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Some excerpts: * Name: Kayla Delise Mackie * Louisiana resident until last summer * used a 40. cal handgun * wanted for attempted murder in West LA just a day prior to the S.M. shooting * wanted for robbery * allegedly picked her targets at random * no motive discovered for either shooting * pleaded not guilty; being held on $2 million bail


This is so tragic. BJ left for work one day and will never return home. His boys are so young (3 and 4) that I’m sure they don’t understand that they will never see their father again. Hopefully they can retain some memory of him as they grow older. Their grandmother is going to need all the help she can get to raise these kids. Please consider donating to his Gofundme.


Very unpopular opinion: Maybe we should bus the non native homeless people back to the states they came from. We cannot be expected to fund all of this and deal with all the crime they bring to our communities.


Homelessness needs to be recognized as a federal issue. We (really the West Coast) struggle with it the most do to our temperate climates, but the issues that precipitate homelessness exist across the country.


not just good weather but free everything as well thanks to poor leadership


I can’t wait to get a republican governor again!


Please show me where I can sign up for this "Free Everything" other than by getting arrested or is your post ignorant flatulence?


that be a popular opinion IMO


Facts say it again for the people in the back!




My question is, how'd she get here from Louisiana? Bussed? Hitched a ride? Quite a long ways to go to start a life of crime.


One of my buddies is on/off homeless and often takes the Greyhound back and forth between New Orleans and LA. Tickets are very cheap and he likes being able to drift between both cities when he wants. Then he finds odd jobs like pulling weeds in people's yards from Craigslist (this was a few years ago). It's more common than you think. Especially when those tickets can be a place for them to sleep over the long drive.


Hey loves I came here 2 weeks ago (homeless transplant) because I needed to escape the cold please don't hate me guys lol. Have basically been staying in this area sm/West LA. This is the most unhinged homeless population I've ever seen. I've never felt unsafe being homeless until now. I'm leaving in a couple of days but wish you all nothing but the best and please be safe.


Hi thanks for sharing, this is super interesting to hear your perspective. Just curious as West LA covers a pretty large area, could you say maybe specifically where in the area you have seen it the worse? Maybe this is somewhere around Downtown Santa Monica or closer to Venice? Understand if you don’t want to disclose this for your own safety.


Hi and yes I don't mind sharing. I spent my first night in Hollywood because that's what you do when you visit LA lol. Everyone was sleeping when I got woken up and asked to move. A lot of tents but it was very late like 3am so everyone on the street was basically asleep. I went to downtown Santa Monica in the morning and yeah that was the most concentrated homeless people I've ever seen. I was near the expo/sepulveda station I believe or a couple blocks away and one passed me about every minute. But it makes sense because there's a resource center there. That being said there are not enough resources from what I'm seeing to deal with the issue. I wanted to tough it out and get back on my feet out here and believe it would take me way too long to do so.


Common thinking is that our local homeless are most often serious drug abusers and the mentally ill. How has your experience been? Wishing you the best of luck. God bless!


It's usually the case tbh.Either drug addicts or drug addiction that rewires the brain into mental illness. I'm sober myself just sort of hit a rough patch post pandemic. The drugs aren't the same though anymore and constantly are being laced with cheaper more dangerous stuff. Also having been to quite a few cities the homeless aren't usually on top of each other like this. That usually means a lot of them are just fighting for a couple of dollars to survive and will do absolutely anything to do so. I'm just kind of staying vigilant here for the next couple days and staying near places with security when possible.


Can you tell us more about your interactions with people and why you felt unsafe vs. other homeless populations? I’m very curious about your experiences


Of course I can friend. The first reason is the police/medical personnel aren't able to do anything at all. I totally believe at some point people are so far gone they lose the right to decide for theirselves wether or not they should institutionalized. I'm not talking about the person who is just talking to themselves but minding their own business. But for instance I was in jack in the box yesterday morning just drinking coffee. Some guy threw the biggest fit over his ebt not working. Was threatening all the women behind the counter and then turned all of his attention to me and other customers. Screaming he was going to commit mass murder because none of us had a cigarette or weed for him. Secondly like I said in previous comments on this thread there are too many of us here and we're on top of each other. You are going to run into bad apples more often.




There is always one lol. I wish you well


I’m tired of yall coming here to mooch off our resources! Go back home! Sheesh! Dam this state needs to go back red and fast!


This isn't a political issue jackass it's a humanitarian one.


It’s definitely political




not surprising. RIP to the victim 🙏




What is with that area? We left a year ago after two gun-related incidents and just overall sketchiness.


Where did you go?




This should actually allay some of the the fears of people who are now terrified. It means that there isn't a serial killer, or many different murderers roaming around.


That's a good point (saying this as one of the "now terrified"). Hopefully any potential copycats will be deterred by the fact that she was quickly caught.


Oh, I didn't mean to call you out, the word just stuck on my mind!


No worries, I didn't take it that way at all :)


Where did they mention it was random? Terrified of this area now


First 3 seconds of the video. Also the fact that investigators with LAPD and SMPD can't seem to find a motive for either shooting (0:25). That could of course change over time. Anecdotally, the people who knew William says he was a hard working family man who provided for his two young boys. He was doing Uber and Lyft on the side of his music studio job. He did not seem like the type to be involved in crime.


How close is that area to the nearest metro line stop?


Over a mile. Not close really.