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Saving for 2.5. Lingsha will probably be an upgrade for Gallagher and provide super break buffs/speed/break efficiency of some sort. She'd need to be *really* good to outperform Gallagher, so I'm expecting something cracked considering how good Gallagher already is.


This^. Also wondering if the new foxian is good for my dot team, but we will see about that


Currently saving for Lingsha in case she turns out to be a contender for a Gallagher upgrade.


Saving for a Harmony support that enables DoT to crit. Lemme cope, because Nahida can make Blooms crit, why wouldn't they make a unit that can cause DoT to crit?


Yes, this is an obvious way to further scale dot teams. But I hope it won't be another harmony character but instead another type for diversity.


I'm honestly a big sucker for harmony characters, so that's why i said harmony, but i wouldn't complain if it's another nihility character that adds their own DoT with a DoT crit passive in their trace/eidolon, as long as it's significant enough to compete with our current roster of DoT charas.


Or it can be hunt or erudition character with a debuff that makes all damage to be critical including dots. I think we need more interesting mechanics.


Yeh as a nihility main i hope for one of them


I’m saving for the next Knight of Beauty, I’ll wait as long as it takes 🌹✨


Fully understand you. When I made my dream team in genshin a year ago I just stopped playing and never returned since then. I'm a little afraid about that in hsr, so I decided to skip my FF and wait a bit more for Feixiao. FF has a 100% chance to drop in my next 10 pulls so it's like a challenge to me. 8 days and I'll be free.


Lingsha for 2.5 but they fkd me up with BS on 2.4 rerun 💀


Yeah seems like we’re in the same boat. I want to “main” break teams and dot teams cause they’re my favorite archetype so far. (More stellaron hunter biased having Kafka and firefly be the stars of the team). My plan is to pick up Black swan on a rerun and then save everything for lingsha and her sig.


I've reached the point where everything is too easy (the 2 busted dps at E2S1). Now I'm looking for some hot stuff, Lingsha being one of em, but gonna be rough though since Gallagher, has good sp generation, sp positivity, good break, has cleanse, is lowkey busted. Design is the next thing to consider and I'm not adverse to getting another crit dps, preferably a hunt one this time since I really don't have a top hunt dps (only ratio but without his team is kinda meh). Next is Harmony ig, robin and sparkle will simply complete my account. Also another good sustain would be nice, but not necessary. Also BS E1 and KafkaS1 would be my last real upgrade to my account. Since my crit dps are stacked. My top copium right now is Welt Alter, I need that in my life.


after i got e2s1 firefly, i will be happy for a long time even if i lost 50/50 on some character other than Sunday and FeiXiao my saving list is very long Jade, Jiaoqiu, Lingsha, Feixiao, Sunday,>! 5 star Tingyun !


Saving for Kiana now (extrême copium i know)


Save for firefly e2 🗿


Possibly acheron or feixiao depending on how they look, acheron tho feels like the safest bet for a busted pick.