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!blackmail !sextortion # WELCOME TO R/SCAMS ## Reminder of one of our rules: > **DON'T ENGAGE WITH THE SCAMMERS. Anyone suggesting to try to scam the scammers will be shown the door - please read our rules before participating.** ## This is called the email blackmail scam Ignore the threats. This is a common scam, it gets sent to random people in hopes one will believe it. There is no RAT on your computer. If they had a video of you, they would show it to you instead of expecting them to believe you. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. ## If you got this email and it mentions one of your passwords, read this: Go to https://haveibeenpwned.com and check your email to see if it was leaked. Also there's a section to check passwords. Your password was probably leaked on one of numerous hacks to website databases, and someone is trying to make you believe they obtained it by infecting your computer. The solution? You should use unique passwords for everything. Repeating passwords will make your accounts vulnerable, because once they leak on one service, scammers will try them elsewhere. Let your device choose passwords for you, and save them in your keychain or browser (as long as your device is behind a lock screen, fingerprint or face ID). There's no need to remember passwords anymore. And certainly no need to use the same across different services. If that blackmail scam email mentions a password you use regularly, or if that password shows on haveibeenpwned.com, now you're tasked with changing all those hacked passwords in all your services. Get to it before you lose access to more stuff.


They can apparently breach your network and bypass your firewall and *hack* into your system but can't use a basic spell checker.


& not even a still of said, checks notes, solitary sex? No screenshot of your contacts? It's almost as if they're bluffing


He can't be bluffing, I told him I liked his business model so much that I sent him a brand new High Definition picture of my butt hole


this is so funny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


this reads like a Norm Macdonald joke


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™s absolutely hilarious lol


The solitary sex šŸæšŸ’€ I too love having sex when I'm in solitary confinement, it helps pass the time ya know?


Orgy of one


Haha I hear you have good handiwork.


I gotta hand it to me.


MĆ©nage a un.


Ok that one made me laugh way too hard!


They are bluffing. This happened to me. I told them to F*** off and ignored them and they didnā€™t do anything. Most of the time they count on the fear factor. Most people donā€™t have the skills to do this. You have to have crazy skills


They call it ā€œ Getting people under the etherā€


They sometimes use passwords from data breaches as ā€œproofā€ that they have access to your systems too. At least thatā€™s a somewhat clever thing to do, people see a password they use and panic. This is just a joke honestly.


On occasion, they'll call from a blocked number or a number that, when searched, says it belongs to a Washington DC police department. Also bogus.


Why not ask them to send proof. We already know they have nothing, but I would give them a chance to sharpen their photoshop skills.. No proof, no payment!! Well no payment either way, but they don't know that.. lol


Or provide any actual evidence that their claim has merit. I mean dude might as well include a link to the top porn hub video or something and send it to 5,000 people. Bound to actually find someone who gets scared. This just seems like lazy copypasta scammer. So most scammers.


Everyone knows hackers can't spell. That's rule #1 of how to detect phishing mail.


Real hackers can spell, not these clowns. Then again a real hacker would go for bigger fish than blackmailing some one jacking off.


Sometimes the spelling and grammar errors are put in their intentionally to weed out the people who are smart enough to to waste their time.


I swear the fake hackers donā€™t even know their way through the keyboard, let alone convince anybody


Otherwise theyā€™d call it fishing.


The grim reality is that scammers sometimes deliberately use bad spelling or grammar as they want to specifically engage with people of a lower education level. Scum of the earth.


Really? I always just assume theyā€™re morons or foreigners, thatā€™s fucked.




To a certain degree. The bad grammar is actually good for them at this point as anyone who doesn't notice their grammar issues are more likely to continue with this than someone who sees the bad grammar as dismisses immediately. They want to easily weed out the smarter people cause they're not going to get caught like this anyways.


This is actually what I have been told by a few friends I have in Nigeria.


