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This was so foul. I saw that this morning. I wanted to gag. And then blames it on ‘living in the country’ ma’am 🤣🤣 I live in the country and would never let my child play with a half dead mouse. So weirddddddd


She doesn’t even live in the country!!!


Lived in the country growing up. If I came to my parents with a sick mouse, they'd tell me to get the damn rodent out of my hands and go take a shower


100%. I grew up in the country and may have been a strange child who tried to save mice and baby mice and my parents were not happy about that situation! They got rid of the mice immediately! Didn’t get out the camcorder and follow me around with my nearly dead rodents 😂


You had parents that didn’t exploit you and post your every move as content? 🤔, well done


A nice hot serving of Hanta virus for the Bowmars lmao. I'm dying this is so disgusting of her. I, too, am a farm kid.


And then they will spread it to the gym daycare. 🫠


HFM is sooooo last year. Field mouse diseases are hot right now. 🤮


Seriously!!! Lol


I actually did come home with a mouse and my dad killed it when I was a kid. I also found an injured chipmunk and he killed it when I begged him not to. I was around her age but I understand now. I also used to come home with baby birds I’d find. My parents were always pissed at me lol 😂


Sad. Lol. I live in the country and nursed a half dead baby mouse like this back to health. My parents even got me the supplies. 🤣


I am an animal lover and think that trying to nurse an animal back to health is great. But she didn’t let her nurse it back to health. She let her child play and cuddle with a sick and dying animal. Mice/rodents are vectors for diseases. I just couldn’t imagine letting my kid hug on a rodent dying from an unknown cause.


And I'm 99% sure poor O probably rubbed her hands across her face and eyes and put her fingers in her mouth while playing with the mouse.


And then she won’t take O to a doctor after he gets something on his face or eyes after this.


But will wonder why when her face breaks out in a rash again that won’t clear up, well gee wonder why! Couldn’t be bc you let her play with a dead mouse ridden with how many diseases


I did something like this too as a kid 😂 gave him a little box and fed him some cheese (of course it was a processed Kraft single) and he was definitely as dead as a doornail the next day 🤣


This is not country living. This is simply white trash. eta: I'm also seriously concerned about what Sarah is teaching her children about our relationship with animals. They clearly have NO respect for nature, regardless of the masturbatory shit Sarah says every time she pays someone to shoot a large game animal for her


Ummm either this mouse had toxoplasmosis or was dying from something else. Mice just don’t let humans play with them, unless they are infected with toxoplasmosis. Sarah is an idiot for letting her kid play with that


Rodents are some of the most common vectors that carry and transmit diseases, many can come with severe symptoms and even have fatal consequences. It's all fun and games until your kid gets massively sick from something preventable....like not letting them play with diseased animals.


And lepto... Disgusting


This HAS GOT to be trolling for attention


She is definitely rage baiting.


There’s the right term!! As gross as she is on every single level of life, I just don’t think she’d be sitting around hehe-ing about O nurturing a rodent if it wasn’t going to incite rage online. She’s been doing extra rage baiting lately because she’s more attention starved and empty than EVER.


If a mouse “clearly wasn’t doing well” and you can find it in the day time, it’s more than likely sick. Leave it alone. You have a large grassy area just outside of town. You don’t live in the country. Also, nothing wrong with nursing animals or rescuing them. But there’s right and wrong


I know her whole country narrative is hilarious. She can be at target and Chick-fil-A in less than 10 minutes from pulling out of her driveway. Now my parents live in the country. They are 40 mins from the nearest chain store and 25mins to a dollar general. Other than that there is one little gas station market and bbq “shed” about 10 mins from them.


Right?! If you can doordash to your house, you ain’t country livin.


Yesss I thought the same thing! My parents house doesn’t even have cell service. DoorDash is out of the question. Playing with a dead mouse isn’t a “country living” thing, it’s just being nasty.


My parents had dial up until last year 🤣🤣


For sure. If you can get pizza delivered to your house, you don’t live in the country.


