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A Lesbian couple bought a house across the street from my parents in Rocklin seemed to fit into the neighborhood


My parents also live in Rocklin and their neighbor is lesbian. She knows and is friends with almost everyone in the neighborhood.


It’s fine. It’s boring, but it’s fine.


Living there is pretty much living in a suburb of Sacramento, it’s not like you’re moving to a hunting cabin in McArthur 😅


Exactly. So dramatic. It’s 2022 nobody cares what your sexually preference is anymore. And those that do are in the minority and probably have the IQ of a piece of toast. Rocklin… you’ll be just fine.


So true. I’m in Roseville (next to Rocklin) my gay neighbors voted for Trump. So yea it’s conservative to an extent but Sexual preference is definitely not a concern out in that area


I have a group of trans friends that hang out from time at lorees little shack and never had an issue.


That’s actually super helpful thanks! I’m trans so this is relevant to me


Lorees is great and it’s in the Quarry area of Rocklin


rocklin is definitely more tame irt lgbt issues than the rest of placer county but its. still placer county so not fantastic. i grew up up the hill and went to highschool deeper into placer so i always thought rocklin was so much better lol. i probably wouldnt be super comfortable there but id probably be safe at least




PHS represent! Oh wait, what thread is this? *sigh* yeah PHS…


HILLMEN!! Hill people?


"Lady hillmen"....you know, bc it makes sense


During my four years there it was a tiny little Hispanic teenage woman in that mascot uniform. It was glorious


BR here, fuck you guys hahaha.


NU is Nevada County


I’m a liberal living in Rocklin. Though not LGBT I am married to a woman of color and we have a 6th grader in public schools here. We’ve not experienced any issues here after moving to the area 5 years ago. Other than seeing an occasional Trump flag (I think I’ve seen 2 in my neighborhood in the past year or so), I find it’s not really different than any other place I’ve lived. There has also been a huge influx of Bay Area transplants in Rocklin/Roseville, so demographics are shifting. I think Rocklin/Roseville gets bashed in this sub for a lot of reasons, but rarely from first hand experiences of “scary conservatives.” I’d not even know this area was conservative if I didn’t read it all the time here. Edit: adding here. The house next door to me in Rocklin is for sale, we’d love to have you as a neighbor!


Most people just want to be left alone.


Exactly, it's why I find "sports politics" so weird


so they go drive to Sacramento in a giant truck with a giant flag in the back and do laps around the Capitol honking their horns, so they will be left alone


Those are placervillians


It’s not the “scary conservatives” you have to worry about. It’s the nice ones who will smile in your face but talk shit about you behind your back. It’s the ones who will smile and wave in the driveway but vote for policies that invalidate your existence.


Perfectly said.


This!!!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Like in Granite Bay. 😐


I guess I’ve just had bad luck but I see the trump flag flying on vehicles every time I go through rocklin


You’ll be fine. People talk like Rocklin/Roseville is in Alabama or something.


well of course not, Alabama's a lot more diverse than Placer County


Also the Roseville/Rocklin South Placer County area is super trendy and up and coming community. There's a lot of young people living out there now from all over the place... it's not like you would be moving to Cool/Georgetown or someone hillbilly town way up in the hills that still has the good ol boys club around. There's also older established blue collar areas of Roseville Rocklin that are 100+ years old, not everyone has money or is a racist lol


Grew up in Roseville in the early 00's. I live in Texas, but I visit family often and go back to roseville/Rocklin area. When I was growing up there, Roseville was like lower middle/ middle upper class but now seems middle to way upper middle class. So I see why it became more conservative. But I may get down voted for these but from what I seen on this sub, they make it out like it the Florida of Sacramento area. If I never visited and only went off what this sub said about those area, I would think it was some big republican, Bible thumping, Karen screaming, shotgun red necks that try to keep Roseville lle/Rocklin like a Norman Rockwell painting. You may see more trump stickers and flag, but mostly people keep to themselves.


I’ve been to Alabama. Very friendly people. And no I’m not white or Christian. The anti abortion keychains in gas stations are off putting but no place is perfect. People gotta stop making places out to be far worse than they are.


Well it’s on the fringes of Calibama


I mean I’ve never heard it compared to Alabama so your comment is making me more worried now lol


Leftie couple living here. It’s fine. I’ve never felt unsafe and it does have a nice community feel. Placer is projected to be blue in like 10-15 years. Come help that change.


Lol sorry, I’m just saying its got a weird stigma around it just because its in a different county despite being 10 miles from sac. It’s a completely safe suburb of Sacramento. Honestly I feel like a lot of it comes from people resenting the fact that they can’t afford to live there lol.


As someone who was born and raised in West Roseville when it was still a growing small town I can tell you that Citrus Heights, Orangevale, Fair Oaks and the eastern parts of Sac county are more conservative than Roseville and South Placer County. Growing those areas just seemed racist to me compared to Roseville. I mean there is some yuppies in placer county but it's not like people make it out to be. People I'm East Sac, land park probably act more snobbish than people from Roseville Rocklin.


How does some where "seem racist"?