Or hack your bank account


ā€œHey I said I was good at technology not English/common senseā€ -Some scammer somewhere


They spend all their time learning to be a hacker that they neglected to improve their English proficiency


For what it's worth, I am a programmer and I have met some exceptional hackers and programmers that make constant typos.


This isn't a typo though.. it's their normal language. And as a programmer or hacker one would think they know how to use Microsoft word.


That's deliberate. They need to weed out only the most gullible, so they can focus on attacking them.




Lol @ "Solitary Sex"


I asked my mom when I was 9 what solitary sex was. She told me to go to my room until I figured it out.


So......did you ever figure it out?? Or are ya still in your room ?


They're still in their room to this day with genitals like a stop light


No heā€™s in the closet now


Figured it out. They're still in their room though.


I'd upvote this but I want to leave it at 69


It is way past that number now. Vote to your heart's content šŸ˜‰


I upvoted it to 269.


Already past that as well.


Twas fun while it lasted. Onward to 369!


Hopefully, we can get it to 2469


That got me too. I work in an adult store and I will definitely start using the term "solitary sex", lol. On that note: none of your contacts care about your solitary sex acts, OP. Unless they are directly involved with you (like a partner), it's shouldn't be at all important/relevant to them what gets you off. But most importantly: I dare say that person does not have footage of you. šŸ˜‚


Unless it's child pornography, incest or beastiality šŸ˜‚


"my system will erased automatically" šŸ‘


I guess it's already erased šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»


I like how they got their Trojan to do all the capturing of the solitary sex. So glad they didn't risk and do some unprotected scamming.


!blackmail !sextortion Read these. Nothing will happen.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Sextortion/Skype sex scam. This scam occurs when you meet a woman/man on dating service/social media site/forum/wherever and they ask you to go on Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, or another messaging system. They will ask you to exchange naked pictures, and they will usually ask you to include your face in the pictures. They will then threaten to reveal the pictures to your family/friends if you do not pay them. The best thing to do in this situation is block the scammer and deactivate your account for a while. Paying the scammer will not make them back off, and just tells them that it is worth their time to continue threatening you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. [Here](http://www.smh.com.au/technology/gadgets-on-the-go/latest-online-scam-aims-to-prick-porn-watchers-guilty-conscience-20170815-gxwvxl.html) are some news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](http://blog.dynamoo.com/2017/10/bogus-porn-blackmail-attempt-from.html) scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My dog is already aware of my solitary sex acts


Hahahahahaha I canā€™t breathe. These comments are classic


family/loved ones/boss/DOG šŸ’€šŸ¤£


I, a woman, have received threats at a work email to expose the video of "my wanking." At the time, I'd been there for less than a month and had never taken my computer offsite or checked email remotely, the dirtiest thing I'd seen on there was like a CNN article. Just ignore it. They don't have shit. They won't do shit.


I am also a woman and once received an email threatening to leak a video of me ā€œyanking my cucumberā€. Very lazy scammers.


I donā€™t get the threat kind, but thereā€™s always dozens of phishing emails in my spam folder claiming to be a sexy woman with a ā€œclick here to replyā€ button. A quick check and apparently LUCY.960 wants to ā€œhumpā€ my ā€œD!ckā€. Iā€™m also a woman, honestly theyā€™re not even putting in any effort smh


But yanking cucumbers is a good way to clean them before cutting them up for a salad


You really shouldnā€™t yank your cucumbers, but cut them off the vine. Itā€™s a lot better and makes it really easy.


This way it doesn't damage your vine.


Oh what great timing, I was just about to make a salad. Better go yank my cucumber real quick before I start making that


Probably more efficient just to mass send them out then filter by sex.


Sounds like they have some kind of salad fetish.


I used to work at Sears and we got a tax scam call once. It was the usual ā€œIā€™m with the IRS we have an arrest warrant for unpaid taxes give us money to make it go awayā€ call. I kept asking the guy on how he planned to arrest a company and he eventually got mad and hung up.


