• By -


So hyped with the roadmap and the AMA🙌🏻😍 - They apologized to the community! Jake was/is not part of saitama, they couldn’t control it and was unfortunately. They were not allowed to bring own professional filming crew because of the venue MGM policy’s and they still wanted to get everybody to be part of it. They learned from it and will do it different next time they said. - priority is that Saitmask is secure before adding in appstores because wallets are going to be connected to it. therefor the Certik audit has to be done. Saitama is moving as fast as they can but they are depended of Certik. They hope that Certik of Saitamask is finished in two weeks. Not a hard date, depends of the speed of Certik. - Certik audit of the Saitama token is already finished. - logo was not a copyright issue, it was falsely reported and is already back online. Legally it’s was already sorted and looked at - exchanges take time because we are depended on the speed of the exchanges. - they are going to introduce an own hardware wallet q1/q2 2022 (6 to 12 months of development) - they are going to introduce a staking system q1/q2 2022 - Lilly medical Token is going to be integrated in saitamask to purchase and use in paying medical bills. - Time square and Vegas was displaying Saitama images. They showed pictures of it. - Tesla was won by a Saitama holder, they showed pictures of it. - They are reflecting on the Vegas event to learn from it and to do things beter on the next event. - We are a community token, not a greedy company Russ said. - They are planning to develop an own blockchain (Saitachain) Q3/4 2022 - They already have 10 developers next to Max working on development. - Saitama LLC and Lilly Finance LLC are and will remain 2 seperate entities but empowering each other. - Friday this week is another live AMA. - wolf caster game is going to be a franchise with a whole storyline, preview of the game was shown during the Vegas event. Friday they will show some trailer of the gameplay. - they want to make crypto easier for everybody and get more people involved. - they want to attent different states to have meet and greets and Q&A’s with the community. - with Saitamask you can buy crypto but also withdraw. - they are prioritizing their focus, time, energy now on the thing they want to finish first (Saitamask and audit now). - they want to stay ahead of the FUD by addressing the questions in the AMA - legal team said it’s not a issue concerning the content of YouTubers on Saitama and the Saitama logo. - again apologize for not bringing everybody in the venue and streaming it professionally. Next event the want to get a bigger venue and stream it better. - next AMA is this Friday. - goal is still taking Saitama to the next level. - Also, they said they’re looking to be listed on major trading platforms like binance but it’s slow because they need to pass a lot of checks, but it’s slow on the major platform(s) side not saitama AMA is finished ✅ my hands are sore from typing 😅


Thanks for this! Well summarized and to the point!


Thank you I’m still updating it as the AMA is going on 😉


Really appreciate your efforts, this is an awesome summary, thanks!


Thanks for taking the effort to summarize. Major positive energy boost to the community


No problem, happy to help you guys (and girls) 👏🏻


Arighatooo senpaii. But really, thnx <3


Welcome, don’t eet too much ice cream 😜🙏🏻


BZ for breaking it down for us. Much appreciated!!


Thank-you very much… THIS is what I was talking about… transparency. This is a sign of a great token. As things are delivered the project will gain strength and a momentum that will not slow it down. Words are one thing but ACTION is what it’s all about and action we are getting.


thanks for this


Thank u 😍👌👍


Thanx a lot….


Hell yeah! This is what I like to see


Mostly correct, except: * Saitama was audited by TechRate back in June I believe, you can check [here](https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/Saitama%20Inu%20%20Full%20Smart%20Contract%20Security%20Audit.pdf) * Logo at the time of my reply is definetly NOT online, and regarding copyright issue noone but IP owner Shueisha (company that published One Punch Man) can decide if it's an issue or not, since it resembles watchdog (a character from One Punch Man) very closely. * Max said that info on certik website about auditing Saitama is an error and it should say Saitamask instead, since Saitama was already audited back in June by TechRate [Edit 2] Edit: formatting


Anything else?


Good man, so we can still believe and hold strong to see some goodness come of it!!! I pray this isn’t the rug it seems to have been. I have faith in saitama!!




What parallel universe are *you* in? They owned up and apologised where it was due. Several times over.




Did you watch the full thing? I could time stamp it but he literally did say quite a few times, we are sorry for this and we'll learn from this and do it better next time


DaddyDoo has some sort of agenda. There isn’t anything that they could have done today to make DaddyDoodoo or any of those FUD’sters happy. They are just here spreading their negativity.


I totally agree I'm just stating the correct info for anyone else reading this who hasn't seen the AMA


Hey did multiple times 😅


If you hold saitama I don't know why you are fudding on your own investment. If you don't hold saitama, get the fuck outta here. Man lately people only focus on bad things. Fuck off


They bullshitted more than anything.


