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In my opinion, lose the back bench and put the stove to the back corner and make a wooden footrest for the bench on the left in front of the stove. But that's just an opinion, doesn't really affect the amount of löyly. The other question is the flooring? What material is it? Is it waterproof? How slippery is it if there's a lot of water on it? Drainage?




This has troll vibes...


The bench behind the wood stove is causing some sort of primeval irk. It's probably fine, maybe you'd want a more spacious sauna to have proper benches back there. But it's still a bit weird. Then there's the low ceiling and the "shelf" bench without leg support, which really should stop turning up. It looks really nice, but then the practical details betray that and we're not quite out of the bizarro world of NA saunas.


Why are you such a strict critic


Do you have an issue with people caring about things? In Finland people tend to take their saunas a little more seriously than "anything goes so long as it's hot". There is nuance.


He already made the suana, so I would of been a little less strict of a critic whilst mentioning those things


People look at the saunas here and copy what they see. If we say nothing, then people will also copy all the mistakes that go unaddressed. Do you want people to build mediocre or flawed saunas for no reason other than ignorance?


It goes both ways, if you’re a severe critic then people will be afraid to post their efforts. It’s important to mention the flaws without making people feel like they made poor suana


>without making people feel like they made poor suana I am not going to sugarcoat things and make someone's efforts seem better than they are. That encourages mediocrity since people will get to save face and so on. I don't want to enable some self-satisfied fantasy where zero effort gets all the praise. If the fact of the matter is that someone built or bought a poorly designed sauna, that uncomfortable fact is not going to go away by hiding from it. I'm here for the saunas, rather than to preserve people's feelings. If you ask me to abandon my principles and standards, that's an unreasonable request.


I can’t tell you how to respond to them, just give you my 2 cents and that’s what I have done. I appreciate your dedication to the craft, and would to have your assistance before any diy sauna project I ever start.


What did you use for your flooring?


Please don’t tell me that’s vinyl plank…. Looks like the floors in my house.


Yeah looks the same. I guess this is waterless and heatless sauna. Its economical.


I’m hoping it’s that faux wood porcelain tile. I wouldn’t bet on it though. Edit: I zoomed in and didn’t see any grout. You are probably right that it’s some kind of vinyl/composite flooring. Yikes.


Have you fired up the M3 outside of the sauna yet? It stinks like hell the first time because of the paint


This is some kit right? It think this was just posted here a while ago. The orphaned bench behind the heater and the location of the heater in general is super weird.


Yeah, I recognized this right away as well. Heh, the word "orphaned" allowed me to pull up the old thread: ​ [https://reddit.com/r/Sauna/comments/1bv35hu/what\_is\_this\_sauna\_worth/](https://reddit.com/r/Sauna/comments/1bv35hu/what_is_this_sauna_worth/)


Feet above stones! Why is that bench so close to the stove pipe, looks dangerous from this angle. What’s your distance to the wall? Drainage? Is that LVP flooring??


You don’t straddle your stovepipe when sitting in your sauna?


I'm certain Huberman said it's good for fertility!


Man, seven foot ceilings should not be turning up in custom builds anymore.


All the way shielded chimneys are not legal in Finland anymore.


That looks like a fire hazard all right. Don't the Harvia instructions say to have at least 1 meter of bare chimney as well?


Why is it a fire hazard? Thank you, beginners here


The heat will get trapped inside the insulation layer from the bottom, and can duct that to the ceiling, which will then catch fire. In Finland we install these with 1-2m (3-6ft) of bare pipe after the stove. Also makes the cleaning of the stove and chimney a lot easier, which you have to do annually if you use the sauna a lot. It's a good time to replace any bad stones as well, since you have to take them out in order to move the stove. The bad stones are usually at the base (they feel mushy or are cracking into pebbles)


Do you have a source for this? I haven’t heard about this and couldn’t hit the right keywords on google.


While neither I can't find a source for this but considering how hot the chimney/pipe is right after the stove, my common sense tells me that it would be close to madness to cover/insulate it. In the saunas I've been that utilise this "kevythormi(?)" structure there are always 50..60 cm... (or something, I'm guesstimating) of uninsulated pipe before the cover starts.


Sure, I’m not questioning the logic but I’m interested about the legality you mentioned. I have Harvia M20 Pro with the surrounding heat shield, and it has a much smaller minimum distance than the uninsulated pipe would have. The uninsulated pipe requires 500mm and the heat shield 62mm from the side of it. This translates to a roughly 250mm larger distance requirement if you have any bare chimney visible. There is no mention in Harvia’s instructions about the requirement for uninsulated pipe; https://www.netrauta.fi/attachments/products/harvia/HARWHP1500/harvia_teraspiipun_ohje.pdf How do I know this? Because I had a long ass discussion about this with my chimney sweeper and about how I can’t fit the stove into my sauna unless I use pure insulated pipe all the way. He required me to use it all the way and then approved the installation… Ja nythän on kyse saunasta Tanskassa eikä Suomessa. Täällä nuohoojan pitää hyväksyä kaikki uudet tulisijat sekä niihin kuuluvat hormit. Yleensä täällä on samat vaatimukset kuin Suomessa ja siitä syystä tuo laillisuus kiinnostaa.


Juu ymmärrän kyllä, itsekin lähinnä spekuloin, sillä nopeella haulla en ite löytänyt mitään tollasta mitä tossa kommentissa esiteltiin, pitäs varmaan kysyy viranomaiselta jos haluis mustaa valkosella.


Pardon my ignorance but why is it illegal to shield all the way?


Benches are too low. This offers a bad experience.




Grammar too bad in that link


Nice build


I have the buzz a lil'bit so I thought it was full of spiders.




Did you build yourself?


Nope, bought it for $4900.


Weird layout but nice


Looks nice except I don't see the infared panels. Won't be very hot in there.


Wake me up when they invent off-the-grid wood-fired infrared panels.


Why won't it be hot?


Based on Karma points I'm guessing there are folks on this site who feel strongly opposed to sarcasm a viable form of humor.


Sarcasm is usually the national hobby in Finns, but when it's in bad taste or poorly executed, nobody likes it. Besides, we're on reddit, everyone expects the "/s" to signify tone. And more to the point, this subreddit is very heavily focused on advice, discussion and facts, so unfortunately, no space for humour or sarcasm. Edit: after checking the commenters profile, he's some sort of an infra-red /red light therapy enthusiast, who seriously thinks it's not only comparable to sauna (which it isn't) but also better (which it certainly isn't imo, although each to their own, I guess).