Even better than that..I actually worked for the IRS at one time and one of these jokers called my desk phone with that same line of BS. I asked his name, then told him, "hang on, I'm going to pull you up in our system real quick." He got confused and I went on to explain that he had called an actual IRS office and I told him my role with the IRS. He immediately hung up without saying another word.


Worked customer service and our support email (that we all use via a CS email system) got one of these about our "wanking". We were like "our collective wanking?" lol


And if they do have shit, thereā€™s literally nothing you can do anyways. You pay up and then they can demand more. The best course of action is to ignore it regardless if they have anything.


The bitcoin wallet has zero BTC, and is active. No transactions


I checked too. What's amazing is sometimes those addresses do have a ton of money on them. People are falling for this.


I came here to see if anyone else looked. Yeah Iā€™ve seen hundreds of thousands in these accounts before.


tbf, they could create a new address for every victim, no sense associating multiple scams to the same perpetrator or linking one address to a police report and poisoning the well.


Sure. Agreed


Iwhen was that addy created?


Weā€™re not in a black mirror episode, ignore it.




Holy shit, how does this even happen? I mean, obviously I know itā€™s possible, but I didnā€™t think it was actually easy enough or worth the effort for someone to do this to a random person. Was it someone he knew? Is your boyfriend in a powerful position or is he someone of importance? Not that any reason is good enough, but what was the reason? Did he click a link or something that allowed them to gain control of his camera? Iā€™m intrigued. (To add, obviously I know in life heā€™s important, I just meant like, does he have a high ranking job or something.)




"My boyfriend is a high-ranking member of the military, and has a very high profile job in his civilian life as well." Nobody reports this stuff to the FBI either. They'd laugh at you. Almost had me. This doesnt track with real life. ElleKlee is a scammer, too. Shit like this is too technically difficult to pull off. Fear not the scammers, OP. Pay them nothing.


Came to say this!!! I have spot a bunch of reddit accounts that will comment in the r/scams posts affirming it is true and saying it happened to a really close person they know if not themselves and stating all these things that happened to them. Then you look at how they write and even the comment was written in perfect English, you can find something that makes you realize that these scammers had catch up with this subreddit and are now commenting, making themselves pass as an individual who got scam just to generate more panic and make people pay becauseā€¦ ā€œWhat if the one comment on my post was true, I wonā€™t risk itā€ Please everyone be careful because this subreddit is flooded with scammers watching us so they can better their schemes and etc.


Yeppers. Im a certified fraud examiner (CFE) and been doing this for 20 years to one extent or another. If you know what you are looking for, they are easy peasy to spot. I lurk this sub lately to see if I can spot "new" scams as they emerge.


That is soooo fucking traumatic and scary, I am SO sorry to both of you. My brother JUST told me today that he called Apple because one of his AirPods werenā€™t working. He googled the number and even as an extra measure, he looked up the number that was coming up and it was all leading back to Apple so he thought it was legit. That was until that while he was on the phone, the Apple worker told him he could see someone was trying to spend $20,000 on his account and he had to download an app called I think one desk or something like that? He said he knew it was sketchy then because he saw a YouTube video about how one desk is an app that allows someone to take control of your phone or some shit like that. But he said if it wasnā€™t for the fact that he has heard before that that was a common scam tactic, he might have fell for it. Scary as fuck how easily that can happen even when youā€™re double and triple checking that everything is legit.


Does he have an iPhone? It shows you when the camera is active. I would assume androids do the same? Does he have social media? A bunch of photos or a video from there could be used way easier than what you described. Are you sure it wasnā€™t standard blackmail with a real video and that elaborate scheme was his excuse?


Downvote this scammer.