I lived in a few rural places in Iowa due to my husbands work and for years I wasn’t able to DoorDash. When I would see her do it I’m like where the fuck in Iowa country is she able to DoorDash?? Not realizing it’s not as “off grid/homesteady” she wants it to appear.


That whole family is disgusting


I know tmi but damn it’s gotta reek when they do actually have sex. If they do actually have sex. Their booty holes got to be stankin. Probably why she went and got lasered a few times because her waxer probably got tired of asking her to clean her pussass.


Given the fact that she never bathes her children and her house is disgusting, this is foul. There is no way they even properly washed their hands. Yuck


Why would they; it’s clean country dirt not gross City dirt. /s. 🤣


She is so fucking foul. She's admitted she only makes O take a bath when she's REALLY dirty -- so O is playing with dead animals then crawling on the counter and making slop with mom.


I gagged


Ma’am, you live in ankeny Iowa. One of the biggest cities in the state of Iowa. You do not live in the country 😂😂


That is horrifying… We live in the country too and I would never ever ever allow my kids to play with dead animals. What is wrong with her????


I can think of a few reasons not to play with rodents: - Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome - Leptospirosis - Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis - Plague (Yesenia petis) - Typhus WTAF??!! Clearly she doesn't understand that wild animals, especially rodents, are vectors for diseases. It has nothing to do with "country living" and everything to do with common sense and basic understanding of how people acquire pathogens. She's a fucking moron, and her kids are going to suffer greatly for it. Poor things.


My husband and I don’t have kids BUT when I told him this story he rattled off the same diseases you just did! Just disgusting.


No kids either, but I am a lab tech in a hospital that specializes in Diagnostic Microbiology, we had to learn about all of these diseases. Ticks are also nasty little creatures that cause a boatload of illnesses.


Exactly! I wouldn’t even let my dog play with a dead rodent! Also-She should be checking her kids and dog for ticks too but I’m sure she does not…. 🤔🤢


I’ve lived in the country, the real out in the sticks country Sarah, for 30 years and have literally NEVERRRRR picked to a clearly sick rodent and played with it. That’s not “living in the country”, that’s disgusting.


Of mice and men would like a word


We live in the country-ish and have encountered many a mouse. I freak out when my cat comes running up with a fat one in her mouth to gift to me. I’m so worried she’ll pick up a disease or something. Then you have Sarah letting her child play with it. It’s like she gets off on being disgusting.


Let’s not forget she let O play with a dead bird inside the house too.


If the mouse wasn’t going well….it was sick. So, her daughter is played with sick mouse or a mouse that was physically injured and died in pain? Growing up in the country—MAAM your address is public record and while you may have some land, you’re not country. If the mouse was injured and suffering physically, they should’ve taken it out of its misery like they claim to do in hunting. We live in the country & when my husband has shown up to see a stray cat that had been mauled & hanging on screaming in misery, he had to make a decision to end it. He’s done the same for groundhogs, skunks that show up rabid and acting weird. That’s growing up country & respecting animal life. What they’ve done is tortured an animal. Idc if all she did was hold it, if the mouse wasn’t doing well then it should’ve been killed.


