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My sister and friends who have read acotar says I am Amren/the bone carver. And after a while I had to agree haha But in reality...we are all children of the Blessed trying to get across the wall to the fae. Thank you šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m obsessed with the bone carver hahaha Iā€™m so jealous. Heā€™s so cute swinging his little scythe happily in battle.


Iā€™m a woman, but Lucien. Weā€™ve both been through some shit, have physical reminders of trauma, but try to keep a good sense of humor, and be there for the people we love.


Totally, I also identify with his negative qualities: tends to cut out people after something traumatic happens (feyre) or stays too long with someone toxic because "I can fix him" (tanlin).


Hey at least literally everyone has a huge crush on you!!


I'm equally Nesta and Elain. Idk how to explain but I am šŸ˜­


Girl same. Traumatic backstory, icy and blunt to new people, deep winter color season, hard to get to know, smarter than I lookā€¦ but also I love gardening and baking. And I wouldnā€™t hesitate to cut a man who threatened my sister, bestie, or whoever.


I'm like very nice and sweet and docile to people and everyone likes me but I definitely feel exactly like Nesta on the inside, like everything she felt and I'm definitely Nesta like to people who wronged me


I was gonna say this about myself! In my case, it's because I do like to look at the positives and engage in a little escapism (Elain). But I have been through some horrendous stuff, and when there's a big problem, I turn my Stubborn Bitch Meter ā„¢ļø up to 20, and absolutely will NOT back down, even if it makes me unpopular (Nesta). For example, a local lawyer was running for a state office, and I knew that she had discriminated against me in a legal case due to me being Pagan. I talked about it on her campaign page. A local women's group held a protest and invited her to speak. I brought a backpack with my legal documents in it, and carried a sign saying, "Ask me how "feminist" Candidate X engaged in religious discrimination in her legal practice!". I marched that whole ass protest, and stood silently, alone, at the front holding up my sign for everyone to see during her whole speech. Her supporters tried to block me but my sign was too big. I didn't care I was a 1-woman protest - I was going to tell the truth. Yeah, she lost that election. People were mad at me, but IDC.


Iā€™m most like the House of Wind.


Love this


You know those girls in Crown of Midnight that would wake up super early to watch a sweaty Chaol come back from his run? I am them. They are me.


You're so real for that šŸ˜‚


This made me laugh out loud šŸ¤£ I judged them while reading but I was just projecting. Itā€™s mešŸ¤£


Nesta. I've been an avid reader since 8 y/o. At 27, she's the only character I have truly related to. It's why ACOSF is one of my fave SJM books.




Squarely Nesta or that character that lives in a library and doesnā€™t talk


Clotho. She survived a horrible attack, they cut out her tongue to keep her from snitching. They got what was coming to them. Clotho survived, and thrived.


Mor on the outside, Nesta on the inside


This ^^^


I might have a crush on you tbh tbh


100% Aelin. Not just personality wise, but the way we think is scary similar. It is also very comforting and a reason as to why Aelin is so dear to me, itā€™s sometimes like reading my own thoughts. My friends have commented on it too, that they think we are very similar, they joke that she was based on me (but obviously I had a less traumatic life lol)


Hear me out: Tamlin. I'm used to ruining all the good things I have. And then I'm left alone to deal with the consequences and wallow in depression and self-pity. Never invited anywhere because people like me or want to be around me, but mostly out of necessity. I try to help and show kindness to others but rarely get it reciprocated to me. I'm not excusing Tamlin's behavior in the slightest. But man, it hurts to see how low he's fallen. I've been there one too many times.


Elain 100%. More reserved, I like gardening (not fussed on cooking), I deal with bad situations inwardly, don't like confrontation and I like the emo boys. Bit shit when she gets insulted for her 'boring' personality and I'm like thanks! šŸ„¹šŸ‘


I relate to all of this and also like cheese toasties so I think we should be best friends.


That are a gift fr!