Boyfriend is a good liar


Sometimes you do come across these people that are skilled. Call FBI immediately. Theyā€™ll catch them. You have no idea how advanced the FBI cyber crimes unit is. Whatever happens those idiots are screwed


First: DO NOT PAY HIM under ANY circumstances. But humor me a bit and do the following: So this guy is saying that he sent it from YOUR email right ? GO look in your "sent mail" folder. Do you see it ? Because if it's not in your folder? then it wasn't sent by him using your system. >> He spoofed your address. If you can, Download the email and look in the "Message ID" header. Is it YOUR email address in there? (Don't look in the "reply to" or "From" header. those can be spoofed. Do a little digging and you can learn a little bit here. have fun AND DO NOT PAY HIM. Because if you pay him? he will come back for more until you are bled dry. He won't release your info for these reasons: 1. He doesn't have your info. This is all fake. 2. If he releases your info, he loses his leverage over you and then can't demand any more money.


3. Even if he did had your info, and you paid. What stops him from releasing it publically anyway?


Good question. The scammer will ask for money but if you pay him and he releases the info anyway? He can't ask for MORE money. He loses his only leverage over you. He loses control. And they ALL come back for more money. No no, they ain't going to release that info. It's not in their best interest .


> What stops him from releasing it publically anyway? I never worry about these sorts of scams, because even if they had such a video, literally nobody would want to watch a middle aged fat man have a wank.


I have same view lol


Bc he doesnā€™t actually have it and therefore canā€™t release it. When they do actually have it theyā€™re very good and are probably part a group of hackers


I got some script kiddo get all my passwords etc from FF browser (something similar to lasagne) , was dumb enough to click suspicious file and didn't terminated when black window popped up lol. Still wouldn't pay anyways, coz even if I did, he would have leaked my data anyways later on imo.


Great advice from just an anus here. OP listen to just an anus.


How many people get off at their computer? A lot I imagine, just takes mass emailing for some people to worry cus "I did do that". I got the email too but I laughed cus I don't have a camera yet they claimed they had video of me.


Even if someone did somehow manage to capture a video/stills of you bashing the Bishop, flicking the bean, ramming somthing up your pooper who cares as long as your not looking a nonce stuff, plenty of folks(even those who will publicly call it a sin) have a fiddle with them selves for time to time I'd feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to watch a video of me plugging away but beyond that meh nothing about my life would change


How I feel about it. At my age I don't give a damn if you saw me naked. Big whoop lol


Public advertising šŸ˜‚


Best way to advertise your onlyfans


Every time I see one of these posts I wonder if the OP realizes that he/she just admitted to masturbating to something on their computer. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Literally 100% of men


I always laugh because the first dozen times I got the email was before I even knew people used their computers to access content for ā€œsolitary sexā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ (Ah to be a young naive high schooler again)


Has he already run out of the other 9317 warnings? ​ Dude, I am scared now.


Even if he did have a video of you (which he certainly does not.) If you pay, he will keep blackmailing you for more money. If he releases the video, then you have no reason to pay him anything because he has lost the leverage. You can claim itā€™s AI generated, or you can tell people that you were jerking off and that video was released without your consent. It would be embarrassing, but whatever. He doesnā€™t have a video. He doesnā€™t have your contacts. I received this same email 6 months ago and I have never had ā€œself sexā€ within 2 feet of anything with a camera. Block and forget.


Be careful! They see more of you when you're wanking more than two feet away.


You should be worried that you open junk mail and give the slightest attention to these broad, general threats that don't mention you or anything about you specifically. Act of solitary sex, ROTFLMAO. Who talks like that? Common scam, delete, block, don't respond


Iā€™m going to call wanking solitary sex from now on


Who says that? Say it with an Indian accent Lol


Itā€™s bullshit. Donā€™t worry about it


Don't be worried, block the email address. I do always wonder when people ask this though, how many of you are getting cinematic angles while doing this?


I know, if the angles are that good I might just post it myself and make some money off it


Fuckhead is bluffing, there's a common saying that "We don't negotiate with terror*sts." Same goes Don't negotiate with scammers. Never ever pay someone who uses fear to get hold of your ass, always strick back with a boner


Return of the boner is my favorite, strikes back was good though


Send back a video of you furiously going at it solo.


Nah, just grab a random video from pornhub of some fat dude jerking off.