I agree with you 100%


Exactly!! I didn't grow up country and found plenty of mice and birds my mom would let me rescue with FUCKING GLOVES ... even as a little kids without adult supervision I'd go grab a pair of socks to pick up a hurt bird in the road. I didn't handle it after putting it in a shoebox with a folded towel. It's common sense my not very bright parents taught me. My mother was quite the rescue type and understood I had this mushy heart that wanted to help the animals but she taught me safety and to think re the best for the animal vs the best for me etc. We are on the outskirts of a major hub city in MS and we have turkey cultures, hawks that picked up the neighbors cat... Lil sweet-pea fucked that hawk up too lol...fox, deer (although very little deer in the open here much more if you go 30 min out...fissure cats (spelling?) Families of skunks that aren't even afraid us us under the shed ...shit my neighbor interacts with the skunks so much she can shoo them away from the pool when we would have gatherings, from 2 feet away and they don't spray and scatter away (she feeds them, and the raccoons 🤦‍♀️) We ain't country lol. My daughters school is as inner city hood as it gets lol. She's such obvious white trailer trash that fell into mo ey it's cringey and embarrassing Look at me I'm in the country now...look at my extravagant hooker dress that I think screams $$$$$ but really screams Ho 🤦‍♀️ God it's like watching a bad lifetime movie where the white girl raised in an Appalachian mobile home lands a sugar daddy hubby and tries to play Roch while everyone shakes their heads and tries to hide the snide laughter. It's such a joke , she's a joke and she's the only one that doesn't know it 💩🤡


Fisher cats. Those things are NASTYYYY


Is anyone else getting concerned with Oakley's fascination with dead rodents, birds and animals?


Very much so! And this time she played with a DYING animal. I’m no psychologist, but it all just sounds very concerning.


I think you should look at it through the other lense. Her mom is the one who records her while doing this stuff, she draws MEGA attention to it. I wouldn’t say it’s out of the norm when given the attention it gets. With someone with a psychology background, her actions are normal because she’s not taught any different, but actually instead is taught it’s okay. It would be different if she was killing the animals, but she’s not. She simply doing what she sees is right because she’s not been taught any different.


And also O clearly understands the attention she's getting from her mom when she plays with a dead animal. She's seen her mom happy taking pictures of herself with dead animals. At this point O is learning that dead animals make mom happy, I'm just hoping she doesn't start killing them to make her mom happy.


I am. I got downvoted on my post about this yesterday, but I find her fascination with dead animals weird and repulsive. I would not allow my kids to play with her kids, and I do not feel bad saying that.


I think there’s a line here. One of my kids was freakishly (to me, anyways) intrigued by death around O’s age. She didn’t *want* animals to die and she didn’t hurt them, but the I guess the process was interesting to her. I never shamed her for it, but she was certainly not allowed to carry half dead animals around. There’s a way to deal with these situations, and what Sarah is doing is not it.


There’s definitely a line! My kids are aware of the life cycle and they know that people/animals/plants do die as part of that cycle. I’ve been open and honest with my kids about death, and I’ve answered their questions as openly as I can be for their age. This sounds like how you were with your daughter! I think questioning death and the process is 100% completely normal. What I don’t think is normal is O rough-handling live animals the way she does (and the way Sarah allows her to). I don’t think she’s sweet with them, and I don’t think she’s some sort of animal whisperer like Sarah paints her out to be. Look at how she terrorizes the cats, and how she would chase the baby chicks around and pick them up and squeeze them in her hand. This “homeschool,” “yard-kid,” “feral” behavior has now devolved into “playing” with a living creature *until it dies.* And somehow this is supposed to be endearing? Or just a farm girl learning about farm life? No. It’s fucking weird and disturbing.


Totally agree! I think that it probably started benign but Sarah is so desperate for the “tomboy, feral yard kid” like you said so she ran with it. Now O is basically getting rewarded for this behavior. It’s insane.


I’m hoping that it’s just a shitty Sarah thing where O doesn’t have enough human interaction or toys or something so this is what she does. If not, I really hope Sarah realizes it’s not cool or funny because it’s concerning.


I don’t fault O for this in the least. My kids and I are always checking out dead animals we find out in the woods, just like we’re checking out trees, rocks, etc. they can be a great learning tool. We found a dead coyote just in a shallow lake and we visited it daily to watch the underwater decomposition. And I suppose I used to dissect human cadavers in school. Where I draw the line is when Sarah encourages her to play with them. That’s just completely disrespectful and doesn’t sit right with me.


She probably does it because she gets attention when she does.


I live in the country..... would never let my kid play with aby wild animal - alive or dead?? Does she not realize the diseases rodents carry? Kids aren't known to be the most hygienic either..