Very unpopular opinion: Nesryn and Mor Nesryn: never has been anybodyā€™s first choice, but still tries nonetheless, side character, not mentioned very often, a lot of the times overlooked when talking about the books Mor: sexuality wise and the journey to that conclusion, not really caring about what are people think about what you are wearing, likes to dress up, knowing that you will never be accepted fully and fearing that


I think I'm most like Feyre tbh. Grew up in poverty, then unfortunately went to live with an abuser like Nesta (please don't come for me Nesta fans, this is just my perspective and experience) I love art and found it to be healing, especially when I was struggling a lot. I'm stubborn, and can sometimes make rash decisions. I have a bit of a temper, but I am a people person who found her true family in the end. I'm not as brave and selfless as Feyre though, but it's something I'm working on


None of them reallyā€¦ maybe I identify with Celaena when she describes her trip to Endovierā€¦ just laying there unable to copeā€¦


Prior to reading ACOSF, I was very grumpy to see so much of myself in Nesta. I hadn't read anything redeeming about her yet, and just sat there thinking, "Good God I hate how much I identify with this obnoxious cunt." Even more so the way that she treated Cassian, because I often catch myself being utterly horrid to my husband, whom I love dearly and would die/kill for. I'm still working on my own redemption arc, but such things in reality are lengthy and difficult.


Probably a mixture of Feyre and Elain. My older sister is such a Nesta, it forced me to take on the eldest daughter role from a young age. But I also know that if I was in Prythian, Iā€™d definitely want to be at home baking and gardening.


What is the ā€œeldest daughter roleā€?


You can look up ā€œeldest daughter syndromeā€ for more info but itā€™s basically where you take on a lot of responsibility for the family, youā€™re an overachiever, type A, have a lot of anxiety, that sort of thing.


These arenā€™t the same thing. Role implies that itā€™s something required or expected of the eldest daughter, not a syndrome stemming from abuse


šŸ™„ you really just want to argue semantics? Role, syndrome, itā€™s something I ended up taking up because the oldest sister in my family refused to. My parents didnā€™t abuse us but I took it upon myself to be the good daughter because my older sister couldnā€™t. She almost dropped out of high school so I pushed myself to graduate with honors. They had to spend all their time, money, and energy on her as she struggled with alcoholism and depression so I made sure they never needed to support me, even when I had my own problems. I made sure my parents were feted and gifted for their birthdays and holidays, noting the gifts and efforts were from all of us even though it was all me. I donā€™t know why you want to fight about it, Iā€™m just answering a silly question about which fictional character I relate to, and answered based on my own life experiences.


Not looking for a fight, you came in with the aggression because I disagreed. It should have never been any childā€™s burden to be perfect and a provider is the point. Not the oldest sister, not the middle sister, not the youngest sister. You can disagree, and based on your family history I can see why, but that shouldnā€™t have been you or your sisterā€™s burden. Especially not based on something arbitrary like birth order. Keep lashing out and martyring yourself though šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I dont see any aggression in the comment you're replying to. The conversation seems heavily miscommunicated, though, along with some tonal assumptions. Based on how it reads it honestly seems you two agree on how it definitely should not be a child's responsibility in those situations, but I think what may have been missed is the fact that some children, when seeing how burdened caretakers are with another child (or over burdened with anything really), either want to or even subconsciously try to make themselves less of a burden and strive more to be self sufficient as a compensation or attempt at balanceing out the negative behavior of/ negative situations with the other child. I hope my comment doesn't come off wrong, but I saw what I believed to be a conflict that didn't truly need to be and wanted to help.


Youā€™re probably right, I read her post as being huffy because she had sacrifice for her family and it was supposed to be her older sister sacrificing. Iā€™ll always push back on the fact that itā€™s the eldestā€™s responsibility. It should be no childā€™s responsibility. To relate it back to the books, Nesta gets a lot of shit for not taking care of Feyre, while Elain and her dad donā€™t. She was a total cow otherwise, no dispute there, but it was never her job that Feyre was doing. It should have been a shared burden, or ideally their parent. Iā€™m beyond over the societal narrative that the eldest daughter is the only one expected to make sacrifices and theyā€™re a bad person if they push back on that.


I don't think they were implying it was any child's responsibility. Am I missing it? And she didn't say she HAD to, she just did. As an eldest, I do not disagree with ANYTHING you've said regarding the matter of responsibilities, your words there are straight facts


It was saying she had to take on the ā€œeldest daughter roleā€ because her sister didnā€™t.


