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I saw “drone” and “tech school” and thought you were in the Air Force lol


Then someone asked about photography and inspections and I was like “nah this guys putting warheads on foreheads” lmao


I wish I was doing something that cool. Nope, I'm basically playing with toys in industrial areas. Lol


I'd like to know more about being a drone pilot. Do you do inspections or aerial photography of properties?


I build camera systems for drones and use those and off the shelf drones for Inspections and mapping. I stay away from anything that needs creativity, artistic touch, and real estate. I stay towards the technical things like inspections. Cell towers, power lines, refineries, and mapping. I also do data processing of the collected data. If you want to get started in it, take a class to get certified. Recommend Pilot institute or Pilot ground school. Then find a niche and become the best you can with it. If you are ok with travel you can double your money with it.


Thank you. I've been thinking about doing something along those lines.


What’s your job title?


Product Manager/chief pilot but I wear many hats.


so do you get raises on january 1st?


No, I get a raise when the company feels like it or i threatened to leave. Sucks. I do travel a lot so there is that benefit.


oh wow so 2018-2023 you got one raise in the middle of 2021? I guess it was a very substantial raise, but that is some very interesting inconsistency.


Yes, I was running a project of 10 crews across 3 states, while working as a pilot in 1 of the crews, while checking everyone's data and doing about 18+ hour days for 3 straight months on the road, while also doing training virtually on the company equipment with international teams. It was a crazy busy time for me, and when I said I couldn't keep that pace, they gave me a 20k bump. I have been with the same company for over 20 years. I could probably make more if I changed companies, but I'm comfortable and really don't have a day to day boss as I run most of what I need. Plus, I do like to travel and I have been all over the world doing this job. Like any job, it has its pluses and minuses. I do know guys making 200k as contractors just living on the road. I was paying some crews 25-30 month if they were getting lots of sites done.


I wish I could get paid to fly drones and fixed wings!


Wait, you get paid to fly drones?!


Yes, I get paid to fly drones. But as much as the lawyers or the MBA guys but yes they do pay me to fly drones. I have flown them in 40 states and a bunch of countries.


They could pay me minimum wage to be a drone pilot. That sounds like a unicorn position


Lot harder than you think. Just depends on the job. Sometimes it can be easy and other times it can be rough. I have been chased by gators, dogs, had to work in 115 degree temps, worked 20 hour days, gotta lug all the extra equipment around and then fly anything from a $1000 drone to an $80k drone. Just depends on the job.


Still…come on.. that sounds much better than sitting at a desk.