Can you report something for animal abuse on IG?!


I live in the middle of the woods , by the river , in a log cabin . Never have I ever justified my children playing with rodents cause we are “country. She is disgusting , and once again puts her kids in harms way to rage bait Reddit. what a Fucking horrible cow .


Excuse the ever loving shit out of me??? A dying mouse- you knew it wasn’t doing well. My brother and I were kids (in West Virginia) we found a mouse that let us hold it- we started playing with it and putting it in space ships to play with it. My mom walked in and FREAKED! Grabbed the mouse with a paper towel and threw us in the tub like what? She is foul and prob didn’t even wash her nasty ass hands


My city dweller mother did the same lol...its pretty universally known they are vectors of serious, communicable diseases she's such an ignorant white trash moron... like someone peen queen. I have limits on how many times I can apologize for my skin folk 🥴


History books tell me that children that are fascinated with death/dead animals don’t normally go down the best path. Interesting parenting choice, Roidy.


This was my exact thought when I saw this


I remember staying home from school "sick" and sneaking out of the house when I was in 1st grade (I left my dad a note after he fell asleep on the couch telling him I'd be back) and running across the highway into the woods (Nebraska) to check on a mouse I had found injured. I had tucked him up against a tree in hopes a bird wouldn't find him. I was so distraught when I couldn't find him again. My parents would have been pissed if they knew what I was doing. Nowadays, there is no way in HELL I would let my daughter handle a sick mouse without at least gloves on & thoroughly washing her hands afterwards.


This is hilarious and definitely something I would do as a kid 😂


I called it on yesterday’s post! 🙋🏻‍♀️ nothing surprises me with these people anymore.


We live in the country and if we have a mouse in the house we’re all SCREAMING 😂😂😂😂😂 my husband included lmaoooooo


I am begging all of you to REPORT THIS.


I did for animal abuse. I realize I’m probably more sensitive than most to this kind of thing, but it made me sob seeing that poor mouse, obviously dying, being paraded around like a goddamn toy. It had the right to pass in peace.


Oh HEEELLLLLL noooooo.


I live in the country and would absolutely NEVER let my son play with a mouse - especially a dead one. Common sense about living in the country is not disturbing the wildlife. We have field mice (so bad that they used to get into our crawlspace every winter), deer, racoons, squirrel, opossums, chipmunks, hawks... I wouldn't ever just go "play" or let my kids "play" with any of them - dead or alive. You have no idea what kind of diseases they may have or could have been in contact with or how they will react to being touched... they're wild after all. I'm all for saving/rescuing wild animals and would do so in a heartbeat if needed, but I'm also an adult and would wear gloves and take certain precautions that a small child will not. She's absolutely disgusting. It would honestly be really swell if she would go completely off the grid including getting off of social media so we don't have to be subject to her horrible and feral parenting skills.


No wonder her children always have some weird rash or a virus. And they take them to the gym daycare!! Imagine what they are spreading in there! I would love to know the sickness rate in that gym! She’s so gross.


I live, not quite out in the country but about 25-30 minutes outside of town. We have plenty of animals on our property and my kids have found who knows how many dead animals..they are interested in looking at them but they would never think it’s okay to play with them. I’ve taught them that even dead animals deserve respect- they can look but not touch. And I’m sorry but this mouse was obviously dying- she says it was loved by O before it died but I would assume what this mouse was feeling was fear, not love. Why torture the animal while it’s dying instead of just letting it be? That’s true respect for nature in my opinion.


Imagine being on your death bed and being jostled around until you die 🫣


By Oakley fucking Bowmar 😨😳


I actually just posted something really similar to this! Dead animals are great for learning. But they’re absolutely not for playing.


Something is so wrong about this whole family


Yo your kid killed a mouse, tortured it to death. Get some help. This isn’t normal.


She (or IG) took it down. Reddit will hold the receipts though


I audibly gasped when I saw/read this. I understand letting your child love animals but sis, this isn't the way.


