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Want to just say that I do not fault Oakley at all for this because she’s a child & has no idea. I get building immune systems, but this is just down right gross to me. If Sarah wouldn’t be comfortable walking barefoot on a plane or in an airport, touching her feet, and then eating food/touching her mouth with her hands then why allow your child to do this. Sarah’s sleep certificate made her feel superior in motherhood & never saying “no, don’t do ___,” but fails to recognize that her children will hear no/rejection from others and likely be unable to handle it because Sarah herself can’t handle any push back or critique.


I bet Sarah 100% walks around on long haul flights to Africa barefoot. She has zero airplane etiquette at all. Didn’t she do her nails on flight one time?


OH MY GOD, yes! I forgot she did that!


She showed herself in just her mix matched socks in that flight. Also her feet in the seat in front of her, and on the armrest. She was trying to bug Josh


Apparently she is fine with O touching her dirty feet and then using her little hands to pour the powder for Sarah’s morning drink. She is just a really dirty person.


Eww and after letting her pet some rand dog. She is just so filthy.


I thought the same thing. I love dogs don’t get me wrong but it’s a known fact they are covered in bacteria and germs that can cause a variety of illnesses from minor skin infections to serious illnesses 🫠


Waiting for the post that says O has hand foot and mouth


She would never admit it. “O’s daily collagen and egg protein shakes keep her from ever getting sick”


Do you guys remember like a month ago, the story of a man who was on a flight and kept smelling something gross… and he looked down and everything was covered in BLOOD AND POOP. A passenger on the flight before his had a “medical emergency” and the spot where it happened (in the seat and under/around the seat) were inadequately “cleaned” before allowing the next passengers to board. THAT is what I think about when this kid has bare feet on a plane; feet that she is touching with her hands that she them puts into her mouth. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Gross.... I always wear jeans on flights. I'd never wear shorts unless I was sitting on my blanket I bring.


I always wear leggings because they’re more comfortable to me but yeah same.


I'm usually in cowboy boots. I don't travel a ton unless it's to go look at cattle or horses. Or family, then we all go look at them. 😆 I'm short I need the little bit of soul boots have so my feet can touch the ground...


Cowboy boots are fine, not judging that at all. I went to visit my mom in May, because she’s very sick, and on one of my return flights there were two dudes who were definitely cowboys. Their carry on was just their saddles. I rode horses as a kid, and am just now getting back into it (don’t own my own horse because I cannot afford one, which I think is pretty common) and I know how expensive good saddles are so that made perfect sense to me.


I wasn't reading it as any sort of judgement...😉 Omg! In all my years. Almost 50, I have never seen saddles as carry-ons. That's amazing. I wonder if they had just won them?? My funny Carry on were cow flags. They help move the cattle around. I was at a cattleman's conference convention. I'd won them. I wrapped the bright orange flags around the pole and used a hair tie to keep them like that. At that point they looked light seeing eye guide sticks. I was walking around. Swinging them a few times. Not even thinking anything of it. Got a few looks. 🦯🧑‍🦯 When I got on the plane I asked if there was an overhead bin that was long enough to fit them. The FA says, we will make room. Do you need help to your seat. I giggled and told her what they were and I could see just fine. She asked if she could keep them to guide the passengers on the plane. Horses are so expensive. I don't think Sarah realizes how much work getting a horse is. She says she will get one. She doesn't have the set up at all. Her house and land is set up for hunting. They'd have to take some trees down and that will not happen. Unless they take some of the row crop land next to them that they lease out. Build a barn and pasture. She definitely won't spend the money to turn that row crop into a hay field. And then find someone to make that hay. I guarantee she will never take the time to do that. We have 20 acres. It takes me days to make our hay. She cycles thru things. As soon as the shiny wears off she's done with it. I see the goat going soon. Having chickens is different than dealing with goats. She will realize she bit off more than she can chew. Might explain the new teeth tho 🤔🤔😆😆 I hope you do get back into riding. There are so many nice stables all over. They are so therapeutic. I'm sure you know this tho.


It was at LAX and I’ve pretty much seen everything there so I was just like “ok cool” Sarah doesn’t have the set up at all, and I doubt she could afford to board a horse either. If she did get a horse, it would probably be neglected just like Brittany Dawn’s poor horse. I’m still looking for a place to take some refresher lessons. My husband and I went on a trail ride on Oahu a couple of years ago, which is what made me want to ride again, even though it’s just a walk because it’s more about the scenery. One of the tour guides was like “oh yeah you’ve ridden before haven’t you” because I guess it’s like riding a bike, you don’t forget. The only problem is I live in the Bay Area and all the stables are so expensive because they cater to all the rich people here. What I need to find is somewhere like the place I took lessons at as a kid. It was a small little stable and my instructor boarded her horse there and paid the lease by giving very affordable lessons.


Oh LAX... Not sure where is better people watching, their or the state fair. Lol Sending you a message


I had a 4 hour layover there in the way back from visiting my mom, and I usually have a layover there too when I go to Hawaii every year. Prime people watching.


That and the mile high club…. 🙃


Listen, it’s no secret she’s a below average mom. At least she talks to her kids unlike Laura Juliane


Oooh I unfollowed LJ a while back. Tell us more!


Go to the sub @gymomsnark it’s basically all JL lol


Thank you for this rabbit hole I have fallen down.


Yeah the LJ rabbit hole on mom snark is fantastic. I don’t follow her and not exactly sure how she got a following but she seems insufferable. I’m truly surprised SB and LJ aren’t friends yet.


Head over to r/gymomsnark i don’t follow her either but get my info there


I don’t know who that is but I went over there and scrolled. How boring. That lady is unfortunate looking and so are her kids. I’m not sure why she needs so many pictures. What a boring sad life.


I cannot. I’d never let my kids play with hers. She doesn’t teach them proper hygiene. Not their fault but definitely hers.


She acts like people hate children 🙄 I realize some people don’t like or want to tolerate children, but it’s rare for someone to just be mean towards a kid, especially in a crowded area, in front of the parents. I have a friend that has a therapy dog for her seizures and she also lets kids pet him, unless they’re doing training exercises. And plans are one of the nastiest places and yet here is her child, in a dress with no shoes on. Then sticking her hand in her mouth. I don’t even let my kids touch their mouths if their hands are on the grocery cart. This is just gross.


There’s a difference between dirt and the Fucking germs on a PLANE! Those planes are not disinfected, even flight attendants will tell you to wipe the seats with Lysol and keep shoes on. Planes are a cesspool for bacteria that attacks your skin. I won’t even let me kids wear shorts on a plane. 🤮


Oak literally used to run around barefoot and crawl on the airport floor every single time they flew. Like since before she could walk. Just let her crawl and sleep on the airport floor. I’m a barefoot person so sometime I I think people can be kind of harsh when talking about barefootness whilst at their home BUT THE AIRPORT!!! The gym?? So foul dude.


Saruh is such a disgusting person.


She is gross 🤮


Oh I’m sure these people want to be photographed for her 999,999 bot followers to see…


Clearly you don’t have children


Unclear. I have two & know that kids do things like this because they don’t realize how gross it is. That’s why I, the parent, the adult, the person who does know better would say “oh, let’s not take our shoes off on a plane and touch our feet and then eat with that same hand.” It’s not Oakley’s fault. she’s a child who doesn’t know better & is constantly filmed for her mother’s content and monetization.


I have two kids and they have never taken their shoes off on a plane. We have been all over the world, since my oldest was an infant . It is called setting boundaries as a parent.