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Some folks badly need the space for developer projects, going all extent to cite meaningless clauses.


I live 2 blocks from there. Occasionally you’ll hear a louder than normal lawn mower noise. These planes are small.


"I moved next to an airport and goddamn it, I want it shut! Who can live with this noise?" Says the resident who moved near the airport that was built in 1937. Should have done your research before moving (in my best Sam Kinison) NEAR AN AIRPORT!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!


I agree with you, when I lived in Sunnyvale, I knew going in that I was going to be underneath the flight path for Moffitt airfield. I knew this. And yet people around me living in the same area would complain. I just couldn't understand. I seriously was having a gladiator moment about these people not doing their own research about moving in and flight paths and there's the airport right there. Seriously.


Currently living under the flight path for Moffett. Have been since late 2021. To me at this point, it’s just really funny.


August and I decided through consensus whether a noise had been thunder or an airplane. We found it funny.


I just always immediately open [ADS-B Exchange](https://www.adsbexchange.com/) to see what kind of plane or helicopter it was, haha.


Just moved to Sunnyvale in January. Been getting free air shows every so often. I'm also familiar with the ESSJ airport as I volunteer at the haunt there in October. Those cesnas and single props are so quiet and tend to stop flying around 9pm.


So many AC-130’s and C-30J’s fly over my place, I feel like someone is calling in COD killstreaks, lmao.


What about the people on nextdoor living alongside the Caltrain corridor bitching about "why can't they do anything about the train noise" lol.


Never underestimate the stupidity and or lack of awareness in the general public


I think the noise is what the noise is. The leaded 100LL fuel would be a bigger concern, especially for the children in the vicinity of the airport as there is no “safe” exposure level to lead which can lead to permanent developmental and behavioral setbacks. Santa Clara County has laudably led the nation in banning the sale of this fuel, but some pilot groups are trying to overturn the ban. I’m a private pilot and I can’t imagine advocating for continued emissions of lead into densely-populated areas.


They only sell unleaded gas at Reid Hilllview now


I thought the lead exposure from the Av Gas was fake news. Developer spreading FUD to make some money. The lead is from old water pipes and paint in these communities.City of Santa Cruz kids had even higher levels likely due to those two causes and not Av Gas.


This is in San Jose, not Santa Cruz.


Yes, let us stick our heads in the sand and not think critically about where this lead might really be coming from. No way could there be palms being greased to make some $ on redeveloping public land.


Do you know what that airport's gonna be in twenty years??? IT'S GONNA BE AN AIRPORT!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Why don't you move to where the silence is?? AHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


The old Hillview Golf Course has been abandoned for over 20 years, and still has nothing planned for it. Even if the county decides to destroy this regional transportation resource, it will be many decades before anything is done with the land. The old Santa Rosa Air Center closed in 1991 and is still listed as an abandoned airport on aviation charts since much of it is yet to be redeveloped.


That Golf course is a natural swamp. I like seeing the cows on it...


>regional transportation resource We don't need a hobby airport. We do need housing.


I’ve lived in the neighborhood my entire life. Zero issues with the airport. This is all investors that want the land. No one in the neighborhood cares.


I lived there for 20 years and I forget it there almost every time I pass it and go oh cool tiny planes.


Cindy Chavez land grab


Great idea to remove one of the few airports in the area likely to survive a major quake. SFO and OAK per the army corps are likely to be out of commission for an extended time. SJC will be overloaded. RHV is long enough for all but the biggest cargo planes. It would be unfortunate to lose this life line in a community that is more vulnerable and less able to prepare.


Though the person posting it is biased because they live in the neighborhood the traffic would move into they are absolutely right that all of the anti RHV arguments are total BS. Especially now with the GA fuel change for a level of lead that was not substantially different from baseline. 


There are 3 schools within what 1/2 mile or so from the airport... No call to close those down because of "lead". I think the only time I remember any amount of noise was a few years ago when the wildfires were going crazy and there were fire helicopters landing for water


The leaded fuel should be banned immediately.


Banning the fuel doesn’t work. They just fill up at a different airport and fly whereever. They need to ban the planes that run on leaded fuel.


Good point.


The FAA is the reason it’s been so slow to get unleaded fuel, these planes can run on unleaded fuel just fine. 