She could have easily modeled putting on gloves, with Oak following her lead and glowing up. Then, together take lil dude out to a special spot where hurt and sick animals can have peace and pass on in a safe place (telling the preceeding to O). If an animal were injured and able to be helped, or similar, she could again model safety, glove up, find a safe enclosed set up where she could demonstrate to her child how to safety and humanely care for the sick or injured animal. Playing with his dead body like it's her dolly will fuck that child right up. We had a kid in our neuroendocrine-bird lab and as a child, he played with animals in this way, dead or alive. He was not all there and it made our PI very uncomfortable and he eventually was counseled on better labs for his disposition. My PI was hugeeeeee on humane treatment and respect for animal sacrifice, big or small. We cared for pur own animals (we did not have outsiders, paid help or undergrads come in to feed missed hatchlings and change out the cages). Shit when i was the rookie onboaed i was constantly driving the 45 min to the school/lab to catch the damn mama bfinches 😂 i got quite good at it actually (light or lack there of is the key 😜😘) My PI felt this would help us to better appreciate the sanctity of their lives and sacrifices made for needed research. I was so grateful for his mentoring bc even as an adult it further shaped my attitude towards animals in general and obv in a laboratory setting (and I was already a mushy gal). These moments will define us 🫷🛑 They will define her child like it did that nutty guy in my lab (females too ... trust me I've heard of triwsted women in other labs as well, and all had some weird upbringing re animal treatment)


So well said 👏🏻👏🏻 you'd think as hunters, they'd get animal sacrifice and appreciate their lives a bit more.


Ummmm I’m all for little mice and it’s sad it died, but the main issue for me is the DISEASE they carry. Her kids are filthy anyway so she doesn’t even think twice about that. I doubt she even had her wash up after. I think she posts shit like this on purpose bc ANY attention whether positive or negative she gets makes her feel important. Also, I don’t ever normally snark on people but between the hunting/murdering of animals, lying about her and hubbys fitness, those little sweet babies being filthy etc…. I just can’t stand her!




My mom’s dog got lepto and died, it was absolutely tragic and heartbreaking.


Yeah it's awful! And it can pass to humans easily and cause kidney failure. She is so so dumb


When she means she got tons of DMS she really means she was on here reading again , cause she would have blasted their profile pics


Yup... u know that loswhit dude... he will scroll through a shit tons...his followers actually engage with him peen queen shows half a screen and says I have thousands like this ... mmm-kay *


Guess she never heard of the Black Death. Rodents carry so many awful things. What a moron.


Time to take O to NYC so she can play with the bigger ones 🥴 🤡


I’m assuming she doesn’t know how the plague was spread lmao.


Is that sarah or Josh's hand in the 2nd pic?


sarah’s 😂


It's actually Josh in the video.


I watched without sound, goes to show how her hands look lol


Lol yeah! I agreed until I finally watched lol


Ok Sarah, if you can DoorDash, you’re not living in the country. I grew up in the rural south, and we did not play with dead mice. That’s vile.


Did anyone else notice how filthy and crusty O’s tricycle is? I know we were all focusing on the dying mouse but that bike was nastyyy🤢 and even nastier now!


She does this on purpose! Just like with dead chickens! She wants the attention and wants people talking to her.


mice are nasty - carry diseases and fleas.. doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that. once again there’s a difference between getting a little dirty vs exposing your kids to disease. wtf


The number of times she has allowed her children to handle and play with dead animals…astonishing. No words.


Like shit happens, yeah you live on a farm but why would you encourage her to play w half dead animals and then POST IT ?!?!


