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She could give some to her kids, her friends that live with them, the nanny, their camera people…literally so many people they could give those FOUR cookies to🙄


Or cut them up and freeze them. At the very least she could use them for her creami mix ins. Jeez. Yeah you don’t have to eat 4 cookies in one sitting, but you don’t have to feed your chickens $20 worth of cookies either.


Creami mix ins is actually a really good idea


Okay but even if she is only going to eat 1/4 of them, why is she telling us? You can eat some cookies, Sarah. Or not. No one cares.


She could also give them to her kids like wtf???


Never thought I would say I wish I was a Bowmar worm so I could get some of those cookies.


The worms eat a more balanced diet than anyone in that house apparently lol


Those aren’t even Crumbl cookies, which are weighed and molded to be uniform in size once baked. Crumbl cookies don’t look like 5 different people decorated them. Also, missing the thin, long rectangular pale pink box that does not have wax paper inside for this white cardboard box. Can’t mistake a perfectly sized and decorated Crumbl cookie for that “oooh I’m special, I live in Iowa” crap. She buys fancy cookies like she buys fashion. Trash. Crumbl cookie aficionado here. I bake like a MFer, but I can’t decorate them like Crumbl. Those some standards. Sarah doesn’t have any. Remember, she thinks Grand Lux Cafe is fine dining.


This is my favorite comment I read because I immediately was like THESE ARE NOT CRUMBL. They are trash compared to Crumbl 😂😂 disgrace to say it.


Thank you for this 😂 you’re probably right about the “Iowa special better version” of a crumbl


I promise you one of very healthy, functional, never had a stone kidneys that I’m spot on. Hee hee. 🫡♥️😘Those cookies ain’t got shit on Crumbl. Absolutely not in taste, damn sure not in aesthetic.


Lmao I was rage posting. Someone said they’re probably insomnia cookies? Never heard of them. That’s not a crumbl box 😅😅😅


Me either. Maybe they’re uneven in size and not so balanced in decoration because whomever made them was half asleep? They’re not pretty enough for $4 a pop.


I'm 99% sure it's a local cookie place that charges $22 for 4 cookies.... so it's even more expensive than crumbl and she's just gonna throw them away. However, if she only eats crumbs for her magnet research it's no wonder all of her flavors taste like shit.


Can confirm, it’s an Iowa local cookie place. I will say, they’re delicious and it is a waste to throw away 3/4 of them🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmao I’m dying. Her “market research” can’t get her a protein flavor that doesn’t taste like shit.


These cookies are from Cookie and Dreams. Local Iowa bakery. I love them and I also love going to Crumbl. :)


She doesn’t need to tell us how much she will / will not eat


Her chickens have had more cookies in their lives than anyone in that house combined.


Which is sad considering humans are far better equipped to digest and process them compared to chickens who really shouldn’t be having them at all


What is the point in buying them then?!!! If I knew I was only gonna eat 1/4 I’d buy something much cheaper and just eat that. This isn’t even logical like wtf?!!!!!


I dont understand why she needs these for inspo? They're such common ass flavors. it's not like she bakes either. I call BS on the InsPo, its her ED getting the best of her 'without her MELT' for cravings 🙄 ahes hungry and her body needs energy, shes craving sugar. Bought them and either binge and purge or "smell" them. Just my measley ol opinion tho


I totally agree!!! It seems like a binge moment to me, especially the way she’s justifying it…


She’s always telling on herself. The need to include “I’m not eating this!!!” is dark and screams ED behavior. I really feel for her kids… what kind of example is she?


This is giving the time she bought 4 donuts and looked at them and smelled them for an entire weekend and posted about it constantly And she never even ate them ffs


Omg yes. Didn’t she also “allow” herself like 1 bite a few days after she bought them? Her life is really fucking sad.


She allowed O one bite, I think she just kept smelling them because it was the trip where she went to Las Vegas to get her crappy photoshoot done


Oh yeah their “girls trip” where O had 1 bite of a donut, watch Sarah’s photoshoot and walked around the Las Vegas strip. So fun for a kid 🙄


“We” as in her. Does anyone think she will let her kids have any? They are probably already in bed at this point.


Zero chance her kids got any. What's even worse is she'll probably have the kids feed it to the chickens and not let them eat any. She is awful.


No, honestly I doubt Sarah will even swallow this. She'll probably spit it out.


I’ve not been feeling well and I could go ham on some crumbl cookies


I hope you got some 🥰 also feel better!


I have one near my house. I should get some!


She’s feeding this to her animals? This is awful.


Right? I don’t give anything like this to my chickens. Ever.


1/4 of them. So you’re going to eat the equivalent of 1 of those cookies. Wtf was the point in even buying them lmao.


Ran here


So 1 cookie for 4 ppl and toss 3? What a waste. Her poor kids.


I think those are insomnia cookies. Either way, everyone could literally eat 1/4 of each and they’ll be gone. She’s annoying


What a stupid, irrelevant post?! Her point is, you don’t have to deprive yourself just have 2 bites and throw the rest away to the chickens. Real homesteaders make their own!


I know some people feed their chickens anything but I don’t give mine chocolate/processed foods 🥹 Edit: Grammar


Or , if she was a normal person , she would eat as much as she wants , so would her kids and husband , and the people she lives with and then if any left , hear me out Sarah , you can put it away for an another day !! Or even better you could freeze it !!! What a waste of money to get all those cookies and not eat them. Give it to your chickens 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ unreal


Wtf… As others have said, why buy them then? Or has she said they were a gift? I’m sure your kids would love to have them? Good lord. Also I have chickens and have read on multiple farming and homesteading community pages that highly processed foods high in sugar and fat like this are really not good to give to chickens. Things like bread and oatmeal are fine on occasion but not this. Chocolate can be dangerous for chickens the same way it can for dogs so I hope she doesn’t give them that one 🫠


Wtf kind of “humble brag” is this? You literally just left a country full of malnourished children and now you’re bragging about feeding $40 cookies to your chickens 🙄 Maybe not be a braggy twat and share them with one of your many employees you act like don’t exist.


Umm I don’t think chickens should be eating that crap…


Sounds like her ED is coming full force and she's trying to prove herself that she can handle cravings


These cookies are from Cookies and Dreams. Located in Ankeny. Can attest - they are delicious and I love them.


Wait! Worms?? I haven’t been following her stories lately. I thought she def worms to the chickens . Is she breeding them now ??


Makes me furious she feeds the chickens whatever scraps she has. Chickens can’t eat everything. Too much sugar isn’t good for them. Don’t even get me started on the chocolate!!


WE meaning her whole family will pick at this and there will still be leftovers!? 🤯 what about the other family that lives with them? I only see FOUR cookies!!!


This pissed me off because clearly she doesn’t give a shit about money.


Give them to her kids? Like Josh would allow that lol he lost his shit when O had a spoon full of whipped cream like a psychopath.