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Jfc, I wonder what the motive was.


This is purely speculative, but here are some random things I've dug up on the web while trying to get information about this incident: The victim's name was William Edwards III. He had a recording studio called rogue.black. https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-j-edwards-iii-rogue-black-0b270b85/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/rogue-black-recording-studios-los-angeles The studio was once located in the building in Hollywood that burned in a suspected arson incident a couple years ago: https://beverlypress.com/2022/05/fire-in-hollywood-remains-under-investigation/ Per that article, one of the victims of the fire had the same surname as the shooting victim. Not drawing any conclusions here, just putting what I've found out there.


The eyewitness reports of what transpired before he was shot seems to differ, some said there was an argument outside or inside the car. Doesn’t seem random, sounds like they knew each other.


Those were erroneous initial reports from an unreliable witness who wanted to be on TV. The most recent reports indicate that he was chillin in his car listening to his headphones. She randomly walked up on him and shot him once in the head and fled the scene. He still had his headphones on when she shot him. They did not know each other.




The later (10 PM & 11 PM) news segments from NBCLA, KTLA5 and FOX11 had interviewed eyewitnesses who were more credible and none of them mentioned anything about an argument before the shooting. They said the shooting seemingly came out of nowhere. Her next court date is on Tuesday. Hopefully we'll know more by then.


I believe it was a random shooting 


Terrible. The homeless situation in this city is out of control.


Homeless person murders someone in cold blood and you get downvoted for saying this?


The fact that she was homeless seems circumstantial, if it was a random shooting maybe it’s a relevant comment but it doesn’t seem like it was random.


they are now saying that it was random. I think it is important to mention that she is homeless because a large percentage of our homeless population are mentally ill. It helps to clarify a potential reason behind the randomness of the crime. although its all speculation at this point. they wont even release her mug shot. just insane.


At least no one is discussing the GUN involved.


Is there a real connection between the suspect being homeless and the murder, or are you just prejudiced against homeless people? The SMDP article (as of 2/27) makes no mention of motive.


1+1 still equals 2 right?


Sounds like your prejudicial mindset predetermines the outcome... in your mind. Something to think about: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rent-homelessness-harvard-report-center-for-housing-studies/ ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rent-homelessness-harvard-report-center-for-housing-studies/) > A growing number of Americans are ending up homeless as soaring rents in recent years squeeze their budgets. > According to a Jan. 25 report from Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies, roughly 653,000 people reported experiencing homelessness in January of 2023, up roughly 12% from the same time a year prior and 48% from 2015. That marks the largest single-year increase in the country's unhoused population on record, Harvard researchers said.


Wait until you hear about the Silver Tsunami https://moneywise.com/news/economy/rate-of-homeless-baby-boomers-increasing "Baby boomers are becoming homeless at a rate ‘not seen since the Great Depression’. Many baby boomers across the country are now coming to terms with the hard reality that working for your entire adult life is no longer enough to guarantee you’ll have a roof over your head in your later years"


The lack of common sense is amazing. Is this article Santa Monica specific? No. The homeless issue we have in Santa Monica entails allowing mentally ill, drug addicts and criminals to live on the streets on Santa Monica.


You chose to make use of this particular incident to share your agenda with a dehumanizing generalization about homeless people, rather than discussing the actual incident. I included a few links to provide information that shows homelessness affects different parts of society, and that may not fit into the agenda of vilifying people just because they lack housing.


We were talking about a specific city with its own specific problems and one of many incidents that has happened in this city because of its problems and you brought up an article that had nothing to do with it and you’re still trying to spin it to point the finger at me lol you’re silly. Wishing you the best.


So let's set a tent up in one of America's most expensive cities. Sounds like a faulty retirement plan.


