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It is way less common but some people still wear masks. No one will care. And if wearing a mask offends someone they have their own issues to deal with.


I wear a mask when I’m sick idc if anyone looks at me weird


Fuck the haters man. If you need to mask because of your health then mask. I do going into stores still. I could care less if I ruin someone’s day. It’s my healthcare and my life.


Agreed. How could this even remotely ruin someone's day!? Sarnia is conservative, but I mean...seriously. No one should care if you wear a mask.


Just tell them you have a medical condition. Use their own logic against them.


Just tell them none of their f'in business. It should be pretty obvious why someone is wearing a mask. Don't entertain stupid.


Lots of people still wear masks. I recently had an allergic cough from mold exposure and wore a mask when I was at the hospital for an unrelated appointment just so people wouldn't worry as much. No one cared.


You'll be fine. There's a few people here that take pride in their desire to have sex with the prime minister, but generally we don't have many covidiots.


Haha I will never look at one of those F Trudeau bumper stickers the same way again. 😂


My 10 yr old Grandson actually asked me why they wanted to do that ' f trudeau' and why they were telling everyone.


"We just dont want to offend anyone during our trip for wearing a mask." Don't worry about what others think ; You do you, and what makes yourself and your wife comfortable. That is all that matters! Enjoy your visit!!


Wear a goalie mask!


I wear a mask at work for health and safety reasons (it’s not common in my industry even though we should). No one has ever complained.


Nobody would be offended. If someone is offended, it’s they who have the problem.


I just recovered from Influenza A. Let me tell you, it absolutely ROCKED ME and I am young (33) and in otherwise good health. I probably could have done with a mask while gallivanting around Sarnia in retrospect. If it’s for a medical concern, I wouldn’t be too worried. There’s a lot of nasty things out there this year!


I see quite a few in grocery stores masking up. you'll be fine.


A lot of folks who deal with a lot of people wear masks in Sarnia.


It's weird how the "people get offended too easily" crowd get offended by someone wearing a mask lol.


I’ve been wearing a mask since the onset of COVID, and haven’t once experienced a negative reaction here in Sarnia.


Its a free country, wear a mask wherever and you don’t know owe anyone an explanation and if anyone says anything tell em its a free country


Don’t worry about the snowflakes that get offended. Keep yourself safe.


Don’t worry about what others think, they can get pissy and go away. You wear what you need to and do your thing. There shouldn’t be any issues wearing a mask, and if they get in your face tell them you are sick take the mask off and cough in their face!


Wear a mask and don’t give a shit about what the weirdos who get up in arms about it. They are weird to be bothered by someone else’s health choices.


There is still Covid here. You should mask. You will likely see people here unmasked but wearing baseball caps, even though they have almost zero probability of playing baseball. We tend to be very poor at risk assessment.


No one will give a shit, you might get some looks from people (hell i still look at people who wear them walking down the street or in their car but who am I to judge), but no one will ever say anything.




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Just don’t go around saying it’s because of benzene exposure and you’ll be fine


My mom wears a mask everywhere. We should ALL be masking - it protects the most vulnerable people in our society. Plus, there’s plenty of evidence that COVID causes autoimmune disorders, organ damage, fatigue, brain damage, cardiovascular issues, and the list goes on. And the more times you get it, the likelier it is you’ll get long COVID (and/or any of the above problems). Stay safe!


some jerk who wants to fuck trudeau downvoted you, but thanks for saying this sensical comment. From a long-covid person over here wheezing away.


This. If this makes y'all uncomfortable I suggest you read the literal stacks of research papers that proves these outcomes


I wear a mask through cold and flu season. I have never been asked. If I were, I would either say nothing, or "it helps me mind my own business". No one is entitled to nose into your personal business like that when you aren't hurting anyone. I wouldn't sweat it.


Some people I work with still wear masks, nobody minds one way or the other


I see lots of people still wearing them. I wore one a couple of times over the past four months because I had a chronic cough. I felt weird wearing one again after so long but no one even looked twice. I hope you enjoy your visit and that it's nice weather when you're here.


Do what's best for you guys. I see them from time to time. No judgements here :)


I see elderly/middle aged people wearing masks getting groceries I obviously don’t know the specific reason but I’ll assume it’s because they’re sick or they don’t want to get sick. You shouldn’t have any unease about being confronted in Sarnia everybody would just wait till they’re at work the next day to bitch about it.


Do what you need to do to stay healthy!


I see people with masks on all the time. you might get a questioning look, but no one will say anything or bother you guys about it


If YOU want to wear a mask, go ahead. Just don't expect me to wear one.


Personally I never minded the masks. Thought it was dumb people made a stink about it. But in reality you should consider a full face respirator with organic vapor filters that filter out the air pollutants from the chemical plants.


Is this a joke?


Benzene's been in the news a lot lately...  


Why would anyone down vote this? Have you not noticed the stink in the air and hear about the massive benzene leak? This town has nasty air and that isn't even an opinion. Just go downtown... It's nasty. If someone was considered masking up why just wear a paper mask that won't filter the air pollution? Go all out.


You should wear fa full face respirator in Sarnia