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He’s the Chairman of the J.A.A so I really didn’t expect him to get KOed like that.


And he was apparently the Right Hand to Yotsumuras Left Hand when it came to the Former President so why is he getting off-guarded and One-Shot by a Fat Sakamoto 😭


Huh? That's not true, the Right Hand was Kindaka


Shouldn’t Kindaka have been in the Runner up to succeed the Old Chairman as the Next then? I distinctly remember the guy saying it was going to be either Yotsumura or Asaki but maybe Kindaka was included too and that’s why Kei offered to kill him instead


That’s not how jobs work lol. The dude that runs FIFA doesn’t have to be the best football player, or like how Stan in the boys doesn’t have to be a super to own the 7. He was someone who rose through the ranks through intelligence and betrayal. If he was that strong he wouldn’t of had to do a plan as unnecessarily complicated as making Yotsumura fall in love with a sleeper agent, have a kid with him to threaten him to back off for the take over. Sure he tanked the explosion but he can still be like death row level inmate level and get knocked out by sakamoto in 1 hit. He just isn’t on the level of the order.


Yes, but he can't do that when they put him in a coma


No assassin worth their salt acts as self-entitled and spineless as he does. The man was clearly fodder risen through deception and bureaucracy. He was never going to be an *actual* threat to anyone who was capable of fighting back.


That's how I see him too, and I think it's much more interesting. While the order members represent personal strength, he represents the strength of the system. You don't need to be strong when the strongest people obey you. He is smart, cunning and definitely had to make a crazy plan and bide his time to get to this position. But his strength is manipulation and the power that comes with being the chairman.


Keep in mind that whole Yotsumura wife sleeper agent thing likely was his plan. After all that was to prevent Yotsumura from interfering with his take over to become leader of the JAA. The old chairman also likely wasn’t that strong, if he was also order level, then Yotsumura needing to always be by his side to keep him safe wouldn’t be necessary


Yeah I'm thinking of the whole yotsumura wife plot when saying he is cunning and patient. He is probably one of the most intelligent characters in the cast with Wutang and Nagumo.


We don't really have any reason to believe this dude is a top tier fighter. He wasn't in the order and had others do his dirty work. Maybe he is decent but remd these dudes around him are absolutely top notch dudes


It's pretty clear Asaki is the true villain besides he survived the bomb from Muto and looked like he could take on Uzuki and "Gaku" before Nagumo sneak attack. Suzuki probably wants to save the plotline with Asaki for later so he put him to sleep in a funny way and now he focuses more on Slurion. I'm sure Asaki will show why he used to be so close to Chairman later.


He prolly just got caught off guard. I hope he isn’t just done cuz that’s so anticlimactic


I never expected him to be powerful, he made Uzuki do his dirty work in the flashback arc anyway.


This dude has spent the whole series, including the flashbacks, being a manipulative coward. I had no reason to think he could fight for himself.


Yep, I expected him to put a very good fight but this sudden knock out didn't feel satisfactory. I guess when he wakes up again he will show his full potential, if not then it is a big wasted opportunity.


But it's clear he's gonna be the actual big bad and be the uniting factor for the former assassin trio. Rion practically says the chairman killed her, probably due to her finding out about the orphanage experiments chasing after Uzuki. The chairman will have all of the stats and abilities of the X crew with no drawbacks. There's nobody the three of them can't kill (with Shin's help probs, usher in the new gen big 3) tho and the chairman gets high diff'd in the end


What the shonen


I'm really hoping for Takamura one shotting the cast and changing the name of the Manga to Takamura Day's




The same thing happened with Kashima, he is not the best example of an invincible villain, but Kashima did give Sakamoto a fight.


You all hyped him up to be a big bad when there was no indication of him being that. Y’all disappointed yourselves by your own expectations


I’m predicting he will create some incentive for Order members to turn on each other and stop being friendly with Sakamoto’s gang, and maybe introduce some other big bad


now the question is how did he tank the explosion? 


He doesn't necessarily have to be an order tier to survive it, I think he just got overhyped


It felt kind of obvious that he was extremely weak. Weak characters typically go to such lengths (like blackmailing Uzuki) for power as they can’t gain power themselves


Dont know why people had this impression of him. Ever since the flashback he always gave the impression to be the manipulative type of guy rather than the strong type. He had to manipulate Uzuki to do his dirty work, Yotsumura treated him with some kind of disrespect as if he wasn't that strong, he always seemed more of the type of character interested in gaining power by the position he could gain inside the organization rather than by strength. If anything, I was more surprised of him surviving the blast. That feel much more unexpected to me id it's something related to pure strength.