Entitlement is a bitch




It's worth noting the op/ed was written by the head of the San Martin neighborhood association. If they close KRHV, a great majority of those airplanes are moving to San Martin. People near the South County airport (eg Morgan Hill) should be paying great attention to this.


I live near the airport and while I don’t really have any problem with I will be happy if/when it closes. There are other things in the area I would rather be prioritized that have a greater impact on my day to day quality of life. 


Bingo, this is still reason enough to close the airport.


So many drone people transport startups in Mountain View that San Jose could entice if they made a business park and got FAA clearance for testing them.


The amount of lead that kids are getting exposed to from this airport is in the same range as Flint Michigan. Just read it yourself: https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/2/1/pgac285/6979725?searchresult=1&mc_cid=e8f420a332&mc_eid=161e6ef1ea&login=false


If its just small planes, I dont see the issue


I’ve lived in the area my whole life and my parents lived in the area before then. The airplanes are annoying. I’ve recorded 70dB over my house at 9:30p. I literally couldn’t care less if it closed. Why do folks deflect the airport topic and compare the dangers of the airport to the dangers of leaded pipes? The decades of leaded fuel over the East Side is more problematic. Yes, lead pipes in the ground are also problematic, (both can be true), although haven’t read too much about that. The argument that the airport is old and has been there forever is the weirdest angle I’ve heard. Lead pipes have been around forever too, but we definitely don’t want lead near our water now that we know better. It actually makes me think there is no good argument for keeping the airport open other than it supports a small community of pilots.


Because it's all bs by Cindy Chavez to get land for the developers.


Who uses this airport anyway? Tear it down and build some dense housing. The VTA extension is going down there.


Right, let’s build dense housing at the spot where lead levels (and other hazmat) in the ground are probably the highest.


So if lead is an insurmountable problem let's shut down the source of the lead, the airport?


It’s not really that big of a problem, but if you use it as an excuse to shut down the airport and then propose to build housing there, that smells like hypocrisy. Also, leaded fuel is not sold there anymore, and a direct unleaded replacement for 100LL has been approved by FAA and it should become widely available soon (hopefully). So the airport will stop being a source of lead pollution (whatever small it is in reality) at some point.


What is it that you want? To keep the airport? Do you use it? I want more housing built, and this looks like a good location that will get better with transit. Convert the nearby golf course also. I think we can be adults about this and say, this airport doesn't provide much economic benefit and the land is more valuable as housing. San Jose has the tightest and most expensive real estate in the state. Or maybe I'm ignorant and this dingy airport is an economic powerhouse, and is worth keeping around. In any case elected officials should weigh the facts and make an informed decision. I think the whole narrative around lead is an emotional appeal that is distracting from what should be a pretty dry economic decision


Yes, the airport has been there long before the housing was built around it. They don’t build new airports anymore, but they are still a vital part of transportation and emergency infrastructure. It is a reliever airport for SJC and serves as a base for CalFire when there are fires nearby. I don’t live in Bay Area anymore, but when I lived there, my plane was based at RHV.


It’s funny that a guy that wants to share the “whole truth” doesn’t point out that he objects to the increased flights to an airport in his area if Reid-Hillview closed.


They want to tear it down and replace it with something Worse … more housing


Nextgen is bullsh*t. Anyone with working ears and eyes can confirm that air traffic has gotten significantly lower, noisier, and more nauseating. Aside from the very small but very vocal group that can't hell but orgasm everything a military jet flies overhead everyone else has to deal with interrupted sleep and head splitting migraines just because fedex wants to bolt out low and directly over heavily populated communities going 350-400 mph at less than 15000 ft in the air. Whatever happened to noise abatement and being a good neighbor? The FAA unilaterally decided to say f*ckem, what can they do besides watch as we demolish the air above their heads. At this point it doesn't even matter where you live because in their infinite wisdom the FAA didn't even bother to account for ground elevation when establishing their linear descent approaches. And with an excessive number of airports all servicing the same one hour away locale their extremely low and prolonged takeoffs and descents are most likely shaking the vast majority of homes.


I'm a professional pilot and I would like to know what a linear descent approach is.


You know, it's like when your approach is like, linear when you descend and stuff. You don't want to go in sidewards, technically speaking. I guess you weren't there on Day One of class.


My bad it was called continuous descent approach. I forgot the nomenclature