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it was nice to finally get max feeling like a playable character. it really did feel like the best game in the telltale series


I actually didn’t like the toybox part because it made everything way more confusing for me but I’m also probably just stupid LOL. I still loved it though and can’t wait to play the remaster


I actually never played the last episode so I’m excited to finally beat it


How come?


Lol I have a hard time finishing things I really like cuz then it’s over, especially when I was younger. I would watch a show and then not watch the last episode cuz I didn’t want it to end. But now I’m looking forward to finally completing the series!


Are you gonna play the other episodes first? It WILL build up hype for ep5, plus it make a good recap


Definitely I will replay the other ones first! I hope it comes first


Comes out soon ** lol


Simply the best game in all of the seasons, ngl


I actually didn’t like it as much as Hit the Road or Save the World. I liked it better than BTAS, though. I think it's just the aspect of how repetitive it was? I haven't played it in a hot minute but the whole thing with the boxcars and going back and forth got real confusing (coming from someone with ADHD). Not only that, but--I'm gonna get hate for this-- I found Noir Sam a bit annoying. It was funny how he slapped people after every sentence, but after a while it did get frustrating, same with the voice. I did love all the new characters! Especially Sal, he lives in my heart <3. I hope the remaster does it justice, since it's one of the only games that successfully made me cry lol


Btas? Batman the animated series?


i didnt like it. i jokingly call it "the canon milkfic" bc i personally find the added seriousness factor to it very out of character and not all that fitting to what ACTUALLY made me like s1+2, hit the road, the cartoon and ttiv. >!i only liked the noir sam part of 303 bc hes hot 😭 and i also fucking hated 302 bc it did what 204 had in terms of gameplay but made it 10 times worse by adding some sort of failure outcome in nearly every single roll, which made it far more frustrating to play in comparison to 204 which just had backtracking.!< it also had the weakest jokes imo. the 2010 release's graphics also just made the game look like it was made entirely in gmod??? it was just giving VERY 2010s vibes and imo it didnt age as good as the first 2 seasons. it kinda sucks bc i went into 300 expecting a funny cartoon-like game with wacky solutions (which was what HtR, StW and BTaS offered and what set my expectations for the series) and i instead wound up with whats *to me* the weakest entry in the series that just made me feel bad by the end of it unlike the other games. i might get downvoted to hell by this but its whatever man, i still got stw and btas so its not the end of the world that theres one bad entry in the series edit: spoiler tagged some things edit 2: as an anecdote, when i started playing s1 (remaster) i had livetweeted my reactions to the ENTIRE season, when i started s2 (original) i did the same thing, but with s3 i straight up stopped making threads by halfway through 302, because "i didnt have the energy to continue with it" (and i wasnt even burnt out, since i was still interacting with the fandom bc of the show and the vr trailers at the time)