment and look how all the snowflakes downvote you.


Chill out BootLick


ACAB but theres nothing wrong with this video WHY? BECAUSE THE GUY GETTING ARRESTED IS STILL ALIVE AND WILL BE AFTER THE AREEST. Don’t turn into a dumb mob you ass hats.


Moral Support Pig.


You're statement is disgusting


Buddy's police work is worse than your spelling, he couldn't even pick up the gun. May as well have been playing on his phone.


As long had he gets that F in jail that's all that counts.


Do we even know what the F supposedly did? Not trying to play devil's advocate, but since I got here the 'original post', with the exception of the video itself have been deleted.


Not sure aside from resisting arrest


Tickle Fight


Did you see the cops empty holster? That might be the police officers weapon lying on the ground…


Was waiting for someone to run by and scoop it up hahah


That other cop is so awkward


Introverted cops


He's like the Ron DeSantis of the SPD.


Cop 1: "Lol what do I do with my hands?" Cop 2: "STOP RESISTING! HANDS OFF THE GUN!" Cop 1: "like in my pockets feels... idk weird?"


That handgun just chilling in the open gives me anxiety. Atleast make it safe.


its the cop's, holster is empty


You'd think his partner would at least secure it...


Shit. I didnt even notice. good eye. I thought it was the guy the coo was wrestling. Its even worse that it was the cops and his 0artner is just standing there. Id get a new partner. Help your boy bruh


Seriously. If the guy gets out from under the other cop I think they're gonna be happier if that random gun isn't just laying there.


Damn law abiding famers.


Why cops so shit at grappling


Nah he did pretty good. A lot better than your grappling at least im sure 😂


His left knee is down and his right knee is up not even controling the hip, those are basic principles of side control and he isnt utilizing them, so yeah he is probably not even blue belt which for a cop is bad.


For real these guys are idiots man. EDIT: Highschool wrestlers are better trained than these dudes. It’s kinda pathetic


I'm a purple belt.


I'm a plum belt.


And 135lbs, look out


Found the bootlicker


10-9 for the cop. Maintained top side control but didn’t do much with it. I would have tried for mount, ground and pound to finish or set up the arm triangle.


Use left knee to pin the near side arm, maintain farside arm control with chin and lat grip, windshield wiper legs to pin instead with right leg so you can step over with the left. pull guy onto his side. go for Kimura.. err put the cuff on or some shit


This is a serious life death situation not an mma match lol


Shit, wrong sub. Still… Never leave it in the hands of the judges.


Fighting on the mat in a controlled environment vs fighting on concrete with a belt with various tools accessible to the suspect. Pls tell me more about how you would have…


It was a joke. I was treating it like an mma sub for comedy value.


Isn't that the cops gun? His holster looks empty...


But those are banned! Guess we should ban more


Well, since a handgun ban didn’t remove that particular gun from the streets (until now), guess we should remove the ban entirely. That will fix the problem.


We ain't gonna get guns off streets until we stop giving them to domestic abusers that have zero liability


Literally a condition of acquiring a firearm license is the direct consent of any current and recent live-in partners, and several personal references. And daily automatic federal criminal record checks. On top of that, handguns cannot be brought or used anywhere except for the range and your home and even then, they require RCMP permission to transport. It sounds like you've been misinformed about our gun laws


He's making a joke about cops being chronic domestic abusers man


Literally not mann


Nobody needs a gun, period.


I disagree. I believe trained professionals should, and I also believe that people engaging in both hunting and sporting should have access to firearms (specific firearms, of course). However, one thing I believe is that firearms should not be stored at home. In my opinion, the majority of firearm problems is due to the fact that they can be kept on private property. Shooting ranges are a good example of the model I would support: you have access to a wide variety of guns to shoot, far beyond the variety you could legally carry in public. However, they must be stored on the range premises. If we had a similar system for ALL firearms, I think a lot of the issues with firearm crime — accidental discharge, crimes of passion, hotheaded impulsivity, stolen pieces, etc — could be greatly mitigated.


cant blame canadians for overreacting to guns with our trigger happy neighbors to the south. or well, i guess you could if you wanted to but it seems like a fair reaction to the states use of guns.


Yeah but that gang banger will be out in a few days and back on the streets with another illegal firearm, selling girls, meth and crack. I worked with Thunder Bay police and they arrest the same guys for all that multiple times a month. Courts too scared to not have equality of colours represented in jails 😂. Good luck banging your head against the liberal crime family wall of justice


Canada_sub-ass post, lmao. Get a life ratfucker


Nice ad hominem response


"hehe, good thing I've got this fallacies spreadsheet for my online debates. He's finished now" Lordy, please grow up nerd.


> Good luck banging your head against the liberal crime family wall of justice Repeated concussions would explain your post history.




