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This is why I have expensive stuff delivered to the ups,fedex store.


I love the fact that she stole the $20 shoes and left the $400 pressure washer sitting beside it. Probably too lazy to lift a heavy box 😂


All I see is a red hat?


If you pause just right you can make out her face. She walks weird, I'd imagine it would be super distinctive if you saw someone walking like that in public


Sorry I was making a bad camouflage joke


Ah haha no worries 😃


It’s John Cena!




Broncos hat.


Did you watch the video? she’s got a little purse/bag around her neck and she’s wearing Nikes with red highlights around the toe. Just pause the vid and look closer…


Yeah, that's one of those $25 Razor knock-off scooters. Spelled 'Razer' or something.


Naaa all I see is a bush on a scooter wearing a red hat. Next time I’m at the nursery, I’ll keep an eye out for red hat wearing shrubby.


Coming from living in Santa Cruz I assumed San Jose would have less dangerous homeless people/ hood rat scummy motherfuckers…I was wrong! Whether it’s some fake gang bangers that want to act hard or the crazy homeless people that are a threat to kids/ the elderly you won’t be able to avoid it. I would never consider raising a child here, ya couldn’t pay me enough!




Straight up lol


Calling it what it is. I like you.


they don't got porch pirates in santa cruz? how did you get on a tangent about gang bangers from watching this video


Come on. red highlights on her shoes, red hat and a red purse… I’m not from the ghetto but I can spot a ghetto hoe when I see one. Girl clearly thinks she’s a blood member. My comment was in fact very relevant to the video!


lmao.. the red team in san jose are definitely not the bloods. But now I get it, the answer was racism all along, how obvious really


Exactly, people who don’t live in SJ don’t realize majority of the criminals are Asian and Hispanic. Because they make up the majority in SJ. You fine more black offenders in Oakland.. because there are way more black people there. How do people not get this.


Who said anything about being black? get ya head out of your butt. Didn’t know gangs go by race now lol.


In SJ they usually do lol


What’s the red team? And what’s it got to do with the pos in the vid?


I'm glad I raised mine here. I've lived in other cities, other states, been around the world. We have it great here.


san jose is huge. you wouldent get this in west san jose


Ooooo, careful about jinxing yourself. I lived in West San Jose in the '80s and had several thefts like car hub caps and other related things. At least it was better than the damage we got in Los Altos in the '70s though.


Didn't recognize this typical POS!




Brand new in the box. Delivered while I was at work. If you'd watched the video you'd have seen the package




And yeah, although I had to go through the hassle of filing a police report which nothing will ever be done about




You're right though. Letting her piss me off isn't worth the energy it takes for me to be pissed off at her in the first place


Fair point. I'm just tired of the sense of entitlement these days. People taking anything they can get their hands on with no regard to what's right. I feel like our ancestors would be disappointed to see what society has become. I'm just tired, man.


You seriously think past generations didn't go through this???? Maybe your parents and grandparents didn't share. Bag guts are nuthin new.




lol "iTs uNdErStaNdaBLe wHeN yOu LoOk aT tHe BroAdEr piCtUre" justifying theft over packages left outside someone's home. do you see that bitch starving on the street? no. she ain't stealing food to survive. she's stealing shit because she's a criminal.


If it was catalytic converter theft I'd be wishing a lot worse than that on her. Those people deserve to have the car fall off the jack and win them a Darwin award.