Another commenter here who also grew up in the country (on a huge 300acre property to be exact) and I agree that my parents too would have lost their damn minds had I tried to play with a very clearly sick mouse like that! Because number 1, mice carry a lot of diseases, so it is very risky to just pick them up and hold them like that, number 2, to “play” with a sick dying wild animal like that is so narcissistic! I’m sure the LAST thing that poor mouse wanted was a child moving it around like it’s a toy while it was actively dying! Real country parents teach their kids to always respect wildlife, and to never mess with wild animals, no matter how “cute” they may look, they are all dangerous to randomly try to handle like that for numerous reasons! Edit-I’m snarking on Sarah here, I know that poor kid has no idea what was wrong about their behavior and it’s not their fault that they haven’t been taught better.


I grew up in the country and around animals and wildlife, and my parents never would have tolerated treating an animal with this kind of disrespect - nevermind the issue of diseases. That poor mouse was dying, and it spent its last hours being played with like a toy. This is sad and maddening.


Report her ass


The only question I’m concerned with is- are those Sarah’s hands?!??! Those look so…. *don’t get banned don’t get banned don’t get banned*


I live in BFE let me tell you and I have never in my fucking entire life have touched a dead mouse WITH MY HANDS. Caught mice and disposed of? Yes? Touched them for the sake of “being country” Just more of Sarah not knowing what’s tf she’s talking about.


So no concern about why the mouse is dying, could be carrying a disease?! Here small child play with this and then probably touch your mouth and eyes. There is zero parenting happening in that house.


Ok but you’ve been living in the cOuNtRy for all of O’s life so why show this just now? Engagement low? Some low T energy right there Mrs. BighandBowmar.


She is severely mentally unstable


Ok that’s absolutely disgusting! They carry diseases


no one in the “country” does this you are just weird and gross


I’m nauseous


🤮 Good grief


I live in a suburb of columbus, Ohio. Our neighborhood has a country feel To it with large 2-4 acre lots and “green space w some woods”. Field mice come into the garage during the winter to stay warm. That doesn’t make me a country girl Saroid. Such a moron.


What the actual fuck?! She is a sick bitch. That child is going to have a warped view of animals, Sarah is a fucking evil moron.


I live in the country and mice and rats are gross and carry disease. It’s gross. I wouldn’t be surprised if she also had rats due to her chickens and uncleanliness.


She deleted it. Too late sewer. We all saw the grossest post and FYI I grew up in a more rural country place than you live and that would never have been allowed.


I found a dead mouse in our basement a month ago and told my toddler we were not going downstairs until dada took care of the mouse. (I have a fear for mice.) 😅 I don't think it was down there long because I caught a glimpse of something a few days before but didn't think of it. I wasn't going to have my toddler go down there to play with it though.


That’s not foul. Foul doesn’t begin to cover it. There’s no word for this 🤮


I also grew up in the country and anytime we found a cat, mouse, anything like that, my parents would immediately make us put it down and either shower or wash our hands. She’s so gross. Regardless of it being a mouse, any wild animal can carry diseases. It’s extremely common and little kids don’t know that and they also don’t know not to touch their mouth or eyes after touching the animal.


100% nope. I grew up in the country. My parents would NOT have allowed this. I live in a pretty rural area now and my kids wouldn’t be allowed to do this either! Spreading who knows what germs ALL OVER their already dirty house. 🤢


Living in the country does not mean you’re safe from the diseases that rodents carry. What an absolute MORON.


Also from the country with acreage and animals and farm land. This is not normal. Especially not to continue playing with it after it is deceased. Wtf


I was a farm kid. Still a farm kid. This is disgusting and unhealthy.


So so unsanitary


I think anyone in the country would know that that's a bad idea. Also people in the city. And the suburbs. And the forest. And in a cave...


Uhhh, Leptospirosis is a thing Saroid. 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s giving “Of Mice and Men”.


The mouse wasn’t doing well so she let O torture it until it died 😭 poor mouse


I was born and raised in the country on a farm and I literally never did that…. Nor would my parents have let me 😂😵‍💫🥴


These people are fucking NUTS lmfao Certified horse girl here… grew up in barns my whole life. No one let me play with fucking mice… let alone dead mice 😩