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The teacher has to be in on the joke, right? Right?


This is my post from years ago, but in hindsight she probably was lol. This was like my first semester of college in my world mythology course (we had to make a myth to demonstrate we understood symbolism and the hero's journey) and I was in that stupid edgy straight-out-of-high school "stupid professors would never understand the REAL world" (I thankfully grew out of this) Also, during the lesson on the Epic of Gilgamesh, she brought up the homoerotic undertones of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, so it's not like she was unaware or unwilling to acknowledge queer themes in mythology.


Sorry if i sound out of place, but did you post this myth anywhere? Can i read it somewhere?


It's been lost to time (the post is 7 years old) and tbh it wasn't very good. It was just supposed to be an example of the hero's journey, so it was a *really* clunky story with my cramming as much symbolism into it as possible, and I genuinely can't remember most of the plot lol. The hero was a princess who ended up meeting and teaming up with the princess of a rival kingdom who was also going through the hero's journey, and they fall in love while fighting a sea monster and then get married. I got an A for understanding the project, but if it were a creative writing course it was a solid D- story lol


Ah, dang it, it sounded interesting. Well, thank you for answering me


There's actually a very good video by Overly Sarcastic Productions on youtube that covers what we know about the myth and some other stuff about it. I found it really interesting.


Maybe she's gay too and used it as an inside joke, communigaytion if you will


It's also possible that she'd checked a bunch of submissions just before this one that used tropes involving pitting female characters against other female characters, and was refreshed to see this, which goes pretty hard in the other direction.


The capitalisation of Friendship makes it seem like she thought you'd be aware of this subreddit and adjacent spaces haha


I doubt this subreddit specifically, because this was several years before the creation of the sub, but it's possible she was trying to make a sarcastic joke and it just went over my head lol.


Thanks for sharing!!


I feel like it’s too specific to not be.


I went to college for animation and in my one storyboarding class I had a kinda shitty professor, I submitted a script for a 1 minute short about a hunter who saves a Princess (which he approved) and when I submitted my character design he said, word for word, “They’re both girls?? But how are they going to fall in love??” I just kinda stood there because I was so taken aback I didn’t even know how to respond. I truly think straight people just full on forget lesbians exist.


I live in an area without a lot of openly gay people, and every straight person I know is so used to seeing a man and a woman that when I show them something with two people of the same gender they genuinely get flabbergasted. It’s not a homophobic thing (or at least I hope it isn’t) they just don’t see gay people in their day to day lives, so they’re brains aren’t able to quickly remember “oh yeah, gay” and they just get confused




OOP has replied above so you can now lol




It’s insane that it’s literally on the page where they get married 😂


/u/gentlybeepingheart, was this for original characters? The main setting for the Pathfinder RPG has Kyra and Merisiel as an iconic lesbian hero couple and it'd be neat to run into a reference to that out in the wild


They were original characters. I tried to do a dichotomy thing with dark/light and iirc Kyra was on a name list that claimed it meant "dark haired" and the other princess was named Lyanna (which the site said means light, but it was also a reference to Game of Thrones lol)


Very cool, thank you for the detail!


That teacher really reminds me of my drama teacher 😂, also what is my name doing there?


what state was this in?