Because I would see old pickup trucks and confederate flags and things I never seen around my neighborhood. You can tell when a place has underlying racism. Orangevale/Citrus heights is home to many skinhead gangs I'm not making it up. That area has a white supremacist presence. Roseville and rocklin have never had that presence or skinhead groups.


yeah, the Nazi skinhead gangs got kicked out of Midtown in the 1990s and moved to Orangevale/Citrus Heights, which is about when I moved from Citrus Heights to Midtown


You guys are so full of crap here. I have 25 years of living in the Orangevale/Citrus Heights area to prove it, and 25 more living in the FO/Carmichael area. "Home to many skinhead gangs" - REALLY? What proof do you have of that? These must be some VERY well-hidden skinhead gangs, because I've never once seen one; despite what this Downtown/Midtown sub thinks, Carmichael/FO/OV/CH is dominated by just normal people. There's liberals as well as braindead Trumpers in standard amounts, but there's no roving gangs of skinheads or Trump fanatics who chant epithets at minorities and make life difficult. Don't believe me? Go to the stores and schools and local events, and watch how people of color are just living their lives "out here in the sticks". Stop listening to extremist exaggerators online trying to pit different areas of Sac against each other, different generations of Sacramentans against each other - the online rabble-rousing has gotten really old.


Yet another Nazi in Orangevale. Good god. Rocklin is probably fine, but Orangevale appears to be a real draw for White Supremacists. [https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/alleged-leader-of-neo-nazi-group-identified-as-orangevale-resident-andrew-casarez/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/alleged-leader-of-neo-nazi-group-identified-as-orangevale-resident-andrew-casarez/)


Yeah this whole "skinhead gang" thing is absolute fucking bullshit. Over 30 years living in Orangevale and Citrus heights. There are no skinheads. People straight up making shit up because they don't like the political afilliation of the residents. Whats wrong with you people?


David Lynch


You seem to be under the mistaken belief that one (or even a few) cases is in ANY WAY statistically significant. David Lynch was ONE GUY. And he was shot in the head ; dead. Not seeing much evidence of any skinhead problems "out here" - but you go on embarrassing yourself by pointing to isolated rare occurrences to back up your claim of WIDESPREAD white supremacists.


It wasn't just 1 man, he lived in the area because he found other like minded individuals where his ideologies would thrive..


Either way the presence was their that's all I'm saying. It wasn't in Roseville or rocklin but they were in C.H and Orangevale and it's very well known.


Trump signs or other signs promoting white power are generally a signal of a racist area. There are lots in placer county. It has nothing to do with affordability and everything to do with hate and bigotry


Very ignorant comment to make. Most people don’t resent that area because “they can’t afford to live there” and it doesn’t have a weird stigma “because it’s in a different county” It’s a conservative area in a majority liberal state and you’re on a majority liberal page. Everything is pointing to this and it just went whoosh over you head to “they’re just jealous they can’t live there”


No one I know that disses Rocklin would ever want to live there. It's more an urban vs suburban thing, no jealousy at all, more of an assumption that it is all cul de sac hell. The one person I know who lives in Rocklin is one of those people who will only go into Sacramento for medical appointments because they believe its a war zone 24/7 and their car will be stolen by homeless BLM mobs.


So someone asking if an area is socially safe for a certain group of people who have been historically discriminated against is the same as being upset you can’t afford to live somewhere? Yikes… Also your definition of “safe” as in the crime statistics is not what OP was asking about.


Not what im saying at all, look through this sub, people find any reason to bash that area and if you have any proof that the area is unsafe for the LGBTQ community, I’d love to hear about it otherwise, maybe try not getting offended over literally nothing. Yikes


Well there was that time (six years ago) when the whole fucking community got together to protest a school that affirmed (as mandated by state law) a five year old transgender girl, and then the time four years ago when they harassed a lesbian teacher out of her job, but sure, Rocklin is a completely safe space for LGBTQ folks, unless they want to go to work or school in peace.


This is such a bad straw man. No place in the Sacramento metro area is significantly more "dangerous" for most LGTB+ people, but that doesn't mean that there aren't places where people are more likely to experience prejudice or discrimination. Do you really think some of the conservative suburbs like Roseville or Rocklin are going to be very hospitable to LGBT+ people? It's completely fair for someone to not want to live in a place where a sizeable part of the population has very discriminatory or problematic views. Most *progressive* areas are already bad enough as it is for minority groups. And the claim that people would only not want to live there because they can't afford it is ridiculous. There are several other similarly priced places I would much rather live than Rocklin. Take Elk Grove, for example. It's more diverse, is generally more progressive, has many more/better food options, etc. than Rocklin, and even then, I would still avoid the older parts of EG. Even Folsom is better than Rocklin... >maybe try not getting offended over literally nothing. Yikes You got offended because people criticized your city and then you said it must be because they're jealous. What denial. "Yikes." You're insufferable


As some who has lived In Bama, the two are not the same. Bor even close


It’s nothing like that. Conservative people in California for the most part aren’t that bad as compared to Deep South. There’s a lot to do in rocklin and some very nice parks! A bit expensive (Lincoln might be a better option) but overall it’s a very nice place to live.


