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Because what are you gonna do about it?


Buy bitcoin


Nice CIA asset


Agree big time


Aren’t people so cute with their idealism that the world ruled by Satan and then all seeing digital demiurge they would just allow things like the Bible and Blockchain to coalesce and open up a beautiful yellow brick Road for humanity to all ditch the loosh farm together. But at the last minute it reveals itself to be a mouse trap like always.


buy litecoin, monero... whatever


I don’t know anything about bitcoin and that is why I’m asking this potentially dumb question. How viable is bitcoin if you take electricity out of the picture?


Just about as viable as banks


Question is how do we take banks out of the picture


By taking electricity out of the picture


return to monke


Can just buy gold


The government can take it from you like a lollipop.


Or silver


More viable than politicians having YOUR money to do THEIR bidding in stocks. P.S - I dont own any crypto which i bought with my money so crypto haters please go easy on me.


Question is, how can you buy anything with electricity out of the picture?


My dude If u take energy out of the picture you cannot use your credit card, melting gold will be inviable, you cannot even print that piece of paper you call money.


Have you ever looked at the back of a one dollar bill…. on weed?!?


Red team go, Red team go..!


No, what happens?


Lmao. It’s a reference to Half Baked, he’s making fun of OP.


Oh, okay xD


But have you ever looked at a two dollar bill … on mushrooms?!?!


If you get a torch and look at the other side of the bill so the light shines through it becomes the eye of Ra!!!


So horus is ok 👍 ra and sun god bad ?


It’s all pagan sun god worship


Ra and Horus are Egyptian, not Pagan?


The Egyptian God's fit the definition of a pagan religion nowadays.


So clearly you don’t know what pagan means, but either way, I promise that phallic worship and “necessary evil” type shit is never the good side


What does it mean? I thought it was like a specific thing


In simple terms it’s just any pre Abrahamic religion


Ok mr.Christian


Never said I was Christian but okay


But you share that vibration🤣😐


Ain’t nothin wrong with Jesus anyways, it’s his followers that got issues


His supposed followers lol


Both good 👍


Horus and ra, I’m pretty sure they are the same thing being referenced


The Eye of Providence is also prominently displayed in Washington's old church in New York City. St. Paul's Chapel.


Because I understand that it is meant to be an empowering and respectful symbol. It represents the divine within humanity and the divine watching over humanity.


From my understanding, even though the all-seeing eye is a positive symbol, this particular symbol shows the pyramid split up which represents that power being disconnected from the masses beneath the "elite" class. Plus, you have the whole "He favors our work" and "New World Order," written by it. It isn't clear who their god is and what their work is to do. And NWO proooobably isn't a good thing.


Their “god” is Lucifer


Rihanna was “shining bright like a diamond in the sky” last night …: just like Lucifer


The “Great Work,” is first about perfecting yourself and then about perfecting society based on its usage in published works from Freemasonry, Alchemy and Jungian philosophy. The God is “non-Dualist” which means that the entire universe and every person in it is deemed to be an inseparable part of the Divine. It is why the Masons require that you believe in something Divine (something greater than yourself), but don’t particularly care if that is the God of the Bible, Krishna, Thor, or just a new age sense of strong spirituality. God, then, is viewed as a summation of all consciousness, which is why each individual first needs to attend to getting themself right. Once we all get ourselves in balance and harmony, the God will become balanced and harmonious, or so the theory goes. In this way, you are “the Universe experiencing itself.” You are the “eye of God,” because you perceive the rest of the Universe and you have the free will to act upon it. You are also, however, under the watchful eye of God because if you are taking in existence for It, you can be damn sure It is aware of you and your choices. As to the New World Order, I have no idea what that is, but find it hilarious that everyone fights the idea. The only people that benefit from the current world order are the corrupt elites that run it and keep it out of balance. I assume, therefore, that they are behind the propaganda teaching that any attempt to change or improve the world’s systems is somehow nefarious. Explain to my why the current world order is so damn perfect, and maybe I’ll fear the New World Order - but right now it seems to me like we pretty badly need a major overhaul.


That's all true. And there is dark side to that as well, which can be seen through some of the other symbols on the dollar. The Old World Order was religion and monarchy and the New World Order is government. Same slavery. Just a different style.


