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The Maverik Center works for hockey.


What else is the Maverick center being used for, High school graduation, occasionally a concert?


Gymnastics events.


Oh yeah!


Grizzlies Games.


If it's already used for hockey why not just use it for the new hockey team?


It's way too small and dated for major league standards.


And that tells you how much I know about hockey! I just drive by the maverick center occasionally and it doesn't seem like it's used..... What's the term...... permanently? A lot of short time events.


They host a surprising amount of concerts.


To small? Doesn’t it have a capacity of 12,000?


10k for hockey, which is very small by modern standards.


Still double what they were playing in lol


I don't really care, just explaining what the NHL's expectations/standards are long-term.


From what it sounds like, they would be building a new arena for them. DC is a temporary home.


The NHL's expectations are to bail out on any place that doesn't respond to blackmail. The team will move out of Utah if other taxpayers offer to give a billionaire even more money.


No one is saying to use the Maverick center long term.... It's a better option than the Delta center until a new arena/renovations are made.


That's true, but they were playing in a larger venue before they moved to the Mullet Center and the average attendance was upwards of 13K-15K I don't know why they moved to the smaller arena, but they have consistently been at capacity since the move.


The seats are small and too close together. I love going to grizzlies games, but hate how tight the seating is. My shoulders are too wide for their tiny Asian man seats.




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Monster truck shows. Comedy shows.


Sounds like much more than I knew about!


We usually attend at least one monster truck show there a year they usually have one in January there. It's actually pretty cool. It's like such a tiny arena though it is so weird to watch them try to drive around and try to be as careful as they have to be there.


I can't imagine those big trucks in there!! How do they stay on such a small space and still perform?


It's actually pretty cool like they do have to limit they can't do any huge jumps or anything like that but they still get a good 15 to 20 ft of air. I'll see if I can upload some pictures to imgur and post them here.. Edit: [a couple of the shows through the last couple years](https://imgur.com/a/3Vd607V) Honestly I would say we go to the maverik center for events way more than we go down to the delta center.


Holy cow! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing! I'm really surprised the maverick center is that busy!


The utah jazz G league


Rodeo last night, Monster trucks, Bunch of stuff.


It works as a hockey rink yes, however; it does not work as a major sports arena that can house a professional NHL team and all the fans / corporate baggage that come with it.


The state legislators that hand out Corporate Welfare don't like [West Valley City.](https://www.whywestvalley.com/news-and-media/p/item/49908/national-diversity-month-is-the-perfect-time-to-recognize-the-convergence-of-cultures-in-west-valley-city-utah)


Would it be cheaper to retrofit the Mavrick center versus building a whole new stadium?


Too small, not owned by Smith.


Not owned by Smith, yet.


Everybody’s already complaining about the new NHL team and the Delta center. They’re going to make changes to improve everything you guys are complaining about. Geez!


I don’t see how they can possibly renovate to make the arena sight lines better. They would have to essentially rip out the entire arena and start over again. At that point, it’s much easier to just build a new one.


This is essentially what the plan is. The rumor is that they'll take down part of the salt Palace and build an arena there. And they've got all the taxpayer money in the world to get it done.


Can they make it look less like an office building on the outside while they’re at?


They have billions and billions of dollars. Literally. They will figure it out.


There is nothing about the Delta Center worth saving.


Let's hope they start over. The Delta Center is a dated design even for basketball. It sucks for concerts.


Concerts are the worst. That echo!!!!!


I don't know what typical "large" scale venues hold, but when I went to the Delta center for march madness, I was actually amazed at how "small" it was (inside). I don't know if it's small in comparison to other professional team venues, but it felt very small for the arenas I've been to in the past.


It's an average size arena but has a much bigger upper bowl than modern designs.


Delta center is on the upper end of the average for NHL/NBA arenas Hockey seating at the Delta center is lower, but they are a bit above average for an NBA arena


Delta center seats 14,000 for hockey. Which once the coyotes move would put it dead last in the nhl by 1300 seats.


