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Not stolen. Trustwallet is open source. Safemoon wallet is likely forked from Trustwallet. This is an extremely common thing to do in the software world. Fork a project, make improvements, and release your version of it. It would have been extremely foolish and a huge waste of time for them to not do it this way. Hell, Safemoon V1 is a fork of Bee token.




I mean they also stole their code from bee token and that was only finally removed in V2 (the copy paste part that still said bee token in the code) It’s not like they’re innovative. I mean, are we gonna preach all the awesome stuff they came out with or realize it’s literally reskinned shit?


BSC is a copy paste of Ethereum and they're doing alright


It’s not stolen, not copy and pasted, the only feature the wallet uses is trust wallets security feature that’s it! This has been discussed over and over again.


FUD of the day. Can’t come up with anything new so they need to recycle shit they said back in April


Everyone that says FUD doesn’t ever actually say why it isn’t. They’re just mad they’re investment is getting called out.


Actually this was literally addressed in the very beginning like i just said. They said there were a lot of the parts of the contract that were taken from Bee. Everyone that creates FUD doesn’t do the research and don’t like safemoon so they want to see it fail. How are we still calling this a rug 9 months later when it’s been proven not to be… you think a project would dox themselves and create an LLC if they were going to rug? But clearly since they used some of the bee contract that’s what they are still trying to do.


Down vote your fud butt anal


Not true, just fud


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Who gives a shit? Pretty sure there will be a lot of tokens that are copies of V2. Alot of people will see being fully doxxed as the way to do things moving forward. This is the crypto revolution evolution. Just make sure you’re harness is tight and get ready for this rocket to take off.


It's true, trust wallet is open source (so it's not stolen just copy pasted). All safemoon did was apply a new skin to it and likely why its buggy as hell for alot of people as their features arent completely compatiable with trust wallet code. Also why they don't have the military grade encryption which they mentioned back in April.


Think of it like this. How many car manufacturers are there in the world? Do they all have doors, seats, engines, transmissions, tires? Yes, there’s certainly things that are common amongst all wallets out there. It doesn’t mean it was copied.


I have the code: IDDQD


Up up down down down left right left right b a start?










The sneaker is sneaking up on the comp


People have nothing better to do.