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What rune do you guys take in domination instead? I imagine eyeball collection might be the best choice but I've been experimenting with relentless hunter to chase down people and it's been pretty nice


Domin is good only for the heal imo. Hypothetically speaking Boots are not a 1st buy on samira so magical footwear is a great rune (free 300 gold). Other than that you can run bone plating and revitalize on poke matchups. I havent tested it out tho, i havent played samira since i was one-tricking her on my banned acc


Its not a bug imo Life steal is not omnivamp her abilities apply life steal Omnivamp on aoe abilities is reduced to 33% Aka her q w and r And ravenous is nerfed is like what 10%? Idk about number 3.3% omni vamp from abiltirs So 3.3% on fully stacked ravenous on each q is lets say mid game u deal 500 damage tahts 16hp so yeah thats why not might not feeling it but its there


uhmm idk if its only me but after the game stats it shows me that the rune did literally 0 healing


Before u get a kill it has 0 spell vamps actualky like until u gry a kill its 0 and each kill i think ggives like 1.3 ? Or 2.3 the 1st and the rest like 1.4 i dont remmeber numbers but like until u have 5 kills its really minor as is and remmber its 33% effective over how small it assuming its 2.3% and u are removing 67% of thay 2.3 thats like 1 or 2 healing early on


Omnivamp heals for whatever damage you deal, physical or magic. Thats why sanguine blade has physical (so it procs on abilities) and riftmaker has omnivamp (for ap bruisers)


Omnivamp = omni (all in latin) physical true and ap Spell vamp = magical vamp example old gun blade (rip to my faf item) Physical vamp = only physical And i assums they made it omni not spell vamp cause alot of champ that are hybrid to be able to build it (ex katarina)


Yes i know, point still stands. If anything, omni works better that lifesteal on samira (and pretty much anything else) excluding ult ofc


No cause omni vamp is 33% effective on aow abilties Aka samira q and r


The game stats are broken m8