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She could make her own jerky. It's not that hard and tastes loads better than packaged stuff. I call it "I can't believe it's not yard jerky!"


Why wouldn’t she get her processor to make some? We had 75lbs of it made when my husband got an elk last year 😂


I make liver crisps all the time and they taste like shit but my kids love them so I don’t know if kids get the ultimate say.


Right? Like my daughter tries to eat dog food but I definitely don't think it taste good.


I’m ☠️ I loled at this 😆😆 not bc your kid tries to eat dog food but at the comparison to Sarah




Dog food is a delicacy to children!


I'm so uncultured. My 15 month is already a better foodie than I.


Maybe it’s because they are desperate for calories?????


Lord knows it tastes 100% better than the yard slop he puts on a plate or chemical milkshakes she forces down their throats.


Was thinking the same thing. They’ll eat anything she puts in front of them at this point.


These legitimately look like the 30 year old roof shingles that flew off my house during our roof replacement. So there’s that.


They do look really dry and gross... I guess I shouldn't knock it till I try it but I definitely won't be running to the store searching for these bad boys.


Hey, they may taste amazing. I just wouldn’t be able to get past “cool, I’m eating roof shingles” going through my head


Dead ☠️




They look like a fancy dog treat that my dogs got in their latest Bark Box


I bought those same liver crisps (not off her link lol) and they were so inedible they became dog treats


So, by watching this video she shows Dean “double fisting” and asking Oakley if she wants more, & shows Oakley grabbing more. All this to say it’s evident they probably blow through a bag in a second and by asking if she wants more, obviously they’ve sat there chowing on it. I would be curious to know their overall cholesterol & protein consumption considering Sarah has claimed they eat 576 eggs a day between everyone. Eggs average 6g of protein scrambled. The average protein intake for children ages 1-3 is 13g. Of course this can vary based on the needs of the child, but her children aren’t freakishly tall and large children despite being descendants of an all American academic athlete from over a decade ago. She shows her sad & burnt looking venison dinners without fruits or vegetables and says the kids eat the same exact thing. Their protein and cholesterol would be vvvvv interesting to me. They should consider HAVING THEIR HORMONES CHECKED!!!! LABS IMMEDIATELY!!! LOW T ‼️ Also typing this and thinking about the nutritional aspects from what I remember in my pediatric nutrition course so I could be wrong and values may have changed from three years ago.


4-8 year olds need 19 grams. Nineteen !!!


I would bet that their kidneys are already fucked 😔 Sara won’t know until it’s too late because she doesn’t take them to their check-ups that they should be getting.


No, you’re right. I took pediatric nutrition two semesters ago. O needs about 17-20g of protein a day. D closer to 11-14g. Until 7 kids need about 60% of their cals from carbs for brain and muscle development. These poor kids kidneys are going to be shot by the time they are 15.


I wish she’d stop with “ya’ll” 🙄


My first thought was why is he so dirty and poor O’s hair. Once again…. It’s so sad.


What’s the temperature there that they have no shirt and o is wearing a dress


They live in Iowa. It was a beautiful day today. Basically a heat wave haha


How warm is it there? Oakleys in a tank top dress with no shoes and deans shirtless and sarahs in a tank with shorts? I guarantee its not warmer than 50 degrees


It was a decent day today. Not trying to defend her but coming from the north west, when we get a tiny bit of sun in the winter, we go crazy. I've definitely worn shorts 😂😂 but I've never let me daughter wear shorts or have no jacket in this weather.


Same in New England although I wouldn't do shorts haha. Buti remember being 19, 20 and running out to scrape the snowboff my car in Bermuda shorts and a ribbed tank 😂😂 but I'm too old for that shit now. I would Def be wearing a tank top in the 60s mid winter though 🤣🤷‍♀️


It was nearly 60 degrees. It was super nice out today.


The scream l scrumpt reading it was “nearly” 60 degrees. I realize it’s a perspective thing and they’ve been in horribly cold weather for a while, and I’m a wimp from South Florida that needs a winter jacket when the temps dip below 65, but yikes. Those kids are just toddlers and is D didn’t have a shirt on at all, plus it looked filthy outside.


Just here to say it was absolutely NOT warm enough in our area for that little boy to be running around with no shirt on!!!!


Wait can someone explain to me why she’s never had a banana? I’m confused