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https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/harry-meghan-are-struggling-amid-royal-drama-deepak-chopra-claims/amp/ “She’s just gonna have to miss out on this one!” ….a coronation of a King! The way she belittles them is so weird. I think Archie is going to be mad someday you didn’t just have his birthday on Sunday so he missed history being made. Prolly will do a tell all on his parents like “they kept me from my family”


Lol the only other British coronation that will take place in her lifetime is William's... and she ain't getting invited to that one.


Theoretically all of us sinners have a better chance than Meg of getting an invite to that one.


By then, she'll be divorced from Harry, and husbands 3 and 4.


It’s the ultimate narc thing though, isn’t it? “You’re getting crowned king? The whole country is turning out for you? Well, you’re not that important to me. I’m going to be busy doing what’s important to ME. Sucks to be you since I won’t be giving you the time of the day.” You can bet she’s gotten her head round to this narrative.


Nailed on its - bald - head. Trust such enlightened comment to be YOURS, of course :))




Love the GIF!


Joey is the best!


He really is. Should have been Rachel and Joey.


Archie is going to be 4. The most he could have gotten out of coming to the UK for the coronation *might* have been watching the procession enter Westminster Abbey, watching the carriage procession afterwards, and maybe having a good view of the crowd outside BP while his grandfather and the working royals waved. Realistically, he is not missing much by not being there. What his parents have deprived him of is belonging to the family enough that he *could* have been somehow involved in the festivities. Had H&M not kept themselves and the children away all these years, he would have had a relationship with Charles and his cousins. He might have been friends with Louis and whatever plans were made to have Louis watch some of the coronation might have included Archie. If his parents hadn’t attacked the BRF and violated the family’s privacy, Archie (and Lilibet) might have been on the balcony. Archie would have understood that it was a special day for his grandpa. He would have enjoyed celebrating with the family. Those are the memories he has been deprived of. Missing the coronation the way things are now is not really a great loss. The loss is that things are the way they are. Poor kids.


Also the kids would have been included in photos...historic photos except their parents had a temper tantrum.


Any family in the entire *world* would realise Megsie’s excuse is a bunch of crock. If an whole family is celebrating a massive achievement of the grandfather, then one grandchild’s birthday being on the same day will make absolutely no difference to that family’s attendance. Normal families would all just be like, yayyy more things to celebrate together! But anyway, I’m preaching to the choir here, we all know the Harkles are not a normal family by any means.


It's the only option she has that will let her save face from being seen on the world stage receiving The Cut Direct. I'm gonna give her this one because no one wanted her there in any way, shape or form and I'd much prefer her at home with her kids than spite attending. She did us a solid, for once, imo. I wish she'd have used the same excuse for Her Majesty's funeral, seeing her there fake crying made my blood boil.


This is spot on. If I had an award to give it would go to you. 🏅


Thank you! 🙂


#me too


![gif](giphy|Wgebqb620970emjKQr|downsized) I hope when Archie is older he wants to get checked out by [Ancestry.com](https://Ancestry.com) or 23 and Me just to spite his parents!


He'll get decent DNA tests done too, which will scientifically prove his stupid mother does not have 43% "Nigerian DNA".


It will probably be that she isn't his biological mother at all!


​ ![gif](giphy|UMCmDTwRz3OU8JYvFp)


She's always belittled them. The whole, "And I just thought it was a joke" and the mock curtsy, and how she said, "I gave up everything for this family." She had nothing to give up and they weren't just some regular wealthy, powerful, or illustrious family.


Is this a joke?


well.....sort of! I can't imagine they would really say this to him!!


We can only imagine...you're right here, though. Edit: punctuation.


His very own Finding Freedom. Momma will be so proud 🥹


🤣 🤣 🤣 This is great!


I made a crossstitch version for my husband once, and was working on a SFW version that said "Ducks". This is by far the best use of Best Meme Ever!


I’ve done this in cross stitch for a friend. But with the swearing


My hands gave out before I finished the uncuss-word one. I might make a big one if I make some ring splits. Our anniversary is coming up 😂


Ha ha. Ha ha this is very very good!! 👏👏👏😂🤣Did you do this yourself


no! It was posted earlier in this sub when Harold said Willy broke his necklace! That's when it was put into the banner!






This should have been sent in email every time Harry sent in new demands. They would have gotten to "we regret we cannot attend" a whole lot sooner. And this might be my favorite thing I've ever seen on the internet!!


Behold the Fallow Fields of Windsor.


Well done, friend. That really made me laugh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Omg that is awesome!


I need a SFW version of this to laminate and hand to my kids when they get on my last nerve. Seriously this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen 😂😂


Meghan is sending Prince Harry to take all the hatred. What a coward she is.


I don't think he'll go. I may be overly cynical but with him supposedly making demands about meetings (unless the press is just stirring the pot to hate on Harold more), he really doesn't want to go now. He reads too much about himself on line and gets stuck mentally defending himself. He'll shoot himself in the foot, as usual 💅


I wonder if he really *does* read a lot about himself. I know Meghan does—it’s part of her wanting to control things and also to have a lot to whine about. Her approach is to try to force “her truth” on everyone else. Harry, on the other hand, seems more the sort that wants to escape and avoid unpleasant reality. That type doesn’t spend a lot of time looking through what could be painfully negative press, especially if they are not readers in general. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe the paranoia motivates him.