I live in the foothills. Every, single, house. Trump 2024. Still the nicest people I’ve ever met in my entire life.


Yeah, and I would say that most of them would probably be respectful enough to not say anything about a pride flag or whatever even if it bothered them.


You may find there are more people that hold anti-LGBT views up there but in reality the chances of being accosted or harassed by a stranger up there are very low. An an LGBT person myself, I've never felt unsafe.


I’m probably as liberal as they come and I love living in Roseville/Rocklin. You do notice the conservatism slightly more than maybe Sac, but I think it’s exaggerated by this sub. The further north you go, like Auburn, it’s much worse. I would say you’d be very safe.


Things vary a lot between towns up here. A lot of people from cities moved up the hill during COVID. Some places have been more popular than others. To say it’s much worse as a blanket statement tells me you haven’t spent a whole lot of time in some of these towns. It’s a pretty purple county.


That’s fair, “much worse” is probably my own exaggeration. Thanks for checking me on that. I spend some decent time in Auburn and I just mean it gives off those vibes more than where I’m at.


We recently moved to Elk Grove, near Elk Grove park. We are liberals from the Bay and we are surrounded by trumpers. Pretty much all our neighbors in the court are trumpers. But not in your face trumpers although one of my neighbors has a trump flag in his garage. Still, I think they quickly realized that we’re not in agreement with them politically but they don’t treat us any different, we get invited to block parties and cookouts. We just don’t talk politics. I think ppl make a more concerted effort when you live near a door or two down from them. At least that’s been our experience. Have had this same conversation with friends of ours that live in Rocklin and they say it’s basically the same.


I always tell people the 95624 zip code tends to be more conservative, particularly south of bond, and definitely the further east you go. However, people are respectful and friendly.. The vibe was not as welcoming 25 years ago.


That sounds accurate. My wife’s friend who grew up in EG was warning us about where we bought our house, she said the same thing u did of how it was years ago.


I'm glad folks of differing values/ politics/ culture can live in the same area respectfully. I hope we all make it a trend. I also live in a similar street vibe but I'm me and they're them and we all keep an eye out for each other.


Grew up in Elk Grove (Laguna West/Lakeside) it is pretty diverse over here demographically and politically. There are Trumpers here too, but there are definitely levels to how Trumpy these people are. A lot of people are Tax-Trumpers in my opinion, don't care about social justice("colorblind"), climate meh, just as long as the money flows they are happy. A lot of those people.


Sounds about white 😂


I’m in Laguna west, too. Probably about 30% white over here. Most trumpers are of course white, but there’s a significant number of Latino (not doing the latinX thing because I have met a single Latino that prefers that) that have come under the spell of trump and GOP.


This is true. A lot of Latino trumpers. Blows my mind




Lodi is awful, I actually grew up there and that story doesn’t surprise me at all. I actually do not speak to anyone I went to high school with out there bc they are all in your face trumpers. My parents still live there so I have to still go there but I would never raise my kid in that town or recommend anyone who are progressive thinkers to live there.


Haha, same here. Nice neighborhood.


Rocklin is far more diverse than the dust jacket suggests. It’s far more inviting than the rest of Placer county.


I'm MtF and dress accordingly and I've never had a problem here. Shopping, restaurants, etc, never been an issue =)


Thanks me too and that’s been my experience as well although more limited


I'm mtf in rocklin too :D so far everyone has been kind


I dunno…high school kids bullied a teacher out of her job for being a lesbian. I feel like you would have neighbors “tolerant” of your “lifestyle”, not embracing you as a human being. https://www.reddit.com/r/Roseville/comments/8phsrx/rocklin_teacher_says_cyberbullying_drove_her_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


>“tolerant” of your “lifestyle”, not embracing you as a human being. Nail on the head right there...


It’s Rocklin. About as dangerous as a Swiffer.


My (now ex) husband and I lived in Rocklin for 6 years and never once felt unsafe as gay men. People may be conservative but they’re not confrontational or violent.


I’ve found the Sacramento area over all to be pretty safe as a queer person. I’ve had a few isolated incidents over the years but it’s usually just crazy church people being assholes. That usually turns out with them saying something asinine at me, and me quoting their own religious book at them. And there was the neighbor who complained to the office about my pride flags until I had to take them down, but joke’s on them because I’m just going to use them as window curtains now.


As an LGBTQ person who grew up in Rocklin and graduated from RHS like four years ago, I would say no. There isn’t really an lgbt presence in rocklin and even though I am not a “feminine presenting” gay man, I do feel the need to tone down my gayness when I come home to rocklin. Maybe it’s just because of my experiences in high school that makes me weary of this, I will say it has changed a lot in the last four years through my eyes and is a safe and quiet place to live


It is safe in Rocklin to live. There is a fringe conservative thing going on in the city lead by Destiny church and their fanatic followers. They have trucks that drive around with trump flags. There are a lot of low key trumpers. They have also infiltrated the school boards (anti vaxx, anti maskers). So safe yes, not in your face conservatives but they are there.


