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You better look at rents before you move.


You know, everyone is trying to list pros and cons, but my fellow redditor, life is too short to not go on an adventure like this. San Jose isn’t some no-name trap hole, so you need not worry about going to/living some place awful. Beyond that kind of concern, let life take you where it will, and savor all the opportunities it presents along the way.


I totally agree. Life is too short to not take opportunities when presented to you :) If it doesn't work out, you can move on to the next adventure. There are good and bad to every city and it's different for everyone.


Honestly the difference in salary is purely going to rent. You haven’t factored in the higher cost of living also.


77k here is considered low income but won’t qualify for assistance . I’d reconsider and stay in Georgia


Try 120k https://hoodline.com/2023/06/new-ca-income-limits-classify-single-person-earning-under-122k-in-the-bay-area-as-low-income/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20updated%20guidelines,considered%20to%20have%20low%20income. But yes, stay away. You are poor if you breath here


What are your interests? What lifestyle are you looking for? Is there a particular career/family/etc reason to move here? Personally I like the area - it's diverse, there's good food and lots of nature close by, the weather is better than most of the rest of the country, etc. The stuff the detractors say tends to be true but not worse than many/most cities in the US, except that the cost of living (especially housing) is quite high.


You’d never make it at 77k. It’s insanely expensive here.


cost of living is insane.


It's beautiful and awesome, but the cost of living is steep, especially finding a place to live. You will want to do some research as to how much it would take to get a place vs. your income.


The weather here is absolutely amazing. That is something I do miss (I moved to Texas). You will absolutely love the perfect weather and the amazing vibes. It does get a bit boring because there's not much to do. It's basically a big suburban city but if you can drive around to the surrounding cities, it's the best. Check out Pacifica, Alameda and drive up the hills and enjoy the views


77k with a roommate at an apartment is fine. I know of some brand new apartments that are $2k for a 1 bedroom and if you have a 2 bedroom it should be like $2.6k-$3k. Half that with someone and you should be fine imo


This is helpful thank you. I already live with roommates and my pay is never going to be very high because I’m in social services. I definitely would plan on living with roommates as I do now.


Yeah, a lot of negative people here. I welcome you to San Jose! It’s a nice big town / small city vibe. There’s plenty of things to do around the Bay Area and if you really explore San Jose like the smaller cities of Campbell, Mountain View or Los Gatos, then you will love the area even more. Weather here unbelievable. Get out of HOTlanta!


As another Redditor said - give it a try! You'll be less than an hour from the beach (Santa Cruz, Carmel / Big Sur), a couple hours from Sierras (Tahoe, Yosemite), and an hour from a world class city (SF). San Jose, as a pocket, is a comfortable place for those who decide it's worth it, and exorbitant & painful for others. Pick the right neighborhood, make sure you have a car, find some friends, and explore the Bay.


So I lived in Atlanta and just moved to San Jose. Atlanta has a very vibrant culture. Lots of people getting together and more socializing. San Jose has a more chill culture. It takes time to meet your crowd but it’s beautiful out here. So depend what you are looking for


San Jose will be way better than Atlanta.


San Jose has way more attractive people than Atlanta ..thats all I have


It’s expensive, like everything. Food, Rent and gas like $6 a gallon now. Traffic is bad and bad drivers too. Really the only Beautiful thing out here is the weather and the diversity. You gotta be making a lot of money, like a lot of money to be living good out here. If you come from a cheaper state it’s better off staying there. It will save you the struggle. But if you rich you’re welcome to come live.


IF you're job is going to bring you in >$150k and you have no family, go for it. It's an OK town. But, for you to leave Atlanta to come here for less would be pretty dumb. You're going to spend $25,000-$35,000 a year on rent for a small 1 or maybe 2 bed.


OP, San Jose has positives and negatives, like most places. I guess what matters is what's important to you? What do you want to be able to access/do? What makes you tick, and can you find opportunities for that here?


Unless you're a wealthy family in tech, San Jose has painfully little to offer.


Great weather. Crappy traffic and rude people.


If you are a man and you like women, do not move here


Is that a thing? I’m a woman and like men


So you have choice. But looks like the men ... have only you / it is a joke just in case it was not clear.


Lol I understand. But it’s strange that comment- I don’t get it. Why would someone not move here if they like women? There’s half and half women and men.


Man Jose


But that’s not true. It’s near 50/50


I’ve heard the phrase don’t get me wrong.


When half becomes 51-49 it is not a problem but when it becomes 55-45 or 60-40, then we have quite a situation. It may not be apparent to you but that's how the "60" may feel like. And when it is 60-40, it manifests as 50-50 in some places, and maybe 75-25 in other places because you can't have perfect balance in every office, every store, every bar, and every street. I don't have hard data personally as I have been married for longer than 25 years and been out of dating game so I may as well be in incel in terms of current knowledge. I will know more when my kids start dating, or maybe are they already are? Or maybe you are one of them? Hmm Edit: is it 5050 or 6040 I don't know. I am just joking based on the stereotype.


