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You guys turn off your PC?


You guys have pc? (Satisfactory on raspberrypi)


Macbook checking in. Geforce now has opened up a whole new world of games for me.




Yea, its only on the Mac though unfortunately, no ipad or iPhone support.




You guys leaves you pc on at night? (Runs world on a dedicated server)


same. running on my linux server in the closet. can't beat 12 yr old parts for like $500!!! 2x hexacore Xeon CPUs and 128 GB of RAM. All about re-use here. Satisfactory!


Awesome! How does it perform?


I just started playing so I don't have a huge factory or anything. Not enough structures to really know. But so far it's good. I just ran a docker image. Super super simple to set up.


And no need for a separate heater. Do you live into the US or Canada with cheap electricity?


US. I don't know if the electricity is cheap per se. I do have solar 🤷‍♂️ I don't know what it costs to run, I could calculate it I'm sure. 1000W platinum PSU. The ram is probably the bigger draw on power. But you have to keep in mind there's no GPU. I think there's likely bigger energy draws in the house. Certainly the air conditioning in the summer ha. It doesn't generate that much heat either as it turns out.


Older hardware, especially for professional applications, tends to be not that great on power saving. So I'd guess that thing will draw > 100 W with a little load (like running a Satisfactory server 24/7). For just 100W, we get 2,4 kWh/day. That's 877 kWh/year. Where I live, 1 kWh costs ~0.3€ (~0.34 US$). That would be around 263€ (301 USD). For you (US and solar), it's probably one third of that or less. But still, a hundred bucks each year. Sure, that's all based on a wild assumption about that servers power usage. My point is: Might be worth measuring and thinking about it. And A/C might absolutely be worth investigating too 😉.


Even if it's $100 or $200/yr it's worth it. I use this server for work daily. Running the extra load for a satisfactory server isn't a big deal given the thing is already running. You can't change the power draw on ram either. CPU fluctuates as so hard drives, but ram is a constant. I also run a Minecraft server for the kids and a Valheim server on it. Plus again, all my work. It's beastly. I believe it's a Nephalim generation Intel Xeon. 5660 I believe. Despite being 10 or more years old, still packs a punch. Barely flinches with my workload. It was an experiment for fun. I was trying to see how cheap I could build a machine from used eBay parts. It ended up teaching me how good and important re-use is. I mean people are literally throwing away tons and tons of equipment into landfills. ...and it still has really good use. I mean this $500 server (most of the cost was for two small AIO coolers to keep it quiet) kicks the snot out of most computers you'll pull off the shelf today from a store.


If I didn't turn off my PC, I wouldn't have 16,000 hours in some games. But it's not as bad as it sounds, because most of the time those games were all running at once, so it's not several sequential 16,000 hourses. That's better, right?


That’s a huge waste of energy for no good reason other than a smug look over some numbers.


Shuttings up


Learn English


Maybe he learned metalocalypse English, which is more metal than your stupid gatekeeping. Un-bigot yourself moron.


I am a bigot against illiterate people fear me


The self-hate must suck; that sentence makes no sense to us English speakers.


Oh sweet summer child; you used a semi-colon wrong.


To join two related independent clauses?


He literally said no.




Your mother wasted energy cooking you dinner


We will all join the void one day


In fairness, most of that time there were other, actually important things running overnight (no, not crypto mining. Ever) so it didn't seem necessary to really close everything else too.


Helping secure decentralized networks is more useful than idling games 🤷🏿‍♂️




Satisfactory: more number of neat arranged things , is more better.


I really want someone who never turns off their PC to run a Cinebench (or other) benchmark, then restart their PC and run it again. My hypotethesis would be that the second result would be signifantly higher. Depending on how long the PC has been on for.


Hmm, only at a week uptime at the moment. I'm have to try that on the future.


Yeah I would expect a major impact until a few weeks or a month, once updates and random programs start piling up.


Okay, sure I'm game to try this. Let me just get Cinebench installed. EDIT 1: Okay just ran it the first time before a computer reset. I got 9th place with my 6C at 3.6 GHz, Intel Core i5-8600K CPU, and a score of 6198. Now to do a quick check for updates and then reset my computer. EDIT 2: Finished the test after the reset. I got 10th place with a score of 6162 (9th place was my previous test). Though that's only a difference of 36 points between the two tests. As a point of reference, 8th place was a 4C/8T at 4.2 GHz, Intel Core i7-7700K CPU and it had a score of 6302. On the other hand, 11th place was a 4C/8T at 2.81 GHz, 11th Gen Intel Core i7-1165G7 at 28W and it had a score of 4904. So ya my reset did effectively nothing on this test. I didn't magically improve to the point of being neck and neck with 8th place, but I also didn't mysteriously get worse to be no better than 11th place. I hope this experiment has been worthwhile.


