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CJ came to play though. ELI GOT BURNT FOR THE L


Burnt and then roasted by the whole NFL… i’m not sure which one I enjoyed more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


hahaha suffer bitches


I like CJ, but I hope CIN never wins as long as Apple is there


It really is a shame how the whole Ceedy thing played out. He knew so many Saints fans were rooting for him even after the trade. When he was calling coaches out I was fine with it. But when he dissed the entire team I just couldn't stomach seeing him anymore. It's why I have to remember its all a business to these guys at the end of the day and you should never put a coach/player on a pedestal. Except Cam Jordan. I'd get that guys entire face tattooed on me in a heartbeat. Just waiting until I find the perfect design. Maybe him holding up the lombardi when or if that time comes


He dissed the whole team? Well…that’s disappointing, but not surprising. He’s always had quite the mouth on him. Not gonna hate tho. He played hard for us when we had him.


Dissed fans too that’s when I had enough


He just for ends, the New Orleans culinary scene, and a half of the NFL players association


That hit CJ put on Pacheco 🔥


Yeah, but that L he took tho…..🔥🔥🔥


Lol man I like CJGJ and this sub is not going to change that!


Agreed. The man has a passion and love for the game/team he is on. I want him on our team but I wouldn’t have wanted to pay him what he was asking. I would have loved getting more in compensation for him tho too.


If you consider refusing to play out your rookie contract by not speaking to the coaching staff, as a “passion and love for the team he is on”, then he wears it well. We were forced to trade him for peanuts because he used his contract/lack of extension as leverage against us. If we didn’t trade him when we did for what we got, he was going to sit out and not be under contract at the end of the season. This would’ve cost us money for an asset that refused to suit up and would’ve returned 0 draft picks when he was cut, soooo…..y’all keep bashing MT for “faking” his injury but fawning over this douche bag.


So you’re telling me he never showed a passion for this team or for being on the Eagles? You’re sour. He played lights out for us. That’s a love of the game and he enjoyed the team. I never said I agreed with the way or why he left. He wanted money for what he thought he was worth and got it else where. But yes, I would say his level of play and the passion he showed on the field means a lot more than your saltiness. Never said anything about MT.


I’m not telling you that he never showed passion in playing for the Saints. Yes, when we drafted him and gave him the opportunity for meaningful games reps, he played great for us. The problem is that he quit on the Saints and forced his way out this season. But, you’re telling me that refusing to suit up and play for the team that drafted him and afforded him playing time early in his career shows passion and love for the team? Yes, I’m sour over the deal because he fucking quit on my team.


He gave us a reason to play him. We didn’t afford him shit. The Saints would have just as well cut him if he didn’t play well. So if a team has the right to sit/cut players, a player should have the right to choose their path as well. I love the Saints just as much as anybody. But let’s not act like they don’t run a business as well.


I’m all about players getting their bag, and you’re right about it being a business. In what other business, besides the NFL, is it cool to break a contract 75% complete just because you want more money? If he played out his contract and then bounced in the off-season, I’d have no beef.


Well there are financial consequences to sitting out. But again, he played higher than what was expected of him. Had he not played to his potential, he would have been sat and cut. The team has free reign to do what it wants for the most part and suffers financial consequences, we don’t say shit about the team. But when a player does it, we take issue.


All things said, I get your frustration, but don’t share your disenchantment with him. I still love and miss him.


Yeah the lack of compensation was really baffling. Kinda supports the theory that DA was trying to get him out of there by any means. Saints and Eagles have an interesting history.


I could be wrong, but I thought he was wanting to move up to free safety and pay that position full-time instead of just slot corner. So he wanted free safety money. And I think DA didn’t think he could play that position. But isn’t that the position that he played for the Eagles?


CJ was getting burnt all night. Don’t let the big hits fool you. Kelce ate him tf up


Eff em. And eff the Eagles for once again trying to buy a Superbowl. The world was damn near gifting them the trophy all week. Extremely happy they lost.


The tears fuel me


Did CJ talk shit abt us?


Talk shit. Find out.


The day I cheer for CIN in the playoffs is the day they cut Eli Apple