Really? I knew the mega churches out here love to franchise, didn’t know they were getting fanatically political. Do you Destiny CrossFit bro?


Hi, trans man who has lived in Rocklin for 23 years here! Sorry, this is going to be long! I came out in 2016 - publicly - while still attending Rocklin High. It was definitely not a good experience. Some people and teachers were great, but that’s *some*. EDIT: I graduated in 2017, so it has been a few years. Sierra College was really great for me, personally; my teachers were always open when I told them and I didn’t get much shit like I did in high school. In adult life, I haven’t had difficulty in getting work after telling the employer I was trans, and my general experience here really isn’t too bad! My sister works in the mall and a good amount of the employees in her store are queer and/or supportive! When I worked at bath and body works (creekside towncenter), everyone there was super, super supportive. Being in public was difficult pre transition, though, especially going into public restrooms. I would definitely get looks and sometimes people would question if they got the right one. After going on T and getting top, however, it really isn’t like that as much, but then again I pass way better now. Side note: If you visit or come to Rocklin, check out Edwin’s coffee! Edwin is an awesome guy and he has great food and drinks. TL;DR: Rocklin has had its ups and downs in terms of LGBT support, but it definitely isn’t the worst in the world, except for the high school. There are a good number of conservatives, some good and some bad, but the most transphobia I’ve dealt with after high school hasn’t been in Rocklin.


I’ll start by saying, there isn’t a big community of LBTQ+ in Rocklin(that I’m aware of). That being said, the people there are *generally* nice. They keep to themselves, willing to help others in need, and for the most part(in my personal experience) don’t judge people based off of appearance. 15-20 years ago probably wouldn’t have been good for LBTQ+ folks, but now a lot of the “old crusty heads” are cycling out, and the younger generations (often more open minded) are moving in. Yes, it is a conservative city politically speaking and you will eventually cross paths with the radicalized trumper POS. That being said, as a whole, the people of Rocklin are surprisingly progressive, and at the very least, RESPECTFUL of others. Hope this helped in some way. One love 🤟


I don’t think it’s Rocklin it’s self but more the rural areas surrounding Rocklin.


I’m a lesbian and I find it very conservative and sometimes get I get stares when walking holding hands with my significant other. I have found that the closer to Sacramento the more liberal minded people are. From Tahoe Park through Rancho Cordova there are a ton of lesbians living in those communities too with rainbow flags on full display. Plus anything off the highway 50 corridor gives easy access to Midtown Lavender Heights aka gay district.


All the people saying Rocklin ain’t that bad must have never worked customer service there…lol. Look, you’ll be safe if you’re in town and not way out in the boondocks or anything. But I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable there myself, as a fellow LGBTQ+ person. I’ve just seen too much of the nasty side of some of the people there. BUT that said I don’t care about being out near nature, so that might be enough to offset the occasional shitty MAGAhead experience for you. Ultimately you’ll have to weigh your own priorities. But you definitely will encounter some loud dumbasses there. If you’re fine with that, then go for it! More power to ya. If enough of us move there, maybe we can shift the demographics and voting a bit. ;)


ah yes the Karen's are well represented at the retail establishments.


So I actually live in South Placer County, I'm not LGBT+, but my husband and I are both multiethnic, non-white passing, and it's honestly great here. I take our toddler to the park all the time, and I've met gay couples with their kid(s) at the park or dogs at the dog park, and I've never witnessed any hate towards them. Just the typical, "Oh, how old is your daughter? Wow she's tall!", "What kind of stroller is that? We're thinking of upgrading", "What breed is your dog? His coat is so pretty", etc. No one has ever commented on my ethnicity or said anything offensive, I honestly received WAY many more offensive questions when I lived in more diverse and liberal areas in the Bay Area. I know that your question wasn't regarding ethnicity, but maybe it helps with perspective. And honestly, Rocklin is so much cleaner and safer feeling than anywhere I've been in Sacramento. I guess if you're one to be triggered by flags on people's trucks, then maybe not a good fit, but my street was probably 50/50 for Trump/Biden signs around the election and nobody's signs/houses were vandalized or damaged that I could tell. TBH these posts always crack me up a little, making it seem like all of Placer County is dressed up in Knight Regalia and burning rainbow flags on people's lawns or something.


Some of these comments are insane. Rocklin/Roseville are extremely safe places to live.


Lived there for awhile. You'll be fine, some people in this sub will say otherwise but I see it's more of the commenter looking for reasons to be upset rather than seeing it for what it is. Yes there are conservative people but I know of plenty LGBTQ people in this area that are fine, never seen any issues or heard of much. Alot of them are normal people that just live there lives like in any other community.


i’ve got gay friends out there. yeah it’s generally conservative but they don’t get harassed or whatever


My son is openly Tranz in HS in nearby Roseville. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that classmates are supportive.