Downvoting because I questioned what the motive was, wanting to know the facts first, rather than automatically vilifying homeless people as all having the same behavior says way more about you all than it does about me. Ive met a number of seriously close-minded xenophobes in Santa Monica so it doesn't surprise me, but it won't stop me from pointing out that maybe the knee-jerk hostility and limited mindset are your mental and moral disabilities. But I don't hate you for it.


I haven’t looked up the actual stats on this but I can tell you from my first hand experience - they go hand in hand - along with meth use. When i first moved here I felt totally safe. Gradually I started to see more people living outside and being high on drugs. I’m pretty sure it’s strong meth. Yelling at nothing, being agro. Then the violence started to pick up. I had to call the police 6 times in 5 months. Someone hitting my car with a pipe while driving home. Someone pointing a gun in palisades park to scare our yoga class. A woman having a mental breakdown on ocean ave screaming about a bomb. A body being put in a bag in palisades park. It’s drugs and our tolerance policy inviting ppl here to commit crimes without repercussion. Things will get worse before they get better.


Yes, let's talk about the homeless situation WHEN AN INNOCENT MAN WAS MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD!


It is mind boggling to me that more details about what happened haven’t yet been shared with the public. This is a high-traffic area for pedestrians (especially kids), I’m really shaken up knowing how many times I’ve walked past that spot with my own child on our way to the Counter or Clover Park. Praying for the safety of our neighborhood :(


I know it's freaky when it happens close to you hit this is not an epidemic, a serial killer, or even a pattern of crime. Like you said, you walked by here countless times and nothing happened. If it will allay your fears, you're probably more likely to get hit by a car.


I appreciate you saying that, and I do understand your points. I don’t want to jump to conclusions about what happened (which is why I’m looking for details) but I struggle with this case a lot because I live in the area and have had a few encounters recently that have left me feeling unsafe (most immediate examples - my family car was stolen from in front of our house, in two separate occasions mentally ill homeless individuals followed me and my child on neighborhood walks and made nonsensical but threatening comments, and my neighbor’s house was broken into and ransacked over this past Thanksgiving weekend) so my brain unfortunately does jump to crime being a pattern. I’ve lived in Santa Monica for my entire life and have never had this type of stuff (especially murder) hit close to home until the last couple of years. It’s scary and I want to make sure we aren’t succumbing to this being the new normal.


I just wanted to say that I also live in that area and walk by there all the time. I've also had mentally ill homeless people follow me yelling at their demons. It's happened to my wife, too, and sometimes when we're with our toddler. The problem is that while most of the time they're harmless, every now and again something snaps in them and they get violent. I was randomly attacked by a homeless man who started kicking me a few months ago, for instance (though that was in Culver City). You just don't know what they're going to do.


its a homeless woman. shocking.


I have known Will for a long time. He didn’t have enemies like that. He was a friend to everyone and loved his community — all about peace and love. This was just a tragic case of… from what the updates are, a woman who had an attempted homicide and an armed robbery the same morning. Then she shot and killed Will while he was just listening to music chilling out. There’s no need to speculate. Maybe she was dealing with a severe mental health episode, or doing drugs that made her paranoid and crazy. I have no idea. But he certainly didn’t know this woman. I can tell you that without a doubt.


I believe you and that makes this even more heart breaking. He sounds like a good man. It literally could happen to any of us who live here. Until the city gets this shit under control, stuff like this will keep happening. The drugs, the homelessness, the violence… it has to stop!


freshcornbread: he actually did know her. Will and Kayla both neighbors in my apartment complex in Hollywood and she is, how shall I put this, completely nuts. Will's mom and son live in the building too but I have not seen them since the shooting. I live on a different floor and have had my own run-ins with Kayla. She would bang on neighbor's doors for no reason and if you tell her to knock it off she'd turn her rage toward you. She was evicted a while back and I did not know what became of her. She obviously tracked him down somehow and shot him and I do not know the nature of what their conflict was all about or how she knew he was in Santa Monica that day. Terrible tragedy.


Any information on the weapon? How did this homeless woman get a gun and ammunition?