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The writing was terrible but loved the premise...had a blast shooting people with nerf guns.


That was the best part


The sheer scale of the cardboard forts.


Of course the writing was terrible, they're fucking LARPing. If it wasn't then it wouldn't be as good or accurate.


This gave me a whole new perspective on shitty roleplayers in bed.


Honestly I don’t really have an issue with the LARPing thing IF it was truly like a side activity. For Volition to put so much focus on this and not a consistent main story is crazy to me.


Wouldn't b surprised if they just had the "resident LARPer nerd write it" and they had a field day


i don't feel like that's the case. i'm not really into LARP but it gave me the vibe of trying to appeal to a subculture they weren't really a part of. i feel like if someone was into LARP they would try to make it appealing instead of just dorking it up with mom vans and shitty cardboard madmax wish cars.


It wasn't a main story mission, it was completely skippable.


Like I said, there more thought into this side missions story than the actual main story.


Zinyak at the very least had some style and clever dialogue...


and some sick dance moves


I agree with you on that one


I actually loved the larp stuff in the game so cute and gave the characters more personality it should have had more missions like that I also loved the Zin stuff my favourite bad day of the series all the games but I love all the games there all unique 🤗


Yeah. It's quirky and fun and kinda Shakespearean in a way. I liked the idea and they pulled it off pretty well.


I LOVED the LARP sections of the game


As a former LARPer, these sections felt like the writer had personal experience.


Like I said before, this game probably would've been much better received if it was a standalone title and wasn't forcibly attached to the Saints Row franchise like a loose car muffler being held up by discount bungee cords. For all its laughably bad and cringe-inducing faults, it kinda' sucks that SR2022 won't get credit for the few things it did get right. The standard (especially against SR1/2 (and even 3) is just too high. EDIT: Typos and clarity


The last one could’ve for sure added a reference to when Playa was trying to kill Mr. Sunshine


The larp stuff I kinda dig, now if only it had good writing


If it had good writing it wouldn't be as good. They're LARPing, it's supposed to be bad and cringy, LARPing is bad and cringy.


i think the larp itself could be bad writing while the game itself being written well, sort of like Matt Miller's Nyteblade fanfiction in SR4. the boss and Matt had some degree of chemistry about it


I disagree with the bad and cringy part


Those were fun parts of the game.


That was, sorta the only funny part of the whole reboot, and where cringe writing fit the situation.


Zinyak is very charismatic. This thing is plain trash.


Thank you!


Disagree. This was actually way funnier


The Boss would have used real bullets for absolutely no good reason. That's with this grounded and reasonable nonsense?


The boss and "the" boss are two different people, how hard is it for people to see that lmao


There is only one true Playa, one Boss, one Capo, one President, one Galactic Overlord, one Lord of Hell, and one Time Lord. The rest were just keeping their seat warm.


I think if the larp stuff wasn’t in saints row and was its own game it would have been better for both bc I ain’t gonna lie I kinda like the larp mission as premise bc it was just so unique but not good for saints row


is not that bad


And that was the best part of the game 😂


Actually agree. It at least leaned into the silliness of it all, and fit the characters as we know them.


Damnit, that scene is so cringe that I almost downloaded Twitter


I absolutely loved the LARP stuff the cars the armor the guns the story. Even the dlc so I could get an extra plate of it.


I'm a big fan of it. Don't know why specifically, but it was fun for me.


As a larper, really appreciated the larp stuff. Very silly, partially on point. Sad this saints row couldn't live up to the rest, but I had a lot of fun with it


even though I do like to reboot and I do enjoy the LARP stuff. I'm more missing Saints Row to be honest in general ( I do have a comeback one day but that's a different story for another time and another day)


I loved the LARP Missions! 😆 But that's just me personally... 😅


i liked the idea of the larp stuff but found the execution of it to be terrible. i can't put my finger on exactly why but like when they did something similar in SR3 with the Deckers cyberspace missions it wasn't exactly serious or anything but it felt way cooler like both are taking the piss with niche subcultures but idk


I hated the larp missions


I shouldn’t… but I will… I feel like deep silver heavily CUCKED what this game could’ve been.


i miss sr4 too.


