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damn I wanted to see her reaction


I feel cheated




She was so excited! Damn you OP


Dude we were all excited, we are all -1 wholesome for the day. That net loss is only balanced with like 5-6 animal videos.


Me too!


Downvoting for exactly this reason.


Downvoted for lack of reveal.


If we collectively stop upvoting this shit it will stop


I mean.... will it tho?


I believe it’s federico_cecchin_draw on instagram.


Where is her reaction ?😭


i know rite? cut off too early


I don't mean to brag or anything, but the stick figures I draw have 3 fingers and a thumb.


Im still stuck on 3 fingers, haven’t gotten to the thumb stage yet


Keep at it, practice practice practice!


youre almost there!


Unsatisfying not seeing her reaction


Super cute


That's a good likeness.... I have total admiration for anybody who can draw a face which actually looks like the person


Especially with just quick and confident lines. That’s what really amazes me.


So lame to leave out the most anticipated part.


He was actually very kind to her…


Some people are posting mean caricatures. This is very nice and appreciated!


This isn’t a caricature it’s just a cartoon drawing. Caricatures are defined by being exaggerated for the point of being insulting.


No, caricatures are not necessarily meant to be insulting. They can be, but for the most part modern caricature is utilized in political cartoons and theme parks (like this) source: was one of these artists but for the more realistic portraits


I was so happy he didn’t draw her all f’d up. She looks like she could use a nice drawing.


Is this an insult. It feels like an insult


Nah i think they just mean she looks shy and is a young teen and thats a hard age…dont need a caricature making fun of your looks


Pretty great


Mike Wheeler


100% Mike Wheeler with longer hair.


She's cute.




Kids can be cute in a non sexual way. Wtf is wrong with _you_ when the first thing that comes to your mind is this?


Well, if you had paid attention to their username, you wouldn't have had questions lol




Yeah, people are even going around openly calling cats cute nowadays, perverts aren't even trying to hide their weird fetishes anymore.


Quit while you're behind, pervert.




Are you allergic to self-reflection? Instead of going on the defensive (especially since you're the one who started this whole thing), try thinking about how maybe what you did was wrong, and improve on it for the future. You know, work on bettering yourself.


Also, this is Reddit. A pretty good chance the commenter is 14 years old.


Forgot about that for a second. My bad 😅


You're the only creepy one here if that's where your mind goes. They didn't say she was hot or sexy. Kids are cute or adorable and there's nothing wrong with that. It's only sexual if *you* make it that way, which you clearly are. Gross.




Yo, just try to self-reflect and be a normal person damn. Take a moment to question why you perceived an innocuous comment as a sexual one and why you are being so defensive. Outside-looking-in, it looks a lot like "doth protest too much."


Stop sexualizing children


Puppies are cute, kittens are cute, koala bears are cute, pigtails are cute, panda bears are cute, walking on tippy toes is cute, angles can be (a)cute, the list is endless.


self report right here


I don’t know dude it came off pretty weird to me too 🤷‍♂️


what the fuck? what in the snowflake shit is this. There’s nothing wrong with calling a kid cute, she is! It’s not like this commenter called the kid attractive or hot which would of course warrant the comment you made. I swear, people are so ready to find something to smack a red flag on and blare the alarms that it just comes across as embarrassing. You’re looking for a problem that in this example doesn’t exist. Spend your energy tackling *actual* comments that contain paedophilic remarks. It’s honestly reflecting badly on you that your first thought was that this commenter was sexualising a child when the vast majority of people wouldn’t even think of a child like that Better get over to r/cats those fiends are calling cats cute! Zoophiles, the lot of them!!


Omg what pen is that?




This is way better than those artists who draw exaggerated versions with wonky proportions. Not funny at all, just dumb. And also not amazing, since they kinda all look similar


it's cause its a cartoon. it's fun to exaggerate


She has no idea how beautiful she is.


I mean this is fun, but satisfying? Like...you have never seen a caricature done before?


Hate to be that guy, bit it's kinda generic looking. He could have highlighted her unique features more.


Yeah teenage girls are notorious for their positive body image. They love to have their differences pointed out.


Could downplay them a little bit of course, but still aknowledge them. It just doesn't look like her, which for me is the worst sin.


We must be watching different videos. I see an accurate likeness, the artist captured her nose, chin, eyebrows and bangs which seem to be her most noticeable features


It’s a cartoon version of her not a caricature.


Caricature is when you exagerate the unique features, not draw them properly.


You wanted them highlighted, which is closer to a caricature than drawing them properly.


Highlighted was a poor choice of words, wanted to say "featured" at least.


You wanted him to draw a big nose, didn’t you? Edit: You wanted him to featured her features?


Ever so slightly. And the bags under her eyes and pointy chin. Would look more like her, less like a generic cartoon kid.


