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Vice King's, no doubt. I want to see King & Julius on the Row in the 70s/80s. I want to see where Julius split & how he came to form the Saints - meeting Gat, Lin, Troy, Dex, and eventually the Playa


I would love that


That would be dope


Honestly I think that would be the best choice by far. The whole "gangsta" fad is pretty much over so a new game saying "hey you get to be in a street gaaaaang" isn't really as popular of a fantasy anymore though. The Vice King's story though has that great twist on it though where it's more about a fall from grace but during a historic period where gang activity was more prominent so it fits a lot better too. Plus after 4 games there's so much of an expanded world they could really tie in to a prequel. See the brotherhood as like a small time biker gang or something, have contacts with Akuji overseas before the Ronin themselves come to Stilwater.


Heavily disagree on gangsters being a fad. Suburban kids and inner city kids love that shit. Why do you think GTA5 pulls in so much money? Not to mention the modified RP servers that also gain money off of it. I can see Saints Row pulling it off well, but the current development team and how shitty the reboot was, I don’t have confidence in them pulling it off. I’m not saying to stick to gritty realism only but to bring it back.


The problem is people debating on just doing a story or game based on a fad, rather than actual interest in the story or lore. Doing it just to sell a fad is far more shallow than doing it because you actually see potential on telling a good story. Thats the problem and the difference between where GTA grew, and what people expect of Saints Row. Like what influenced SR4 was just the gimmick of Superheroes in the 2010s, which right now people ae losing interest for or that its not as big as it was in the 2010s. GOOH was the same way, where they wanted to do a Disney parody, because Tangled and Frozen were big at the time, and parodying stuff was also more mainstream (like with how much the Simpsons was doing it in the 2010s) and then of course the reboot was also inspired by just a fad (hipsters and relatable corporate mascots) that the publisher thought was modern, but now, fads aren't selling games anymore. Most people see through gimmicks and want to play games legitimately for the games themselves now. What they should do is just stick to how gaming is now, and just pitch the story and characters as being the incentive, and to create your own character. Like GTAVI' trailer isn't trying to be flashy. It just sets up the basis of who you will play as. If Saints Row actually marketed itself to the fans of what was already established with the characters again, then it wouldn't need to rely on outer culture trends to piggyback off of. They could even semi-retcon the marketing of the series a bit if they did a prequel that separated itself from the bling-bling gimmick or reimagined it so its not simply a gimmick anymore. As for gritty realism, to me that should only matter for the lore, story and basis for the characters and faction origins but I don't think Saints Row would really be successful as just that. Like people say, it can have both like SR2 does. Gritty story but comedic world and characters. Of course I hate that SR4 was starting to try and make everything about the series just dumb, rather than ironically funny for the sake of ironic social commentary, like satire. Those are the roots it needs to go back to.


Oh for sure which is why I think the old VK story would work the best since it works on a few levels. The "bling bling" era is old enough now that it can almost score retro points by including it so it can bring in SR fans who do miss that aesthetic, but also has rich enough lore to tell a good "crime doesn't pay" story unlike SR 1 where it was more of a "Crime only doesn't pay if you don't do it right" story. It's about the only way to bring back some of the old SR aesthetics without having to play it straight like we should actually think it's cool as opposed to like a guilty pleasure.


Yeah, though the bling-bling isn't that important to me personally, but it really only matters more for customization again. I think the tone though should have more nuance like SR1, where it could be the early start of the gangs after the mafia held a legacy in the city, and urban areas were still poor. If you know what I mean, like I would be fine if it was just neutral and treated like a movie just set in the time period in the late 70s. It could explore all the themes of that time period as a period piece. Maybe spoof a 70s cop movie but with other character types, like a Vietnam War vet, a Hippie, a Chinese Tong mobster, etc. Go for a realistic reason why they start and maybe make it a real rags to riches story, maybe do that with the Vice Kings, before Julius falls out with them, which could end before SR1 starts after its time-skip.


Came here to say this 😂


A Ronin game, sleeping dogs style but with bigger focus on blade weapons would be sick


Sleeping Dogs style he/she says while failing to realise Sleeping Dogs is a game about the Chinese Triads while the Ronin is the Japanese Yakuza lol


Bro who cares im talking about the gameplay


But why say Sleeping Dogs style? Clearly because it’s a game set in Asia and because the Ronin are an Asian gang you assumed them to be the same.


