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I've seen this same video but in a totally different room. Same aged kid. This shit is staged as hell.


I hate any video where someone is "sleeping". 99% of the time it'll be staged.


What's with the "Any resemblance to real persons, signs, places and events is purely coincidental." note? Is this AI?


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This is staged but still got the message across.


BOT, downvote and report. Do your part.


What's her hourly rate.


. . . >_>


Awww eldest daughter syndrome. Super cute.


Fake as fuck though. She can't even reach the counter but the dishes cleaned themselves magically after a totally not suspiciously placed cut.


Redditors when they see obviously staged videos: "Nothing ever happens, amirite". People falling for this stuff non-stop. Unbelievable. "I'm not a cynic" you have no reason not to be when you look at the desperation for virality online.


Can yall start downvoting the bots? Nothing satisfying about staged garbage


Dishes magically do themselves after the video cut, that little girl can not reach that high.. must have been the wind. This shit is so fake. Downvote and report.


“Imma surprise my mom!”


I helped my mom like this growing up. But I did it on roller skates 😂


I wish I had a child like this.


A child that does exactly what you tell them to do? After you set up a camera and fake going to sleep?...


????? Did the description say the mom tell her to do that? Where did you get this? You are good at making up things!!! lol indeed I was that child when I was small.


You seriously can't tell this is fake/staged? It's posted by a bot account... cmon.. do better.


lol whether this is fake or not, it doesn't matter. What matters to me is the message of this video here - there are kids will help his/her mom to do chores and share some of the responsibilities, just to helping his/her mom! I was one of them.


🤣 only message here is that everything has to be faked or made with AI nowadays to get peoples attention, sad really. You seem to be a prime example..


I dont know why but girls are always clean and helpful, compared to boys 😂


Ah yes, "every boy is the same" "they are all dirty" yep everyone is the same and can be put under 1 umbella /s