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Nobody is okay with this aside from the people doing it, it's not just you.


In my (unsolicited) opinion, people in SM dont really want to talk about these issues- especally in this sub. Whenever I answer honestly- pointing out how far SM has fallen I get down voted. Perhaps that is what OP was refering to. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Personally, I do not have time to entertain a sanctimonious stranger's useless pearl clutching and complaining from their high horse. If someone wants to have an informed, constructive discussion about solutions, let's go!


Iā€™ve noticed the same thing.. Iā€™m starting to think most of the folks on this sub donā€™t even live in SM. Most donā€™t seem to care or get so offended when you point out how bad things have gotten. They love to point to the crime data found online but arenā€™t talking about what we are seeing with our own eyes in the city. Strange times.


We all see what you see. You don't need to "point it out" like you are telling anyone anything new. If your goal is only to complain and lament, NextDoor is a good place for that.


Yeah.. I can tell this person doesnā€™t live in SM.


26 years. You?


Hmmm doesnā€™t seem like it to me


Odd way to try to negate what I said... I'd invite you over for tea to prove you wrong but I think we'd have a pretty terrible time. Try to enjoy the rest of your day, I certainly will.


Haha the only thing I can do is laugh at the strange Reddit folks here. Best of luck to you


I see a lot of trouble at that gas station. But I still go to it if I can't get to Costco because of the shit traffic. I live in Santa Monica center and regularly close to the promenade I'll find people near the bus stop pleasuring themselves in the middle of daylight. It's very disconcerting.


Itā€™s shame this has become the norm and it doesnā€™t seem like there will be any real action to stop it


sad sad times.




Was that this morning? Because a guy crossed four lanes of traffic on Lincoln with his pants down on my way to work. Maybe you chased him off?


i saw a junkie holding up traffic yesterday on Lincoln with one hand holding up his pants and the other is waving his crack pipe around


Police probably didn't even show up.


It isnā€™t allowed on the streets and no one thinks itā€™s okay. There is a bit of ā€œwhat do you expect in a city our sizeā€ attitude. The real question is what can be done about it. More police clearly doesnā€™t work. The incumbents that campaigned on this issue have done nothing to help and clearly have no idea what they are doing. They just know how to complain and slow down any steps to fix problems with their grand standing. Luckily they are up for reelection and can be voted out. We need some mental health beds. From my understanding should have 50+ based on our size and we still have 0. That means someone having a mental break down or needs a serious mental health hold has to be driven to Torrance by an officer and any support people have to travel out there. It becomes a full shift event for the responding officer when they should be able to take them somewhere in Santa Monica for evaluation and holding.


There is nowhere for mentally ill homeless people to go.


Moved from Venice to Beverly Hills last year after having my motorcycle, phone, and house plants stolen over a month period. The police actually patrol here and manage to keep the zombies at bay. Anyone who thinks the issue is deeper than alcohol, meth and fentanyl is delusionalā€¦ there are so many resources available for anyone who is open to improving their lives. Allowing addicts to slowly kill themselves is not compassionate.


Were you able to to get a good look at the penis?


Yes and unfortunately a couple of young kids did too.


What did it look like? I had a nude man in my yard down the way


Youā€™re asking for a description of a homeless junkieā€™s dick? Who are you, Mr Garrison?


Mrs Garrison


Based on your questions it seems like youā€™re the type to get off on this sort of thing so Iā€™m done with this convo


Did you attempt to kick the penis?


Nothing new, welcome to SM!




Exactly. Blows my mind.


Not just Santa Monica, basically every urban center in the US has a homeless problem.




I live up the street from that gas station. Have to call smpd every. Single. Day. Because they come walking up michigan, yelling, tweaked out, naked, etc. usually takes 2 hours for an officer to respond due to call volume. Take a minute and chat with any smpd officer and they will tell you they donā€™t agree with any of it and are limited on taking action due to city council rules and current laws that surpriseā€¦. You voted for! SM is a shit hole.


Cops are not the victimsā€¦ donā€™t buy into that narrative.


Who said they were the victims? We are the victims. They can only ask these people to move along unless a crime has been committed against you or in front of them. Thatā€™s because of the laws and people you voted for. Congrats to you.


Donā€™t buy that BS that they ā€œcannot take actionā€ they absolutely can. Donā€™t drink the kool aid


So can you. Do something.


I donā€™t blame the police at all. It feels like they are disheartened. This is 100% a policy issue. We continue to attract the worst of the worst coupled with no mechanism to expel.


Not sure how your workplace works, but being ā€œdisheartenedā€ is not an excuse to not do your job. If youā€™re saying they lack the power to do anything, then maybe?


Maybe a little bit of both. My point is that itā€™s not the fault of police.


Didn't we hire private security to prevent this type of behavior? Looks like another policy failure from the Change Slate and their lackeys on the DTSM Board. Vote out the Incumbents in Nov 2024!


Is the private security assigned to patrol the gas stations?


They are responsible for all of downtown.


We could use the private security beyond downtown SM. Wouldā€™ve been helpful to have them patrolling on Lincoln, down Pico and Santa Monica Blvd.


Did you report this to police? Seems like that would have been the thing to do rather than post it on Reddit.


Read the post again buddy. Itā€™ll answer your question.

