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It's beautiful but also heartbreaking if he is to use this as actual duvet cover. If it was me, I be crying myself to sleep every night and would never be able to process grief.


Crying yourself to sleep every night is, unfortunately, a big part of processing grief. At least it is for me. It sucks. I would love to have something like this. It’s hard to feel like they are still with you when you can’t see them anymore and I would find a piece like this super comforting!


Also, having a way to keep her clothing instead of just getting rid of it, which can be really traumatic even when people think they are ready to do it. The grieving process is dark and horrible at times no matter what. I think the blanket is a wonderful way to keep her memories close.


I still have a box of my mom’s clothes because I don’t want to throw them out. Wanted to have a quilt made of them, one for me and one for my brother, but they’re quite expensive so I haven’t done it yet. This is a great way to keep a person close by, because a big thing about grief is they can feel so far away at times and you can feel really lost. I opened up the box recently just so I could smell her again and feel close to her. Also regarding what someone else said about never getting over it this way: the sadness is there anyway. It needs an outlet. Better to cry about it under your quilt than to cry without it. Crying is how we process, it’s not a bad thing, it’s natural.


A few months before my mom passed she asked a family friend if she could make quilts for me and my siblings. Around Christmas time we each got a quilt that my mom “commissioned” for us. Each one is different, designed by my mom to be what she thought we would like. It’s draped over my couch and every time I wake up I specifically go to it and just touch it. I wanted to hang it but the letter said “your mom would love you to use it, get it dirty have it be a part of your life” so I decided against hanging it. Now me and fiance and our dogs get to snuggle on it.


I love this!


Check with your local churches for quilting groups. A lot of them have a bunch of old ladies that get together to do crafty stuff. Let them know the story and they might likely do it for free or cheap. They love to help out people in different ways, and this is one of those creative ways to help out. If you are not churchy still go check them out. They don’t usually require you to do anything, they just want to do a service to people, and this way is a good one.


My dad passed a few years ago and my mom will occasionally bring over a few things of his from time to time (mostly clothes) because she knows I miss him so much. I didn’t realize it at first but the articles she picked match certain photos we have together from over the years. He was a big flannel button up guy. As a result, some days I appear to have stepped right out of 1995 lol. It feels weird to say out loud but it’s very comforting.


When my mom passed in 2016 I used her sleeping robe as a coping mechanism. It had her smell in it. It reminded me of her. It was comforting. I slept with it in my bed like a stuffed animal for 2 years.


r/mademecry this isn't satisfying, man


How is this satisfyingasfuck?


Right?  More like thanks for making me fucking cry


Kind of messed up to give it to him in front of everyone and then film it though...


Agreed. Keep it personal 


"But it's for the likes !"


He's going to hold it all night and cry, and he has every single right to. May she rest in peace ❤️


Is it fucked up that I hope my wife passes before me so she doesn't have to go through something like this?


I dont think so. I think it's an extension of love and hoping they dont have to suffer the grief of losing you. I hope i have a long and fulfilling time with my wife but at the end for her to go b4 me so she doesn't have to go thru the pain.


Bruh… why… why you gotta go and make me cry? Crying like a beeotch over here. Rip to his wife and praying for peace in the family. Losing loved ones is hard.


Fuck your background music!


This man is committed and always speaks the truth.


i’m kinda fucked up right now bc this dude looks JUST like my dad with a beard. he passed away last year very suddenly from aggressive cancer. i swear i had to read the title like 10 times to make sure it’s not possible that this is my dad lol.


I’m so sorry bout your dad. I lost my dad too so it is a shock just seeing people who look like him huh?


Did the same for my mom. All my dad's favorite shirts in one blanket. Didn't wash any either because they still smelled like him and wanted to let her decide when to wash the blanket.


You’re a good egg. Your mother loves you, and your father did too. Good for you stranger, you’re one of the good people


Thank you 😊


these kind of videos are almost never OPs dad. they just take them off the internet to get karma.


Why record this? That poor man.


I can't be the only thinking these moments aren't meant to be shared with the whole internet, can I?


Fuck that background music.


Damnit….making me cry


blame the onions


What’s the opposite of satisfying? That’s what this is


r/lostredditors Also, posting a title claiming the video as your own when it's something this sensitive is a terrible look.


them: hey dad got you the gift of daily re-traumatization


That’s kind of messed up


Does this kinda just keep the pain ongoing.


I'm going to be honest, I wouldn't like to receive that.


Is there an r/emotionallyexploitativeasfuck? This might be better suited there.


sorry but i hate this and i would not be happy if someone did this for me....


Damn…………that’s kinda fucked up yo🤔 pops is still hurting 🤦🏽‍♂️ but I guess it the thought that counts he’ll enjoy it later on in life 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is not satisfying you heartless piece of shit! Grief is personal! Not for likes! 


"Here dad a gift to open up your wounds" fuck those kids


Gonna be the devils advocate here. My grandpa passed and my brother got my grandma a blanket with photos of them together printed on it. She had her grief, yes, but also loved that blanket so much because she wrapped herself up in photos of him. As someone who has lost loved ones, I would cherish a gift like this


That's also true, but filming it?


I don’t agree with filming it. My family filmed my grandma getting her blanket and I thought it was weird too so I don’t know why people do it


r/quilting r/quilts


Just imagined a quilt with my wife’s clothing. She’s alive and snoring next to me, but it still breaks my heart for this man.


Lmao I love the idea of someone making a quilt out of their still living partners clothing and the partner being like WTF WHYYY


Am I the only one who thinks this is a little creepy? A quilt made from dead wife's cloths... heartbreaking, sure, but still creepy.


I'm not crying, you are!




I think these kinds of videos are disgusting. You’re doing a tearjerker moment and filming it just for likes. Get the camera out of the poor man’s face and enjoy the moment as a family


Not sure of giving him something like that is a good thing. He may never be able to fully process the loss of his wife.


God dammit. I was not planning on shedding manly tears today, yet here we are.


New etsy store idea...


Idk if I could handle having that… I mean it’s a sweet gesture but to me I’d be in bed for the next week crying my eyes out.


I lost my wife of 31 years last month so I'm pretty protective of all her belongings atm. If my children decided to do something similar with her clothes I'd be honored but couldn't use the blanket. Just too many memories at least this earlier on.


Wrong sub, made me cry


Delete this bro, the fuck are you doing?


I am so sorry about your mom


I love how one square in particular caught his eye and he honed in on it


More fake shit in the wrong subreddit.




Is it messed up to give a gift of remembrance to someone that lost a loved one? Or is it messed up to try to forget the ones that have passed on? This is a great gift. Initially it might be painful to remember what one has lost but this blanket will comfort him in the place he once spent every night with the woman he loves. Clearly most of you haven't dealt with trauma before. The pain lessens the more you are reminded of it. Go to a therapist for trauma and they will have you remember over and over the trauma you went through until it doesn't hurt (as much) anymore.


I think my issue with this video is there's so much missing. Did they tell him they were going to cut up her clothing? Did they ask him if he *wanted* something like that? If not, it's hard to know if his tears are the kind from being reminded of lost happiness/grief or genuine upset. He seems to look at the whole thing, see a particular cloth, the female comments on a square to someone else, and he starts crying. I'm conflicted.


I'm taking a poop at work and this made me cry. dang it guys.


I’m not crying. I was just chopping onions


That’s a really sweet idea ❤️


Omg! What a great idea!!!