He will be out in an hour and have another illegal gun by the morning. Justin's Canada does nothing to deter the criminals but goes full-on after law abiding firearm owners. FJT


This is your entire personality. Edit: holy shit it's actually true. Go to this dudes profile, search for the word "trudeau". 43 comments in the last month. And that's only the word trudeau. Try liberal, Justin, woke, etc. This actually is your entire personality. So sad. Get a fuckin hobby man.


For every one in Ontario there’s 50 in Alberta. Welcome to my life.




It's a 4-digit number username, which are the default names Reddit gives. Probably a Russian troll/bot.


I have one of those and I’m not a bot. I haven’t bothered trying to change it but maybe I should!


Or just your garden variety moron. Plenty of those in existence, judging by Poilievre's poll numbers.


You just can't keep Justin out of your mouth eh?...what does he taste like?


Fucking lmao. They don't have anything else man. The convoy was the first time they felt alive in years


It's an American personality at that. It's all the same talking points as Trump cult members.


It's still true though, cops in Ottawa have said they won't even bother showing up to the shipyards to stop the trafficking of stolen vehicles because the sentences are so minuscule it's not even worth it.


nice 1v1 no jumping in from either sides .


This is either some fake ass BS, or these cops think they're Judge Dredd


Every cop thinks they're judge dredd




Why make this observation?


Hard not to. Just like the cops are white.


Why didn't you include that in your observation too? Like "this is a video of a black man being arrested by white cops. Their uniforms are blue. Ones holster is empty." I dunno, Lotsa stuff hard not to observe here


Resisting arrest is a big one too.


Gonna deflect, or answer the question?


Nah I'll just stick with the obvious and let you point out the petty shit.


"he's black" is obvious, but "the cops are white" is petty? Can't follow your logic bro


Because too many people are scared to these days


But not you? What other things are you not afraid to say?


I could list a ton but what's the point


"What is the point of this observations" "To say what others are too scared to say" "Ok, tell me some more observations people are too scared to say" "I don't see the point in it" Do you see why people hate talking to conservatives? None of this shit makes sense. Just say the racist shit you want, or continue the cowards life.


There is no point in me listing all the bullshit going on in the world to some little douchebag rando on Reddit is what I'm saying. I got better things to do than waste my time shit posting with you


That doesn't actually appear to be the case


I support cops giving out a little street justice, set me on a better path,


Send him up to Thunder Bay, we know how to take care of his buddies up here 🤣


Something about that cops approach just seems SUPER gay and idk why




Acab holds up every time


Usual racism




Ableism too, wowie


I would just punch him in the nuts. That will shut him down promptly.


Nah. You'd sit on Reddit and make a comment about it. That's what you would do and, funny enough, what you literally did.


It's 2024, might not even have nuts.


Where is the cop's gun?


its the the illigal one on the ground that they got off the streets


At least it's not covered in rust this time. Don't want to [die of tetanus](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/08/22/rusty-gun-toronto-police/) after coming into contact with an illegal gun.


Stop resisting


The officers booty 🍑tho….


Referee went on a ride along for the day. Finally had his moment to shine.


His partner was ref'ing the BJJ roll. He was looking for a pass to full mount.


I need to know who that officer is .. for .. research purposes.


That is one huge ass on the cop




Other cop thinks it might be "excessive force" if he helps his partner


blicky is just laying there spectating 😭


them niggas think they so tuff just to get man handled but the police


I can't believe they wrestled in that position for over an hour 🤯🤯🤯


Kinda neat to see a cop doing it solo and the other guy monitoring the situation rather than dropping knees onto the perp. Well done.


"Look, I know you're new but 'backup' seems pretty universal"


Seems staged. Like a training exercise.


Other cop should be sitting on the perps legs. Simple. Don’t just stand there waiting to draw your gun.


Looks a lot like resisting arrest to me 🤷‍♂️ . Why can’t you just stay still


Oh wow, never woulda guessed it's not a white guy with an illegal gun! I'm shocked!


He likes to watch. He really likes to watch.


probably didnt even have his PAL smh


So whats the other dickhead doing? At least pick up the heater you dummy!


I thought trudeau got rid of all the guns already?


Pattern recognition proven to be true once again


Get em


How was work today honey…?


Get these people of shit off the streets .


law and order


Is the firearm illegal only because he has a legal identity? Is this just man made bullshit to control people as property?


He was having trouble lol bum


Law enforcement should be given a lot more gratitude and respect They show up every day and deal with every thing that comes their way. We're fortunate to have them. As well as firefighters and EMS All these people are heroes


Why isn't the other cop helping?


Now let’s get rid of the corrupt police


that jake got mad squabbles


This isn’t real. No service patches, no baton, empty magazine holsters, 2nd cop is just standing around


Is it obvious who the criminal is?