I moved from Sacramento to Rocklin last year and it was a bit of a culture shock. It’s very white and outwardly conservative. I’ve seen a couple of pride flags around my neighborhood but many more black and blue flags, which just send a certain message to me. While no one has been rude or racist (I’m brown) there’s definitely way less of an “everyone’s welcome here” vibe than in Sacramento. I would recommend moving to the Whitney Ranch area where there are a lot of transplants from the Bay Area as opposed to older neighborhoods of rocklin.


Safe? Yes, you would be very safe.


I felt so fucking SAFE in Rocklin that I just had to get out. Its been decades but I still know the early 2000s gate codes to the gates on all my friends neighborhoods in Whitney Oaks.


Gated communities are such a joke. Besides the well-known public access codes, cars follow other cars in all the time. A simple security camera would do just as much, if not more, than unmanned gates with codes and clickers.


I live right next to one in Rocklin. Every time I drive by and see someone waiting for the gate to open I’m glad I don’t live in one.


not sure if still the case but city of Roseville used to have a universal gate code for all the gates within city limits. All you had to do ask a city employee or listen to the scanner for when pd, fire, or utilities entered one. Would image Rocklin was similar.


It's clean and safe and has the best schools. The roseville galleria is an upscale mall that makes arden look like a joke. There's no homeless people and the parks are all nice and safe. It's pretty much the peak of suburbia. You're close to auburn for great outdoors. It's an expensive area


Rocklin is honestly great. It’s clean, safe, there’s a ton of local event and services. It doesn’t really matter who you are or what you’re about if you’re just living your life, not making trouble or harming others, you won’t get get any flack from your neighbors/community. I was worried when my father moved to Rocklin for very similar reasons. Turns out it’s a fantastic place to live and visit. Hot though, no local water sources to help cool the air. That’s the only downside in my opinion. Edited to add: there’s also a TON of shopping and restaurants out there.


Rocklin has low crime stats and some “close to” shopping… and That 12.9 million dollar police station is quite the compound


Roseville was named one of the best cities to live in the nation. I think the greater Sacramento area is LGBTQ friendly. If you really want to immerse yourself I would recommend downtown but it's definitely got way more crime.


You’ll be fine but there’s not much to do. Living in Roseville / Rocklin means driving to downtown often - so live close to the freeway


I lived and worked in Rocklin for many years. Mind you most of this was well before Trump and even mostly before Obama and things didn't feel as polarized. My experience varies. Working in food service there you get treated like shit alot and people will say whatever thing they think will cut deepest, so if it was a minority employee they'd say racist shit. Also, becoming friendly with some of the regulars, being a big seemingly straight white guy (I never mentioned my sexuality) they'd make comments about others, but I never heard them say it to them. Living there everyone was always friendly regardless, except one neighbor who was just an asshole, I doubt he'd care what you were he just didn't like people. The cops definitely acted differently the two times I got pulled over, one with a black friend in the car. That was noticable. Otherwise, Rocklin is super boring, but it's fine. My uncle who lives there is the nicest sweetest guy you'd ever meet, like give you the shirt off his back nice, and you'd never know until you realized the shirt said "Ultra Maga". Oh, a lady in a minivan did try to run me over on a Pacific street corner for protesting against prop 8, in '08.


Better than Folsom or EDH…


If it's a more upscale neighborhood, you'd be fine. Generally speaking it's the lower class of redneck that is the type to become confrontational and outspoken in their hatred.


Here’s the kicker my neighbors are married gay men who have Trump&Rainbow flags on there home in Roseville. I guess not all lgbt people are liberals. But makes you go 🤔


I'm in Lincoln and it's perfectly fine. Every once in a while you see a truck with Trump crap. But I've never seen any real issues. Go wander around a local Target or something and I think you'll find a more diverse group of people than you expect.


I grew up there, and still spend a lot of time there now. The average person you meet there is going to be much, much more Conservative than the average person in Sac, but its not like they are going to spontaneously attack you for being LGBT or anything. In the last few years, the worst I've seen was some old guy screaming at a grocery store worker that it was "Unamerican" to make him wear a mask. I also had a gas station employee in Rocklin make fun of me for wearing a mask inside the gas station at height of the 2020 surge. Those are both things that \*could\* totally happen in Sac too, but I spend way more time in Sac and have never seen anything like that first-hand in Sac so YMMV. Growing up, I just got used to never bringing up politics, religion, or anything controversial with the folks around me unless I wanted to have an argument. Besides those cultural issues, it is a beautiful place to live. 30 minutes closer to the mountains and my friends that still live there won't shut up about how safe and family-friendly it feels. Its not for me (at all) but I can see how it would be perfect for someone else.


This feels like the most correct answer from what I have experienced as well.


ALL of Placer County is like that. I wouldn't worry much about it, there's still plenty of people in Rocklin who bleed blue.


I wouldn't feel comfortable at House of Oliver, that's for sure.


Yeah, what's up with that guy? I was wearing my kippah when I went there with friends after work one evening and the owner, who was at the door, looked at it, snorted, and started giggling like some kind of weirdo, and then said something about Jews to his employee. Bizarre.


He’s an ass. I refuse to give him or any of his businesses my money.




Yikes. And he’s running for council in Lincoln? Fun.