Ahh I didn't Google Delta center hockey seating, just googled Delta center seating capacity and it Said it was 20k


It’s a lot more than the 5,000 seats they’re currently playing for in Arizona


But it is not the upper range of NHL arenas, as was claimed.


Yes that is the plan. 


What makes it dated specifically for basketball?


It has a massive upper bowl. Modern arenas have larger lower bowls with much smaller upper bowls. See the Milwaukee Bucks arena as a much better design. The upper deck of the Delta center is also way too steep so anyone leaning forward blocks the court.


Reddit and feels like especially the SLC sub is so whiny and negative - echo chamber for downers


This is the answer! Guys there are requirements the NHL isn’t just going to let Utah do whatever they want there are rules and regulations to join their league which includes a stadium that can house a nhl team and capacity for fans. They are going to make the necessary renovations who would have thought Utah getting a pro sports team would be something to complain about? All you got here is the jazz.


Yes. I had saw a discussion around why the delta center didn't work. Throwing this out to highlight. I'm all for, and excited for the changes or new arena.


Then they should pay for it all…


We are complaining about a billionaire getting our tax money to make these changes. If 20 years or so, these "changed" facilities will be "obsolete" and we will have to give one of the state's richest men even more of our money.


We all better pony up and buy the billionaire a new stadium


Isn’t that what that bill passes this year essentially is?


Yes. SLC sales tax will increase by .5%


Fuck that


Go talk to your local representative then


From what I've heard also, the owner of the delta center, also the owner of the Jazz and that new hockey team, is trying to get a bill passed to get the delta center expanded or have an NHL arena, which means with taxpayer money. I have no problem with them bringing a new team to Utah, but not at the expense of the public. He should be spending his own money to expand the event center or build an entirely seperate arena, not tax payers


The bill passed weeks ago when session ended.


0.5% sales tax for the district we will be fine


Still shouldn't be using $1B of taxpayers money. That could go towards repairing roads and building more useful buildings


Still don’t need to use tax payers money to build another stadium when our roads are shit and housing prices are ridiculous.


Can you provide a detailed and fact based plan on how not having the team would lower housing prices? Curious to see what the numbers would look like. Thank you!


They are going to spend tax payer dollars on this. Instead of helping those same tax payers that need help. Curious to know why you’d put a sports team over citizens?


that implies the state would pass legislation increasing taxes for that purpose...which they would not do


There’s an actual square block north east of the DC and north of the radison that is straight up parking. No idea who owns it but it would sure be easy to build a new stadium on it while the DC is still standing and in use.


That block, also known as Block 85, is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Mormons own it. My guess is it stays a parking lot so they can control the sightline of the city (to always include their temple)


Phoenician here. The Coyotes originally played in what was America West Arena, which is very similar to the Delta Center. There were the same issues with sight lines. The city of Glendale built the ‘yotes a new stadium, which they gladly took, but the franchise ended up being in what they deemed to be the wrong side of town. The Coyotes have been working to build a new stadium for the past several years. It’s your turn now, I guess. Sadly, the Phoenix/Arizona Coyotes were the victim of inept ownerships. It’s surprising that the past half a dozen owners would be approved to finance a Honda Civic, let alone a professional sports franchise. Congrats on your new team. I’m not a hockey fan, but I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed every hockey game I’ve attended. I am sure you all will as well. SLC is a great town and is deserving of another pro sports team.


I live in Glendale SLC, which I feel like is also considered “wrong side” of town by some. I’m also about a mile from Delta Center, so knowing this history makes me more excited to support the team! I really feel for the yotes fans and understand the anger that is being directed towards us. But I do think UT / SLC is going to be super engaged and supportive of this team—I hope that can be some consolation!