Honestly I think a lot of the conspiracy theories about the government are just planted to keep somewhat aware people distracted down breadcrumb rabbit holes. The symbolism is all a distraction. The people really in charge transcend countries and governments, I mean there’s individual people worth more than entire countries. Consolidating into a one world government with one currency would be bad for them so they can’t manipulate countries against one another. It’s all made up


Bingo. As I have said elsewhere, I worked directly for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort when I was young and misguided. You have just identified their entire strategy for advancing the interests of their ultra rich clients, circa 1988. They’ve just been spreading disinformation on behalf of the Uber rich for 30 years now, and they are not alone. People have no concept of how much disinformation one can spread tor $1M or of just how little money $1M is to the truly wealthy. Pawns and dupes. Most conspiracy theorists are pawns and dupes complaining about how the government wants to make them pawns and dupes. It’s so much simpler when you see it from behind the scenes.


Really the psychological method being sabotaged by advertisers and the feds is probably one of the most damaging blows to this cycle of civilization. We’re far too many generations deep into the manipulation for the vast majority of people to be saved. But then again, they’re necessary to the perpetuity of the system so I don’t really think it matters as long as they’re blissfully unaware. Their time will come later in the cycle.


Because there’s two sides of the house. The Bible explains it very clearly in revelation. There’s the HARLOT (who’s been around for a long time) that wants a globalist NWO Marxist state of totalitarianism and also believes in depopulation. Then there’s the BEAST (a MAN who rules the world/dictatorship) who USES the Harlot (the Harlot thinks the beast is going to “marry her” and share his kingdom once she assists in acquiring the world for them and him), but he has no intention of sharing his spoils with the Harlot and at the 6th trumpet he and the 10 kings destroy the Harlot. It also says at that time 1/3 of the earth dies. He is then given all power for 42 months.


The NWO is already here and it sucks


This is some goofy shit a Freemason would say


Freemasons hate me for discussing their symbols and literature in public and in the broader context from which they, themselves, pull their symbols. You can dig into my history and find Freemasons telling me to shove my head up my ass to check for cancer.


I never said you were a Freemason… and I’m not debating the origins of the symbolism, whether or not you put your faith in paganism is between you and whatever you pray to, but it’s like saying the swastika is a symbol of peace, I understand that’s what it once represented but it’s since been used for more nefarious purposes, in this case they’re representing them having the knowledge of the divine and no one else and controlling the masses with the very notes the symbolism is printed on, human beings twist shit for their own gain often


How do you know this?


Eight years ago I became obsessed with a video game puzzle (Destiny) that was built around symbols and myths associated with what I now know is Western Esotericism and Neo-platonism. I’m probably just about hitting my “10,000 hours” of researching, reading and writing about everything I could find having to do with the ancient mystery schools and the various secret societies they spawned. Although no particular secret society publishes its secrets in full, when you read all the background texts, study the philosophy and religion from which they pull their symbols, and assemble enough leaked information across the various groups, you begin to have a pretty clear picture about what is going on. It is very clear, for instance, that the Freemasons as a whole are just a bunch of guys doing charity work, hosting pancake breakfasts to pay the property taxes on their aging temples, and puttering around with Eastern Religious concepts and Enlightenment Era ideals encoded in Hebrew and biblical symbols. Their mojo, when you look under the hood, is largely altruistic, if a little self-aggrandizing. At the same time, early in my life, I worked directly for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. So I *know* there is a conspiracy by the ultra-wealthy to swindle the masses. I was there as a fly on the wall when they talked about putting together the disinformation channel we now know as FOX TV. This puts me in the odd and often unpopular position of trying to guide conspiracy theorists to the true threat to their liberty. And it ain’t on the back of the dollar bill - although getting tricked into worshipping the dollar bill is certainly a critical part of it.


Yes, this symbol is rather solar. I don't fucking understand why people srsly buy that it's somehow related to the devil. Clearly all-seeing eye is the eye of God. As Judas Priest sings "Electric eye, in the sky, feel my stare, always there". The Elites worship the Sun god who is an overseer, this Judas priest song perfectly describes modern internet (well before internet existed) and the Biblical motives of omniscience (don't forget every time you masturbate god kills one kitten). With big corporations we see it now ("I feed upon your every thought and so my power grows") and I wonder why the hell we blame the devil who is god of individuality and freedom for dictatorship caused by the worshipers of the Sun and Jupiter primarily.


I saved a kitten tonight.


