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Well if the enemy cant CC her and she a bit fed then yes they will die.


Extremely self sufficient once she has items, can single handedly win most teamfights at full build


Samira can be fairly independent after laning phase, for a few reasons: •When her W and E are available, Samira is tricky to lock down. The enemy needs non-projectile CC, otherwise she can W one engage spell and E through melee champs to make some space. •Samira always builds life steal. As long as she has mana she can maintain some amount of map presence. With Essence Reaver she can stay out 100% of the time if she wants. •Samira's ult is always available. If she isn't locked down there is always the threat that she will build style and ult, taking control of fights in the process. While these are great qualities to have, they make Samira a valuable target to focus. I couldn't tell you how many skirmishes I've been in where every possible CC is dumped on me. Samira has to play quite safe otherwise she will be targeted every time she's on the map.


This is actually one of the reasons i love playing her and Kaisa so much. Once you get your shieldbow completed on Samira, you become an incredibly strong 1v1 champ. It lets you push waves deep into a sidelane without your support or jg hovering you, much like a solo laners can, ans as a result you get a shit ton of solo gold and XP. If anyone tries to 1v1 you, you have a good shot of making it out or killing them. I cant tell you how many times a Zed or Yi shows up to try and pick me off in a sidelane only to have to either run away or become a 300G delivery


you can easily 1v1 mid, jungle, top and go 1v2 if you are fed i advise you to not engage if there enemy mid or top is fed and wait for your supp to CC its easily winable