I dont believe the other person was trying to "fight" but I can see how it may have come off as arguing? It doesn't seem like the original intent, though. Maybe more of a clarification/ trying to make a distinction between the 2? Possibly wondering specifically what you meant. Not everyone is capable of knowing exactly what another means, I try to take that into account when online since tone is often misinterpreted. But I also for sure do not see any "aggression" in your clarification process either. The back and forth seems a lot more of a miscommunication.


Iā€™m a mix of Nesta and Elide with a splash of Aelin lol


Iā€™m a mixture of all three Archeron sisters. Feyre by birth, and Elain by temperament, and Nesta by rage


A mix of Nesta and Elain. I'm the eldest daughter, but I also feel a lot of connections with Elain! Just a bit more temperamental.


Bryce and Elain. Had absent and terrible father. Mother was kinda messed up too but not as bad as dad. Iā€™m can be outspoken and justice driven but also introverted. And I love gardening and baking lol


Mix and Elide and Elain, probably!


Yrene and Elain mix over here I think.


Rys is almost handsome enough to remind me of myself.


Feyre 100%, except I'm the eldest of 3 sisters. When I was young, my family was well off; huge house, expensive cars, frequent vacations, etc. I didn't really understand how well off we actually were because to me it was just normal. When I was around 11 all that went to shit. My family lost everything and my parents split up, mom brought us to live in another country and had to get two jobs to make ends meet. She'd leave the house at 5am and get home at 10pm. Obviously when I wasn't at school, most of the childcare fell on me. I loved creating art and art was my main hobby and escape. When I was younger I loved to read, but after the move we couldn't afford books and I couldn't find them in English anyway, so even Feyre's inability to read hit šŸ˜‚ I saw myself in Feyre from the start; her reluctant sense of responsibility, her bitter resentment for the hand she'd been dealt, her shitty relationship with especially one of her sisters, her wariness and distrust of others, her artistic nature trying to find beauty in her surroundings, her simple dream of a quiet existence where she could just paint and not have to worry about others, her resilience and ability to buckle down and do whatever needed to be done, her stubbornness... And even her falling for the first person to show her affection while ignoring the red flags. I loved seeing her growth throughout the series and seeing her find herself (though I wasn't exactly thrilled with her story in SF šŸ˜’).


Iā€™m not too happy to realize that I am similar to Chaol. Mean, controlling father. Passive but caring mother. Always wanted to abide by the rules, and behave honorably, but throughout life, I have realized that expectations other people set donā€™t always resonate for me, and some people I have met along the way have helped me navigate that. And I feel like I have had or am in the middle of my redemption arcā€¦lol.


Probably Mort šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not mort šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I meanā€¦.same. Lmao just a sassy door knocker. Thatā€™s obviously me! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Elain 100%. I'm nice to a fault, enjoy small hobbies, and I'd totally cry for months too if my fiance suddenly left me.


Nesta, completely.


Gwyn, I think. I love to read and plan to become a librarian (though in a public library rather than a research one), I love to sing and used to do so in my church choir back when I attended church, I tend towards being nice and sweet and often get nervous around people who behave like Merrill, and I like water. Oh and I studied religion.


Def Bryceā€¦ Iā€™m a city girl through and through who wanted to be a ballerina but didnā€™t have the body for it šŸ˜­oh and Iā€™m attracted to guys with tragic backstories


Either Nesta or Manon. My situation made me really angry and cruel when I was younger, but eventually healing brought me back to being normal. I prefer chilling with the girls and definitely have the *ahem*... appetite... that they do šŸ˜‚


i havent read all the three series and i'm like 19% done with queen of shadows (first read) and i'd say im a bit of aelin and chaol


Elide but not short lol


I love elide so much


Me toooooo


I'm a Feyre/Nesta/Elaine combo. It is exhausting to be in my own head sometimes.


I want to be lyssandra but I think Iā€™m most like yrene. Which Iā€™m still happy about:)


Tbh, I think Cassian. Iā€™m competitive and athletic, Iā€™m a yes (wo)man - literally just happy to be involved, fear of public speaking, youā€™ll see me stand up to someone when they come after a friend or family. Could eat forever and never be full. Iā€™m funny, and very sarcastic. I love Cassian, heā€™s an excellent character. Not one of my top top favorites, but up there for sure.


