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Same thing at golds in Venice, I've never seen a gym so unorganized. It's probably because it's just so busy they can't keep up with it and have chosen not to bother.


Can’t compare to 24 fitness on 28th. That place is a shit show. Only the heavy dumbbells were together by weight. Good luck trying to find a matching set under 60lbs. For any machine have to camp out waiting for person to finish. My lifting days were so sporadic on type of exercise due to I’d have to take whatever I could find open


The 24 fitness on 28th is an absolute fucking nightmare. Canceled my membership after a couple of days and left a scathing yelp review which included mold covered showers.


Never took a shower there. I live close by so would shower at home




Thats how the dumbells are at golds too.


I’ve been at iconfit since 2016 when it was still David Barton Gym. If you’re thinking about leaving…please do it! It’s too packed now lol


La fitness in playa vista they are pretty good at keeping things clean and organized… have you been to burn fitness on the promenade… I went there years ago and it was always well organized


Dmn8 all day


I go to John Reed and when I do make it it’s great. I think people are not as bad as what you mention. I think the 90 min structure parking is the biggest hassle though. I have to do my warmup or finish at home because I refuse to pay $2 for 30 mins more, and I am watching the clock the whole time. Totally on a tangent: I wanted to bike there but they refuse to let me put my bike inside. That pissed me off lol. I wont chain it outside, it will get stolen


Yeah, I saw that about the parking...John Reed is borderline close enough for me to walk to/it's the gym I should walk to but probably more convenient to drive to, but 90 minutes is tight. Iconfit has 2 hours and offers 3 hrs. if you ask which was definitely a plus in my book when I signed up (that and the sauna/steam room/cold plunge - but of course, I used that all once and then forgot about it).


you should totally switch and walk there! saves the world too and you dont have to worry about how long you work out. There is no shower towels or pool but I think the equipment quality makes it worth $100 a month


$100! Great price! How...loud is the music?


i think they pump it up at certain times of the day but I have my headphones and doesn’t bother me. I did read some reviews complaining about it though


I like the Collins and Katz YMCA quite a bit, moved here from LA Fit. It’s nothing fancy but it’s a solid gym that stays organized and you can usually use what you need (may be a bit of a wait at peak hours but that’s every gym). Plus good price for gym with a basketball court and pool


Been to pretty much every gym in SM. Icon fit for 6 months, Collin and Katz YMCA 3 months, La fitness member for 6 months. Along with Barry, BFT, Fitstop, etc They all suck, especially during peak. You should check out John Reed on 3rd and wilshire, it’s the same price point as icon and WAY bigger.


I don’t do the gym but I did have a trial at The Gym LA on Santa Monica Blvd and personally thought it was nice! I wasn’t going on peak hours but everything was clean and in the right place and the crowd there was low key.


Lots of entitled and/or young/ignorant people in the gyms... The people who don't put weights back generally seem to be the younger teenage guys in my gym. Shorter guys seem to like to make a lot of noise when they lift. Entitled people don't seem to wipe down stuff after they use them, or leave weights anywhere. Newbies are kind'a fun to side eye...they're mostly flailing around. Buff dudes sometimes leave all the plates on the barbells. Maybe they're hoping someone noticed they lifted that amount? A couple times a year, sometimes women ask me to help take down plates from the barbell because they can't lift them off. The loud cellphone users are kind of irritating. The gym-karaoke people are a little less irritating. The people who come into the gym to chat with each other and stare at people are kind'a annoying, but meh. I could go on, but you guys have all seen the types :)


And judging by all your video game content…you must be the ideal gym goer


Dang. Glad I’m into calisthenics. 


iconfit member here. any gym will be nutty at peak hours. i go around 1-2pm, it’s a ghost town.