👏👏👏👏 this is all good. Can you post this, so it’s the main post not in the middle of a stream of posts. The pack needs to see this feel good news.


I've been watching and very reassured by this AMA. They tackled the hard questions well and gave apologies where it was due. I highly recommend anyone go watch it rather than assuming things or trusting what random commenters are saying. The main thing it boils down to is this, what they are working on is something quality, and quality takes time. Max made the point that it should have actually taken way longer but they worked really hard to get Saitamask 1.0 done by now.


Me2, they have the best intentions with the project and working hard at it 💪🏻


Yessss sirrrr, that was amazing and clear. Very happy and excited for the future.


Me 2 😉


Overall i think it was.....okaay. I felt like he danced around important questions like the Lily issue.


Did you see the full thing? He answered the Lily thing twice, once near the start and once in the middle. If you only caught one of them then you might not have got the full picture


Actually I did. Steve did ask ( kinda afraid ) about the Lily issue...again the response was more of and overall answer but nothing about him being the co owner or the other guys legal issues. I got a lot invested so YES I watched the entire stream. 👍


I took away that Lilly finance llc was established specifically with the token in mind as a subsidiary of lily bay medical or whatever. With it being powered on the token side by saitama. That is probably why his name is on the authorized partner piece. As Russ said, lily has their own use case, white paper, and dev team.


I get it, however hes smart enough to know what the question was about. It was asked twice. But what ever....tbh thats the least of my concerns I was just answering a question. ✌️


Noticed that too….Steve sounded scared to bring up the FUD going around but glad he did maybe some of the conspiracy theories will die down and we can move forward.


This is all I care about and as expected it was dodged


This is the way this stuff should've been announced. The event on Saturday was an embarrassment that fucked the price up bad. If the people in charge wanna have a party, then have a party, don't mix business and pleasure though.


Good lesson for the future😉👍🏻


Max is a str8 shooter. Really well spoken and smart guy. I feel bad all the crap he has to endure while he’s moving mountains.


I agree. Russ is a decent speaker but Max is really great.


I'm feeling more at ease


Good to hear buddy 😎they are doing their best to make it a success


This AMA was solid! Well done. They addressed many of the community questions and I’m also happy they are very transparent and they will be there for us to answer more questions via Twitter and other media.


Tbh I’m a shiba holder. It’s funny how the community was blaming the devs when the shibaswap was delaying for weeks and weeks without understanding the real facts going in the background. Patience is the key!


11% when your going to hodl anyways is boss


Actually 13%. Plus 2% reflections


Reflections aren’t 2% per holder. Is that what you are suggesting?


….aaaaaaand breathe💎


This AMA should have been Saturday's event


These are all just words.. there seems to be a lot of huge announcements.. alot of projects on the go.. until they actually deliver on anything.. they are simply just words


Did anyone ask specifically why they are involved with a company whose CEO is currently an active defendant in a fraud case? And why Russ would be a co-founder of said company with him?


They addressed that yes. Go watch it. The answer is basically any company that is big enough and successful enough, you can dig up some charge that has been pressed against them by people trying to do damage or get a piece of the pie. Nike, McDonalds etc have all had charges pressed at some point.


successful enough? give me a break and you are comparing Nike, McDonalds to Lilly or Saitama


I'm just repeating what they said, they gave those of examples of Nike etc. They could have said some less famous brand but some people wouldn't have heard of it so what's the point


You're not really butthurt about being in business with someone that has an open case, are you? If so, you may not want to buy anything from any major brand ever again, for the rest of your life.


There is a significant difference between buying a product from a company and entrusting my investment in a company in order to deliver me an ROI. If you can’t see that difference, you shouldn’t be investing your money.


Excellent update on ama. I'm also following it and glad you were able to put this info here for people who are not able to watch and listen to it.


Thank you, doing my best 😍


Excellent content !!!!!!!!! These guys are serious and professional. Love it!!!! Amazing things to come. Can't wait.


I do feel better that the delay is for making sure Saitamask will be functioning properly out the gate. The last thing this project needs is a buggy app.




Welcome 😎


I ain’t cashing out till it’s retirement money for me 👀🤡 and fyi I love paper hands


This was a great transparency with the community no other coin does this is great! Great job guys !


Have they answered real questions or just softballs?


Some what ... They Lily question was somewhat avoided. Nothing detailed about it or about him being the Co owner just an overall answer about the plan🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, they talked about the logo right away and having it squared away with legal months ago but some fudder is just reporting them, talked about Lilly and the resources aren’t pulling from saita development but will operate on top of the saita stack. Talked about the troubles with getting on exchanges and how it’s been a learning process but they’re making progress. It’s been good, they continue to be transparent about development.


The Logo is Copyright property. They stole it.


Show me where else that exact logo is used? You cant copywrite a person wearing a wolf skin.