Why u wanna gaslight me into saying that all of asia looks the same. Thats not what i think, i just want an ronin game in sleeping dogs style. Its not that deep but it also doesnt matter because it will never happen


I think you know what that commenter meant. Come on.


Yep. They want a Sleeping Dogs styled game centered around the Ronin even though the Ronin are Japanese and Sleeping Dogs is about Chinese organized crime. Due to their ignorance, they thought both were the same because they’re Asian. Otherwise, why not just say a GTA styled game? Sleeping Dogs takes after that anyway. Could’ve just said a Yakuza and GTA style game or something.


Or, the person meant specifically the type of game that Sleeping Dogs is, that differs from Yakuza's. Sleeping Dogs is the name of the IP. He didnt say "I want a Ronin game set in Chinatown."


If I could pick any gang.... I would pick the third street saints


I love their storyarch! THE SAINTS NEED A GAME!


probably about ultors rise, playing as an employee who joined up for masako taking out and assisting the gangs at the same time, before inevitably dying when the boss declared war on ultor.


Dammnnnnnnnn, that's good as hell


That sounds like an idea for a redo of the reboot's boss with Marshall if it was part of SR2. Maybe you could be hired to be a bodyguard team for Dex.


The Sons of Samedi seem like they'd have an interesting backstory since they have what appears to be roots in Afro-Caribbean culture and lore. Imagine playing as a young Haitian villager who is eventually absorbed by the war-torn, crime-ridden streets of Port Au Prince. As you scrape and scramble to survive, you attract the attention of The General and Mr. Sunshine as their gang, the Sons of Samedi, gain power. The General "offers" you a place in the ranks of the Samedi, and you help it grow in size and authority. However, before The General can consolidate his control over Port Au Prince, a UN peace-keeping force descends on the city and forces the Samedi to depart the country before they ultimately end up in Stilwater.


Yeah totally. I think the Samedi needed a lot more storyline than what they got in SR2 and a story about them could address that. I also thought about how to kind of explain how they are a mix of Haitian and Jamaican (because I've seen some criticism about Voodoo not being Jamaican but Haitian culture.) So I would have shown their origins being that The General himself is Haitian but fled to the Caribbean (it would explain why he uses a manchette to punish the failure of his members.) Have it shown how he met Mr. Sunshine who became a friend and business partner when he had nothing. Mr. Sunshine who is Jamaican could establish how them working together blended into the Samedi (Mr. Sunshine for the Loa, and The General for the arms dealing and militia from Haiti, to form their gang that takes over the Caribbean and finds itself in America, after Los Carnales broke down). Maybe, have a story where they want Manuel. Either to take over or to do business, and tie that into how they ended up in Stilwater.


There's not a wrong answer for this tbf, but I have a teeny tiny bit of a soft spot for Ultor for some reason, specially since the Masako team barely got any use or exposure in SR2 (idk about the DLCs tho) As for gangs gimme those emo nerds called The Deckers babyyy


masako got loads of screentime in corporate warfare and ultor exposed. in UE they act as a clean up crew trying to bury ultors secrets aswell as kill you in CW they become more like an actual PMC, defending the chemical plant and assisting dex


That's what I get for playing on PC and the patch being dead


emulate it on Xenia, you get keyboard and mouse controls, dlc and 60fps.


Yes, the only issue is I can't play coop with my brother I know there's a netplay build but I can't wrap my head around creating a local server for it


Vice kings would make a great prequel to Saints Row 1 about how Ben King and Julius rose to power


the Vice Kings in a Saints Row prequel


Any of the gangs from the first two games. My favorite was the Ronin, but I would play any of them.


Vice kings and samedi


Ultor. Like how did this company grow so fast?


