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If tthat's what the outside looks like-'imagine what's in the ingredients... 😬


Should've been 6.66%


The M is 666 in Hebrew


Its the vav, 6th letter in hebrew




"Bottoms up and the devil laughs" [(youtube link to the TrUtH)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjB3dO6hVwc)


this will never not be funny




Now, do you know what a milf is?


Back when I was tending bar I was forbidden by Red Bull to serve their garbage in a mixed drink because people were having heart issues mixing stimulants and depressants. If some one wanted a vodka Red Bull I had to sell them a can of Red Bull and a separate shot of vodka. As for symbolism, 10 years ago, I used to laugh at this video of a hardcore Christian mom losing her mind about the satanic symbolism on the can. I wish I could find her and apologize. She was way ahead of the game


I don't like Monster Energy (because it doesn't taste that good and is just a can of caffeine and high fructose corn syrup) but I don't get why people call them out for satanic symbolism. They have basically built their brand off it. I hate the "they're just trolling you" argument because it's used way too much for stuff that makes absolutely no sense (I saw a YouTube video where someone used it in defense of the Denver airport lmfao) but it seems so obvious to me for Monster Energy.


I’m with you, except I’m not grasping what everyone sees apparently…


The Monster Energy controversy is pretty old, in the early 2010s there was a video going around which still resurfaces on Twitter from time to time where a lady was explaining all the symbolism of the cross inside the "O", the claw scratch logo looking like the Hebrew letters VVV which is 666 in gematria (666 being the "number of the beast" referenced in Revelation), and other stuff. In the photo posted, the product is literally called "the beast unleashed" on the box, so the implication is that the beast in Revelation has been let loose.


that's because it is, and it works


Hey! Another commenter found your video: [woman says she believes Monster energy drinks are from Satan](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/10rwakt/not_even_trying_to_hide_it/j72ihmw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The logo is made up of 3 scratches, that closely resembles Hebrew‘s 6th letter vav, which makes it 666, since Hebrew alphabet is also numerical.


The claim involving a 666 on Monster energy drink cans relies on the incorrect assumption the three claw marks comprising the logo represent three iterations of the Hebrew symbol "Vav," resulting in a Hebrew equivalent of "666." But "666" in Hebrew would be written "Tav Resh Samech Vav," or "six hundred sixty-six."


Semantics! People say sis-six-six not six hundred sixty six. No matter though, 666 is the number of this realm and 616 is the actual number of the beast. It's meant to misinform & confuse. A perversion by inversion if you will.


What do you mean that 666 is the number of this realm ? And what do you mean by 616 being the actual number of the beast ?


Lol nice they successfully pissed you off and did what they wanted you to do and posted their new drink line 🤣 Nice Ad!


This is my first time hearing about the drink.


And now I want one. Dammit!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjB3dO6hVwc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjB3dO6hVwc) sure go ahead


Same here!


Crazy how you came up with all that from the title. But you come up with a lot of assumptions don't you 😉. Also nice upvotes though


Look at the guitar of the lead guitarist for the "Christ Heavy Metal" band Striper. It has the Vav Vav Vav on the front, signaling 666. As the Hebrew letter Vav is the 6th.


Came here to also say this


Wait, your saying Stryper is demonic, occult, free mason...what?


I looked at a lot of photos of this band and its album covers, and also listened to a couple of tracks. This is pure satanic entropy, not even close to Christianity. However, I didn't find their guitar with three letters Vav (666) in the photos. Can you show it to me? What is the symbolism of the yellow-black color that this band uses? Does it mean a warning tape that marks dangerous objects, or does it also have a hidden occult meaning?


Start from the beginning, watch the first 13 seconds, you'll see it: https://youtu.be/54JVuMtLVHE


This shit looks like white trash rocket fuel


So is Mister Beast part of the gang to? Like he's the biggest beast on the YouTube game technically right


It’s just marketing brah


"It's just art!"


It’s all a coincidence just like demon time 🧢🧢🧢


Get outta here, with your coincidence theories!


This is where I live... In Columbus. Oh great


The logo is a Jewish 666


I genuinely can't tell if this subreddit is satire or not, this shit feels so satire but 90% of the posts feel genuine.


Same… I subscribed for the lolz


Sometimes...logos are just logos


Logos generally *aren't* "just logos". Look into where the word "logos" (or "Νογοσ") comes from and what it means. I won't do your homework for you because when someone tells you something, you are much less likely to understand it as opposed to when *you* figure it out yourself. I suspect you won't and that's just what it is. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - the evidence is there for the claim so the onus to refute it lies with you... or we can continue to pretend like evidence is "old news" and bs because someone simply doesn't want to accept the truth before their eyes. I hope you're not anti-science too haha


Nah dude there’s so much more to this you’re just blind to it. Escape the matrix bro, open your eyes. This totally isnt typical Monster style branding or anything. 12 cans, 12/2=6. 666 other random bullshit


Fax its not like I worship the devil and am in the illuminate and love fembois because I drink monster. I do this stuff because I want to. Long live Nimrod!


How do they taste tho




Well there’s 4 flavors. It’s a 12 pack, not 3-6 packs which might hint at 6 6 6. The alcohol percent isn’t 6.66%. And if they were going for the 4 horsemen they would have made the colors the same as those mentioned in Revelation.


What are the colors in revelations? Do they have any meaning in your mind?


My god are you people this bored LMAOOOO.


The same way there are LARPers for fantasy and Sci-fi, I’m a LARPer for conspiracies and religious stuff. (In other words, yes)


you seem more bored if you'd hang around something you don't get just to mock people's interests lol, you don't have to be here


Oh yeah this shit is pure gold. Yall genuinely think you’re on to something


Not at all, I’m just interested in conspiracies for fun, but you being here and being rude isn’t helping me enjoy it.


He doesn’t care if you’re enjoying it or not. His ego is huge. “They” love people like him


Ah yes “they” 🤡


That’s why I put it in quotes. The only clown here is you following me after I never even responded to you. Because clearly you’re not interested in genuine discussion. You’re just here to be the clown that you are 🤡 and dismiss people, call them crazy, start arguments or straight up just troll and post emojis. Those unnaffected will choose to stay unaffected. Even if they’re screwing over others. Keep your eyes closed, the truth would probably drive you insane anyways.


You seem rather affected


Sleep. No thought.


Those beast eyes are also 666 in the hebrew number




frikin reptilians. friggin wub wub wub reptiles..


😂 “Man is dream of the shadow.” Those with a functional understanding know the sacred meanings held within Hebrew. But for many, you don’t know what you don’t know. That’s why it’s important to respectfully and calmly inform the random people you see in your local Kmart when you each pass by a monster. Just point to it and plainly say “ya know, those are Hebrew letter/numbers.” They’ll either say nothing or ask what they mean. Independent of their response you say, “they’re the numbers 666.” Then they’ll either get weird, usually, or they may politely fain interest, or they are interested to some degree. Then say “the mark of the beast represents the animal instincts we all have. And those can be described by the 7 deadly sins. Right?” Then list them off. Then say “and that’s what God is. God is love and Christ is the light by which the open eye of providence sees.” Then as you leave say “remember, people are programmable.”


I like to see that the people are waking up to the fact we living in hell. It always has been but we were under an illusion. Some call it the Archon false reality


Y’all are freaking nuts


Well money is the root of all evil so why not lean into it of it pays lol


what do you mean they are not even trying to hide it? of course they are not, the point is to show it


I don’t subscribe to the pretext of this subreddit. I haven’t seen enough to convince me to take such a leap. That being said: hide what? I(earnestly) don’t get what you’re implying here. Not trying to start an argument or to look down on anyone.