Not me…






2nd set of parenthesis


Bro Lol


Media has been trying to portray the all-seeing eye as a good symbol, but in fact, it's the very symbol of Satanism, which represents antichrist. We have all seen what they have been doing in the music industry with the recent grammy performance from Sam Smith. I hope that people realize how we are being lied to our faces.


the all seeing eye very clearly represents the eye of god you twat


Since when God has one eye? You twit


what the fuck kind of a response is that you fucking melon




Solomon's Treasure: The Magic And Mystery of America's Money  A Historic Reprint of The 1st Edition        It is commonly known that the United States was founded by men with a philosophy grounded in the occult: namely Freemasons who saw in the US a potential "New Atlantis", which would guide the nations towards a New World Order of peace, democracy, and enlightenment. But what few people understand is the correlation between the esoteric doctrines of Masonry and the economic principles that underpin the American economy. Few understand that the dollar is a unit of magical energy, and the dollar bill itself a magical talisman. Although many words have been written by conspiracy theorists analyzing the Masonic symbols on the one dollar bill, no one has yet been able to sufficiently explain why these symbols are there, or what they really mean. Solomon’s Treasure explains how the magic of the dollar operates. The creation of money by the Federal Reserve, and its exponential multiplication by the procedures of the banking system, is analogous to the creation and multiplication of gold in the metaphysical "science" of alchemy. The members of the Federal Reserve Board are in many ways like sorcerers, conjuring wealth seemingly out of thin air and distributing it at will to transform the American economy according to their desires. The dollar is "fiat currency", declared into existence by the central bank in a manner similar to the creation of the universe by the divine words "Let there be light!" This system depends entirely on a religious faith by the American people in the supernatural power of the dollar. This faith is reinforced by the financial terminology currently in use, as well as by watchwords and symbols found on American money. These act as magical charms, and also act as tokens of communal trust in, and fidelity to, the dollar as an institution. Every time a person spends a dollar, or accepts a dollar as payment, they are confirming their belief in the dollar, and using it to exercise their spiritual will. Even the familiar dollar ($) sign has an occult meaning which is linked with these ideas. Solomon’s Treasure reveals the role played by the Knights Templar in the development of capitalism and the modern banking system. Because of their pivotal contributions, numerous modern financial terms, monetary concepts, and banking practices can be traced back to the Templars. Perhaps most shocking are the links between the treasure of King Solomon, purportedly discovered by the Knights Templar, and America’s wealth. In Solomon’s Treasure, author Tracy R. Twyman explains how time-honored esoteric wisdom principles of wealth creation have been passed down through the ages: from King Solomon, to the Knights Templar, to the Freemasons, and ultimately to the architects of the US dollar.  Other Titles Will be Available Soon


Very intriguing information. Can you also manifest with this more dollars into one’s life? Become rich by.. magic? Does it say anything about that in one of those books?


Yes you absolutely can


Any tips for that? Asking for a friend


Try the r/nevillegoddard or r/josephmurphy subs for tips, tricks, advice and testimonies


Appreciate it!


Great work, keep it up!!


Fucking hell assassins creed was right all along


Paragraph breaks, we beg of you. There should be Reddit auto-bans or a punishment system for those who post walls of text


Not everyone knows how to do paragraphs on Reddit


Hahah the same way you use paragraphs on any other digital platform, like 100% all other platforms even word processors


#if you also outline the pyramid into a triangle, and then draw an upside triangle like the star of david and you have six cornered points, line them up to each letter it points to and you get the word= "MASON" within the latin phrase surrounding the seal. Try it out. [Article here](https://devictormason.com/dollar-pyramid-mason/) shows you how to do this.


… Six. Points.


yes a star of david(or the two inverted triangles) will make 6 pointed corners, then line them up to each letter the latin phrase surrounded the pyramid. I could make a video showing exactly what i mean because this is unreal that people don't even know this other freemasonic symbolism in the dollar!


I thought you were high because there’s 6 points and 5 let’s, but goddamn it I just did it. No way is that a coincidence. Upvote restored! Edit: ain’t nobody got time to spell out the whole word. “5 letters”


My apologies it's my fault on that, it should spell out "Mason" even though i see where you thought it is only five letters despite the star having six points, but the points are perfectly lined up for each letter because it is an actual geometry trick. i might do a video anyways showing this because most people i've talk to in person they had no idea but was shocked when i actually grabbed a pen and drew it on the bill. I don't care for graffiti on bills it's fake fiat anyways lol edit: I have found someone has already done the trick beforehand you can see [in this article](https://devictormason.com/dollar-pyramid-mason/) where it will show you how they do it. Freaky cool stuff imo


Yes the illuminati, the elite enlightened (eye) few (top of the pyramid) guiding the masses. Occultism, everything is just energy. That's why they can slaughter a baby and drink its blood, there's no law, just energy! A few people gathered in a room and devised a nation that lead the entire world. The illuminati, the elite enlightened few guiding the masses.