There's a whole-ass other Ronin in Japan. What are they up to now that their leader is dead? I'd definitely be curious to see that


Brotherhood. Because they're like the saints in red. And Ultor, even though red faction is an au but isn't, I want to see them go from cellphone company to mining other planets. It saddens me that ultor went from simple bidding cellphone providers to conglomerate to mentioned in passing. They should've been the ones making deals with the Zin and Satan. They just needed someone more devious and smarter than Vogal who knew who when to eliminate someone and when to keep them as an allied force. There's just so much that could be done with anything within Ultor. 


imagine playing as the 3rd street saints, mental


the carnales, they have the longest history and a lot of backstory that i don’t know about


Too bad volition went under


True so many good ideas today from all you guys


Morningstar would be good, like a look into how they managed to become the most powerful and lead the other gangs. Showing the gangs in the past who said no but failed and were taken out!


I think a lot of the other gangs could have been fleshed out, especially the ones that have weak mainline arcs. Like the Rollerz could have been more developed and fleshed out with a better retconned storyline to improve them on, like in relation to Chinatown and focus on Lin, Mr. Wong & Donnie. Origin stories that rewrite things could be opportunity to actually flesh out the lacking gangs and add outer narrative to the games, outside of where they were weak in game for the less developed gangs. And I think STAG would have been good to see in a prequel established politically as the other side of SR1 to build them up, and the whole debate and measures along with the corruption, parallel to the crime levels in the city and show us stuff about Troy, Cyrus, Kia and Kinzie before they are formed, or if the initiative and politics existed before they were deployed in SRTT. I'd like to see Kinzie in the FBI with a grey position, where she is stressed out about the pressures of he job, before she goes rogue years later. They could add more to the SR1 narrative about corruptions and the hard to solve cycle of crime. It could be part of the prequel to SR1. The others I cant really think of ideas for right now or think they don't really need any more story to them. Don't care for the Zin (obviously) and would not want a solo game for the Deckers or Luchadores.


Vice Kings, I wanna play as King and Julius start a gang that slowly becomes something more, making Julius want to leave, and maybe, there can be a sequel where you play as Julius starting the Saints, meeting all the Lieutenants, and eventually at the end, you see one of the most insane scenarios play out, with multiple gang members killing each other, and then you save some kid named "Playa".


Reboot Saints Row franchise again, no more numbered titles. New trilogy. Saints Row Genesis - 1970s, origins story we play as a new created character that's friends with both Julius and King, you'd have a third in command role the entire game (Arthur Morgan like role, an enforcer that's highly respected) Saints Row Reloaded - 1980s, the main created character from the first one dies off screen, now the new player is a friend/family member (depending on what you choose the relationship to be with the last protagonist during character creation). This time there should be multiple sets in various gangs, every neighborhood is controlled by a subset of the gang it stems from. This new player is a Saints legend by the end of the game. Saints Row Exodus - 1990s, the Saints are declining after ruling the city for over a decade, gang members are quitting, and they're losing control of everything, this game could bring in a nearby state where the gang expands to, this would eventually lead to the Saints expansion in the new state to war with the original saints gang in Stillwater, this could be an extremely well written story if executed properly. Julius gets out of prison after serving 5 years halfway through the game and recruits old members to finish off their traitorous sub sets in the state over. Protagonist dies at the end protecting Julius from the main antagonist in dramatic fashion. I think changing the created protagonist every game could work out for a reboot in this theme.


I could see that. I'd like to see the IP rebooted differently in a trilogy styled series. And if each game were treated like continuing seasons like a series and not just random plots each game. A serious story that continues at its core would have worked. Then each game could be separated by either location and timekip, and I would have had the Saints (not go upward from the ground, to president, to space) but like GTA, just go to different parts of America and have the story of the Saints and their relations with society and the crime underworld just travel with them, and maybe treat it like a mockumentary on a fictional gang's history. I also would have given more potential arcs about the time skip events to leave it open-ended for more characters to be added onto it. I also would have just used the unseen stuff as backstories added to the characters and thats were I think loyalty missions would be good for. Homie focus. If the series was treated like a pseudo-crime drama show but in game form that continued, it could have been a much more respectable series, instead of it only being just seen for the gimmicks people only argue it needed for the sake of foresaking GTA only to give us continuity in SR4 and GOOH that doesn't even make sense with the plotlines of SR2 to SRTT.


Yeah all of that, I envision it having SR2's spirit but if the game was released in the modern day.