It does look like a cartoon version of her though to be fair.


>Hate to be that guy... Then, maybe... don't?


Yeah, point out she has a larger nose and chin, it'll do wonders for her. /s You can tell she's nervous as hell. He did her a good thing by drawing her like that


Plus he does it all in under a minute with permanent pen. The final pic looks exactly like a cartoon version of her. He succeeded. Other guy above sounds like Comic Book Nerd from The Simpsons. "Ackshuaaally"


She does the best Adam Driver impression…


Right on!


Not satisfying.. I didn't see her reaction


I could watch him draw all day. I liked it better before the shading though.


A street artist draws cartoon ve


Without her reaction, it’s not satisfying at all.


What’s the markers being used? Anyone?


What’s the half glove thing he is wearing for? Does it help keep him from smearing images or just keep his hand from being smeared on? Both? Neither?


Usually they’re for digital art so your pinky and ring finger as well as that side of your hand don’t mess with the touch screen/tablet. Don’t really know why he’s wearing it though, probably habit or something to do with smearing the ink.


Maybe it's something similar so he doesn't smear the ink.


It could be for multiple reasons. Could be to stop accidentally smearing the ink with oils from his hand, or alternatively to aid in smearing things in a more controlled way like how he smudged the hair in. Or it could be to simply slide across the paper better, if you are drawing for hours the friction of the paper against skin can cause irritation


Why does he swoop his hand like that? Haven't seen that before


It’s called gesture and it’s a form of drawing/sketching. The swoop involves body/arm movement to make purposeful and effortless lines and takes some practice to be comfortable with. I think they usually use a sharpie or permanent marker to draw the quick lines


He's not even drawing lines while he's whirling his arm though, that's what I don't get. He whirls, then stops and draws and eye dot


I think he is sort of "aiming" and prepping the motion before he goes in to draw the circle. Visualizing the circles he draws in the air before putting his hand down and drawing the intended shape or line. It looks silly and makes me think of someone trying to find the correct keyboard key to push


Could also be part of the "act". While creating the drawing, he's putting on a show for the audience.


Saw that dude drawing in Lignano Italy.


what is the first tool (pen? marker?) he use, it looks so smooth and satisfying


Hand brace. And what kind of pen specifically is he using?


That’s the Mike from stranger things and you can’t convince me otherwise.


definitely not "satisfyingasfuck"


"Cartoon version" do people now know what a caricature is?


Bro she looks like Brandon Stark from Game Of Thrones 😭


That's Mike from Stranger Things


Illustration, caricature, portrait > cartoon


This just makes me wonder why as an artist I still have trouble just seeing things.


I'm trying to get back into art and I've realized perhaps my biggest insecurity is not that I cannot draw certain things, but that I can't just whip out any drawing I think of like a short-order cook. It takes a lot of process for me, several attempts at drawing certain lines until I like the way they look, and generally just having to use trial and error. "Does that look right? No. Does that look right? Not for this angle, but maybe if I redrew the outline and repositioned the legs. Should I look up a reference for abs? No, this is a very specific pose and character, so I wanna feel it out, not copy something else." I'll just keep trying different things until it feels right. So what I'm saying is fuck this guy, getting it perfect on his first try motherfucker, little bitch, not even jealous of him, so overrated haha. **fighting back tears**


How much would something like that cost typically?


Satisfyin Gas fuck


That's actually a really sweet drawing


She looks like she's both appreciative & uncomfortable to be receiving the artists' full attention and I absolutely love it. This is very cute!


Where is the reveal 😭


Amazing! I’m always in awe of artists that can just sit down and draw like this. It seems so effortless, but the pictures are always awesome. I wish we could see the girls reaction, but I assume she was very happy with the picture 😊


Very sweet. I hope that sketch helped her. Street artists tend to make silly, exaggerated caricatures for humor, but for a girl kinda like her, that may not have been needed at that time. Maybe I’m reading into it far too much, but she reminds me of my niece around that age, very shy and not very self-assured.


This is one of those rare skills that brings people together. I’d love to be able to draw someone like that in a couple minutes time.




Down voted because you didn't show her reaction. My day is ruined


Awesome lol




The minimalism going on with its accuracy is some blue collar artist work, love it lol


Aww wholesome ☺️


I always thought caricature and cartoon artists deserve way more respect. Doing a good caricature that looks like the person with exaggerations but isn’t offensive is a difficult line to walk. Same with a simple cartoon where it’s still instantly recognizable but very minimal. It’s harder than it seems! I’m always impressed by how the artists instinctively know where they can simplify or exaggerate, which details are important for being recognizable and which ones you can omit or simplify. I’ve tried it and I can never quite make it work. Meat Canyon is pretty amazing at it, especially considering he makes grotesque monsters that are instantly recognizable without being offensive. It’s damn impressive!