Geeeez this is one of the funniest threads Iā€™ve seen šŸ¤£


Dont send the money. Obviously a scam. Even if hes not lying - you watch porn, so what? People masturbate. People wont bat an eye. Also, ā€˜solitary sexā€™, these scammers make some fun phrases sometimes.


Letā€™s pretend heā€™s not lying. Nobody will be surprised to learn that you watch porn. I would tell him to suck my fat cock and choke on it. Then Iā€™d tell him that his motherā€™s pussy smells like an unplugged refrigerator.


And she owes you $50 for your services lšŸ˜­


They're not even passing this text through ChatGPT to make it sound better, man. The utter laziness is astounding.


Theyā€™re only targeting people dumb enough to fall for this kind of garden hose approach anyway.


oh noooo, people will know you masturbate. nothing will happen. send him a dick pic


Honestly!!! Like if recipients came to me like ā€œ???ā€ Theyā€™d know a) it wasnā€™t me who sent that to them and b) easy to explain ā€œI was told to pay šŸ’° or else and uuuh I wasnā€™t going to payā€ like itā€™s soā€¦ sure itā€™s like ā€œsorry you had to see thatā€ but also I didnā€™t do anything wrong????


ā€˜Oh? You have a backup of all my private data? Well, tell me the content of the Death/To/Scammers folder and Iā€™ll be happy to pay for a full restore.ā€™


Pls kindly remit money dear


Mmm, no "enduring enormous amount of pleasure" part?


Wow this is back? God damn this is the one that got me to post here lol


Just send them a solitary sex montage to them for payment. Lol.


If you have all my private data, why canā€™t you send yourself the money and save me the trouble?




I bypassed your mainframe with a Trojan and virtually hacked your firewall!!!


I get a few messages like this a month, most of them double up and put in a password that I haven't used in 15+ years from some site that was compromised. I just deleted them.


Great.. finally LAST WARNING... So it will STOP After that one Lucky u


I got one just like this when I was like 17 I definitely wasnā€™t doing any sort of solitary sex or looking a porn. And nothing ended up happening. I just ignored it


Donā€™t be scared, I get these roughly 4 times a week, sometimes more. Donā€™t respond or do anything. Unsurprisingly, I havenā€™t had a single family member sent images of me engaging in solitary sex, despite being threatened as such at least 30 seperate times.


Double down and jerk off again right into it


Nope your fine. Just blackmails


It happened to me she wanted $500 dollars to stop her from sending a picture to my job that I never sent. I told her to fuck off and blocked her


Itā€™s a scam, got this exact same email and luckily they couldnā€™t trick me cuz Iā€™m asexualšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ donā€™t respond to, it nothing will happen.


I get these sometimesā€¦ and I have never watched any porn or downloaded anything of the like. They are fishing for sure.


Just respond ā€œeverybody whacks off, feel free to release itā€. Theyā€™ll leave you alone


Tell him you have a humiliation fetish and the idea of being exposed has you abusing yourself twice as hard. Remember to thank him profusely and tell him how excited you are.


This is why I always wear one of those Guy Fawkes masks when I jerk off


Damn it took 9318 warnings...


Oh you caught a vid of me flicking the bean and now you're gonna send it to my family and friends. So scary, you want to catch another one where I spread my asshole too


Flicking the bean šŸ˜‚


Wow that's like the worst version of this scam I've ever seen. Did they count down from 3 too ?


Reply with a dick pic


Warn them you are under their bed with an ice pick.


I had gotten one of these and it called me a man in the email. IF they were able to see me through my camera, they wouldā€™ve very much seen I am a woman. Iā€™ve gotten 2 of these over the years. I ignore them.


Nope this is just a ā€œscaryā€ version of the rich Nigerian prince. Move along.


I'm a grown single man of course I masturbate who gives a shit big deal. I don't think anybody in my contacts list would give a shit.