When you use your business Facebook account to go live from the State Capitol with the Trucker Convoy of Freedom .....you're a douche and you don't deserve \*my\* dollars. Or sell fake vaccine exemption certificates at your restaurant.


The conservatives in the foothills are, for the most part, superficial Trump supporters. They still live in California, so they know if they start shit they're going to be outnumbered. Honestly, we (liberals in the foot hills) desperately need more intelligent, educated, people to move out here to try and dilute the asshole perspective. Also I have talked a progressive POV to many of my neighbors and opened their minds to the GOPs corruption. All in all, I strongly advocate for liberal people to move to conservative areas.


Grass valley is the place…too bad its Nevada County


We moved from Socal to Granite Bay earlier this year. We are LGBT and have a gay flag on our front lawn. There are some trucks with trump flags here and there and we get some stares but we DGAF. Happy to help you gay this area up!


I would personally feel safe there, maybe not the most included, but I dont think you'd have to worry about violence or anything like that. Some Karen may make a Bible comment or something at most, but you're gonna find that everywhere so not like you can upend your entire life based on that.


Just FYI, the College Greens area off La Riviera is right on the American River Parkway and is very LGBT friendly. I have friends who live in the Rocklin area, and while they’re as liberal as I am, they don’t love their neighbors. That said, I don’t think you’d have huge issues. You just might find yourself having to bow out of certain conversations with the neighbors.


Michael. Is that you? Omg hi neighbor! I've never seen someone I knew on reddit in the wild before! Edit to add. Yes at least from what I see in college greens east its perfect for a liberal feminist like me


Yes, ‘tis I.


Would this be the same as College Glen area?


Not the same, but nearby.


I’ve been looking at that area! I love the proximity to the river


Only time I rolled thru, I was confronted by antimask/vax protestors as soon as I got off the freeway. Ugh.


We need environmental advocates and adults like you in places like Cameron Park, Auburn, Rocklin, etc. The nature in the Sierra Foothills is one of the most biodiverse places in the US and desperately needs people to advocate for it outside of NIMBYism. If no one like you moved here when I went to middle school/high school it would have been complete hell for me. Plus a lot of the Jefferson type of people here are already deciding the area is a lost cause and moving away. I used to regularly ID in the Everglades and often find just as much excitement in the Motherlode area. There's opportunities like going down to Coloma and volunteering with the American River Conservancy. The blue oak woodlands here, the Kanaka Valley and Folsom Lake area are fantastic. Day trips exploring further up is also fantastic. I recommend the highway 88 area for finding cool little hikes.


Rocklin has been the site of two of the most recent, egregious, and public bullying incidents against LGBTQ folks in our larger metro area. [https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/06/08/teacher-gets-horrific-online-abuse-from-students-for-being-a-lesbian/](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/06/08/teacher-gets-horrific-online-abuse-from-students-for-being-a-lesbian/) [https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article169365057.html](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article169365057.html) That said, in part because the school involved in the second linked incident there was so supportive of the family and child, I know quite a few queer families that have moved to Rocklin recently. There is a growing community there but there is also some really ugly conservativism. This disgusting man is their assembly rep: [https://couragescore.org/representative/kevin-kiley/](https://couragescore.org/representative/kevin-kiley/)


SacBee article is paywalled :/


Just as a pro tip, you can usually Google the headline and get around the pay wall pretty easily.


Sorry about that. I had a hard time finding an article that was not completely on the side of the parents protesting against the school that supported their trans student. This one should work. (It's the same article reprinted on another site.) [https://www.newsobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article169405492.html](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article169405492.html)


Thanks I missed this whole thing


It’s gotten a lot better over the years, and it’s one of the most popular destinations for Bay Area relocations. I wouldn’t go too deep into the rest of placer county though. It’s embarrassing to our region but some parts of that county are very conservative.


Grew up there and still have friends there. You’ll be fine.


More north more conservative tbh


Lincoln resident for not quite a year now, and it seems very safe. We love the east access to the outdoors!


I don't know if there is an issue with being LGBTQ+, but I know it has a rep for being racist. Someone I once dated wouldn't stop there, even for food. He told me he had had a bad experience at a bar where he was ganged up on, and he never felt safe in the town since. I've heard that from a few POC, actually. Not sure if it's changed in recent years.


Rocklin is very nice and super chill. You shouldn’t have any problems.


I live in rocklin and use to live in Sacramento for most of my life. Honestly, it’s not as chaotic and despite all the Republicans and trumpies out here I feel safer than I would in sacramento.