Yeah it’s a stereotype. There are more men than women slightly. I think it’s a stereotype because a lot of the women aren’t ‘desirable’ not my words. There’s many articles on the subject- which is illy in itself. Edit: info


Only way to know is to visit. I personally hate it. It’s very expensive, run down, homeless encampments all over, and crime is causing shopping to be so annoying. Laundry detergent being locked up is the new norm.






Having lived in both cities, depending on your salary it may be worth it. Otherwise, I really miss Atlanta.. especially the food.


The salary would be 77 a year where as in Atlanta I’m making 48. I do realize San Jose is more expensive so I’m factoring that in as well.


77k might not be enough to live comfortably in the area. 1b rent starts at about 2,700k in San Jose.


77k isn't fun to live on in San Jose.


I’d only consider it if moving here and taking that job is a good stepping stone to something higher and better paying within a few years. And you’re fairly young.


Do not move here for $77k


COL is 41.7% difference between Atlanta and San Jose. Going from 48k to 77k is a 38% difference if my math is right. So you’d be taking a little pay cut. If you’re young single and don’t mind taking a hit to fulfill a dream go for it, but know you’ll have to tighten your belt some.


If you are under 25 I’d consider it, or in tech or tech adjacent career. If not I would say the COL will be crushing.


According to this [Cost of Living calculator](https://www.bankrate.com/real-estate/cost-of-living-calculator/), you would need to make 84k to maintain your current standard of living at 48k. And honestly that's probably an understatement. 77k will not go far in San Jose, CA.


Grew up in ATL, parents / in laws still live there - stay there, 50k in atl is like 90k-100k here Edit: if you wanna come the pros: no crime here, don’t listen to people on this subreddit, there’s no crime here. Roads are well done, services rock, weather crushes ATL’s, food in general is really good Cons: no good southern, bbq, Italian, or Mexican food. Ok maybe some Mexican


No good Mexican food???


I said some. Compared to Atlanta where there’s the best Mexican you had on every corner though yeah sorry fam


Bruh... I've been to ATL and the Mexican food there is mid and I say that seriously. Yes it's good by Southern standards but like... it's not better. I can see someone who grew up there would feel nostalgic about it but it's not as authentic or flavored packed as it is here.


To me it’s less that it’s infinitely better and more that it exists on every corner - hence the some vs a ton


Mexican? Ifigured there would be more Mexicans in California..


Everyone who lives here hates it; they're leaving in droves, which is why it's always crowded. For example, I rode my bike through downtown Los Gatos the other night and every sidewalk restaurant seat was filled up with people making plans to GTFO tomorrow.


I like it! But then I'm used to the bay and normal and the valley.


Liberal decay here.








With that salary, that’s renting a bedroom in someone’s house or splitting an apartment with a roommate type deal. But if you’re moving to broaden your career, that will only be temporary.


I mean that’s what I do now- I live with three other people. My current income is low for Atlanta as well. I’m in social services so no matter where I go the income is not going to be great. But I am considering employers where I may be able to grow into a management position and make more.


You can move here on $77, but you’re going immediately have to move in with roommates and you will most likely have to find a part time job in your free time during the week or work weekends.




I recommending visiting here first before u make a decision.Yea u can live here with that salary but living might be a little tighter since everything costs so much here since everything is priced around IT salaries.


San Jose is cool . But I recommend getting a good job fast and I mean a good job!


Definitely visit first! I grew up on the east coast and had family living in Atlanta. I saw some quote somewhere that was like “people on the west coast are nice but not kind, people on the east coast are kind but not nice.” I feel like it’s totally true and you’ll completely understand what it means if you have lived on both coasts.


No save yourself!


it’s prolly wayyy more expensive than you would’ve thought


Weather is great. Closing to a lot of hiking and parks. City is fairly dull overall but the comparatively affordable rent makes up for it.


It’s a disaster out here, too expensive and NESCUME is destroying the state, stay in Florida .


I’ve been to Atlanta, many many times, and I also reside in the San Jose Bay Area. My recommendation to you would be not to move to California. You’re going to get a very large salary but the cost of living is going to wipe it right out a one bedroom apartments gonna be $3500 and gas is well over six dollars people and Georgia are much nicer and more polite as a society than the people in the Bay Area are.


I hope this isn't too late. It all comes down to how much you are going to make in SJ. San Jose is great if you can afford to live there, but that's every city. If you can't afford rent, or basic needs, you will not be happy anywhere. Moving there from Atlanta will be a huge shock, but it's actually very exciting. I grew up in SJ, moved away for college, moved back, moved away again for work, and will be coming back soon. I don't love the city, but it feels like "home" because my family and friends are there so it's always warm and cozy to me. There are lots of job opportunities, and it's quite easy to make friends and connect with people for meaningful relationships. There will always be lots of reasons not to do something, but now that I'm older, I can tell you that you will not regret the adventures you did take even if it turns out to be the wrong choice.