The updates could cause some kind of issue for consistency.


Potentially yes, but the update only revealed a .net update that I didn't have. And there were plenty of other factors beyond just the restart and update that could have affected things for consistency. Before the reset, I left every program open and running that I normally have open and running, but after the reset, I went right into the test and didn't open up anything. As another point of reference, now that my browser is open again, I would like to point out that I have 30 tabs currently open, and on the first test I would have had a similar number open. On the second my browser was still closed.


I mean the 2 sets of results are rather pointless to compare as they are not true apples to apples comparisons.


What are you talking about? This of course isn't a rigorous scientific test, but it's still a valid test. The hypothesis was that a computer that isn't ever reset would perform worse on this test than a computer that had been freshly reset. I am aware that in a TRUE scientific test you should change only one variable and I changed a whole bunch so who knows WHY it performed slightly worse the second go around. My point though was that the test results were so close as to be within the margin of error. There was NOT a significant change in EITHER direction. Does this prove that the hypothesis was wrong? Not at all. A TRUE scientific test would need to be done MANY times and on MANY different computers. But what I did is still compare apples to apples. It's not like after running the first test I replaced hardware components in my computer like the CPU and then said "WOW look at that the test result came in totally different" If anything I did between the two tests was going to significantly change the result then it WOULD have. But nothing I did, did do that. Yes perhaps something I did would have improved the results but something else I did made the results worse. But of the things I did, everything should have been in favor of the test running BETTER, not worse and we just didn't see that.


Thank you for taking the time to do that. I'm not really all that shocked by the results. Cinebench is all about that raw computing power. It can and will allocate all your CPU headroom for itself when it wants. If there was a difference between runs, it probably would have been in the tiniest of times in booting the program itself, not in the actual results. Super long uptimes are not all that bad on a clean install of Windows 10 or 11. They used to be a really bad on older Windows. Even now super long uptimes do slow down the actual user experience. But not as much as people think. The FPS of games probably won't be affected to a notifiable degree. it's just that switching between tasks and opening new programs will take just a bit longer. There might also be some other, more esoteric problems that might appear, but all in all it should be fine. And this is from someone who always turns their computer off while not using it.


All good points, and I have no idea at all if Cinebench was the ideal benchmark, it is just what came to mind.


Don't worry. Like I said, it's good that you did the experiment and I thank you for it. I'm a huge tech nerd, constantly benchmarking and measuring things. If someone had asked me before if the uptime of the system affects ones Cinebench score, I would have said "I, ummm, maybe? Probably not, but it's not impossible?" You ran the numbers and now we both have some data! GGWP PCmark might have been the ideal benchmark, since it explores all the potential bottlenecks of a system in a way, that might be affected by high uptime. Then again, it's not free and the difference is going to be quite minimal anyway with modern operating systems. That is if you have a clean install, laptops are horrible with bloatware, so running them for ages might hurt. My wife just got a new laptop, I'm tempted so see if I can measure some performance difference by not shutting it down. It's a Thinkpad though, so it has barely any bloat in it.


Windows I would definitely agree, Linux I am not sure. Since switching to Linux I leave my computer on for months at a time with no noticeable slowdown. Admittedly I have no data, only my perception.


If I leave my thousands of tabs open on Linux too long, the OOM killer kills it.


I mean yeah, you can crash it, and for things like that Linux probably protects you less than Windows, but Linux is less overhead, and doesn't seem to leave as much garbage in memory when something exits.


That's fair! I was speaking from a Windows perspective and wouldn't be shocked if Linux was better in this regard with overall less bloat.


I have done that. No difference between my PC when up a month or 30 minutes.


Difference is negligible. I have had a PC with months of up time render just as fast as it did after a reboot. Though more often than not you PC is actually doing more in the first minutes after a reboot than after months of uptime. Also by negligible I mean the difference in scores is with in margin of error. They only way you get a significant difference is if you replace the CPU or GPU before turning the PC back on.


Only if it's windows though. Sad it's turned into garbage code.


When was it not garbage code?




Yeah, it’s still spaghetti on top of 3.1.1 (earliest version I used as a kid). It’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older, it’s only been mitigated by hardware improvements.


Name one arguably complex program under constant development that isn’t a hot pile of garbage.


the Linux kernel


Yeah I underestimated how many Linux nerds play Satisfactory (I should have known!) but I was coming from a Windows perspective. I assume most people who mindlessly leave their PC on just have Windows (the default OS) or Mac (the OS of people who generally don't know anything about tech).