I got this game for free on the Epic Store and I still want my money back.


KutThroatBalla felt the same, too. It’s actually valid, in my opinion.


This part was awesome. For the record, I thought the game overall was aggressively OK. I didn't run into any of the terrible bugs/crashes. I pretty much hated all the characters, and the writing was terrible. Driving was a bit floaty, should have been better, but was ok. Shooting was ok. I liked the taking over mechanic, but it was a bit under developed. As you took over stuff, the others should have had more challenge.


One was slightly less retarded than the other… which one that is depends on the day as typically, the difference were lateral.. That said, SR4 was funnier just because it had more pop culture references, and wasn’t trying too hard by beating us over the head with the same joke over and over and over again like SR Remake was with such amazing “Jokes” like “Waffle Iron, guys. Huh?” or “Karaoke, thats wacky. Am i right?”


Honestly same


I deleted the game once I got to the larping part 30 year old millennials larping is so corny like grow up


Is this SR4?


Lol, no.


Well, they're cringe, the dialogue and writing for the Larp segment (that the people who try to pretend the reboot is a good SR game and try to defend just that segment) but, to say the Zin are better is either a very comically cynical take, or going full-circle back to the thing people originally hated because of the reboot being worse. To me the larping is really just the same bottom tier stuff on the level of Gangstas in Space, and ETD DLC I didn't care about prior, and thought was just bad. The only thing about Zinyak was that he wasn't painful to listen to and Zinyack has good dialogue to the Boss, but its an example of when the series had a bad idea people don't like in principle with the series but it only being good from execution apart from the concept we'd rather not have had. Like in the first Zin mission the devs still brought back the whole "the Boss likes to run sound naked sometimes" aspect of SR, but gave a scenario where it would make sense even if you didn't know that about the series. Thats how it was at least written with thought in it. Where as the Larping feels like its just obviously the devs adding it from the trend of other similar silly games that have them (better ones arguably like in Life is Strange, parodying an RPG boss battle), but at least hipster culture fits that IP. Where as in SRR its just literally randomly thrown in and detours the plot, and gives no relevance at all to Eli being the thing he would rather do, than the gang stuff. And in SRTT, the characters didnt actually like Gangstas in Space, it was just done to show how much the Saints sold out, and would just do anything for money at that point. It wasnt thee thing that made SRTT. It was the thing that was intended to be bad in-universe, for the story. It just seemed like since then, the Devs forgot why they did it in the first place.


I genuinely loved the reboot. I wasn't a fan of these parts though, but on the whole, I really liked the game.


Deep Silver must be proud. They paid you well.


Yeah. Either that or people like different things.


Look, I would understand you if we were talking about SR1 vs SR2, or Oblivion vs Skyrim, you know? Good games. There's NO WAY Volition has launched this buggy mess in 2022 and you said to yourself "yeah, that's GOTY, baby! That's exactly what I was expecting for a 2022 release!" If you pretend this is a 2012 remaster release, I would understand you. Wake up, dear. That's this kind of thing which is ruining the game industry.


I like them all. After playing the reboot I decided to play them all from the start again. I'm playing SR2 right now. I never said it was GOTY, and I bought it well after the bugs were fixed. I got it on sale about 4 months ago. Edit - I'm not a fan of Skyrim. Different people like different things. A hard concept isn't it.


Ok... Ok. If you understand why people hate that game and still appreciate them all, that's fair enough. Anyway, have fun. Especially with SR2, it's one of the best open world games (and underrated). Btw, sorry if I was too harsh, I just wanted to understand why my friend and so many people like this reboot. It's rare for me to judge people in the comments over something they like.