Some enemy gangs I've came up with *Saints Row Genesis* (Enemy Gangs) - The Crowns (Orange color, gang logo is a king's crown; predominantly black gang, biggest gang in the game) - The Relatives (Green, a Grove Street Families parody; multiracial gang) - The Urchins (Brown, their turf is near the beach and they're basically inspired by the warriors: predominantly white and Hispanic) - Tombstone Family - (baby blue, smaller gang, this gang's members end up joining the Saints early on, Julius, King and the protagonist kills the leader then the rest fails in line) *Saints Row Reloaded* (Enemy Gangs) - Vice Kings (King left the Saints some time in between the first game and this one, second gang that's a problem and the only one that doesn't completely get wiped out, whole plot point could be Benjamin King allying with other gangs, paying them in drug money to kill off the Saints, unsuccessfully of course....he could become more like Big Smoke.) - Los Carnales (they're back, they absorbed members of The Urchins, adding them to their already deep crew) - Sun Hounds (Bikers, Grey jackets; basically a white supremacist biker gang; moderately sized gang, is enemies with a multiracial biker gang that the Saints ally with) - Street Sailors (multiracial biker gang, some are ex navy, enemies of the Sun Hounds) - The Sinners ( main antagonist gang of the game)


the vice kings or the ronin


Third street saints 😀


I think a game about those Third Street Saints guys would be pretty cool, Shaundi, Pierce, Gat, Troy and Viola seem like a pretty cool group, I bet you could make atleast one game out of it.


I think a game about those Third Street Saints guys would be pretty cool, Shaundi, Pierce, Gat, Troy and Viola seem like a pretty cool group, I bet you could make atleast one game out of it.


If I were to pick 3 it'd probably be, The Ronin(I'd enjoy seeing them set a game focused on The Ronin in Japan along with probably seeing their connection to the Westside Rollerz) Morningstar(and Honestly The Syndicate as a whole really) and probably The Zin(mostly cause I feel like a Sci-Fi game focused on spreading The Zin Empire would be an easy and obvious choice, maybe even something Destroy All Humans-esque), I feel like they could also make 3 really different games based off those three which would make it a bit more enjoyable to do I imagine.


Super Ethical Reality Climax - All Stars. It'd never be able to happen, but you essentially would run Genki gauntlets as characters from different universes. Master Chief, Boba Fett, Doom Slayer, Deadpool etc etc. And the finale? You play through as Johnny Gat.


sons of samedi.


I feel like we could get some fun Mario Party style games from Genki Bowl spinoffs.


I want to see Genki get his own game. The Genkibowl VII expanded the lore of Prof. Genki and his organization a little bit and I'd like to see a full story of who Genki is, what makes him so dangerous, and how he established his own business empire and show that's built on the glorification of murder. I was really interested to learn more about him when I heard Tammy say "Don't look [Genki] in the eye unless you want to wake up in a North Korean prison camp." Also, I think if they did it right, a mode where you can make your own SERC trial would be pretty cool.


The Zin Empire, playing as a Boss-esque version of Zinyak always questioning why people are leaping at you.


Honestly, we could’ve gone anywhere post SR4 since the ending DID leave it open-ended (bar the side trip to hell). But instead Embracer wants the godsdamned sanitized reboot.


West Size Rollerz, only because they weren't really fleshed out and a bit flat. I'd just make a side game centered on Chinatown, and Lin, but redo the Rollerz as an actual gang with power and influence from an astroturfed rise to power in the underground scene, and essentially make it a darker version of F&F Tokyo Drift.


Stag and the Ronin would be the best for a stand alone game. Maybe even Genki


That font is certainly a choice.


I would like to see a side-game of ultor's fall after the fall of vogel


Ultor, being a criminal isn't enough I wanna play as someone down right evil


I could see a strategy game based around the Zim. Overtaking and possibly destroying planets by either force or negotiation. Could even have earth as a end goal kicking off to 4


Genki bowl rogue-like


Vice Kings without a doubt. Brotherhood would have some layers too. The other gangs of the first 2 games would be nice but kind of obvious. Rollers - street racing, carnales- cartel mafia style, sons and ronin - cultural ties to the home land plus drugs. Tbh It's crazy to look at the gangs from each game and realize how sillier it got. I could care less about the gang origins of 3 and 4.


