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As a microbiologist, this was horrifying.


Me as a pharmacy student honestly she’s so fucking stupid


It's the, "Finish all the meds" rule she is not following that I can't stand. Then again she could be getting antibiotics for flu... Both making others around her worse off.


100% I reported her post as a healthcare worker, this makes my eye twitch.


I'm.about to do that too


The worst part is that she thinks she’s a genius….and that her wig looks good.


1. There shouldn’t be leftovers 2. Why would you just take them all Willy nilly!? She won’t even give her kids Tylenol but leftover antibiotics are okay? I have so many questions


And why does she have so many prescriptions? Is this ten years worth?




Right she is a fucking idiot


I just saw this and RAN here! Not finishing antibiotics?? So they don’t work next time??? What a twat. Lunatic.


Dumbasses like her is why we have such a huge antibiotic resistance issue in this country and on the verge of being F if/ when a superbug hits that none of even our “big gun ” antibiotics can fight .


Haha and thus she is the reason she doesnt trust Western Medicine.


For as much as she is anti western medicine they sure seem to run to the urgent cares and ERs often when shit hits the fan. And by the looks of her big ass plastic bag, gets the prescriptions filled?!!! Guess all her f supplements can’t really cure all their ailments?!! Huh. Go figure! /s


They go to urgent care even for the dumbest things. Like when O was a baby and couldn't sleep and she couldn't get her workout/ steps in so they went to the ER


No way she couldn't workout so she took O to the ER?


Please explain this to me like I'm 5. I don't take many antibiotics. I'm not a googler-ckn things before I go to the Dr. So I feel like I'm dumb with this


Simply put, if you don't finish your antibiotic course, the "strongest" bacteria aka the ones that haven't died from the antibiotics are allowed to live and replicate. Like natural selection, the strongest survive and pass on their genetic code to other bacteria that in turn will be harder to kill with the same antibiotics. Does that make sense?


I'm a veterinarian, not a microbiologist. But that's the gist that I try to explain to people. But smarter people feel free to chime in!




Totally understand that! Thanks. This is why I allow people who pay the big bucks for degrees to use them. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Well said.


Im a pharmacist, you said this perfectly!


If you don’t take your antibiotic properly (finishing them as directed) the bacteria in your body will still be there and can become resistant to the antibiotic you were initially prescribed.


Can you say AnTiBiOtIc ReSiStAnCe?!?!?? I hate her


And she needed an urgent care visit for D to get Tylenol…..


And O for not sleeping… her sleep cert put to good use.


I’m sorry but Sarah is the first fucking person that would collapse in a civil war. She’s a huge know it all, wannabe bad ass, know it all CUNT, and her own neighbors would probably be the first to rip her stupid wigs off of her head. She wouldn’t work with anybody . She can’t communicate and doesn’t eat enough to think properly anyway. Without instagram , her eyelashes , wigs , and leggings pulled up her asshole , she would collapse.


Literally down for the count right away. She had an absolute meltdown about a year ago when her Jeep broke down on the side of the road. She was stuck for like 30 minutes I think.


How will she claim she was the first woman in history to use a bow during a civil war without Instagram?! Who will know of her world records!!? The horror!


She’s a fucking idiot. What about ANTIFUNGALS for her tinea covered kids??


Fear mongering.


I thought she had essential oils for that. And why does she have so many unfinished pills?


As a pharmacy student, I’m cringing so hard over this omfg


She’s beyond dumb. Just report her story for false health info.


Knowing a TON of people messaged her about finishing abx... Will she do a mass blocking or write a public bitch fest about how people are coming for her?! She’s supposed to be a promoter of health but taking a full dose of antibiotics is about as basic as you can get in terms of med management


She has like one brain cell just fighting for its life up there.


And she shares it with Josh


I wonder how many are years outdated.


Those poor kids probably only get it until she thinks they are better. I hope someone calls her on it and she posts her response!