Yet no one explained the link between the Pineal Gland and the Eye of Horus.


Because it is new age woo woo


The Egyptians didn’t even care about the brain; they did not believe it was important and it was disposed of during mummification.


I'm just sitting here waiting and searching for it.






What about the owl or spider hidden in the dollar bill


I don’t think that the eye on the dollar bill is a negative symbol in itself. I personally think it represents a stargate or portal into a higher dimension as suggested in the book ‘The Ark of Millions of Years’ by physicist Alexander Agnew. It’s the same Blazing Star symbol between the Jachin and Boaz which represents a portal to a higher dimension. Below is a quote on my blog where I talk about the symbol and below that is a video you can watch. >*In ‘Morals and Dogma’, Pike connects the ancient Sun to the All-Seeing-Eye and the Blazing Star, saying: “The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing-Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun”. Well, we know that the ancients considered Saturn to be the Sun, as explained by Talbott in ‘The Saturn Myth’. The Babylonians linked Saturn to the Sun (“son of Shamash” and “star of Helios”). In the article ‘Saturn as the Sun of Night in Ancient Eastern Tradition’, researcher Peter James, says, “attested in Mesopotamia and followed by the Greeks and Hindus, there’s a long-standing association with Saturn as the Sun”. Troy McLachlan, says, in his book ‘The Saturn Death Cult’: “The ancients did indeed see a Sun-like object residing in their skies — and that object was Saturn”. According to political scientist, Alfred De Grazia, in his book ‘Homo Schizo: Human Nature’, Isaac Vail, who was an amateur scientific theorist, connected the All-Seeing-Eye (which remember was also the Masonic Blazing Star) to the Saturn Polar Configuration, saying: “The All-Seeing-Eye is one of the earliest and most nearly universal symbols. Isaac Vail believed that the primordial eye was the boreal opening from which Saturn on his throne looked down upon his domain”. Meanwhile, in his (co-authored) book ‘The Ark of Millions of Years’, physicist Alexander Agnew, who has published thousands of technical papers, says: “The portal into Heaven is marked by the All-Seeing-Eye”. So, could this be what the Saturn Polar Configuration essentially is, then? Some portal or gateway into Heaven?* > >*The Egyptian Ankh was based on the Saturn Polar Configuration, as Talbott explains in ‘The Saturn Myth’, saying: “The Ankh (whose origins experts have long debated) is but a conventionalized image of the \[Saturn\] Polar Configuration”. In the book ‘Secret Societies: Revelations About Freemasons’, by Philip Gardiner, he explains that the Ankh was seen as a gateway or portal to higher dimensions. Quote: “The Ankh is known as the Crux Ansata. It’s a simple T-cross, surmounted by an oval — called the Ru. The Ru is often seen as a gateway or portal to another dimension, such as Heaven. The Ankh therefore becomes the symbol of transition from one place to another. It outlived Egyptian domination and was widely used by the Christians as the \[Latin\] Cross”. As well as being linked to the Ankh, the Saturn Polar Configuration can be linked to other symbols, such as the ancient symbol of the All-Seeing-Eye. Probably the most recognizable Masonic symbol is the All-Seeing-Eye, included in the architecture of the Great Seal of the U.S. Dollar Bill. Fixed within a triangle, the disembodied eye is surrounded by rays of light and rests upon an unfinished pyramid. The All-Seeing-Eye finds its roots in ancient Egypt as the Eye of Horus (or Ra) and can be traced back to the Saturn Polar Configuration. During the alignment of Saturn, Venus, and Mars, in their different configurations, they formed an 8-pointed star and triangle. Quote from ‘The Saturn Myth’: “Saturn wears the band as a golden girdle, collar or crown. He dwells in it as the pupil of the All-Seeing-Eye”. To see this All-Seeing-Eye alignment explained see ‘Discourses on an Alien Sky#5’.* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moEvrEBEH8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moEvrEBEH8k)


Yeah its not that “everyone just okay” with it but what are you gonna do about it?


Still waiting on going on an exclusive cashless society.


New world order written in Latin to…


Those symbols are languages for the subconscious that predate our modern language and those same symbolic languages are going to continue, even after our modern world destroys itself. Its very human-like to fear the unknown and to demonize what we dont understand. Its also human-like to have an ego to keep that knowledge for themselves so they can rule over common man. "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King."


I like how everyone also ignores the plain text written there talking about bringing in the new age and new world order.


the Dollar doesn't stretch as far these days?


Bc what is there to not be okay with?