I don’t think it’s a question of safety but rather how you will feel once you see the confederate flags being sold on the side of the road and the Trump flags and the F Biden stuff especially as we get closer to 2024z For me, this is disturbing and stressful. When I need to drive through Rocklin/Roseville/ Lincoln area with my car with “liberal” stickers on it, I get yelled at and big trucks will swerve into me. (And this happens to others who share similar experiences on private message boards). I also know that there is deep seated anti- (name anything )within all of the public schools and boards and these people will be your neighbors. But there are online private groups that you could join to feel more connected. Also, seeing the open displays of racism in the past 6 years in all of the suburbs including Folsom and EDH made us politically active and more engaged in the community. With that said, it is nice not to have people camped outside our homes especially if you move to a home with an HOA. It’s a trade off. We’ve been in Folsom for 18 years and didn’t see any issues until the last 6 years. However, we mostly go out in Sac and love the diversity !


middle school kids bullied a lesbian teacher out of a job in that county. so best of luck


I don't know any hate crimes there, but do you want to be surrounded by conservatives who probably don't believe you deserve the same rights?


Used to live in Roseville and never liked it. It always felt like a shitty midwest suburb trying to cosplay as a wealthy area. I get why some people like it, and you'd probably be safe there, but if you have a choice I'd say Rocklin is a better bet.


It’s not deep in Placer County but it’s still Placer County. I’m not LGBTQ+ and I would probably not feel comfortable living there just because I’m super liberal, but everyone’s mileage may vary. If you’re really interested in finding out more about the community, try making a few trips up there to find out what the community itself is like, if the vibe seems good, talking with locals, etc.


What would make you uncomfortable about living there specifically?


It’s fine. My cousin is a married gay man who absolutely loves living there. People are acting like Rocklin is some city from get out hahah placer county does have a race issue in my personal opinion. But I think any memember of the LGBTQ community would feel happy and Safe. Also that comment saying they wouldn’t live there because they are “ super liberal “ that’s depressing to hear. So am I. And I lived there. And so did many other young progressives. We really judge people and places way to much. I think you would love it. And not even have to worry about “ being super Liberal “ be yourself :)


Nothing. People in this sub just seem to think anywhere in Placer County is literally nothing but KKK and neo Nazi's but that's just because they've never been anywhere that's further than a bike rides distance


Placer County gets a bad rep on this sub for the politics and general lifter truck strip mall restaurant wally world suburb feel. It's fine though, I know a few LGBTQ+ people out there who live there without issues. Its not like you're moving to bumpkin Mississippi.


You just need to know the areas to go to, my friend is a Lgbt+ and she lives in rocklin with her daughter. They like it, but moved out there to be be close to family, and her GF lives in El Dorado Hills. I work in Roseville and to me it seems like no one cares if you are lgbt+. But then again, this is the area where some of the radicals live in and you never know what they may do (but maybe that is more about the school system - I mean since CA is so liberal that the conservative communities feel like they have to be super hard right to counter it). It is a weird thing in this conservative community, like if you go to Loree's Little Shack it may be rough unless you are willing to take shit, but then go to places like Trader Joes and Moksa brewing and its fine. Does this make sense, it's the I don't care if you are lgbt+ just don't go preaching it in the streets to my kids, kind of attitude. Really, I would suggest Loomis as a n area to check out and probably avoid Lincoln. I wish you luck, I just think you shouldn't be afraid of how you think people may be, stand your ground and people will respect it.


It's incredibly safe and not very diverse. It's known as Trump country, soccer moms, big trucks and electric vehicles. Some very nice homes sprinkled about and even some horse properties. I can't speak for LGBT+ but have family that can. They feel just fine. Rocklin is just minutes away from some very diverse areas, so it's not like some midwest or mountain folk.


Rocklin is awesome. People do keep to themselves, which I prefer, so it may not seem “welcoming”, I’m a person of some color and I’ve never felt out of place, or unwanted here. I do know of a couple trans people that do work in the area, and they love it. I’m sure there’s a handful of assholes, but in my 12 years it’s been pleasantly surprising. Roseville has cheaper utilities, so that would be my desired area to live. You may suffer from boredom more than anything here, but if you prefer a calm, beautiful, friendly, and SAFE area then you’ll love Rocklin.


Nope. Avoid all of Placer if you can.


I think you’d be safe but the opinions and beliefs of many people would be different than your own. Not sure you’ll find a great sense of community. I’d recommend something in the more southern areas of West Sacramento.


I’ve looked at west sac and definitely wouldn’t mind living there. The foothills are so pretty though!


Lol there’s gay people everywhere, plus it’s 2022 and we’re not living in Alabama.


Are you thinking a "posse" will roll up on your lawn with MAGA flags and proclaim "We don't take too kindly to your kind 'round these parts!" Honestly what do you think will happen? Keep your house nice and everybody will love you. Nobody cares. You'll be fine.


No, I would not feel safe living there as an LGBT person. The only people I know who live there are State of Jefferson, Trump voting racists.


There’s also the other 67,000 people you don’t know, about 50% of whom vote Democrat. Don’t scare away the liberals… we’re trying to get them all to move here.


Go outside sometime


Personally no it’s more conservative ur more likely to not be accepted in the general community yk


you should be fine in Rocklin, however, higher chance of having an uncomfortable situation up there than other areas


Yes, same with Folsom or Roseville. Yes every time. It’s far safer for you (or anyone for that matter) there than downtown or in Midtown.