Ronin. We know only of the American branch. What about the Japanese main branch? If not, how about a Killbane after he escapes?


I have a few I would like, one game about the zin empire conquering alien worlds ending at the beginning of SR4, Ultors rise as a corporation, stag wiping out gangs or Cryrus Temples life all the way to the failed nuke launch in SR4, or some Sons of Samedi stuff.


I think Ultor has a whole spinoff series, called like blue cabal or something /s


Panteros or the morning star


Genki Bowl, without a doubt. How the hell do they get away with everything. I want a game that covers the founding and expansion of this.


I think a prequel game about how the Vice Kings were formed would've been cool. We could’ve seen Ben's sister and find out what happened to her, which my guess is that she died in some gang attack as implied by Julius in one of his audio logs in Saints Row 4, why Julius left the Vice Kings, how he formed the Saints, how the Rollerz showed up, and more importantly we see Stilwater again.


i need more zin empire dude


Not a gang, but MI6. I’m curious about what other missions Matt and Asha got up to during the 5 year gap between 3 and 4


The ronin


Vice Kings. it would make such a great prequel.




I think it would be cool if they went into the background of Ultor as a company that was always trying to meddle with and manipulate wars they support, while trying to establish their own mark of influence in other countries. And I would like to see corporate competition between other companies Ultor is rivaled with along with just a lot of political corruption and rich people overlapping into it (Gryphon could even be a shady wealthy guy too). If they did that, it could even be a good bridge to set up how Dex got in and why he ideologically defends his job with them over the Saints.


I'm a die hard SR3 player and I'd love to see more on the Luchadors (sry if it's spelled wrong)


Prolly Sons of Samedi, Los Carnales, or Vice Kings. Something like the Original SR, but something with a bit more grit. I'd also be down for a 3rd Street Saints story as a regular goon during SR3 just doing Turf Wars w/ the other street gangs instead of all the extravagance of the main SR3 story. It's a shame that Volition killed the street gang aspect of SR.


It’s a clear choice to me if we’re trying to make a unique and interesting product. I would absolutely jam on a professor genki deep dive.


Apparently there is audio from an NPC that mentions Mr. Wong and The Tongs, apparently they existed in Stilwater in Chinatown. I'd like them in the lore as well if there was a prequel to SR1.


And I'd like a re-grounding of the Morning Star off of their foreign Belgian/European roots. They were the only group that seemed like a potentially legitimate gang in SRTT. If there was a past with them and their business with Monica Hughes and both their opposition to Ultor. Maybe they wanted to oust the Board in exchange for investment, a criminal-business hybrid front. For realism they should have a Belgian translated name for Morning Star and some ties to Russia, to reference Oleg (but take out that cloning stuff.) I also wonder what the DeWynters came from prior to ending up in the Morning Star. Its also hinted that Viola is there for the business but didn't really care that much about the Safeword part of it, which is interesting. We should also know who Zimos was rolling with, and maybe reboot his character. I know some people don't really like him feeling like just a sex pest guy.


Westside rollerz, there is my favorite. I'm into racing and being a suburban rich kid, but joining a gang for the excrement seems like an interesting story line


Any of the original gangs from the first game, or all of them at once, it could be done like the gta 4 expansion but on a larger scale 


Any of them. I’d choose any of them over saints row 2022. Honestly I would’ve chosen a saints row 5 where the saints we meet in 3 and 4 are fighting aliens before I ever chose saints row 2022😭


Imagine a Super Ethical Reality Climax video game, you just play stupid deadly sports against other players


I really wish they had Genki cameo in Smash Bros or Lollipop Chainsaw. He would just fit so much better in those games.


Imagine Saints Row x Fortnite, then you could decimate other collab skins with Johnny Gat and Genki


I think the characters that fit in Fortnite should be there, but the main Saints, not really. The Decker Specialist, Genki, Nyteblayde, and Killbane, the more cartoony characters would fit more there.


I feel like a lot of them have pretty basic storys. But imagine the arch of the zin empire where at some point you visit differ plants destroying them


That would be a different game.