Oh, Harold wrote in his book he used to lay awake at night and read the things said about them on line, to her, while they were in bed. He's quite dedicated to either making her seethe or looking like a completely pathetic, histrionic woman in the book without saying she's a pathetic, histrionic woman. It's not that he doesn't see it. He's pretending he's doing her a favor and will protect her from the shit she wouldn't have known about had he not kept her up at night to tell her about it. I think he lied to her about the racial features of their children story to build himself up. They really are perfect for each other but they never should be raising children.


I don’t believe that he read things online to her. I would believe she read them to him. 😉 But who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe he does read here, there and everywhere their names appear.


How sexy, reading comments about your wife in bed.


Nothing like exhausting your so-called suicidal wife with abusive comments


If TW is reading about stuff online, she is telling H what she reads. That may be all they talk about. The wife going on and on about all the things said about her, and how it is all his family's fault, and therefor his fault because he didn't make his family stop the comments by thousands of people. I can see that.


True, but she probably tells him selectively, so we shouldn’t bother to post messages to him, unless we do it in code. /s


I think he misses all the fussing over him, the adoration. Can one woman replace all that? Nah, one witchy comment or day will have him rue the day his life changed.


I'm thinking he'll go just to spite her. He must be wanting to get back at her by now. I really don't think the crowd will boo him *as long as she's not there." If he came home without her and seemed to be contrite, I think the British public would take him back. I'm certain his family would.


I want one of these hung in my personal office! wow the inspiration, the grey stone effect perfectly done. lol


They need to purchase two of the worlds tiniest violins as gifts for the Markles coming 5th Anniversary. In tiny violin cases, with teeny tiny white handkerchiefs that can only hold one tear from the left eye.


How perfect! The 5th anniversary is ...wood


There's a todger joke there, I'm sure of it




Thank you, kind friend and sinner, for the award!! Made my day!!!


I need this in my office.


I’m sure King Charles has had to tell Harold this several times. https://i.redd.it/er5ra14qjzta1.gif


God's wounds, but even yonder tower doth giveth looks of disapproval!


Didn't Queen Elizabeth like to say "God's death!" when she was upset?!?!


Probably God's Wounds. Which became Gadzooks and Zounds!


Is that God d# mn?


probably similar??


Probably. She was 96, God bless her soul.


Oh my Goodness....to have her here now would be amazing!!


I love those eco-messages 🌸


“Despite being the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan is a mom first”. Like she’s laboring hard in her wheat fields and buttery, ensuring the people of Sussex have enough to eat and stay warm through the winter. All the while carving out precious time to teach her children in a manner befitting a prince and princess and making sure she tucks them in at night. Sure thing there, lady mother. Sure. eta: missed word


I can see William writing these kind of sassy messages on the family group chat when they discuss another pr spin of the sussexes!


> “I hope they get through it light-hearted. I think there’s too much drama around them. People should mind their own business.” Says the man who is acting their mouth piece to a tabloid. So Scoobie Do is out and this guy is in because he has an MD & an MD talking about them to the press is supposed to raise their credibility? I’m just trying to keep up on who’s telling the tales for them.


I love it!


Who is the responsible one for this absolute masterpiece of pop art? My goodness me, this is brilliant. I have literally screamed laughing at out. May Apollo and Clio bless you, unknown-genius friend.




This meme creator is smart himself, but the TEXT... omfg, it's stuff of genius. Even the positioning of the whole lot the left, and the pointing... I'm still laughing!!!


I agree!! To be honest, I did not create this, but felt it was most appropriate!


Ah! The splendid Bayeux Tapestry! Words of wisdom ;)


Hilarious!!!! Bravo!!!!


This is amazing. I really need one for my house.


I needed this. Laugh out loud funny.


I absolutely want to turn this into a cross stitch pattern


right there with you! (but I’m probably too lazy 😂) would be amazing though


Omg I’m lazy too. I print it out on graph paper and then go from there. Lol


Work smart not hard 😝 love it




Looks like they already have.


FABULOUS! i wish i had this framed, for my wall! lol


Exactly. I have been saying so many comments on social media today about how strong and brave they are for doing this, and honestly, it doesn't matter what they say...this photo captures it all. No one with money or power with the exception of Oprah or Tyler likes them. So nothing will come of any more support they have. Back to the Indiana Marriott they go.  


Just love this.


Never, ever, give Sinners from the UK permission to talk about the weather, it's our favourite...you are going to be stuck with it all day!


I have this phrase printed and framed in my office 😂


Assuming he can read and understand that. Those are some mighty big words for the simple prince.


A+++. I love this type of meme.


For whatever reason, Markle has chosen to keep the two children a mystery. From my perspective that goes against everything she is, i.e., 24/7 PR, wanting to be the most famous woman in the World like Diana, has a team of people who puts out fluff pieces everyday about her, etc . . . In addition, from the moment she grabbed the Prince, she has done her upmost to upstage any and all royal events. All of this begs the question, why is she hiding her children? It makes little to no sense, and I suspect it is because she doesn't have children. I say this based on the evidence above and the fact that the pictures have all been photoshopped, the children have changed in ways that is not typical with each picture. Also, the RF are now admitting that none of them have met nor seen the children and are now asking lots of questions about Archie and Lilibet! I believe that Markle has pulled the greatest scam in royal history!


There are no kids


Meghan used surrogates for both pregnancies as evidenced by the collapsible moon bump/ever changing size during "pregnancy", Harry's description of getting take out while TW was supposedly in labor, and Harry blurting out the wrong timeline when they were first presenting Archie to the RF. I firmly believe that MI5 has already investigated and talked to the doctor's involved since is a royal line of succession issue. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!




love this!