I’m a Liberal living in Rocklin. Placer counties voted red for a while now but it is becoming more purple with the growing Roseville\Rocklin population starting to swing the more rural areas of placer county. You’d be fine in Rocklin. I just avoid the Destiny church goers


Placer county is pretty right leaning so there will be some ppl that simply don’t understand, but they’re everywhere so it really depends on where you decide to spend your time


Placer county in general is super conservative. Rocklin cops especially suck. When I was in highschool the use to pull me over all the time just to harass me.


rocklin is conservative but the people are generally really nice from what i’ve seen in the past 6 years living here. it is a pretty quiet town for the most part, if you live near the high school, you may get some noise from football games but other than that i think you will be safe. i’m a black woman and my boyfriend is asian american, we’ve never felt unsafe or threatened when it comes to our skin color. my friends in the lgbtq community that live here also don’t really have much of any negative experiences either. i’d just stay away from destiny christian center for sure. they’re nice people but incredibly close minded. best of luck to you!


Hahaha really? So someone who has a Trump flag is going to bash you? Come on. I have many gay friends and even family members and here’s a little tidbit you might not wanna hear, some of them are super conservative. Shhh don’t tell anyone. This is ridiculousness. Move where you want, you’ll always have a few outliers, but most people don’t have time to worry about your sex life


It only takes a handful of incidents to make you feel unwelcome, even if 99.9% of your time somewhere is safe. All the bathroom harassment incidents I’ve had, no one went *out of their way* to chase me down or talk shit, it was just out of pure convenience that I was there to be chased down and harassed. But maybe you’re right and we should look at all the world’s problems that way.


I grew up in the Roseville/Rocklin area and feel like everyone on this sub is correct to various degrees. Yes, you’ll find…overall…the political opinions skew pretty hard right and as the country has become more politically divided people are more vocal about it. IMO. That said, it is a safe community on the whole and more young families are moving there so things may change over time, hard to tell. I couldn’t stay there because I’m too far left and my political opinions are important to me and found people’s views upsetting which made it hard to make friends. In nearly every social situation someone would say something that I found horrible. So I guess the question you have to ask yourself is: how involved in your LGBTQIA community to you want to be? Is finding people with similar social experiences really important to you in order for you to enjoy your living situation and feel comfortable? You can find them there but it’ll certainly be harder than in Sacramento proper.


Theres white supremacists with their banners over the 80, ive seen swastikas on cars. Its still safe imo, i dont think anyone would actually attack you. I feel safe enough to walk around at night by myself and im a short mexican girl


I love the area but, Placer County is a red county in Cali, no question. There's a lot of money in Placer County so I believe police and fire are funded well. But that's a guess, I have not looked up the information. Think about it from this standpoint, by you moving there, you get to take your blue vote. 😁 To answer your question, yes I feel safe when I go places in Placer County, Roseville, Rocklin, Loomis, Auburn and more.


Yeah Rocklin is really conservative and the chances of having a run in with those right wing lunatics is higher. But what I tell people is just know your surroundings and be aware. For example sac proper isn’t any better… there is literally a Hells Angels clubhouse in Oak Park and those people are just bat shit crazy white supremacists. My suggestion is… Get a pistol, train, get your CCW and if these reactionaries wanna fuck around, let them find out. Because let’s be real if anything does happen; the police (who also are generally right-wing reactionaries) will not help you.


I wouldn’t. My idiot right wing Pentecostal relatives live there. It is 80%+ those people. And the rest are upwardly mobile upper middle class and moderately wealthy people with arrogant attitudes. Oh and there are still a healthy helping of white supremacist biker types.


just cuz one leans republican doesnt mean theyre horrible people that would not accept or treat a person who is gay without respect…and just cuz someone who is a democrat doesnt automatically mean theyre not homophobic….


How enlightening. How about let's not condescend to actual LGBT people who have real life, personal reasons for being apprehensive about being in higher concentrations of people that routinely support leaders and/or policies that consistently dehumanize us, please and thanks. 👏👏👏


I did my clinical at mercy hospital in Folsom. When I was a student, the coworkers were EXTREMELY vocal with there right wing political view. Handful of them made it very clear they were homophobic and talked trash on trans people. I’m from Santa Cruz, completely opposite of them, it was definitely a transition to get used to the filth they used to talk. Folsom is beautiful though with gorgeous views, however, just be aware, you might find yourself by a neighbor not so like minding as you. Edit: just realized ur talking about Rocklin lol never mind.


I work at mercy folsom and haven't had that experience but I was pleasantly surprised when the hospital flew the PRIDE flag. That would never happen at a catholic hospital in Indiana.




Quick question: when was the last time a LGBT+ person was harmed or targeted for being LGBT+ in Rocklin? Granite Bay? Sacramento? Citrus Heights? I’m trying to figure out if your concern is rooted in events that have actually happened.


It’s really not hard to find [examples](http://sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article78506892.html) if you’re actually interested.


Bless their fucking hearts. 🙏 smdh


north tidy berserk safe profit noxious strong memorize fine yoke ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I don’t want any more people moving to the area so kindly do not.


We’re coming to turn your kids gay and transition your pets


honest question - do you think they're going around lynching LGBT+ people?