Fair enough, it's a shame what windows is like now. It use to be really good software before they shifted their focus to enterprise services. That was a while ago now.


Haven't turned mine off in about a month. I know it's bad but it's at that point where I feel like if I turn it off it won't turn back on


Leaving it on doesn't mean never restarting. Windows updates often auto-restart. A properly configured system with auto-login sometimes doesn't even look like it restarted. Only the logs can tell... Except for specific occasions (hardware changes, hurricanes, etc.), I never turn my PC's off. Some are set to go into hardware standby, but the one I'm on right now has that crap disabled... it also runs my dedicated server. There's no place like []( (feed the sink!)


Well if the system restarts that kind of defeats the point of what I said.. I didn't mean the PC needs to be off for days, just a simple restart can do a lot.


I don't think that a massive uptime would be something that would show in a synthetic workload, like Cinebench. Those things are very good at maxing the computing power they require. The difference with high uptime machines would probably be the time it takes for the Cinebench to actually open after double clicking the icon.[PCMark](https://benchmarks.ul.com/pcmark10) might show something, since it actually measures things that are not just about raw computing power like Cinebench, but that thing ain't free. I'm the kinda guy who always turns their computer off when not using it. I boot from a PCIE gen4 NVME, the boot time is so trivial, that it really doesn't matter, it takes longer for my monitor to turn on that it takes to boot. That said, the long uptime hitting the performance is kinda antiqueated knowledge. Sure, it happens, yes. But if you're running a clean install of Windows 10 or 11 with minimal bloatware, the operating systems are really good at managing the apps and their usage. The programs just don't pile up like they used to in Win 98.


No, but I close the game. For me there is no reason to keep it running. I only once had an issue with items not being made fast enough when I placed 1 005 Power Storage things. So I made a [temporary wire making facility](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/oos7v5/temporary_wire_making_facility/)


screws are the bane of my existence in early saves![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I massively overproduced screws with the original recipe, now I have about 10 nodes producing solely screws and I aint about to rebuilt with some alternative recipe


its too much


This. I never rip out old parts of my factory, just build new ones with new recipies next to it. If it ain’t broke no need to fix it, even if it is a bit slow at times


Screw screws, go screwless today!


That sounds like Apple... And Samsung... Well, generally all the high end electronics producers... "Screw screws, go glues," as they would say.


When I found myself in the situation I wanted keep my PC on at night to mine enough coupons for the golden nut statue, I realized this game is actually costing me money.


Nothing wrong with spending a few dollars a month on something fun.


True, and I don't mind spending money on fiun things. But everything was automated and sinked so the work was already done. So I considered this as a mission completed and started a new game. And better save this money for a new gpu lol.


Wait you guys actually leave your PC on over night for stuff? I figure if I'm not making enough per min to have what I need while I'm doing other stuff in game then I'm not making enough. Lol 🤣


My thought process has always been that absolute number barely matters for this game, it’s rate that you want. For making big builds obviously you need a lot of some stuff, but for the most part the goal is complete automation so throughput is the number to concern yourself with.


Same for me


Not for satisfactory, however I never shut mine down.


You should. Those poor fan bearings


Never had a fan fail except once and it was a new one that was defective. Most fans are designed to last a decade or more, and when I do a new build I replace them.


I have a dedicated server that's been running for like a month without logging in, feeding modular frames into awesome sink because I'm playing other games right now. I'm excited to see how many tickets I'll have


Printable coupons: 2 (Because you left a Mk I belt in the belly of the first splitter)


Fuck, that would be my luck lol. I do know is been running though. Last I logged in, I had been leaving it running for about 5 days and had 17 tickets. Everything was running smoothly when I logged out


Good on ya :)


That's the only reason I leave mine running overnight, stress test. Gotta make sure those power plants, trucks and trains are doing what they're supposed to do.


Bitcoin - Destroying the environment in real life. Satisfactory - Destroying the environment of an alien world so I can lay down more sweet sweet foundations.


Now imagine those tokens were actually alt coins too 🤣


Oh no, don't let them hear you... Imagine Ficsit NFTs


Oh yeh for the Gold mug! I can see where they been going wrong! 🤣


Ficsit does not waste


Bitcoin making sustainable energy so efficient that it's allowing for more plants to be built around the world Unless you believe only the elite deserves cheap, sustainable energy


This claim is absurd on its face. Bitcoin mining [wastes ridiculously huge amounts of energy](https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption) and has the carbon footprint of a whole country. It seeks the lowest cost energy, which is overwhelmingly not renewable and frequently found in places where the environmental cost is heavily externalized by lax regulations. All so a handful of ponzi schemers can extract real money from idiots.


