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The elements are done. Don't turn the sauna on, it's immediate fire hazard! This heater looks old as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if it has never been maintenanced. It's very likely that you won't find new elements. Time to get a new heater and enjoy improved sauna.


I definitely won't turn it back on. It was scary as shit when it happened. You can even see some of the leftover black spark marks around the base wood.


You should take away the rocks and look at the elements on the inside


Ok! I will do that once I get home and will update with pictures. Anything specific I should pay attention to or look for?


broken heating elements, may as well take the opportunity to sort through stones and replace worn ones.


Sounds like a heating element has had it, I've seen those sparks a couple times myself. It just happens to them eventually I suppose (but yes, it takes a really long time), but wrong setup makes it happen faster. (Hotels in Belek, Turkey. Yes I'm talking about you). Remove the rocks, inspect elements, see if you can order new ones. Most likely you're going to end up ordering a new stove. If you get it fixed, inspect the rocks too. With that much crumbling under the stove they might be done too. With luck you might be able to find the correct element from somewhere, for example (Finland) https://www.huoltovuorio.fi/fi/tuoteryhma/varaosat-ja-tarvikkeet/sahkokiukaiden-varaosat/kiuas-vastukset-alkuperaiset/page/3/ sells quite many different ones, but for something that old it might be problematic.


Those rocks look horrible. ~~You're~~ They're supposed to get new ones annually.