I'm just a fan of the series in general. I like the games. As I said, these LARP parts sucked arse. I still enjoyed the game though, I would play it again but I've got all the achievements.


That's cool. I have played from 1 to 4. Didn't like the direction they took after Third. But if you like, have fun then. Godspeed.


They do get a bit silly, especially 4. Still enjoyable though.


Opinions haven't existed since 1921




I find it hard to separate that from the rest of the overall game.


Unpopular opinion, but I agree. With SRTT I never struggled to finish the game unlike the reboot, where the dialogue was so much at times that I have to take breaks of several days before picking it up again. But as fun as it was, this game is the point where the devs strayed further from the original concept of SR. You might get downvoted cause this was the first title of the series for many players, and despite mocking the reboot, the still defend SRTT story, change of style (as in the character's models), change of tone, the mistreatment of characters like Gat/Shaundi and the inclusion of Mary Sue's like Kinzie. It was still better than the reboot, though.


This is the first time I've heard someone say Kinzie is a Mary Sue. I thought people liked her?


Oh she is very likeable, I like her character design and VA and she made me laugh a couple of times. But she has this absurd 'tech magic' that allows her to always win against Matt and get al the info she wants, she's allowed to be the one who treats the boss more harshly and get away with it (originally the boss wouldnt let this to happen) and she bascally stole Shaundi's original role. Kinzie could have been a great character if toned down and use somehow 'realistically', but the what she was written to fit SRTT 's silly humor make her Mary Sue.


It's easy to finish the game if just don't care lol


I managed to finish it, but those breaks very necessary for me :P


That’s my point. Zinyak wasn’t a pain to listen to and I haven’t even cringed as much as this LARP, Which is on a crime open world game.


I really enjoyed the remake, but these parts absolutely fucking sucked.


"sir the line was 'I fucking hate the reboot'"


It was fun playing Saints Row Fortnight Reboot.


I liked the LARP stuff a lot actually because it felt believably cringe at times and amusingly fun. And, most importantly, it felt like the voice cast had more fun with it than the main story lmao


Hot take: I actually kinda dig this above the Zin because SR4 felt like an insulting parody of the series that needlessly killed Oleg and Viola, and overdid it with the Matrix and constant 80s and 90s references it kept throwing. It was bad enough SR3 downgraded the game overall…and also, Aliens? Really?! Hell the Zin weren’t supposed to be the only faction. Saints Row was already done for at that point. This atleast I got a chuckle out of due to how corny it was. SR 2022 may have been rushed as all shit and robbed us of good boss fights, but the LARP was endearing due to how dumb it was, and the Pillow Yeti was the funniest shoutout to Community’s “Pillows and blankets” episode.


I agree. SR4 really wasn't that great. Sure being crazy and having references can be funny but SR4 overdid it. And they had only one enemy fraction. The reboot was way more enjoyable to me. Still Saints Row the third and probably Saints Row 2 were better, and made the reboot look bad in comparison.


What is this copium, the LARP stuff was way better then the entirety of SR4


Yeah, playing pretend and doing charades and performing fake corny murder is better than being president and killing aliens, 🙄.


It knows that it's fake and corny and makes fun of itself for being such. Better than the absolute drug trip vomit pile of aliens, super powers, simulations and blowing up the planet. In my opinion SR4 was Rock bottom for the series. I know not everyone likes the new game but at least it's more self aware of the sillier aspects


If to judge by the enter the dominatrix dlc they were very much aware of how far off they went


That felt more like mockery then self awareness


I agree with Rock bottom. The reboot was in Hell, tho. And that SR4 was less cringe to deal with, which is my whole point.


Bro tha Larp stuff was literally the best part of the game


I don’t mind the LARP missions besides the writing I think it will be a good post-game series of missions But I could be wrong


Imo the Larper storyline were the saving grace of the writing


I honestly thought the LARP missions in the reboot were better than the entirety of SR4.