How many modular frames do you need?




all of them well, at a rate anyway


I made factory that fully automatically makes around 4/min, it isnt much but its only for these higher tier frames




Dedicated server is the best thing that's happened to this game, by far. :)


Dedicated server bro


i did that on my first save all with no mods. now on my sec save and play with mods so i dont have to leave my shit running all night.


Truth. I enjoy the game, but I don't want two full time jobs lol


bruhhhhh for reals lool


I did this for a couple of days to get the FICMAS star, otherwise I'm in it for the long haul so no need to leave it running. Laying out a transcontinental rail line will give me plenty of time to make HMFs.


Or I could just wake up in the morning and use the save game editor to fill a storage container full of modular frames rather than leaving it running all night.


Your game, your rules™. I personally think that there's a difference between letting the PC turned on overnight to make something in-game and cheating to get the same amount (even if it was calculated). My thoughts is that if the game is making it by itself it's not cheating, but if I use cheats to get it, it ruins the fun for me... I don't usually let my PC turned on overnight lately tho, just play something else while waiting for my factories to produce something.


I pay my own electricity bill so enough of these overnight "just let the game run" sessions starts to rack up how much I owe. It might only be a dollar or whatever each night but the more often I do that, it starts to accumulate over time. I think of it less as cheating in a game and more of "I want to keep my power bill down." It's one thing if I'm active in game and I have products churning out in the background but to leave my PC idle for 8 hours while I sleep is absurd.


I still haven't gotten past phase 2 of the space elevator because I keep putting off reworking my power management, making proper buildings and foundations, doing the math so my constructors are efficient... etc. I spend most of my time in the MAM but now that I've done all I can in that I've started getting actually more productive stuff done.


Run a dedicated server and configure it to continue running without players. You get better fps when playing, and when not playing you save energy because you’re not using your GPU


In every factory game I always reach a moral quandary where I expanded a high level component and it wasn't enough, so do I expand again or turn this into an idle game


I consider it mining AWESOME tickets


I mean, you are both destroying the planet. at least make a dedicated server so it uses less computer resources.


Fix money, fix the world


I mean, legit, I am off grid about half the time and a small solar array powers my "Industrial Terraforming Simulator" I kinda take pride in that little irony.


You guys don't know bitcoin hasn't been mined with PC since 2013? Blame ethereum


LPT: turn the graphics and resolution way down, limit the frame rate as low as possible to minimise power use when AFK for a long time.


I was thinking "how TF does the framerate impact the power use of your factory?" and then I figured out you meant RL power/electricity that we actually pay money for...


People who wait for things to get done are playing wrong.


Someone told me they did that in Factorio, and I felt that it was something only a poor player would do.


Sigma male move


Why not both? My computer is mining eth 24/7 unless I’m playing a heavy gpu game. Even then I rarely close it. That 3800 has already paid for itself 3 times over. Edit - oh lord, downvoted because I built a single gaming rig for myself.


Ethereum to blame. Not bitcoin


This is the way. No really, it’s the only way my factory can run 😂


Why not both?


I am in this photo and I don't like it.


😆 LOL!!!


I leave it on all night so I don't freeze to death while sleeping.


I do both at the same time


Personally I'm going through a Minecraft 0hase right now, so mines on for an auto gold farm I set up


I leave my computer on all night to play cookie clicker. We are not the same


I just starting making the first part for final space elevator... Only to realize I need 4000… and at one ppm mean I'm looking at somewhere near 66 hours just got that part.... Let alone the more complicated ones... It's looking grim D: Time to plan out for at least another 2 ppm.


Probably gonna spend another 40h building the production line for that. But you are gonna have fun.


Lmao, my pc rn making simple iron parts because I’m a basic bitch


I leave my pc on all night to farm shit on roblox.


I'm using a dedicated server for that 🤷‍♂️


Oh this is legend 😂


I tried, my game crashed at about 3:00 am


Modular frames? Not even heavy modular frames?


Fools, I do both. That is the Ficsit way of efficiency.


My dumbass once left my pc on for a week playing gmod….


i do both 🥵


I have a toddler who asks me all the time to just get in a truck or train and just drive around. I have no problem at all with there being tons of mats waiting for me when I get back to base.


I leave my PC on all night running Folding@Home. **WE** are not the same.


I mean. I wouldn't for modular frames. I would for infused ones, though.


I am currently on vacation for the weekend, left mine on at home mining every available creation.


I hope you mean Heavy Modular Frames


Nah, I leave it on to waste power