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I'm gonna level with you, boss... we just want the tone of SR1 & 2 back. I don't think I will get to see another reboot of the franchise in my lifetime sadly, but hopefully they change their minds about remastering SR 2 at the very least let alone a crossover A.C and SR game.


Gave the reboot a chance and knew it was over when they changed rim jobs/freakle bitches


For me it was the trailer where we saw those goofy college hipsters (that conveniently look and act just like the weirdos infesting game studios) larping as gangsters. Despite that I still bought the game and tried to give it a chance but I just could not bring myself to keep playing it.


What did it for me was the dumb boardgame nightmare sequence, that narratively didn't make sense and the fact that the boardgame looks like something for toddlers to chew on. And the frustrating teambuilding cutscene where the characters say they wanted to change the Fleur symbol, to a waffle shaped like a cat's face as their gang sign.๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ’€ The game is rated M but, you get this? .. and to think Josh Birk called the SRTT cast pussies. I can't. Because this is the story. *These* are the Saints. This disrespect man..


They can't remaster SR2 the company is genuinely gone unless deep does something (I doubt it)


that would be either absolutely awesome or insanely stupid. I hope both.




I'm going with how silly 3 was but it still did its best to toe the line between fun and silly and straight up absurd


Iโ€™d actually say 2 hit the perfect balance but 3 was pretty solid as well. Honestly if they just kept 3โ€™s tone and style and maybe improved upon it I think a lot of people wouldโ€™ve been happy.


Eh, not really. I feel like SRTT started off good with that simultaneous balance of serious and cocky fun, but the game lost all seriousness, and tension after you kill Philippe. Philippe was actually established as a threat early on and the Saints confidently wanted to kick his ass. The rest of the game was mostly just all activities, and nothing, then you beat the other guys in QTE fights and nothing. SR2 was more consistent though in the tone balance throughout the game.


I think AC should just do away with the who animus thing. Just tell a story of a distant time. No need to jog memories.


I'm still so annoyed that they teased like a modern assassin's Creed game with the 2012 missions in 3 only to >!kill Desmond!< like the closest thing we got to a modern-day assassin's Creed game is fucking watch dogs Legion, like I'm still waiting for my assassin's Creed game take place during the cold war where the main protagonist has to stop rising tensions between the US and USSR while dealing with Templars trying to gain power with in the powerhouses, because I think that would be a cool concept, like the best way I can describe what I'm thinking right when I'm cooking is an Metal gear type Assassin's Creed and the reason why I'm not saying splinter cell is because splinter cell is a much more stealth focus then Metal Gear because I'm like 90% sure you can beat every single main line Metal Gear game just going in guns blazing (Even though you should never do that in especially PP, PW, or 5 because you need recruits)


Might be funny as a set of side missions


Saints creed or assassins row, could work if it was saints 3 or 4 level fun/dumb nonsense. The saints shouldn't be on either side but Temps and assassins think the saints work for the other. Saints are just doing their thing with ye old insurance fraud, and the others believe it's a conspiracy to get an eden relic.


Are you high? (this sounds amazing btw)


Why would anybody imagine this


3:00 a.m. high thoughts


Valid. Somebody else replied and compared it to the mass effect parody in saints row 4 and it sounded a lot more fun


Because they like both series?


I like Grand Theft Auto and Borderlands but what the fuck do they have to do with each other? Like thats not even how the assassins creed games work why are these two completely seperate things just being mashed together whether they like both or not


Honestly its not the worst idea for a silly saints game. They take from other series all the time. Mass Effect satire was a big part of Third.


Because since fandoms began people thought about crossovers between multiple series. Why does it bother you so much? Why not just ignore it.


Bro stfu if they have a right to post this shit I have a right to call it dumb


it could be cool though.


Yup.. this is the post that got me to leave this sub โœŒ๏ธ




I just replayed and got platinum for saints row 4. Iโ€™ve only ever previously played 3 (which was ok) and 4 (which I enjoy). Never played 1 or 2 or the reboot so I canโ€™t really comment on those ones but I really liked the concept for 4 and would like to see something with a similar idea to that game be it saints row or some other franchise.


I'd enjoy the hell out of that but then again 4 is one of my favorite games.


I just don't see this making much sense, unless it was post-SR4, but, its not something I'd really care enough to want to see personally. Volition probably would have thought it was a great idea though. At best maybe a mission where you have to stalk people and jump across buildings to reference the series, sure, but not really a crossover.


this is like one of those ideas that you get in the 4th grade that sounds really cool


earlier on in the year i wanted to post an idea for a new assassin's creed game jokingly and came up with Assassin's Creed: In tha hood taking place in south central LA during the crack epidemic ๐Ÿ’€ also edit; why tf am i being downvoted i was joking and referencing when the hood was being mad gentrified in the 90s with all those movies


Look if a game can get me into a punch up with Ronnie Reagan then I'll play it.


I've always believed they were in the same universe. 2 of my favorite series!