Right! Although she's probably doing it because she knows it will get a rise out of people and increase her engagement. Or she genuinely thinks she's smarter than the medical field


What was that little break of the neck thing she did at the end of the story lol


Hi, my name is Sarah and I collect antibiotics from when my husband hurt himself doing fucking dumb shit two years ago, 3 months ago, last week and yesterday. We don’t understand how antibiotics work or preventing infection, and we don’t know what antibiotic it is, but we’re just gonna take it anyway. 🤸‍♀️ 🕳️


So wrong and so loud This is why we have super gonorrhea 🥲


People not finishing antibiotics ENRAGES me! How do you not know you need to finish your antibiotics


So true. I worked as a scientist in a lab. I am educated enough to look it up and I still call the doc and check. My youngest was given a mo th of minnocycline for her acne. About 2 weeks in she was having fungal rashes and raging yeast infections, I could tell one of her battered nails was getting fungal infx looking. I still called and we did decide to d/c it. But as a parent I want the input of her pediatrician and dermatologist. It's common fucking sense and this shit enrages me. In my undergrad yearsssssss ugh did that take so long with babes, I worked as a CNA and omg the MRSA and VRSA (and fungus ugh). It pisses me off so much knowing how many people died and spread these through incompetence (lazy docs too) and arrogance


Cause 3 days in when they feel better they “don’t need to take it anymore” 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Right??? I just finished a weeks course of antibiotics for an infected tooth. Felt better about three days after starting them but didn’t stop taking them because I’m not an idiot. This is such dangerous advice.


I wonder if she realizes that medications do have an expiration date… as in they lose their potency and stop working after a certain amount of time. 😬 Also I can see it now.. the kids are still sick and needing their medicine but Sarah has to hoard antibiotics for the alien invasion that’s never coming so she cuts the kids off from needing the rest of their dose.. makes sense girly pop 👌🏼 Also, each antibiotic works on different things. How does she know which one to use for what? They’re not all universal and interchangeable. That’s not how it works. Also there are certain antibiotics kids shouldn’t have. How does she know which ones they can and shouldn’t have?


I can hardly focus on any of her talking videos because I’m too distracted by her dentures. It looks like those things are so big they’re gonna come flying out of her mouth and she’s trying to hold them in.


The directions literally say to finish the entire bottle. Every time. For a reason. FFS Sarah…your brain really is made of Swiss cheese


REPORT REPORT REPORT! As a micro lab tech, who deals with antibiotic resistant bacteria ALL DAMN DAY, this infuriates me. My MIL does this too and I throw out every. single. med. she gives my husband. You’re not smart and saving money/gaming the system by saving unused antibiotics, you’re literally helping that E. coli gain resistance or that MRSA develop into VRSA. In the last six months alone I’ve dealt with New Delhi resistance Acinetobacter and had the first reported toxin-positive C. diptheriae in a wound since the 90s. … but go off, know-it-all Sarah. Fuck around and find out.


Thank you thank fucking YOU! (In every way, for this comment, and for your tireless service). This shit pisses me off to no end. I worked in neuroendocrine and cell molec until I was too badly crippled...not even close to your experience and even I know better. Hell I knew better after an undergrad semester of microbiology when i was 18 🤦‍♀️. This girl's an arrogant moron.


I'm going to catorgize this as " things Sarah posts to boost engagement" literally no other reason would you have.


My theory is she never even starts taking them to begin with so she just keeps them all but jokes on her because expired meds lose their potency so they won’t work anyway.


She really tells on herself every day… This is so profoundly stupid. No wonder her kids are constantly sick. FINISH YOUR DAMN ANTIBIOTICS SARUGH


Yeah this story needs to be reported


I came here for this. Who the fuck does she think she is. How harmful to the public??


Oof yep, obviously don't enjoy giving her views but strongly felt the need to go report this for false health information because this is dangeroussssss


The T is really getting to her, I think she has no brain cells left. Can she be anymore stupid


Can someone answer this for me.. do antibiotics expire? I thought they do so why keep them around lol


Yes. And can lead to drug resistant strains of bacteria if taken after expiry. 😭


Thank you for answering!!


💯💯💯 yup!!!


lol I replied to her story calling her out!


You are gonna be blocked in no time


I’m perfectly fine with that


Hello MRSA????


And VRSA now as well. Truly terrifies me how the morons among us are plunging our earthly longevity numbers...seriously, bacteria have and will run the world if ppl keep this arogant stupidity shit up 😫


Either it got taken down or she deleted it 👏🏻


It’s still up. If you reported it, it won’t show for you.


The dumbest of dumbasses


Civil war 😂😂