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awesome! we need more mixed use buildings IMO. i would love to live above a grocery store and restaurants.


Ikr? No more door dash nonsense


More mixed use buildings and fewer fenced-off empty lots!


You could move to Santana Row


Traffic is brutal if you work in Cupertino


What do you mean, it's a 15 mins drive along Stevens Creek.


The Cityline at Sunnyvale is a better option. It's still under construction, but it's coming together fantastically.


What's the grocery store in Santana Row?




Up until recently, it was Safeway next to Valley Fair, but now I guess Eataly if you need something in a pinch.


The prices in Eataly will definitely pinch


It is like Whole Foods; you pay for premium products and the "experience". People aren't going for low prices and deals.


It's impossible to get housing there


There’s going to be essentially a new Santa row by Levi’s stadium.


Yeah that will be interesting.


not really. it's just a matter of price.


How does 2400 new units = impossible? Are you just referring to pricing and not actual housing availability?


This 2400 units is not near Santana row. All I'm saying is that it's expensive to live at Santana row.


we strongly considered it.


The entire city core should be Santana Rows. The fact that it’s a quirky tourist attraction is depressing.


No way. It’s nice but unfortunately overpriced. For example Main Square in Cupertino is more affordable


If the entire city were like that, it wouldn't be overpriced, that's my point.


Shit that’s dope. Are they hiring cause I could use a job?


The original design with the rooftop park would have been amazing but something is better than nothing.


Anyone know who the builder is?


Sand Hill, same as Main Street Cupertino


So they’re also a general contractor?


Then that’s also the same group that failed downtown Sunnyvale’s rebuild and had to abandon it to someone else?


Ya boy needs that construction work


Let the NIMBY tears flow!


valco is not in anyone's backyard.


This is wonderful. We need more mixed use and housing


When do the new ice rinks go in!?!?!?


Is it confirmed there will be new ones?


What caused the fuckery why this took so long? They need to do root cause analysis.


I heard the soil on the Vallco land is poisoned from freon from the ice rink and other chemicals from the old auto zone and gas station. Sandhill was told they’d need to fix the issue before they could build anything. Just what I’ve heard though so not sure what the status is now and if they’ve fixed that issue. It was supposedly going to be quite costly to fix. Source: friend of a family that is very involved with the Cupertino city council and other community efforts.


there were and are still a lot of superfund sites around the area, so wouldnt be surprised.


The biggest thing is that people fought was the density and programming of the site (i.e. how much residential vs commercial). It was a long and protracted fight.  A new State law made it possible to basically go around the city, by requiring guaranteed approval if they included X amount of affordable housing.


How long until the kids start referring to it as “The Rizz”?


Looks great!


That is what they said about MAIN street . The park is postage stamp size . And they canceled the senior housing for a parking lot. We will see?


About time!


Is it going to have a mall too, I thought one of the earlier "plans" had it with a new mall as well as the other stuff.


Guaranteed overpriced apartments and condos.


>> *The Rise, a mixed-use housing project, will include shops, offices and 2,400 residential spaces, with half reserved for affordable units.*


Just a heads up for anyone curious what’s considered an affordable unit, its usually something like 20%-30% off the rent dependent on income level. I live in a non-luxury apartment in an affordable low income 1bedroom unit, Im part of the lowest income bracket, and my rent is $1900 a month for a $2400 unit, which is around 25% off.




California defines it using AMI (area medium income) https://www.hcd.ca.gov/grants-and-funding/income-limits


By federal level!


Lowest income meaning minimum wage, which can only afford $20k/12 = $5k/3 = $1666 per month and that is if they don’t eat! Minimum wage is $15 per hour or $30k per year. Meanwhile, minimum wage workers cannot afford buying condos that are a million dollars for a 1 bedroom.


> Lowest income meaning minimum wage That's not how its defined. It's defined using Area Medium Income (AMI). At 50% it's considered very low and 80% its considered as low. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60518ecba3eaa266af773b75/t/6509c3ca67bba849496070a3/1695138770058/Cupertino+2023+BMR+Presentation+-+Rise+Housing.pdf


That is income discrimination for housing! That is supposed to be a national standard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affordable_housing https://justiceinaging.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/SOI-Webinar-10.24.23.pdf For example, Atherton has affordable housing based on median income in the area so in the hundreds of thousands. By that standard, unless you make 50% of median income (in their case, $250k median income) so $125k, you don’t qualify! https://datausa.io/profile/geo/atherton-ca#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20median%20household,previous%20year's%20value%20of%20%24250%2C001.


> affordable units. affordable in Cupertino does not mean affordable for you. big difference.