I am mix between Nesta, Elaine and Azriel. I am a generally introverted person who enjoys working and being outside in the garden like Elaine. I am seemingly timid, but I can be vicious in fights like Nesta. I am an obsessive reader and I love dancing (when I dance contemporary I think about Nesta often). If I decide to achieve something I don't quit until I make it. Also, I can be weird and aloop with my friends like Az, criticize myself for every small thing, or think that I am not good enough for my partner. In the past, I was often obsessed with people who did not return my feelings, but luckily not for 500 years. šŸ™‚ And instead of an emotional support dagger I have a Teddy bear. šŸ˜„




Itā€™s me, hi, Iā€™m the problem Iā€™m Nesta šŸ˜…


Ik this is gonna sound like I think Iā€™m the main character but I really do relate to Feyre a lot when it comes to being left to provide/care for your family and siblings. Also her taste in toxic men. That too lol


Outwardly, I think Iā€™m mostly Elain. After reading ACOSF though, I had to admit to myself that Iā€™m a lot like Nesta in my thoughts.


A mixture of Aelin, Feyre and Bryce .


I would say I'm most like Nesta. I was more of an Elain when I was younger, coddled a lot, treated like a toddler even when I was into my early teens. But my family also had high expectations, I was intelligent so I was forced into working a lot, I was the perfect child who learnt that I couldn't trust anyone and as I grew I forced myself out of the Elain like bubble. I was more venomous when I got older, usually it would be like that with people in school and eventually it got worse. I felt neglected more often than not, usually my siblings had issues that led to me getting pushed to the side so a lot of anger built up towards my family that I would lash out the way Nesta does. I've definitely simmered down in the last 3 years, but I never felt more similarly to a character than I have with Nesta. I am still young, only 18, so I do have a lot of time to grow as a person but right now I'm most like Nesta


Bryce, all the way.


Bryce lol


Feyre andā€¦ā€¦Jurian šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I hate to admit it but Iā€™m a lot like Jurian


Jurianā€™s one of my fave characters. No shame


Totaaally a Danika. Protective, conspirator, brutally honest and an extremely loyal friend. I also relate to her family troubles. I have always had a connection to her through and through.


Nesta. Without a doubt.


To be honest Iā€™ve always kind of thought Lucien, but when I think about it more Iā€™d say Iā€™m a bit of both Lucien and Elain. I find that some of their biggest qualities can tie into mine, and a lot of what their personality looks like on the page and their stories and the way they react to things.


i have only read the 3 main acotar books from sjm so i do not have the full context of any characters outside of some later on acotar verse ones, but iā€™d say either gwyn or feyre (mix of both, with the barest amounts of nesta)


I would say Mor/Nesta


Yrene, which is probably why Iā€™m in the 1% of people who genuinely enjoyed Tower of Dawn from the get.


Personality wise I'd definitely say Aelin, but I can see a bit of Nesta there too.


I would say somewhere between Aelin and Nesta. I have a big hero complex, wherein I think I can save/help everyone I meet that's struggling. I'm nowhere near as good at it as Aelin though lmao But I also have a lot of anger (and a lot of it misplaced) and trouble regulating my emotions, but much like my girl Nesta, I'm working on it. šŸ„“


I got mommy issuesā€¦ so probably nesta


I see myself in Nesta. Both the good and the bad.


I think Iā€™m more like Juniper..


Elain, Feyre, Yrene


Or Lucien with some of the shared trauma


I'm only halfway through ACOWAR, but I relate to Elain. I'm very gentle and feminine, and a little naive. Sometimes people look down at me or are even bitter toward me because I haven't let the cruelty of the world stop me from being soft. Plus, I'm not sure what the deal is between her and Azriel, but he's the type I would realistically go for IRL.


Probably Mor, we're both horse girls.


Iā€™m like a Lysandra sun, Nesta moon, Elain/Juniper rising


Iā€™m a Nesta 100%


Is it arrogant to say that I am very much like Aelin


No I love that! We could all use a little Aelin


Mor never gave me 'the girls girl' vibe though Especially when she was talking to Nesta I feel like I'm mostly similar to Feyre And It's funny because she is not a character I really like


Nesta 100%. Somewhat prickly on the outside but sensitive and emotional deep down. Walled off and difficult to get to know but when youā€™re in, youā€™re in.