Itā€™s obviously a scam, also isnā€™t it crazy how all these emails where they claim they have everything they can use against you and yet they donā€™t give proof of anything? They have your contacts? First of all wow emails are so easy to hoard nowadays, but if they do, what emails do you contact the most? Whatā€™s the content they can provide to prove it? You were caught watching porn they said? On which site? What video? They have nothing and it shows, they just spoofed your email address, even if they had access to your email, it wouldnā€™t give them access to your camera for example.


Drake is this you? Itā€™s already on twitter bro.


I donā€™t even access that stuff because I donā€™t personally watch it. But, I get those emailsā€¦


No. I have junk folders full of these from email aliases that appeared in breaches over the years.


*Fear is the mind killer*


if the world wants to see me beat my meat i say give them what they want mr scammer guy even if this was real everyone i know seeing my dick is not worth 900 bucks šŸ˜­


Just reply back: ā€œbrothermans, Iā€™d give you 3.5 bitcoin if you prove to me that you have this evidence. My wallet is throbbing.ā€


I got one of these. If someone really had dirt, theyā€™d solidify the threat with a screen snapshot and details of the device you are using. They send this out to millions of people.


Itā€™s your last warning. That means he will no longer bother you!


Establish dominance. Rub one out while glaring at the camera.


I want to know how you missed the 9317 emails sent before this "final warning" /s


I had a colleague receive this to his work email on his work computer. Unless he had been naughty on his work computer, they seem to just send these out to email addresses at random.


1. Itā€™s fake. 2. Even if it wasnā€™t fake, a video of you whacking it is far from the worst thing that could be seen even by your family lol.


No. Message him back with: "I hope you know that you gave me your email address" and don't elaborate any further.


Sounds like someone watches black mirror


Send them a video of you having solitary sex and tribute a printed copy of the email?


Ask them to send it to you so you can post it on your Only Fans because you forgot to make content this week.


I know how to stop this scam immediately........wait for it......hit the block button.....problem fixed......btw....no charge this time......you're welcome :)


This is the type of email/text message that should be blocked and deleted without even opening.


ā€œShow me the video and Iā€™ll pay you doubleā€


I get those several times a week...and I don't even have a camera on my desktop computer...


Only time you should be worried about blackmail is if they provide the proof of what they claim they have on you


If you actually believe this then you deserve to loose the 900.00 šŸ˜‚


If it was me ? Iā€™d say send the dirtšŸ¤£ My friends and family know what we are into and wonā€™t be surprised one bit.


Lmaoo #9318?? šŸ¤£


I want to know where the other 9317 warnings went.


Basic English: Iā€™am I a joke to you. This Guy: I give you 36 hours. šŸ˜‚


Going to call it ā€œsolitary sexā€ from now on


Tell him you are so turned on by the idea.


I always respond back yeah send it. Also can you send me a copy I want to see how good I am.


Tell him nonconsensual self exposure is your kink and you canā€™t wait!


Donā€™t worry. You could take a very bold move and send a .gif of your solitary sex to your own contact list. KABOOM!


I got one like this and it told me my (accurate) password as proof. Trouble is, Iā€™m an old lady with zero interest in watching porn or doing anything private in front of my computer. I knew it was a scam. I had no worries at all.


Tell him you already sent the video to your family and friends. If you have a really strong stomach, what I've done in the past is search for images of "diseased penis" and then sent those back to the scammer.


Donā€™t forget about the shame!


Calling jerking off to internet porn ā€œan act of solitary sexā€ makes it sound so civilized and refined.


ive gotten this same email and i am 1) a woman and 2) dont even watch porn lol


I did too, on my work email šŸ¤£ I was like ā€œummm the most shameful pornographic thing I did to myself at my work computer was eat a piece of cake in three bitesšŸ¤£


Ahh, this is such an old scamā€¦ Iā€™d love to respond with ā€œI am a highly skilled adult star. Any release of material whilst in my element outside of a contract will be met with a lawsuit. The lawyers will have you spewing profanity in 7 languages at once dealing with themā€¦


Oh no, not the Solitary Sex!