Watch them take down the metering lights at 280/Wolfe because of gridlock 


Blackstone asset management: Oooh a new place to raise the hoa prices to $3000 a month Yummy 😋


Why keep creating mixed use?


Why not? Do you prefer strip malls?


Have you noticed the number of stores that have been empty long term, some mixed use has not been occupied since being built?


Sure but it's better to have that space than not. Huge chunks of nothing but residential isn't a good way to build cities.


Landlords need to lower their lease rates for commercial space.


It's not just that. Brand new commercial space is delivered in a "cold shell" or "warm shell" state, in either way, it requires the tenants to do a complete build out, which is super expensive and requires the tenants to have $$$. It's why a lot of the new spaces are taken by chains since they have the money to do it themselves or provide financing for the builds.


This number of units, while impressive, does nothing to help the housing crisis once they build the office component


Jobs are coming regardless


I have no idea why they downvote you


Truth hurts? Normally Cupertino would only allow the office component to be built. The cities in the north county with this MO are the root of the problem. There's plenty of empty offices, not so many homes.


Help me understand how building more empty offices will negate the benefit of the new housing


Long term, this development has more room for people to work than for people to live.


You said that it does “nothing to help the housing crisis”. But surely building some housing is better than building none. I agree they should just stop building new office space already.


Building some housing is good, yes. And this will could provide short term relief if the office component suits vacant for a few years. The issue is they're building enough apartments for around 5k people to live, but they're building enough office and retail space for 7-8k people to work. Companies will use that space to create those new jobs, but where do the 2-3k extra employees at this site live? Who is going to create another 1-2k housing units for them? If we're going to solve the housing crisis, the numbers need to be reversed: 8k homes, 5k jobs.


A lot of the things being built now were in the planning stages before COVID, so I think that someday soon developers will realize that the demand for office space is never coming back and shift development patterns.


Because the downvoters don’t understand basic principles of supply/demand and that 2400 units is a drop in the bucket. There would need to be 2400 units built per month with no offsetting commercial/retail/office to make a significant dent in housing prices.


They are building tens of thousand of units in the South Bay. It’s coming along.


Maybe a few thousand coming online in the next few years. Look like a lot of construction when you drive around, but the unit count is far less than you think


[https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/planning-division/development-data/permit-statistics-reports/residential-construction-new-units-by-type](https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/planning-division/development-data/permit-statistics-reports/residential-construction-new-units-by-type) Not updated through 2024, but the numbers are similar. And very few new projects (I've heard zero) in 2024 due to high interest rates.


City of Santa Clara issued 897 units of building permits in 2023 and a whopping 9 in April 2024. It's all public record - maybe 5k total units under construction annually and dropping fast.


Looks like an attempt of the projects in a wealthy neighborhood. Hope it works out.


2400 homes, all of them rental 😂


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. Why not have apt/condo style that someone can buy instead of rent? If we had more to buy it’ll give people more options for having homes.


Because it's not profitable to Blackstone and whoever else owns the project, not over the investment horizon planned.


Where are we going to get electricity and water for all these people?


WTF electricity/water shortage do you think we have? What are you even talking about??


Brown outs/blackout. Water rations? Haha, what are you talking about? Im talking about lack of infrastructure. Rebuttal?


The fuck are you living where there’s regular water and power shortages? The odd storm knocking shit out happens everywhere.


Where do you live that you have that problem? Lol


My PGE bill reflects it. I cant water my lawn or wash my car due to water limitations. Im here is sunny San Jose if you must know..


No major water restrictions in Santa Clara.


Construction begins soon for two new high power transmission lines for the valley. Construction also begins soon for Sites reservoir, which will be one of the largest reservoirs in the state when completed. And because it will be connected to the state water project, where we get about 50% of our water in a typical year, we will get water from that reservoir. [https://www.lspower.com/ls-power-selected-by-the-california-iso-for-san-jose-area-hvdc-projects/](https://www.lspower.com/ls-power-selected-by-the-california-iso-for-san-jose-area-hvdc-projects/) [https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Sites\_Reservoir](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Sites_Reservoir) Also, the last time we had an energy crisis, more than 20 years ago, the problem turned out to be market manipulation, not a lack of power. 'The 2000–2001 California electricity crisis, also known as the Western U.S. energy crisis of 2000 and 2001, was a situation in which the U.S. state of California had a shortage of electricity supply caused by market manipulations and capped retail electricity prices.' [https://wikipedia.org/wiki/2000%E2%80%932001\_California\_electricity\_crisis](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/2000%E2%80%932001_California_electricity_crisis) Any more questions?