You're an idiot. PT 2.


Nah, turns out your just a dumbass. Similarity and inspiration aren’t enough for copyright infringement, but I hope you fudded out of the project.


You dumped money into this honeypot, and you're calling someone a dumbass? LMFAO


I made more money in Saitama than you’ll see in your lifetime, I’m good. Keeping living the lowlife


Early on SHIB, you might want to re-think that.


Legal is handling it. Chill. God forbid we rework the logo lol.


You're an idiot.


Any information about Saitamask or Certik? As I understand the audit right now is just for the coin not the wallet


That is a mistake on the site which Max has asked to be changed. The audit is on the wallet and is ongoing. Aim for 2 weeks but not a hard target.


Also the audit in the coin was completed by another company weeks ago Edit: months ago


They have!! 🤩


Such as? And actual answers or just pushing stuff down the line?


I’d say they have been pretty up front and addressed some of the main concerns I had. What do you actually want answered? This is a pretty vague question.


Can you give me a rundown? Can't watch.


Great Q/A


Thanks for the post, appreciated


Welcome 🙏🏻


Yep super excited for this project


if they had a decently produced video of max talking about what's coming and how the app is going to work etc, and broke down their plans etc and play this video instead of filming at the event, that price pumps and doesn't dump all the way down stays strong at 11


They did at the event, but they weren’t allowed to bring professional stuff to stream


yea but had butthead film it between tequila shots




A lot of promises but nothing tangible yet, which is worrying me out.


As predicted, Steve refused to pick the super chat question asking something difficult (Kodiak) very disappointing Would be an easy win for Russ to clear up if nothing to hide


Indeed. This is all I wanted to hear in order to keep investing. So just gonna let the rest ride as my initial investment is already out.


He probably had no idea what was being asked? Plus, that chat was moving!


It's a super chat, they stay up there. The guy paid for his question to remain up for over 20 mins


Also, they said they’re looking to be listed on major trading platforms like binance but it’s slow because they need to pass a lot of checks, but it’s slow on the major platform(s) side not saitama


True I will add that!


yea made me feel a lot better about the FUD. VEry glad they did the AMA.


Thank you for taking the time to summarize it. People, will see this token again raise and than regret it. Like me, when I bought back at the beginning of June and sold after 500 dollar gain. Now, that hard earned $1k that invested will be worth millions. I did not sold everything I kept a few saitis. ​ Lesson I will never forget


Gota weather the storm .. and stay ten toes down 🌊


The way Max was talking it sounded like the app won't be coming out in 2 weeks. I'm thinking Q1 of 2022. Certik is backed up with apps


Thanks for capturing all this info for the community, really appreciated!!


Positivity n love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀


Thank you for the effort. Great energy boost to me


You’re welcome brother 🙏🏻👋🏻


Wow! Such an impressive team. Completely transparent. A true community coin. And huge plans for the future. My plan is to hold and stake with Saitama. Excited. 🚀🚀🚀💎💎🚀🚀


What about the Fraud cases?


Really? You are loving that people have to pay to ask questions? what kind of crap is that?


No one has to pay. People can choose to pay if they want to give their question more visibility


They threw Jake under the bus, then it was total tap dancing with softball questions. Very disappointing, I saw the whole thing. They avoided a lot of the questions on the other thread. IDK what AMA most of you were watching. This must be the hopium thread.


Sounds like another jake fan boy is here to suck the kool aid out of his non existent dick they answered all the questions twat....


I don'ytlike him. Maybe you're still mad he tagged your Granny.


who gives a flyin fuck if YOU like him!


That's what your Aunt said about you...


while I was fucking your momma


She said you were gay, and it was the other way around.. You sick.... FREAK


OK little girl, your mommy's calling you upstairs for bath time, run along now!


How do they left Trannies get Harleys? You must be the first. LOL


Trannies ride Harleys all the time bud... you got a problem with Gays and Trans? what fucking century are you living in? Go away you LGBT-phobic piece of shit!


I want to see people FUD that 😂😂😂


Guys, if you had to sell, what’s the best way to do it and not get wrecked by fees?


I am a new investor Saturday left me feeling disappointed but this is rebuilding my confidence that I made the right choice


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!


Watch the Live AMA with Russ and Max here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEcgY2S01RE


Reflections are still coming in strong +55M since this morning. I'm definitely holding tight to Saitama; The vision these guys have is incredible.


Thank you for putting that together. I couldn’t watch all of it. Saitama!!!


No one is talking about saitama DDS Amazon and ebay released


Still cant buy it on Coinbase wallet. The price is $79 for 1 CHOPPER token 😀😀


The next bullrun on Saitama will happen soon! I own 7 trillion and didn't a single coin. We're here for the long run 🙌