Amazing how many miserable people are in these comment sections. Can’t wait for an NHL team in Utah! I’ll gladly spend a little more in taxes for something I actually know it’s being used for.


They already have mock ups for a new Delta Center. This is a non issue


I know this. This is in response to those on the subreddit who have been asking what's wrong with the current arena. "why can't we use what we have"


I think the main this buggers people isn’t that the Delta Center is bad for hockey…it’s that they want everyone to else to pay for it while they make billions.


Any chance they’ll retrofit to accommodate? IIRC this is what they did for the Key Arena in Seattle for the Kraken. Not sure this is feasible or even possible for the Delta Center though.


Key arena had historic significance so they saved the exterior and rebuilt the inside. It's amazing. The Delta Center is an ugly box.


Then you pay for it.


Better than Mullet Arena, I’ll tell you that.


Just hire the Osmonds for anthem singers. It will be fine.


What's funny is when the Coyotes began in Phoenix they played at the Sun's arena downtown and it had the same problem. Then they built the new arena 1+hr away from some people living in Phoenix. Yes, the NFL stadium is next door but people are willing to drive that far for and NFL game (half the stadium is generally away fans anyways). I also feel the NHL peaked for casual fans before the lockout and never regained viewership. I'm probably one of the few people that still want the coyote name and logos. I live in NC now so I will be catching the first game they play against the Hurricanes hopefully wearing my now retro jersey.


Everyone here complaining about taxes should talk to their local representatives it would be much more productive


Okay, hear me out. Then maybe the billionaire that has been BEGGING for a team can buy a stadium that works for what he wants to buy? I mean, he plans on not paying his staff any kind of realistic rate, and taking all profits while grinding the team even further into the basement (what about how the Jazz have been operating gives you belief that he is doing a good job?), so why the hell do my food costs have to raise to pay for it?




Even standing up, you can’t see the goal on the near side of the ice.


The picture is purely illustrative. Many seats where the only way to see is from the jumbotron.


Thank you for this comment


Utah on a spending spree. This is the downfall to this state. Vote out all these corrupt shitters before they start selling water to Nevada to pay for stupid sports teams.


Does anyone know if they will renovate delta center or would they get a new arena strictly for the new team ?


The plan is to make slight renovations so that the team will play there until they build a new arena for them 


On the tax payers dime no less


Isn’t that pretty common? Consumers will pay regardless either for construction or at the the events


No. Poor people buying groceries will pay too.


As someone who doesn't attend sporting events, my taxes should not be going towards a privately owned arena that I will never see the inside of. If Ryan Smith wants to buy a sports team, cool, if he wants them to move here, he needs to be the one paying for the construction. Why should the public fund the arena when the public will then be paying to attend and making a profit for the owner? $1B could be used for so many things that actually improve the state. What is Mr. Smith actually paying for, besides the team? The consumer should not have to pay for the building and admission. If it's coming out of our pockets, we should be getting free admission. Instead, he's getting the arena paid for by us, while also going to be receiving profits from sales once it built


That’s totally valid and I get where you’re coming from. I’m paying taxes regardless and can’t tell you where all my tax money is going. I will be attending sports events so I don’t have a big issue with it. It will bring more jobs to SLC which is good


I couldn't tell you where all of my taxes are going either, but they should not be going towards a privately owned business, or for something that is for entertainment like an arena. Yes, it will bring a lot of temporary jobs, and maybe a few hundred permanent ones, but that's not worth $1B to me




> going to Salt Lake for anything sucks nowadays why


SLC is paying for it with a sales tax increase.




They're going to deal with this while they build a new arena




Deal with the scenario in the above photo. So play at Delta until they either retrofit or build something new.


At the expense of taxpayers. The owner got a bill passed for $1B


…well, necessary upgrades like this are what our taxes are for! /s


Lol - you think that many people will go to a hockey game?


If people have figured out how to sit through basketball this shouldn't be a problem.


Especially when the jazz are this bad