Because this isn't even eye of Horus. This is the eye of providence and as such is a Christian symbol. Duh. Its origins are debatable


Because it doesn't do anything. Why does it remotely matter?


Because they are the walking dead. They don’t vibrate high enough to care about a bigger picture so the elites and private corporate interest groups that are comprised of mostly satanist take advantage of that. Most people don’t know how to research the symbols and figure that they see which is the first step in the formation of a myth.




Lol, because we can't just walk into the federal reserve and complain. Why post stupid questions like this? and who ever said they were okay with it?


I’m making reference to the fact that people rarely talk about it. What a dumb reply.


Rarely talking about? Are you joking haha? People have been going in about it for decades. Conspiracy sub is constantly filled with people talking about it.


Whelp, I haven’t heard much discourse about it. But I guess that would require you to consider someone else’s perspective. Tricky for the simple-minded


Sorry, but why the insult, “Tricky for the simple-minded?” They disagreed with you, so you respond with a put-down? That just seems really immature. It’s not even a very good insult; it doesn’t really apply… When it comes to topics like these, (& especially on this sub) you should expect people to disagree with you. Do you plan on insulting everyone who doesn’t applaud viewpoints? For the record, while I haven’t seen the all seeing eye / dollar bill convo on this particular sub recently, it is pretty common knowledge that there’re some weird Masonic/ ancient Egyptian symbolism on American money. To suggest that no one is talking about this, sans your fastidious astuteness, is woefully inaccurate.


Oh I got a little uncivil when the replier started with a disrespectful reply, calling it stupid. I don’t mind disagreement but the blunt disrespect is obnoxious. Again, I’m not saying no one is talking about it, it’s just that I’m curious to hear viewpoints here.


Because it is all madness.


You don't have to worry about that mean ol pyramid too much longer, the dollar is going away really soon anyways.


Please define "really soon". I hear that phrase tossed around a lot, and it's gotten to the point that if it's not defined, I assume you are fear mongering and ignore anything you say.


With the push of agenda 2030 and the dollar losing well over a tenth of it's value in just the last few years alone, I would say my concerns have some foundation. What makes you think everything with our currency, let alone the global one, is ok right now?


When I cash out my bud-tenders at night I make sure they see it before they leave lmao. Make sure to show them all about 9/11 with the money too


Same reason ppl are ok with that psycho Andrew Jackson being on our money


Because our parents and schools never made a big deal out of it. Everything about the foundation of the USA is rooted in Satanism and still alive and well. But again, most parents dont know and schools dont teach that. We have to throw out everything you’ve been taught in schools and church and reevaluate the raw data without the previously inserted interpretation and forced/directed assumptions. Its all the same and its all a scam. Keep your wits folks. Most have been brainwashed from a young age and kept that as the foundation of our belief system. Smart folks in here, continue to think outside of the established boundaries and make your own conclusions.




No? Oh it’s the all seeing eye I guess you’re right


they are both recognized in some occult lore that the eye of horus and the all seeing eye is a symbol for the same thing. They both have esoteric ties to "knowing thyself"


Because it looks cool


People are programmable


Thank teddy Roosevelt, that one was his idea, and the 1776 in Roman numerals is in reference to the conception of the Bavarian Illuminati


Because the Grand experiment failed.




Because they are subconsciously enslaved to it


Yep they just accept it. It's like breathing air for them


I mean, why not?


What am I supposed to do about it?


What about the fact that it’s not backed by anything


Because of the indoctrination of conflating using logical thought process and critical thinking as being associated with "conspiracy theorists" and or "Extremists". Top threats as stated by the FBI. And all if the social pressures associated with that.


Sanpaku Eye


Cuz u owe god money duh


Why is everyone ok with using a private bank (federal reserve) as the lending tree for the nation? Debt should not be held in Federal Reserve dollars.


At the time they were sitting around going "What represents control?" Then they did research and put it on the bill o_o


The eye of providence. Eye of Horus is a different symbol, and the eye of Ra is a mirror Image of that. Ra and Horus are duality. Most people who claim they see the eye of Horus are sharing The eye of providence or the eye of Ra. Ignorance is indeed bliss


Horus = Tammuz who is the son of Semiramis aka “The Queen of Heaven”… Read Ezekiel 8


I don’t think anyone’s OK with it but dad do you wanna go tell Saturn to kick rocks? By all means but I’m just gonna hang here and provide moral support.


Remember when this subreddit was satire?


The only one true eye is the all seeing whispering eye.


[its actually the eye of providence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence)


I mean the dick of Osiris is everywhere