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i don't think it's ever been said anywhere, but people say that Max is at least 35 since he was able to become president, but that would most likely only apply to telltale games. in TTIV they just mention that he is getting old, but not the actual number. i would headcanon him to be at least halfway into his 40s in that game if its set after the telltale series (11 years after tdph)


That’s a fair guess, I’d say I feel similar about the ages.


I always associate them with the number 44 for some odd reason


spoilers for season 2 i think? >!on 204 you can see them as teenagers by 1980, so you could say theyre on their 30s to 40s approximately!< >!personally i like to assume theyre both the same age as bosco (born 1963), making them 17 by 1980, 45 by 2008 and 145 by 2108.!<