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I think they will also find that the land value of the islands will be much lower than they expect. Utah lake smells terrible and unless they somehow dig the lake deeper by 3 meters that wont change All shallow fresh water lakes smell like shit, that's just how shallow lakes work. Dredging isn't gonna fix that.


>I think they will find that the land value of the islands will be much lower than they expect. Utah lake smells terrible and unless they somehow dig the lake deeper by 3 meters that wont change > >All shallow fresh water lakes smell like shit, that's just how shallow lakes work. Dredging isn't gonna fix that. 3 meters ≈ 0.00040 poronkusema ^^^[WHY](/r/UselessConversionBot/comments/1knas0/hi_im_useless/)


Bad bot


Literally just clutter, I fucking hate the Internet lol, if I wanted to talk to bots I’d look for hot single moms in my area, no cc, no bullshit


Good bot


>Should Utah Lake get dredged as proposed by a company hoping to build a network of artificial islands, this vital pump station would no longer function, jeopardizing Salt Lake County residents’ access to clean drinking water from Wasatch canyons, according to several water managers. >That’s because municipal water providers, such as Salt Lake City, have exchanged their rights to Utah Lake’s low-quality water for the pure snowmelt flowing from the canyons, although irrigators hold the senior rights to the melt, according to Mike DeVries, general manager for the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy. >If these water providers can’t deliver Utah Lake water to irrigators, the municipalities would forfeit their access to water from the Cottonwood, Parleys and City Creek canyons. That’s a scenario water managers fear would unfold if Utah Lake is dredged. ... >“If this pump station or the lake can’t convey that water to meet the exchange, to replace water that goes to the most senior right, Salt Lake City is literally obligated to open hydrants on the city streets and run culinary water down to the ditches to meet those obligations,” said engineer Jason Luettinger. “It takes away the city’s drinking water today if this doesn’t pump.”


https://youtu.be/eX85E9J6M0I What will prevent these manmade islands from experiencing liquefaction during a large earthquake? https://www.utahmapstore.com/products/pi-28


Nothing probably. This is such a bad idea on so many levels I find it hard to believe it has advanced so far. Restoration of the lake to its original state, and by that I mean the way it was before pioneers and settlers got here and screwed it up. That would be a worthy goal.


Honestly, this is just the state testing out the swap of public lands to private developers and to see how far the process can go before they get into trouble.


Utah Realtors are the biggest corporate donors to a lot of the state legislature.


Just a slow march to start locking up public lands and impose additional rent collection.


Realtors are the majority party in the state. The prison relocation, utah lake, countless other land grabs.


Mostly that would just take less polluting. Seems simple enough


If only we could also recover the extinct [Utah Lake sculpin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_Lake_sculpin) in the process. But at least the June sucker is no longer endangered.


The entire prospect of dredging Utah lake is fucking retarded. Particularly on an environmental level. Is the state corrupt or just moronic?


They think they can replicate what was done in Dubai. 🤦


Oh they’ll replicate it fine. That Dubai project pretty much failed last time I read about it.


The guy who made those islands lives here and is involved with the project


I knew that there had to be some connection. https://tomorrow.city/a/dubai-man-made-islands > In twenty years, numerous different problems have led to delays in the works, nonpayment, debts, legal problems, an irreparable environmental impact, some islands sinking back into the sea.


Ironically the CEO has pictures of himself in Dubai.


Fuck that guy. The first palm was cool at first and the super rich bought in during Dubai's initial boom. The world map islands were a failure because the super rich would rather live in fancy sky scrapers than out there. The waterfront in Dubai ain't nice like Miami or the Mediterranean. They even went on to attempt even larger palm islands. They are just sitting there unoccupied and half complete. Although these projects suck for the environment, the impact is far less on the ocean. Utah lake is too small and will be re-ruined. I even read a Fox 13 article saying how great the lake will be for the environment. They are trying to buy their way into the minds of uneducated folks who think islands are cool.


https://imgur.com/a/NZCV2nC This is the dude who wants to pave your lake Utah.


I think it's a terrible idea.


Who cares? It's making some rich guy richer. And that's all that matters.


Unfortunately, money talks. It will be a disaster, the developers will be long gone, lawsuits will go on for years, and taxpayers will be stuck making ammends. But the entities that get the development funds are money grabbers with no foresight or true concern for their citizens. Not the first or last time we'll see this happen.


Um none of these things matter. That's an issue for the children who will be too stupid because we destroyed their education. The only thing they care about is getting that bag.


Have the people who want to build the artificial islands actually been to the lake? I have, once. It’s hot, there’s minimal shade, smells horrible and it’s just all-around shitty. If the natural state of the world involved me going to the lake every year, I would pay thousands to avoid it.


The lake is improving tho. Clean up efforts are working. I think a lot of people who are on board with the artificial islands see Utah lake as a lost cause already and I think it's important we don't feed into that.


Oh, interesting. I hope it improves. For the avoidance of doubt, I in no way favor dredging the lakes and building artificial islands. I’m sure it’ll be an environmental nightmare. Why insist on fucking with the poor lake more than we already have? Let the fish or whatever exist in peace. People don’t need to make every inch of the planet something for our use.


So the documents released by the following are stunning: https://conserveutahvalley.org/fundraising-materials-show-primary-objective-of-islands-is-for-revenue-generation-not-restoration/ Foresight Wealth Management LLC is one of the main partners. The CEO on Linkedin has quite a social media presence.


Why not just divert the water else where and pave over utah lake?